bool CNetworkDetectionBase::SetHost(const rho::String& szHost) { if (szHost.length() > 7 &&, 7, "http://") == 0) m_szHost = szHost.substr(7); else if (szHost.length() > 8 &&, 8, "https://") == 0) m_szHost = szHost.substr(8); else m_szHost = szHost; return true; }
virtual void relativeDatabaseBlobFilePath( const rho::String& absolutePath, rho::apiGenerator::CMethodResult& oResult) { String dbRootFolder = CFilePath::join( rho_native_rhodbpath(), RHO_EMULATOR_DIR); if ( String_startsWith(absolutePath, "file://") ) dbRootFolder = "file://" + dbRootFolder; if ( String_startsWith(absolutePath, dbRootFolder) ) oResult.set( absolutePath.substr( dbRootFolder.length(), absolutePath.length()-dbRootFolder.length()) ); else oResult.set( absolutePath ); }
void callback_system_update_bundle(void *arg, rho::String const &strQuery) { const char* s = strQuery.c_str(); rho::String qURL = ""; rho::String qServerIP = ""; rho::String qServerPort = ""; bool isRefresh = false; rho::common::CTokenizer oTokenizer(strQuery, "&"); while (oTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { rho::String tok = oTokenizer.nextToken(); if (tok.length() == 0) continue; size_t nPos = tok.find("package_url="); if ( nPos != rho::String::npos ) { qURL = strQuery.substr(nPos+12); } if ( rho::String_startsWith(tok, "package_url=") ) { qURL = tok.substr(12); }else if ( rho::String_startsWith( tok, "server_ip=") ) { qServerIP = tok.substr(10); }else if ( rho::String_startsWith( tok, "server_port=") ) { qServerPort = tok.substr(12); }else if ( rho::String_startsWith( tok, "refresh_after_update=") ) { rho::String srefresh = tok.substr(21); if (("false") != 0) && ("0") != 0) && ("FALSE") != 0)) { isRefresh = true; } } } rho::String our_responce_server_url = "http://"; our_responce_server_url = our_responce_server_url + qServerIP + ":" + qServerPort + "/response_from_device"; rho_http_sendresponse(arg, ""); BundleUpdateThreadQueue::BUCommand* cmd = new BundleUpdateThreadQueue::BUCommand(qURL, our_responce_server_url, isRefresh); getBundleUpdateThreadQueueSignletone()->addQueueCommand(cmd); }
// This method is called immediately before entering the message loop. // It contains initialization code for the application. // Returns: // S_OK => Success. Continue with RunMessageLoop() and PostMessageLoop(). // S_FALSE => Skip RunMessageLoop(), call PostMessageLoop(). // error code => Failure. Skip both RunMessageLoop() and PostMessageLoop(). HRESULT CRhodesModule::PreMessageLoop(int nShowCmd) throw() { HRESULT hr = __super::PreMessageLoop(nShowCmd); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } // Note: In this sample, we don't respond differently to different hr success codes. #if !defined(OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP) SetLastError(0); HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, false, false, CMainWindow::GetWndClassInfo().m_wc.lpszClassName ); if ( !m_bRestarting && hEvent != NULL && GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { // Rho Running so could bring to foreground HWND hWnd = FindWindow(CMainWindow::GetWndClassInfo().m_wc.lpszClassName, NULL); if (hWnd) { ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOW); SendMessage( hWnd, PB_WINDOW_RESTORE, NULL, TRUE); SetForegroundWindow( hWnd ); COPYDATASTRUCT cds = {0}; cds.cbData = m_strTabName.length()+1; cds.lpData = (char*)m_strTabName.c_str(); SendMessage( hWnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)WM_WINDOW_SWITCHTAB, (LPARAM)(LPVOID)&cds); } return S_FALSE; } #endif if ( !rho_sys_check_rollback_bundle(rho_native_rhopath()) ) { rho_sys_impl_exit_with_errormessage( "Bundle update", "Application is corrupted. Reinstall it, please."); return S_FALSE; } #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME) rho_logconf_Init((rho_wmimpl_get_logpath()[0]==0 ? m_strRootPath.c_str() : rho_wmimpl_get_logpath()), m_strRootPath.c_str(), m_logPort.c_str()); if (rho_wmimpl_get_logurl()[0]!=0) LOGCONF().setLogURL(rho_wmimpl_get_logurl()); if (rho_wmimpl_get_logmaxsize()) LOGCONF().setMaxLogFileSize(*rho_wmimpl_get_logmaxsize()); if (rho_wmimpl_get_loglevel()) LOGCONF().setMinSeverity(*rho_wmimpl_get_loglevel()); if (rho_wmimpl_get_fullscreen()) RHOCONF().setBool("full_screen", true, false); if (rho_wmimpl_get_logmemperiod()) LOGCONF().setCollectMemoryInfoInterval(*rho_wmimpl_get_logmemperiod()); #else rho_logconf_Init(m_strRootPath.c_str(), m_strRootPath.c_str(), m_logPort.c_str()); #endif // APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME LOGCONF().setMemoryInfoCollector(CLogMemory::getInstance()); #ifdef RHODES_EMULATOR RHOSIMCONF().setAppConfFilePath(CFilePath::join( m_strRootPath, RHO_EMULATOR_DIR"/rhosimconfig.txt").c_str()); RHOSIMCONF().loadFromFile(); if ( m_strRhodesPath.length() > 0 ) RHOSIMCONF().setString("rhodes_path", m_strRhodesPath, false ); RHOCONF().setString("rhosim_platform", RHOSIMCONF().getString("platform"), false); RHOCONF().setString("app_version", RHOSIMCONF().getString("app_version"), false); String start_path = RHOSIMCONF().getString("start_path"); if ( start_path.length() > 0 ) RHOCONF().setString("start_path", start_path, false); RHOSIMCONF().setString("ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString("ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/debugger;"), false); RHOSIMCONF().setString("ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString("ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/uri;"), false); RHOSIMCONF().setString("ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString("ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/timeout;"), false); RHOSIMCONF().setString("ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString("ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/digest;"), false); RHOSIMCONF().setString("ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString("ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/openssl;"), false); #endif