DataProcessor::DataProcessor(ros::NodeHandle & n): n_(n) { processed_pointcloud_ = false; new_cloud_wanted_ = false; nocluster_count_ = 0; process_service_ = n_.advertiseService("process_pcd", &DataProcessor::processDataCallback, this); pub_active_region_ = n_.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>("activeregion",1); marker_pub_ = n_.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("visualization_marker", 1); regions_pub_ = n_.advertise<visualization_msgs::MarkerArray>("region_nums", 1); //ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("/camera/rgb/points",1,got_point_cloud); //client_grasp_ = n_.serviceClient<duplo_v1::Grasp_Duplo>("grasp_duplo"); client_manipulate_ = n_.serviceClient<duplo_v1::Manipulate_Duplo>("manipulate_duplo"); //client_tumble_ = n_.serviceClient<duplo_v1::Tumble_Duplo>("tumble_duplo"); reset_posn.x = 0.6; reset_posn.y = -0.5; reset_posn.z = 1; while ( !ros::service::waitForService("get_new_pcd",ros::Duration(2.0)) && n.ok() ) ROS_INFO("DUPLO: Waiting for object detection service to come up"); if (!n.ok()) exit(0); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr temp1(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>); object_cloud_ = temp1; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr temp2(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>); planar_cloud_ = temp2; ROS_INFO("Ready to process input point cloud data."); client_newpcd_ = n.serviceClient<duplo_v1::Get_New_PCD>("get_new_pcd"); }
TFMonitor(bool using_specific_chain, std::string framea = "", std::string frameb = ""): framea_(framea), frameb_(frameb), using_specific_chain_(using_specific_chain) { if (using_specific_chain_) { cout << "Waiting for transform chain to become available between "<< framea_ << " and " << frameb_<< " " << flush; while (node_.ok() && !tf_.waitForTransform(framea_, frameb_, Time(), Duration(1.0))) cout << "." << flush; cout << endl; try{ tf_.chainAsVector(frameb_, ros::Time(), framea_, ros::Time(), frameb_, chain_); } catch(tf::TransformException& ex){ ROS_WARN("Transform Exception %s", ex.what()); return; } /* cout << "Chain currently is:" <<endl; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < chain_.size(); i++) { cout << chain_[i] <<", "; } cout <<endl;*/ } subscriber_tf_ = node_.subscribe<tf::tfMessage>("tf", 100, boost::bind(&TFMonitor::callback, this, _1)); subscriber_tf_message_ = node_.subscribe<tf::tfMessage>("tf_message", 100, boost::bind(&TFMonitor::callback, this, _1)); }
void setParamLoop(ros::NodeHandle& nh) { // red /*MIN_HUE = 160; MAX_HUE = 10; MIN_SAT = 150; MAX_SAT = 255; MIN_VAL = 100; MAX_VAL = 255;*/ // yellow sponge MIN_HUE = 163; MAX_HUE = 44; MIN_SAT = 107; MAX_SAT = 184; MIN_VAL = 133; MAX_VAL = 255; while (nh.ok()) { if (LocalConfig::trackbars) { // Needs this to update the opencv windows char key = cv::waitKey(20); if (key == 'q') exit(0); cv::namedWindow("hue trackbars"); cv::createTrackbar("hue min", "hue trackbars", &MIN_HUE, 255); cv::createTrackbar("hue max", "hue trackbars", &MAX_HUE, 255); cv::createTrackbar("sat min", "hue trackbars", &MIN_SAT, 255); cv::createTrackbar("sat max", "hue trackbars", &MAX_SAT, 255); cv::createTrackbar("val min", "hue trackbars", &MIN_VAL, 255); cv::createTrackbar("val max", "hue trackbars", &MAX_VAL, 255); } setParams(nh); sleep(0.2); } }
bool spin() { ROS_INFO("summit_robot_control::spin()"); ros::Rate r(desired_freq_); // 50.0 while (!ros::isShuttingDown()) // Using ros::isShuttingDown to avoid restarting the node during a shutdown. { if (starting() == 0) { while(ros::ok() && node_handle_.ok()) { UpdateControl(); UpdateOdometry(); PublishOdometry(); diagnostic_.update(); ros::spinOnce(); r.sleep(); } ROS_INFO("END OF ros::ok() !!!"); } else { // No need for diagnostic here since a broadcast occurs in start // when there is an error. usleep(1000000); ros::spinOnce(); } } return true; }
