bool FontHandler::LoadFromMemory(const typeAssetID theAssetID, sf::Font& theAsset) { // Start with a return result of false bool anResult = false; // TODO: Retrieve the const char* pointer to load data from const char* anData = NULL; // TODO: Retrieve the size in bytes of the font to load from memory size_t anDataSize = 0; // TODO: Retrieve the character size for this font unsigned int anCharSize = 30; // Try to obtain the font from the memory location specified if(NULL != anData && anDataSize > 0) { // Load the font from the memory location specified #if (SFML_VERSION_MAJOR < 2) anResult = theAsset.LoadFromMemory(anData, anDataSize, anCharSize); #else anResult = theAsset.loadFromMemory(anData, anDataSize); #endif } else { ELOG() << "FontHandler::LoadFromMemory(" << theAssetID << ") Bad memory location or size!" << std::endl; } // Return anResult of true if successful, false otherwise return anResult; }
void Player::drawAtributes(sf::RenderWindow& rw) const { static bool firstRun = true; static sf::Image tlo; static sf::Font font; if(firstRun) { tlo.LoadFromFile("Images/tlo.png"); firstRun = false; font.LoadFromFile("silesiana.otf", 50, L"A�BC�DE�FGHIJKL�MN�O�PRS�TUWYZ��a�bc�de�fghijkl�mn�o�prs�tuwyz��XxVvQq0123456789~!@#$%^&*()_-[]\\;',./{}:\"<>?=-+ "); } sf::Sprite tloH(tlo); rw.Draw(tloH); std::wstringstream ss; if(selectedAttribute == 0) { ss << L"Exp: " << xp << L"\n"; ss << L"> Poziom obrony: " << defLevel << L"\n"; ss << L"Poziom ataku: " << attLevel << L"\n"; } else { ss << L"Exp: " << xp << L"\n"; ss << L"Poziom obrony: " << defLevel << L"\n"; ss << L"> Poziom ataku: " << attLevel << L"\n"; } sf::String t(ss.str(), font, 30.f); t.SetColor(sf::Color(20, 18, 160)); t.SetPosition(20.f, 20.0); rw.Draw(t); }
/* FontManager::initFonts * Loads all needed fonts for rendering. SFML 2.x implementation *******************************************************************/ int FontManager::initFonts() { // --- Load general fonts --- int ret = 0; // Normal ArchiveEntry* entry = theArchiveManager->programResourceArchive()->entryAtPath("fonts/dejavu_sans.ttf"); if (entry) ++ret, font_normal.loadFromMemory((const char*)entry->getData(), entry->getSize()); // Condensed entry = theArchiveManager->programResourceArchive()->entryAtPath("fonts/dejavu_sans_c.ttf"); if (entry) ++ret, font_condensed.loadFromMemory((const char*)entry->getData(), entry->getSize()); // Bold entry = theArchiveManager->programResourceArchive()->entryAtPath("fonts/dejavu_sans_b.ttf"); if (entry) ++ret, font_bold.loadFromMemory((const char*)entry->getData(), entry->getSize()); // Condensed Bold entry = theArchiveManager->programResourceArchive()->entryAtPath("fonts/dejavu_sans_cb.ttf"); if (entry) ++ret, font_boldcondensed.loadFromMemory((const char*)entry->getData(), entry->getSize()); // Monospace entry = theArchiveManager->programResourceArchive()->entryAtPath("fonts/dejavu_mono.ttf"); if (entry) ++ret, font_small.loadFromMemory((const char*)entry->getData(), entry->getSize()); return ret; }