if ( !rho_rhodesapp_canstartapp(g_strCmdLine.c_str(), " /-,") ) { LOG(INFO) + "This is hidden app and can be started only with security key."; if (RHOCONF().getString("invalid_security_token_start_path").length() <= 0) { #ifdef OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP ::MessageBoxW(0, L"This is hidden app and can be started only with security key.", L"Security Token Verification Failed", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); #endif return S_FALSE; } } LOG(INFO) + "Rhodes started"; #ifdef OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP if (m_strHttpProxy.length() > 0) { parseHttpProxyURI(m_strHttpProxy); } else #endif { if (RHOCONF().isExist("http_proxy_url")) { parseHttpProxyURI(RHOCONF().getString("http_proxy_url")); #if defined(OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP) || defined(RHODES_EMULATOR) } else { // it's important to call this method from here to perform // a proper initialization of proxy implementation for Win32 GetAppWindow().setProxy(); #endif } } #ifdef RHODES_EMULATOR if (RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_host").length() > 0) SetEnvironmentVariableA("RHOHOST", RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_host").c_str() ); if (RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_port").length() > 0) SetEnvironmentVariableA("rho_debug_port", RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_port").c_str() ); #endif //Check for bundle directory is exists. HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; // rootpath + "rho/" if ( == '/') { hFind = FindFirstFile(convertToStringW(m_strRootPath.substr(0, m_strRootPath.find_last_of('/'))).c_str(), &wfd); } else if ( == '\\') { //delete all '\' from the end of the pathname int i = m_strRootPath.length(); for ( ; i != 1; i--) { if ( != '\\') break; } hFind = FindFirstFile(convertToStringW(m_strRootPath.substr(0, i)).c_str(), &wfd); } if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind || !(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { int last = 0, pre_last = 0; last = getRhoRootPath().find_last_of('\\'); pre_last = getRhoRootPath().substr(0, last).find_last_of('\\'); String appName = getRhoRootPath().substr(pre_last + 1, last - pre_last - 1); String messageText = "Bundle directory \"" + m_strRootPath.substr(0, m_strRootPath.find_last_of('/')) + "\" is missing\n"; LOG(INFO) + messageText; int msgboxID = MessageBox(NULL, convertToStringW(messageText).c_str(), convertToStringW(appName).c_str(), MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); return S_FALSE; } if (RHOCONF().getBool("Application.autoStart")) createAutoStartShortcut(); rho::common::CRhodesApp::Create(m_strRootPath, m_strRootPath, m_strRuntimePath); bool bRE1App = false; #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME) if (!rho_wmimpl_get_is_version2()) bRE1App = true; #endif RHODESAPP().setJSApplication(bRE1App || _AtlModule.isJSApplication()); #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME) if ((!rho_wmimpl_get_is_version2()) && (rho_wmimpl_get_startpage()[0] != 0)) { String spath = convertToStringA(rho_wmimpl_get_startpage()); RHOCONF().setString("start_path", spath, false); } #endif // APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME DWORD dwStyle = m_bMinimized ? 0 : WS_VISIBLE; #ifdef OS_WINCE m_appWindow.getTabbar().SetStartTabName(m_strTabName); #else m_appWindow.setStartTabName(m_strTabName); #endif #if !defined(_WIN32_WCE) dwStyle |= WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; #endif // Create the main application window #if defined(OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP) #ifdef RHODES_EMULATOR StringW windowTitle = convertToStringW(RHOSIMCONF().getString("app_name")); #else StringW windowTitle = convertToStringW(RHODESAPP().getAppTitle()); #endif m_appWindow.Initialize(windowTitle.c_str()); if (NULL == m_appWindow.m_hWnd) { return S_FALSE; } if (m_bMinimized) nShowCmd = SW_MINIMIZE; m_appWindow.ShowWindow(nShowCmd); #else String strTitle = RHODESAPP().getAppTitle(); m_appWindow.Create(NULL, CWindow::rcDefault, convertToStringW(strTitle).c_str(), dwStyle); if (NULL == m_appWindow.m_hWnd) { return S_FALSE; } m_appWindow.InvalidateRect(NULL, TRUE); m_appWindow.UpdateWindow(); m_appWindow.initBrowserWindow(); if (m_bMinimized) m_appWindow.ShowWindow(SW_MINIMIZE); #endif /* if (bRE1App) { #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_MOTOROLA) registerRhoExtension(); #endif #if !defined( APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WEBKIT_BROWSER ) && defined(OS_WINCE) m_appWindow.Navigate2(_T("about:blank"), -1 ); #endif //!APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WEBKIT_BROWSER rho_webview_navigate(RHOCONF().getString("start_path").c_str(), 0 ); } else { */ RHODESAPP().startApp(); #if !defined( APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WEBKIT_BROWSER ) && defined(OS_WINCE) // Navigate to the "loading..." page m_appWindow.Navigate2(_T("about:blank"), -1 ); #endif //APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WEBKIT_BROWSER //} #if defined(_WIN32_WCE)&& !defined( OS_PLATFORM_MOTCE ) DWORD dwConnCount = 0; hr = RegistryGetDWORD( SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_PATH, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_VALUE, &dwConnCount ); rho_sysimpl_sethas_network((dwConnCount > 1) ? 1 : 0); DWORD dwCellConnected = 0; hr = RegistryGetDWORD( SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_PATH, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_VALUE, &dwCellConnected ); rho_sysimpl_sethas_cellnetwork(dwCellConnected); // Register for changes in the number of network connections hr = RegistryNotifyWindow(SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_PATH, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_VALUE, m_appWindow.m_hWnd, WM_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT, 0, NULL, &g_hNotify); hr = RegistryNotifyWindow(SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_PATH, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_VALUE, m_appWindow.m_hWnd, WM_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCELL, 0, NULL, &g_hNotifyCell); #endif return S_OK; }