void Spin(){ while(nh.ok()){ Receive(); ros::spinOnce(); if (step(TIME_STEP) == -1) break; } }
bool spin() { ROS_INFO("camera node is running."); h264Server.start(); while (node.ok()) { // Process any pending service callbacks ros::spinOnce(); std::string newResolution; node.getParam("resolution", newResolution); int newWidth = std::stoi(newResolution.substr(0, newResolution.find('x'))); int newHeight = std::stoi(newResolution.substr(newResolution.find('x') + 1)); std::string newVideoDevice; node.getParam("video_device", newVideoDevice); bool newDetectorEnabled; node.getParam("detector_enabled", newDetectorEnabled); if (newVideoDevice != videoDevice || newDetectorEnabled != detectorEnabled || newWidth != cameraWidth || newHeight != cameraHeight) { initCameraAndEncoders(); } if(!sendPreview()) { // Sleep and hope the camera recovers usleep(1000*1000); } // Run at 1kHz usleep(1000); } h264Server.stop(); return true; }
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped getCartBaseLinkPosition() { geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose_base_link; pose_base_link.header.frame_id = base_link_; while (nh_.ok()) { try { tf_listener_.lookupTransform(base_link_, lwr_tip_link_, ros::Time(0), base_link_transform_); pose_base_link.pose.position.x = base_link_transform_.getOrigin().x(); pose_base_link.pose.position.y = base_link_transform_.getOrigin().y(); pose_base_link.pose.position.z = base_link_transform_.getOrigin().z(); pose_base_link.pose.orientation.x = base_link_transform_.getRotation().x(); pose_base_link.pose.orientation.y = base_link_transform_.getRotation().y(); pose_base_link.pose.orientation.z = base_link_transform_.getRotation().z(); pose_base_link.pose.orientation.w = base_link_transform_.getRotation().w(); return pose_base_link; } catch (tf::TransformException ex){ ROS_ERROR("%s",ex.what()); ros::Duration(0.1).sleep(); } } }
void run () { while (nh_.ok ()) { ros::spinOnce (); } }
void LoopbackControllerManager::run() { ros::Rate rate(1.0/dt_); while(rosnode_->ok()) { update(); rate.sleep(); } }
//Close the gripper void close(){ ROS_INFO("Closing Gripper"); ros::Duration(0.5).sleep(); //wait for the listener to get the first message listener_.waitForTransform("base_footprint", "r_gripper_l_finger_tip_frame", ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(1.0)); //we will record transforms here tf::StampedTransform start_transform; tf::StampedTransform current_transform; //record the starting transform from the gripper to the base frame listener_.lookupTransform("base_footprint", "r_gripper_l_finger_tip_frame", ros::Time(0), start_transform); bool done = false; pr2_controllers_msgs::Pr2GripperCommand gripper_cmd; gripper_cmd.position = 0.0; gripper_cmd.max_effort = 50.0; ros::Rate rate(10.0); double dist_moved_before; double dist_moved; while (!done && nh_.ok()) { r_gripper_.publish(gripper_cmd); rate.sleep(); //get the current transform try { listener_.lookupTransform("base_footprint", "r_gripper_l_finger_tip_frame", ros::Time(0), current_transform); } catch (tf::TransformException ex) { ROS_ERROR("%s",ex.what()); break; } //see how if the gripper is open or if it hit some object tf::Transform relative_transform = start_transform.inverse() * current_transform; dist_moved_before = dist_moved; dist_moved = relative_transform.getOrigin().length(); //ROS_INFO("%f",dist_moved); if(dist_moved > 0.03 || dist_moved < dist_moved_before) done = true; } }