bool CRhodesModule::ParseCommandLine(LPCTSTR lpCmdLine, HRESULT* pnRetCode ) throw() { m_bRestarting = false; m_bMinimized = false; m_startAtBoot = false; #ifdef RHO_NO_RUBY m_bJSApplication = true; #else m_bJSApplication = false; #endif m_logPort = ""; m_isRhoConnectPush = false; LPCTSTR lpszToken = lpCmdLine; LPCTSTR nextToken; getRhoRootPath(); while (lpszToken != NULL) { // skip leading spaces and double-quote (if present) bool doubleQuote = false; while ((*lpszToken != 0) && ((*lpszToken==' ') || ((!doubleQuote) && (*lpszToken=='"')))) { if (*lpszToken=='"') doubleQuote = true; lpszToken++; } // skip leading spaces and check for leading '/' or '-' of command line option bool isCmdLineOpt = false; while ((*lpszToken != 0) && ((*lpszToken==' ') || ((!isCmdLineOpt) && ((*lpszToken=='/') || (*lpszToken=='-'))))) { if ((*lpszToken=='/') || (*lpszToken=='-')) isCmdLineOpt = true; lpszToken++; } // finish command line processing on EOL if (*lpszToken == 0) break; // if option starts with double-quote, find its end by next double-quote; // otherwise the end will be found automatically nextToken = doubleQuote ? FindOneOf(lpszToken, _T("\"")) : NULL; //parseToken will allocate extra byte at the end of the returned token value LPTSTR value = parseToken( lpszToken, &nextToken ); if (isCmdLineOpt) { if (WordCmpI(lpszToken, _T("Restarting"))==0) { m_bRestarting = true; } if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("minimized"), 9)==0) { m_bMinimized = true; } if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("tabname"), 7)==0) { m_strTabName = convertToStringA(value); } if (WordCmpI(lpszToken, _T("rhoconnectpush"))==0) { m_isRhoConnectPush = true; } else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("log"), 3)==0) { if (value) { m_logPort = convertToStringA(value); } else { m_logPort = rho::String("11000"); } } else if (wcsnicmp(lpszToken, _T("approot"),7)==0 || wcsnicmp(lpszToken, _T("jsapproot"),9)==0) { if (value) { m_strRootPath = convertToStringA(value); if (m_strRootPath.substr(0,7).compare("file://")==0) m_strRootPath.erase(0,7); String_replace(m_strRootPath, '\\', '/'); if (!='/') m_strRootPath.append("/"); #if defined(OS_WINCE) m_strRootPath.append("rho/"); #ifdef APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME rho_wmimpl_set_is_version2(m_strRootPath.c_str()); #endif #endif } if ( wcsnicmp(lpszToken, _T("jsapproot"),9)==0 ) m_bJSApplication = true; } #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME) else if (wcsnicmp(lpszToken, _T("s"),1)==0) { if (value) { // RhoElements v1.0 compatibility mode String strPath = convertToStringA(value); rho_wmimpl_set_startpage(strPath.c_str()); } } else if (wcsnicmp(lpszToken, _T("c"),1)==0) { if (value) { String strPath = convertToStringA(value); if (strPath.substr(0,7).compare("file://")==0) strPath.erase(0,7); rho_wmimpl_set_configfilepath(strPath.c_str()); } } #endif // APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME #if defined(OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP) else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("http_proxy_url"),14)==0) { if (value) { m_strHttpProxy = convertToStringA(value); } else LOG(WARNING) + "invalid value for \"http_proxy_url\" cmd parameter"; } else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("rhodespath"),10)==0) { if (value) { m_strRhodesPath = convertToStringA(value); String_replace(m_strRhodesPath, '\\', '/'); } } /* else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("appname"),7)==0) { if (value) { m_strAppNameW = convertToStringW(value); } } else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("debughost"),9)==0) { if (value) { m_strDebugHost = convertToStringA(value); } } else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("debugport"),9)==0) { if (value) { m_strDebugPort = convertToStringA(value); } } */ #endif } if (value) free(value); lpszToken = nextToken; } return __super::ParseCommandLine(lpCmdLine, pnRetCode); }
// This method is called immediately before entering the message loop. // It contains initialization code for the application. // Returns: // S_OK => Success. Continue with RunMessageLoop() and PostMessageLoop(). // S_FALSE => Skip RunMessageLoop(), call PostMessageLoop(). // error code => Failure. Skip both RunMessageLoop() and PostMessageLoop(). HRESULT CRhodesModule::PreMessageLoop(int nShowCmd) throw() { HRESULT hr = __super::PreMessageLoop(nShowCmd); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } // Note: In this sample, we don't respond differently to different hr success codes. #if !defined(OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP) // Allow only one instance of the application. // the "| 0x01" activates the correct owned window of the previous instance's main window HWND hWnd = NULL; for (int wait = 0; wait < m_nRestarting; wait++) { hWnd = FindWindow(CMainWindow::GetWndClassInfo().m_wc.lpszClassName, NULL); if (hWnd && m_nRestarting > 1) { Sleep(1000); } else { break; } } //EnumWindows(EnumRhodesWindowsProc, (LPARAM)&hWnd); if (hWnd) { SendMessage( hWnd, PB_WINDOW_RESTORE, NULL, TRUE); SetForegroundWindow( hWnd ); return S_FALSE; } // creating mutex /* m_hMutex = CreateMutex(NULL, TRUE, CMainWindow::GetWndClassInfo().m_wc.lpszClassName); if (m_hMutex==NULL) { // Failed to create mutex return S_FALSE; } if ((GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) && (WaitForSingleObject(m_hMutex, 60000L) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)) { rho_sys_impl_exit_with_errormessage( "Initialization", "Another instance of the application is running. Please, exit it or use Task Manager to terminate it."); return S_FALSE; }*/ #endif if ( !rho_sys_check_rollback_bundle(rho_native_rhopath()) ) { rho_sys_impl_exit_with_errormessage( "Bundle update", "Application is corrupted. Reinstall it, please."); return S_FALSE; } #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME) rho_logconf_Init((rho_wmimpl_get_logpath()[0]==0 ? m_strRootPath.c_str() : rho_wmimpl_get_logpath()), m_strRootPath.c_str(), m_logPort.c_str()); if (rho_wmimpl_get_logurl()[0]!