void I2cImu::spin() { ros::Rate r(1.0 / (imu_->IMUGetPollInterval() / 1000.0)); while (nh_.ok()) { update(); ros::spinOnce(); r.sleep(); } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { struct usb_dev_handle *dev; dev = ctxInit(); if (!dev) { perror("Initializing CNX-P2140"); return -1; } ros::NodeHandle node_param("~"); node_param.param<double>("diag_frequency", diag_frequency, 1.0); node_param.param<double>("input", input_nominal, 13.8); node_param.param<double>("primary", primary, 18.5); node_param.param<double>("secondary", secondary, 12.0); diag_pub = node.advertise<power_msgs::PowerReading>("ctx2140", 1); ros::Rate loop_rate(diag_frequency); while (node.ok()) { ctxValues diag; power_msgs::PowerReading reading; if (ctxReadValues(dev, &diag)) { printf("Error reading from ctx2140\n"); return -1; } reading.volts_read.push_back(diag.battVoltage); reading.volts_read.push_back(diag.priVoltage); reading.volts_read.push_back(diag.secVoltage); reading.current.push_back(diag.battCurrent); reading.current.push_back(diag.priCurrent); reading.current.push_back(diag.secCurrent); reading.volts_full.push_back(input_nominal); reading.volts_full.push_back(primary); reading.volts_full.push_back(secondary); reading.temperature.push_back(diag.temperature); reading.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); diag_pub.publish(reading); loop_rate.sleep(); } ctxClose(dev); return 0; }
void LoopbackControllerManager::ControllerManagerROSThread() { ROS_INFO_STREAM("Callback thread id=" << boost::this_thread::get_id()); ros::Rate rate(0.2/dt_); while (rosnode_->ok()) { rate.sleep(); ros::spinOnce(); } }
bool spin() { ros::Rate loop_rate(this->framerate_); while (node_.ok()) { if (!take_and_send_image()) ROS_WARN("USB camera did not respond in time."); ros::spinOnce(); loop_rate.sleep(); } return true; }
void waitForAction(const T &action, const ros::NodeHandle &node_handle, const ros::Duration &wait_for_server, const std::string &name) { ROS_DEBUG("Waiting for MoveGroup action server (%s)...", name.c_str()); // in case ROS time is published, wait for the time data to arrive ros::Time start_time = ros::Time::now(); while (start_time == ros::Time::now()) { ros::WallDuration(0.01).sleep(); ros::spinOnce(); } // wait for the server (and spin as needed) if (wait_for_server == ros::Duration(0, 0)) { while (node_handle.ok() && !action->isServerConnected()) { ros::WallDuration(0.02).sleep(); ros::spinOnce(); } } else { ros::Time final_time = ros::Time::now() + wait_for_server; while (node_handle.ok() && !action->isServerConnected() && final_time > ros::Time::now()) { ros::WallDuration(0.02).sleep(); ros::spinOnce(); } } if (!action->isServerConnected()) throw std::runtime_error("Unable to connect to move_group action server within allotted time (2)"); else ROS_DEBUG("Connected to '%s'", name.c_str()); }
void MoveR::IK_loop() { ros::Rate r(2); while(nh_.ok()) { ros::spinOnce(); IK4(Target); axis_pub.publish(arm_angle); r.sleep(); } return; }
//! Drive forward a specified distance based on odometry information bool driveForwardOdom(double distance) { //wait for the listener to get the first message listener_.waitForTransform("base_footprint", "odom_combined", ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(1.0)); //we will record transforms here tf::StampedTransform start_transform; tf::StampedTransform current_transform; //record the starting transform from the odometry to the base frame listener_.lookupTransform("base_footprint", "odom_combined", ros::Time(0), start_transform); //we will be sending commands of type "twist" geometry_msgs::Twist base_cmd; //the command will be to go forward at 0.25 m/s base_cmd.linear.y = base_cmd.angular.z = 0; base_cmd.linear.x = 0.25; ros::Rate rate(10.0); bool done = false; while (!done && nh_.ok()) { //send the drive command cmd_vel_pub_.publish(base_cmd); rate.sleep(); //get the current transform try { listener_.lookupTransform("base_footprint", "odom_combined", ros::Time(0), current_transform); } catch (tf::TransformException ex) { ROS_ERROR("%s",ex.what()); break; } //see how far we've traveled tf::Transform relative_transform = start_transform.inverse() * current_transform; double dist_moved = relative_transform.getOrigin().length(); if(dist_moved > distance) done = true; } if (done) return true; return false; }
void HeaderManipulation::publishMsgLoop(const ros::NodeHandle &nh) { ROS_DEBUG("HeaderManipulation publishMsgLoop"); while (nh.ok()) { { boost::mutex::scoped_lock buffer_lock(buffer_mutex_); if (!stamped_msg_buffer_.empty()) { ROS_DEBUG("publishing msg"); publishMsg(stamped_msg_buffer_.front()); stamped_msg_buffer_.pop(); continue; } } publish_retry_rate_.sleep(); } }
void start() { initialize(); char input[30]; while (rosNode.ok()) { readLineInput(input); // check if the type was toggled (between 'door' & 'elevator') if (setControlType(input)) { continue; } callServices(input); } }
SignalSimulator() : nh() { ros::Publisher signal_pub = nh.advertise<heatmap::wifi_signal>("signal", 1000); ros::ServiceServer service = nh.advertiseService("get_wifi_signal", &SignalSimulator::srvGetSignal, this); ros::Rate loop_rate(10); ws.essid = "Sim WIFI"; ws.link_quality_max = 70; while(nh.ok()) { ws.link_quality = rand() % 71; signal_pub.publish(ws); ros::spinOnce(); loop_rate.sleep(); } }
bool spin () { int nr_points = cloud.width * cloud.height; std::string fields_list = pcl::getFieldsList(cloud); ros::Rate r(ros::Duration(1,0)); //1s tact while(nh.ok ()) { ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_ONCE("Publishing data with " << nr_points << " points " << fields_list << " on topic \"" << nh.resolveName(cloud_topic) << "\" in frame \"" << cloud.header.frame_id << "\""); cloud.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); pub.publish(cloud); r.sleep(); } return (true); }
double NodeClass::moveRelative(double x_rel, double y_rel, bool only_get_time) { double dist_tot_, time_tot_, time_to_acc_, v_tot_; bool finished = false; ros::Duration motion_time_; ros::Time motion_begin_ = ros::Time::now(); dist_tot_ = sqrt(x_rel * x_rel + y_rel * y_rel); if( dist_tot_ <= 2 * 0.5 * ACC * pow((V_MAX/ACC),2) ) { // v/a = time to accelerate to top speed //max speed won't be reached: time_to_acc_ = sqrt(dist_tot_ / 2 / ACC * 2); time_tot_ = time_to_acc_ * 2; } else { //max speed will be reached: time_to_acc_ = V_MAX / ACC; time_tot_ = 2 * time_to_acc_ + (dist_tot_ - (0.5*ACC*pow(time_to_acc_,2) * 2)) / V_MAX; } if(only_get_time) return time_tot_; while(finished == false && n.ok()) { motion_time_ = ros::Time::now() - motion_begin_; if(motion_time_.toSec() < time_to_acc_) { //accelerating v_tot_ = ACC * motion_time_.toSec(); } else if(motion_time_.toSec() < time_tot_ - time_to_acc_) { //driving at max speed v_tot_ = V_MAX; } else if(motion_time_.toSec() < time_tot_){ //deccelerating v_tot_ = ACC * (time_tot_ - motion_time_.toSec()); } else { v_tot_ = 0.0f; finished = true; } commandPltfSpeed(x_rel / dist_tot_ * v_tot_, y_rel / dist_tot_ * v_tot_, 0.0f); //x_rel / dist_tot_ = vx / v_tot = sin a } commandPltfSpeed(0, 0, 0); return 0; }