=0) LOGCONF().setLogURL(rho_wmimpl_get_logurl()); if (rho_wmimpl_get_logmaxsize()) LOGCONF().setMaxLogFileSize(*rho_wmimpl_get_logmaxsize()); if (rho_wmimpl_get_loglevel()) LOGCONF().setMinSeverity(*rho_wmimpl_get_loglevel()); if (rho_wmimpl_get_fullscreen()) RHOCONF().setBool("full_screen", true, false); if (rho_wmimpl_get_logmemperiod()) LOGCONF().setCollectMemoryInfoInterval(*rho_wmimpl_get_logmemperiod()); #else rho_logconf_Init(m_strRootPath.c_str(), m_strRootPath.c_str(), m_logPort.c_str()); #endif // APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME //#if !defined(RHODES_EMULATOR) && !defined(OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP) LOGCONF().setMemoryInfoCollector(CLogMemory::getInstance()); //#endif // RHODES_EMULATOR #ifdef RHODES_EMULATOR RHOSIMCONF().setAppConfFilePath(CFilePath::join( m_strRootPath, RHO_EMULATOR_DIR"/rhosimconfig.txt").c_str()); RHOSIMCONF().loadFromFile(); if ( m_strRhodesPath.length() > 0 ) RHOSIMCONF().setString("rhodes_path", m_strRhodesPath, false ); RHOCONF().setString("rhosim_platform", RHOSIMCONF().getString("platform"), false); RHOCONF().setString("app_version", RHOSIMCONF().getString("app_version"), false); String start_path = RHOSIMCONF().getString("start_path"); if ( start_path.length() > 0 ) RHOCONF().setString("start_path", start_path, false); RHOSIMCONF().setString("ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString("ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/debugger;"), false); RHOSIMCONF().setString("ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString("ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/uri;"), false); RHOSIMCONF().setString("ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString("ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/timeout;"), false); RHOSIMCONF().setString("ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString("ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/digest;"), false); RHOSIMCONF().setString("ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString("ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/openssl;"), false); #endif if ( !rho_rhodesapp_canstartapp(g_strCmdLine.c_str(), " /-,") ) { #ifdef OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP ::MessageBoxW(0, L"This is hidden app and can be started only with security key.", L"Security Token Verification Failed", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); #endif LOG(INFO) + "This is hidden app and can be started only with security key."; if (RHOCONF().getString("invalid_security_token_start_path").length() <= 0) return S_FALSE; } LOG(INFO) + "Rhodes started"; #ifdef OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP if (m_strHttpProxy.length() > 0) { parseHttpProxyURI(m_strHttpProxy); } else #endif { if (RHOCONF().isExist("http_proxy_url")) { parseHttpProxyURI(RHOCONF().getString("http_proxy_url")); #if defined(OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP) || defined(RHODES_EMULATOR) } else { // it's important to call this method from here to perform // a proper initialization of proxy implementation for Win32 GetAppWindow().setProxy(); #endif } } #ifdef RHODES_EMULATOR if (RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_host").length() > 0) SetEnvironmentVariableA("RHOHOST", RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_host").c_str() ); if (RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_port").length() > 0) SetEnvironmentVariableA("rho_debug_port", RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_port").c_str() ); #endif //::SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(),10); //Check for bundle directory is exists. HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; // rootpath + "rho/" if ( == '/') { hFind = FindFirstFile(convertToStringW(m_strRootPath.substr(0, m_strRootPath.find_last_of('/'))).c_str(), &wfd); } else if ( == '\\') { //delete all '\' from the end of the pathname int i = m_strRootPath.length(); for ( ; i != 1; i--) { if ( != '\\') break; } hFind = FindFirstFile(convertToStringW(m_strRootPath.substr(0, i)).c_str(), &wfd); } if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind || !(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { int last = 0, pre_last = 0; last = getRhoRootPath().find_last_of('\\'); pre_last = getRhoRootPath().substr(0, last).find_last_of('\\'); String appName = getRhoRootPath().substr(pre_last + 1, last - pre_last - 1); String messageText = "Bundle directory \"" + m_strRootPath.substr(0, m_strRootPath.find_last_of('/')) + "\" is missing\n"; LOG(INFO) + messageText; int msgboxID = MessageBox(NULL, convertToStringW(messageText).c_str(), convertToStringW(appName).c_str(), MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); return S_FALSE; } rho::common::CRhodesApp::Create(m_strRootPath, m_strRootPath, m_strRuntimePath); RHODESAPP().setExtManager( &m_oExtManager ); #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME) if ((!rho_wmimpl_get_is_version2()) && (rho_wmimpl_get_startpage()[0] != 0)) { String spath = convertToStringA(rho_wmimpl_get_startpage()); RHOCONF().setString("start_path", spath, false); } #endif // APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME DWORD dwStyle = WS_VISIBLE; #if !defined(_WIN32_WCE) dwStyle |= WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; #endif // Create the main application window #if defined(OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP) #ifdef RHODES_EMULATOR StringW windowTitle = convertToStringW(RHOSIMCONF().getString("app_name")); #else StringW windowTitle = convertToStringW(RHODESAPP().getAppTitle()); #endif m_appWindow.Initialize(windowTitle.c_str()); if (NULL == m_appWindow.m_hWnd) { return S_FALSE; } m_appWindow.ShowWindow(nShowCmd); #ifndef RHODES_EMULATOR rho_wm_impl_CheckLicense(); #endif #else String strTitle = RHODESAPP().getAppTitle(); m_appWindow.Create(NULL, CWindow::rcDefault, convertToStringW(strTitle).c_str(), dwStyle); //if( m_isRhoConnectPush ) // m_appWindow.ShowWindow(SW_MINIMIZE); if (NULL == m_appWindow.m_hWnd) { return S_FALSE; } /*#ifdef APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WEBKIT_BROWSER { CBarcodeInit oBarcodeInit; if (!rho_wmimpl_get_webkitbrowser( (HWND)m_appWindow.m_hWnd, rho_wmimpl_get_appinstance() )) { MessageBox(NULL, L"Failed to initialize WebKit engine.", convertToStringW(strTitle).c_str(), MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); return S_FALSE; } } #endif */ m_appWindow.InvalidateRect(NULL, TRUE); m_appWindow.UpdateWindow(); m_appWindow.initBrowserWindow(); #endif bool bRE1App = false; #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME) if (!rho_wmimpl_get_is_version2()) bRE1App = true; #endif if (bRE1App) { #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_MOTOROLA) registerRhoExtension(); #endif m_appWindow.Navigate2(_T("about:blank") #if defined(OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP) , -1 #endif ); rho_webview_navigate( RHOCONF().getString("start_path").c_str(), 0 ); /* m_appWindow.Navigate2( convertToStringW( RHOCONF().getString("start_path") ).c_str() #if defined(OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP) , -1 #endif );*/ } else { RHODESAPP().startApp(); // Navigate to the "loading..." page m_appWindow.Navigate2(_T("about:blank") #if defined(OS_WINDOWS_DESKTOP) , -1 #endif ); } // Show the main application window //m_appWindow.ShowWindow(nShowCmd); #if defined(_WIN32_WCE)&& !defined( OS_PLATFORM_MOTCE ) DWORD dwConnCount = 0; hr = RegistryGetDWORD( SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_PATH, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_VALUE, &dwConnCount ); rho_sysimpl_sethas_network(dwConnCount); DWORD dwCellConnected = 0; hr = RegistryGetDWORD( SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_PATH, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_VALUE, &dwCellConnected ); rho_sysimpl_sethas_cellnetwork(dwCellConnected); // Register for changes in the number of network connections hr = RegistryNotifyWindow(SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_PATH, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_VALUE, m_appWindow.m_hWnd, WM_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT, 0, NULL, &g_hNotify); hr = RegistryNotifyWindow(SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_PATH, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_VALUE, m_appWindow.m_hWnd, WM_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCELL, 0, NULL, &g_hNotifyCell); #elif !defined( OS_PLATFORM_MOTCE ) if (RHOCONF().getString("test_push_client").length() > 0 ) rho_clientregister_create(RHOCONF().getString("test_push_client").c_str());//"win32_client"); #endif return S_OK; }
// This method is called immediately before entering the message loop. // It contains initialization code for the application. // Returns: // S_OK => Success. Continue with RunMessageLoop() and PostMessageLoop(). // S_FALSE => Skip RunMessageLoop(), call PostMessageLoop(). // error code => Failure. Skip both RunMessageLoop() and PostMessageLoop(). HRESULT CRhodesModule::PreMessageLoop(int nShowCmd) throw() { HRESULT hr = __super::PreMessageLoop(nShowCmd); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } // Note: In this sample, we don't respond differently to different hr success codes. #ifndef RHODES_EMULATOR // Allow only one instance of the application. // the "| 0x01" activates the correct owned window of the previous instance's main window HWND hWnd = NULL; for (int wait = 0; wait < m_nRestarting; wait++) { hWnd = FindWindow(CMainWindow::GetWndClassInfo().m_wc.lpszClassName, NULL); if (hWnd && m_nRestarting > 1) { Sleep(1000); } else { break; } } //EnumWindows(EnumRhodesWindowsProc, (LPARAM)&hWnd); if (hWnd) { SetForegroundWindow( HWND( DWORD(hWnd) | 0x01 ) ); return S_FALSE; } #endif if ( !rho_sys_check_rollback_bundle(rho_native_rhopath()) ) { rho_sys_impl_exit_with_errormessage( "Bundle update.", "Application is currupted. Reinstall it , please."); return S_FALSE; } rho_logconf_Init(m_strRootPath.c_str(), m_logPort.c_str()); #ifdef RHODES_EMULATOR RHOSIMCONF().setAppConfFilePath(CFilePath::join( m_strRootPath, RHO_EMULATOR_DIR"/rhosimconfig.txt").c_str()); RHOSIMCONF().loadFromFile(); if ( m_strRhodesPath.length() > 0 ) RHOSIMCONF().setString("rhodes_path", m_strRhodesPath, false ); RHOCONF().setString( "rhosim_platform", RHOSIMCONF().getString( "platform"), false); RHOCONF().setString( "app_version", RHOSIMCONF().getString( "app_version"), false); RHOSIMCONF().setString( "ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString( "ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/debugger;"), false); RHOSIMCONF().setString( "ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString( "ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/uri;"), false); RHOSIMCONF().setString( "ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString( "ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/timeout;"), false); RHOSIMCONF().setString( "ext_path", RHOSIMCONF().getString( "ext_path") + CFilePath::join( m_strRhodesPath, "/lib/extensions/digest;"), false); #endif if ( !rho_rhodesapp_canstartapp(g_strCmdLine.c_str(), " /-,") ) { LOG(INFO) + "This is hidden app and can be started only with security key."; //return S_FALSE; } LOG(INFO) + "Rhodes started"; #ifdef OS_WINDOWS if (m_strHttpProxy.length() > 0) { parseHttpProxyURI(m_strHttpProxy); } else { if (RHOCONF().isExist("http_proxy_url")) { parseHttpProxyURI(RHOCONF().getString("http_proxy_url")); } } #ifdef RHODES_EMULATOR if (RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_host").length() > 0) SetEnvironmentVariableA("RHOHOST", RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_host").c_str() ); if (RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_port").length() > 0) SetEnvironmentVariableA("rho_debug_port", RHOSIMCONF().getString("debug_port").c_str() ); #endif #endif //::SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(),10); //Check for bundle directory is exists. HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; // rootpath + "rho/" if ( == '/') { hFind = FindFirstFile(convertToStringW(m_strRootPath.substr(0, m_strRootPath.find_last_of('/'))).c_str(), &wfd); } else if ( == '\\') { //delete all '\' from the end of the pathname int i = m_strRootPath.length(); for ( ; i != 1; i--) { if ( != '\\') break; } hFind = FindFirstFile(convertToStringW(m_strRootPath.substr(0, i)).c_str(), &wfd); } if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind || !(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { int last = 0, pre_last = 0; last = getRhoRootPath().find_last_of('\\'); pre_last = getRhoRootPath().substr(0, last).find_last_of('\\'); String appName = getRhoRootPath().substr(pre_last + 1, last - pre_last - 1); String messageText = "Bundle directory \"" + m_strRootPath.substr(0, m_strRootPath.find_last_of('/')) + "\" is missing\n"; LOG(INFO) + messageText; int msgboxID = MessageBox(NULL, convertToStringW(messageText).c_str(), convertToStringW(appName).c_str(), MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); return S_FALSE; } rho::common::CRhodesApp::Create(m_strRootPath, m_strRootPath, m_strRuntimePath); RHODESAPP().setExtManager( &m_oExtManager ); DWORD dwStyle = WS_VISIBLE; #if !defined(_WIN32_WCE) dwStyle |= WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; #endif // Create the main application window #ifdef RHODES_EMULATOR m_appWindow.Initialize(convertToStringW(RHOSIMCONF().getString("app_name")).c_str()); #else String strTitle = RHODESAPP().getAppTitle(); m_appWindow.Create(NULL, CWindow::rcDefault, convertToStringW(strTitle).c_str(), dwStyle); #ifdef APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WEBKIT_BROWSER { CBarcodeInit oBarcodeInit; if (!rho_wmimpl_get_webkitbrowser( (HWND)m_appWindow.m_hWnd, rho_wmimpl_get_appinstance() )) { MessageBox(NULL, L"Failed to initialize WebKit engine.", convertToStringW(strTitle).c_str(), MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); return S_FALSE; } } #endif #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_MOTOROLA) if (rho_wmimpl_get_startpage()[0] != 0) { String spath = convertToStringA(rho_wmimpl_get_startpage()); RHOCONF().setString("start_path", spath, false); } #endif // APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_MOTOROLA m_appWindow.InitMainWindow(); #endif if (NULL == m_appWindow.m_hWnd) { return S_FALSE; } RHODESAPP().startApp(); // Navigate to the "loading..." page m_appWindow.Navigate2(_T("about:blank") #ifdef RHODES_EMULATOR , -1 #endif ); // Show the main application window m_appWindow.ShowWindow(nShowCmd); #if defined(_WIN32_WCE)&& !defined( OS_PLATFORM_MOTCE ) DWORD dwConnCount = 0; hr = RegistryGetDWORD( SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_PATH, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_VALUE, &dwConnCount ); rho_sysimpl_sethas_network(dwConnCount); DWORD dwCellConnected = 0; hr = RegistryGetDWORD( SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_PATH, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_VALUE, &dwCellConnected ); rho_sysimpl_sethas_cellnetwork(dwCellConnected); // Register for changes in the number of network connections hr = RegistryNotifyWindow(SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_PATH, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_VALUE, m_appWindow.m_hWnd, WM_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT, 0, NULL, &g_hNotify); hr = RegistryNotifyWindow(SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_PATH, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_VALUE, m_appWindow.m_hWnd, WM_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCELL, 0, NULL, &g_hNotifyCell); #else rho_clientregister_create("win32_client"); #endif return S_OK; }
bool CRhodesModule::ParseCommandLine(LPCTSTR lpCmdLine, HRESULT* pnRetCode ) throw( ) { m_nRestarting = 1; TCHAR szTokens[] = _T("-/"); LPCTSTR lpszToken = FindOneOf(lpCmdLine, szTokens); getRhoRootPath(); m_logPort = ""; while (lpszToken != NULL) { if (WordCmpI(lpszToken, _T("Restarting"))==0) { m_nRestarting = 10; } if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("log"), 3)==0) { String token = convertToStringA(lpszToken); //parseToken will allocate extra byte at the end of the returned token value char* port = parseToken( token.c_str(), token.length() ); if (port) { String strLogPort = port; m_logPort = strLogPort; free(port); } else { m_logPort = rho::String("11000"); } } #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_MOTOROLA) else if (wcsnicmp(lpszToken, _T("s"),1)==0) { String token = convertToStringA(lpszToken); char* path = parseToken( token.c_str(), token.length() ); if (path) { // RhoElements v1.0 compatibility mode