void Smooth_derivative::mainLoop() { // determines the number of loops per second ros::Rate loop_rate(20); // als long as all is O.K : run // terminate if the node get a kill signal while (m_nodeHandle.ok()) { calculateCommand(); emergencyStop(); // send the command to the roomrider for execution m_commandPublisher.publish(m_roombaCommand); // spinOnce, just make the loop happen once ros::spinOnce(); // and sleep, to be aligned with the 50ms loop rate loop_rate.sleep(); } }// end of mainLoop
void setParamLoop(ros::NodeHandle& nh) { while (nh.ok()) { if (LocalConfig::trackbars) { // Needs this to update the opencv windows char key = cv::waitKey(20); if (key == 'q') exit(0); cv::namedWindow("YCrCb trackbars"); cv::createTrackbar("Y min", "YCrCb trackbars", &MIN_Y, 256); cv::createTrackbar("Y max", "YCrCb trackbars", &MAX_Y, 256); cv::createTrackbar("Cr min", "YCrCb trackbars", &MIN_CR, 256); cv::createTrackbar("Cr max", "YCrCb trackbars", &MAX_CR, 256); cv::createTrackbar("Cb min", "YCrCb trackbars", &MIN_CB, 256); cv::createTrackbar("Cb max", "YCrCb trackbars", &MAX_CB, 256); } sleep(0.2); } }
void AsyncSpinnerImpl::threadFunc() { disableAllSignalsInThisThread(); CallbackQueue* queue = callback_queue_; bool use_call_available = thread_count_ == 1; WallDuration timeout(0.1); while (continue_ && nh_.ok()) { if (use_call_available) { queue->callAvailable(timeout); } else { queue->callOne(timeout); } } }
// In order to keep the legs updated in the visual representation, re-publish the // latest values at a faster rate, spinOnce frequently to make sure we get published values. void spin() { ros::Rate r(100); while (nh_.ok()) { ros::spinOnce(); // for (size_t i=0;i<NUM_LEGS;++i) { // if( i==0 || i==2 || i==3 || i==5 ) // { // joint_state_.position[i] = 0.75*sin(10.0*ros::Time::now().toSec()); // } // else{ // joint_state_.position[i] = 0.75*sin(10.0*ros::Time::now().toSec()+3.1415); // } // // } joint_state_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); js_pub_.publish(joint_state_); r.sleep(); } }
bool spin() { while (node_.ok()) { if (take_and_send_image()) { count_++; ros::Time now_time = ros::Time::now(); if (now_time > next_time_) { ROS_DEBUG("%d frames/sec", count_); count_ = 0; next_time_ = next_time_ + ros::Duration(1,0); } } else { ROS_ERROR("couldn't take image."); usleep(1000000); } // self_test_.checkTest(); } return true; }
void run(int argc, char** argv) { // Initialize ROS ros::Rate r(10); conn.sendLine("scanSet width=180"); //conn.sendLine("scanPush cmd=\"scanGet\""); while (nh_.ok()) { std::cout << conn.receiveData() << std::endl; std::string data; while( conn.popLine(data) ) { parse( data ); } ros::spinOnce(); conn.sendLine("scanGet"); r.sleep(); } }
void JoyStickWindow::loop(){ ros::Rate r(5.0); while(n.ok()) { char ans = 0; drawScreen(); switch(ans = getch()){ case 'q': // forward delwin(screen); endwin(); return; } ros::spinOnce(); r.sleep(); } delwin(screen); endwin(); }
bool getMeshFromDB(object_recognition_msgs::GetObjectInformation &obj_info) { //! Client for getting the mesh for a database object ros::ServiceClient get_model_mesh_srv_; std::string get_model_mesh_srv_name("get_object_info"); ros::Time start_time = ros::Time::now(); while ( !ros::service::waitForService(get_model_mesh_srv_name, ros::Duration(2.0)) ) { ROS_INFO("Waiting for %s service to come up", get_model_mesh_srv_name.c_str()); if (!nh_.ok() || ros::Time::now() - start_time >= ros::Duration(5.0)) return false; } get_model_mesh_srv_ = nh_.serviceClient<object_recognition_msgs::GetObjectInformation> (get_model_mesh_srv_name, false); if ( ! ) { ROS_ERROR("Get model mesh service service call failed altogether"); return false; } return true; }