rho_wmimpl_set_startpage(path); free(path); } } else if (wcsnicmp(lpszToken, _T("c"),1)==0) { String token = convertToStringA(lpszToken); char* path = parseToken( token.c_str(), token.length() ); if (path) { rho_wmimpl_set_configfilepath(path); free(path); } } #endif // APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_MOTOROLA #if defined(OS_WINDOWS) else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("http_proxy_url"),14)==0) { String token = convertToStringA(lpszToken); char *proxy = parseToken( token.c_str(), token.length() ); if (proxy) { m_strHttpProxy = proxy; free(proxy); } else LOG(WARNING) + "invalid value for \"http_proxy_url\" cmd parameter"; } else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("approot"),7)==0) { String token = convertToStringA(lpszToken); //parseToken will allocate extra byte at the end of the returned token value char* path = parseToken( token.c_str(), token.length() ); if (path) { int len = strlen(path); if (!(path[len-1]=='\\' || path[len-1]=='/')) { #ifdef RHODES_EMULATOR path[len] = '/'; #else path[len] = '\\'; #endif path[len+1] = 0; } m_strRootPath = path; free(path); } } else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("rhodespath"),10)==0) { String token = convertToStringA(lpszToken); //parseToken will allocate extra byte at the end of the returned token value char* path = parseToken( token.c_str(), token.length() ); if (path) { m_strRhodesPath = path; free(path); } } /* else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("appname"),7)==0) { String token = convertToStringA(lpszToken); //parseToken will allocate extra byte at the end of the returned token value char* path = parseToken( token.c_str(), token.length() ); if (path) { convertToStringW(path, m_strAppNameW); free(path); } } else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("debughost"),9)==0) { String token = convertToStringA(lpszToken); //parseToken will allocate extra byte at the end of the returned token value char* host = parseToken( token.c_str(), token.length() ); if (host) { m_strDebugHost = host; free(host); } } else if (wcsncmp(lpszToken, _T("debugport"),9)==0) { String token = convertToStringA(lpszToken); //parseToken will allocate extra byte at the end of the returned token value char* port = parseToken( token.c_str(), token.length() ); if (port) { m_strDebugPort = port; free(port); } } */ #else else if (wcsnicmp(lpszToken, _T("approot"),7)==0) { String token = convertToStringA(lpszToken); char* path = parseToken( token.c_str(), token.length() ); if (path) { // RhoElements v2.0 Shared Runtime command line parameter m_strRootPath = path; if (m_strRootPath.substr(0,7).compare("file://")==0) m_strRootPath.erase(0,7); ::std::replace(m_strRootPath.begin(), m_strRootPath.end(), '\\', '/'); if (!='/') m_strRootPath.append("/"); m_strRootPath.append("rho/"); } free(path); } #endif lpszToken = FindOneOf(lpszToken, szTokens); } return __super::ParseCommandLine(lpCmdLine, pnRetCode); }
// This method is called immediately before entering the message loop. // It contains initialization code for the application. // Returns: // S_OK => Success. Continue with RunMessageLoop() and PostMessageLoop(). // S_FALSE => Skip RunMessageLoop(), call PostMessageLoop(). // error code => Failure. Skip both RunMessageLoop() and PostMessageLoop(). HRESULT CRhodesModule::PreMessageLoop(int nShowCmd) throw() { HRESULT hr; /*HRESULT hr = __super::PreMessageLoop(nShowCmd); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }*/ // Note: In this sample, we don't respond differently to different hr success codes. //SetLastError(0); // HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, false, false, CMainWindow::GetWndClassInfo().m_wc.lpszClassName ); // if ( !m_bRestarting && hEvent != NULL && GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) //{ // Rho Running so could bring to foreground // HWND hWnd = FindWindow(CMainWindow::GetWndClassInfo().m_wc.lpszClassName, NULL); //if (hWnd) //{ // ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOW); //SendMessage( hWnd, PB_WINDOW_RESTORE, NULL, TRUE); //SetForegroundWindow( hWnd ); //COPYDATASTRUCT cds = {0}; //cds.cbData = m_strTabName.length()+1; //cds.lpData = (char*)m_strTabName.c_str(); //SendMessage( hWnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)WM_WINDOW_SWITCHTAB, (LPARAM)(LPVOID)&cds); //} //return S_FALSE; //} if ( !rho_sys_check_rollback_bundle(rho_native_rhopath()) ) { rho_sys_impl_exit_with_errormessage( "Bundle update", "Application is corrupted. Reinstall it, please."); return S_FALSE; } #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME) rho_logconf_Init((rho_wmimpl_get_logpath()[0]==0 ? m_strRootPath.c_str() : rho_wmimpl_get_logpath()), m_strRootPath.c_str(), m_logPort.c_str()); if (rho_wmimpl_get_logurl()[0]!=0) { LOGCONF().setLogURL(rho_wmimpl_get_logurl()); LOGCONF().setLogToSocket(true); } if (rho_wmimpl_get_logmaxsize()) LOGCONF().setMaxLogFileSize(*rho_wmimpl_get_logmaxsize()); if (rho_wmimpl_get_loglevel()) LOGCONF().setMinSeverity(*rho_wmimpl_get_loglevel()); if (rho_wmimpl_get_fullscreen()) RHOCONF().setBool("full_screen", true, false); if (rho_wmimpl_get_logmemperiod()) LOGCONF().setCollectMemoryInfoInterval(*rho_wmimpl_get_logmemperiod()); //SR EMBPD00121468 //Network api via proxy is not working with proxy enable using config.xml //Sabir: The values were getting set from rhoconfig.txt from function rho_logconf_Init //fix: we have to override http_proxy_host using config.xml value rho::String szHttpProxy = rho_wmimpl_get_httpproxy(); parseHttpProxyURI(szHttpProxy); #else rho_logconf_Init(m_strRootPath.c_str(), m_strRootPath.c_str(), m_logPort.c_str()); #endif // APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME SetLastError(0); HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, false, false, CMainWindow::GetWndClassInfo().m_wc.lpszClassName ); if ( !m_bRestarting && hEvent != NULL && GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { // Rho Running so could bring to foreground HWND hWnd = FindWindow(CMainWindow::GetWndClassInfo().m_wc.lpszClassName, NULL); if (hWnd) { ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOW); SendMessage( hWnd, PB_WINDOW_RESTORE, NULL, TRUE); SetForegroundWindow( hWnd ); COPYDATASTRUCT cds = {0}; cds.cbData = m_strTabName.length()+1; cds.lpData = (char*)m_strTabName.c_str(); SendMessage( hWnd, WM_COPYDATA, (WPARAM)WM_WINDOW_SWITCHTAB, (LPARAM)(LPVOID)&cds); } return S_FALSE; } LOGCONF().setMemoryInfoCollector(CLogMemory::getInstance()); if ( !rho_rhodesapp_canstartapp(g_strCmdLine.c_str(), " /-,") ) { LOG(INFO) + "This is hidden app and can be started only with security key."; if (RHOCONF().getString("invalid_security_token_start_path").length() <= 0) { return S_FALSE; } } LOG(INFO) + "Rhodes started"; if (RHOCONF().isExist("http_proxy_url")) { parseHttpProxyURI(RHOCONF().getString("http_proxy_url")); } else if (RHOCONF().isExist("http_proxy_uri")) { parseHttpProxyURI(RHOCONF().getString("http_proxy_uri")); } //Check for bundle directory is exists. HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; // rootpath + "rho/" if ( == '/') { hFind = FindFirstFile(convertToStringW(m_strRootPath.substr(0, m_strRootPath.find_last_of('/'))).c_str(), &wfd); } else if ( == '\\') { //delete all '\' from the end of the pathname int i = m_strRootPath.length(); for ( ; i != 1; i--) { if ( != '\\') break; } hFind = FindFirstFile(convertToStringW(m_strRootPath.substr(0, i)).c_str(), &wfd); } if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFind || !(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { int last = 0, pre_last = 0; last = getRhoRootPath().find_last_of('\\'); pre_last = getRhoRootPath().substr(0, last).find_last_of('\\'); String appName = getRhoRootPath().substr(pre_last + 1, last - pre_last - 1); String messageText = "Bundle directory \"" + m_strRootPath.substr(0, m_strRootPath.find_last_of('/')) + "\" is missing\n"; LOG(INFO) + messageText; int msgboxID = MessageBox(NULL, convertToStringW(messageText).c_str(), convertToStringW(appName).c_str(), MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); return S_FALSE; } createPowerManagementThread(); if (RHOCONF().getBool("Application.autoStart")) createAutoStartShortcut(); #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME) if ((!rho_wmimpl_get_is_version2()) && (rho_wmimpl_get_startpage()[0] != 0)) { String spath = convertToStringA(rho_wmimpl_get_startpage()); RHOCONF().setString("start_path", spath, false); } #endif // APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME rho::common::CRhodesApp::Create(m_strRootPath, m_strRootPath, m_strRuntimePath); set_bridge_direct_callback(); bool bRE1App = false; #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SHARED_RUNTIME) if (!rho_wmimpl_get_is_version2()) bRE1App = true; #endif RHODESAPP().setJSApplication(bRE1App || _AtlModule.isJSApplication()); DWORD dwStyle = m_bMinimized ? 0 : WS_VISIBLE; #ifdef OS_WINCE m_appWindow.getTabbar().SetStartTabName(m_strTabName); #else m_appWindow.setStartTabName(m_strTabName); #endif #if !defined(_WIN32_WCE) dwStyle |= WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW; #endif // Create the main application window String strTitle = RHODESAPP().getAppTitle(); m_appWindow.Create(NULL, CWindow::rcDefault, convertToStringW(strTitle).c_str(), dwStyle); if (NULL == m_appWindow.m_hWnd) { return S_FALSE; } m_appWindow.InvalidateRect(NULL, TRUE); m_appWindow.SetActiveWindow(); // Enterprise Browser was failing to launch maximimized through a shortcut, this line ensures it launches maximised m_appWindow.UpdateWindow(); #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SYMBOL) initialiseRhoElementsExt(); #endif m_appWindow.initBrowserWindow(); if (m_bMinimized) m_appWindow.ShowWindow(SW_MINIMIZE); /* if (bRE1App) { #if defined(APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_SYMBOL) registerRhoExtension(); #endif #if !defined( APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WEBKIT_BROWSER ) && defined(OS_WINCE) m_appWindow.Navigate2(_T("about:blank"), -1 ); #endif //!APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WEBKIT_BROWSER rho_webview_navigate(RHOCONF().getString("start_path").c_str(), 0 ); } else { */ RHODESAPP().startApp(); #if !defined( APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WEBKIT_BROWSER ) && defined(OS_WINCE) // Navigate to the "loading..." page m_appWindow.Navigate2(_T("about:blank"), -1 ); #endif //APP_BUILD_CAPABILITY_WEBKIT_BROWSER //} #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) if(RHO_IS_WMDEVICE) { DWORD dwConnCount = 0; hr = lpfn_Registry_GetDWORD( SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_PATH, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_VALUE, &dwConnCount ); rho_sysimpl_sethas_network((dwConnCount > 1) ? 1 : 0); DWORD dwCellConnected = 0; hr = lpfn_Registry_GetDWORD( SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_PATH, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_VALUE, &dwCellConnected ); rho_sysimpl_sethas_cellnetwork(dwCellConnected); // Register for changes in the number of network connections hr = lpfn_Registry_NotifyWindow(SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_PATH, SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_VALUE, m_appWindow.m_hWnd, WM_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT, 0, NULL, &g_hNotify); hr = lpfn_Registry_NotifyWindow(SN_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCOUNT_ROOT, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_PATH, SN_CELLSYSTEMCONNECTED_VALUE, m_appWindow.m_hWnd, WM_CONNECTIONSNETWORKCELL, 0, NULL, &g_hNotifyCell); } #endif return S_OK; }