void Player::drawHud(sf::RenderWindow& rw) const { static bool firstRun = true; static sf::Font font; if(firstRun) { firstRun = false; font.LoadFromFile("silesiana.otf", 50, L"A�BC�DE�FGHIJKL�MN�O�PRS�TUWYZ��a�bc�de�fghijkl�mn�o�prs�tuwyz��XxVvQq0123456789~!@#$%^&*()_-[]\\;',./{}:\"<>?=-+ "); } sf::Sprite hud(hudimg, sf::Vector2f(0, 350)); rw.Draw(hud); int hbarheight= health * hbarimg.GetHeight(); sf::Sprite hbar(hbarimg, sf::Vector2f(42, 376 + hbarimg.GetHeight() - hbarheight)); hbar.SetSubRect(sf::IntRect(0, hbarimg.GetHeight() - hbarheight, hbarimg.GetWidth(), hbarimg.GetHeight())); rw.Draw(hbar); std::wstring str; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { if(i<msgList.size()) str += msgList[i] + L"\n"; } sf::String msgs(str, font, 30); msgs.SetColor(sf::Color(120, 10, 10)); msgs.SetPosition(200, 450); rw.Draw(msgs); }
bool FontHandler::LoadFromFile(const typeAssetID theAssetID, sf::Font& theAsset) { // Start with a return result of false bool anResult = false; // Retrieve the filename for this asset std::string anFilename = GetFilename(theAssetID); // Was a valid filename found? then attempt to load the asset from anFilename if(anFilename.length() > 0) { // Load the asset from a file #if (SFML_VERSION_MAJOR < 2) anResult = theAsset.LoadFromFile(anFilename); #else anResult = theAsset.loadFromFile(anFilename); #endif } else { ELOG() << "FontHandler::LoadFromFile(" << theAssetID << ") No filename provided!" << std::endl; } // Return anResult of true if successful, false otherwise return anResult; }
const sf::Font& ResourceManager::getDefaultFont() { static sf::Font font; static bool loaded = false; if (!loaded) { static const signed char data[] = { #include "Arial.hpp" }; font.loadFromMemory(data, sizeof(data)); loaded = true; } return font; }
void * init () { sf::Clock sclock; sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "SFML window"); char * font_path; find_font( &font_path ); if (!MyFont.loadFromFile(font_path)) { printf("error loading font\n"); } setup(); draw_hud(); for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++) add_slot(i); while (window.isOpen()) { update(window, sclock); } return NULL; }
Pong() : gameWindow(sf::VideoMode(600, 480), "Pong") { ball.setFillColor(sf::Color::Cyan); ball.setPosition(100.0, 100.0); ball.setRadius(10.f); p1Paddle.setFillColor(sf::Color::Green); p1Paddle.setPosition(10.0, 100.0); p1Paddle.setSize(sf::Vector2f(10.0, 100.0)); p2Paddle.setFillColor(sf::Color::Red); p2Paddle.setPosition(580.0, 100.0); p2Paddle.setSize(sf::Vector2f(10.0, 100.0)); p1MovingUp = false; p1MovingDown = false; p2MovingUp = false; p2MovingDown = false; ballMovement = sf::Vector2f(ballSpeed, ballSpeed); font.loadFromFile("arial.ttf"); p1ScoreText.setPosition(150, 10); p1ScoreText.setFont(font); p1ScoreText.setString(std::to_string(p1Score)); p1ScoreText.setColor(sf::Color::Red); p1ScoreText.setCharacterSize(24); p2ScoreText.setPosition(450, 10); p2ScoreText.setFont(font); p2ScoreText.setString(std::to_string(p2Score)); p2ScoreText.setColor(sf::Color::Red); p2ScoreText.setCharacterSize(24); }
void Scoring::Initialize() { font.loadFromFile("./Resources/Fonts/jokerman.ttf"); points_graphics.setFont(font); points_graphics.setCharacterSize(24); points_graphics.setString("0"); }
void init() { this->restart(); // RectangleShapes sf::Vector2f unit(unit_w, unit_h); stone_view = sf::RectangleShape(unit); stone_view.setFillColor(sf::Color(255, 81, 68)); body_view = sf::RectangleShape(unit); body_view.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 204, 255)); food_view = sf::RectangleShape(unit); food_view.setFillColor(sf::Color(19, 169, 136)); // font & msg if (!font.loadFromFile("Inconsolata-Bold.ttf")) { puts("fonts loading error!"); this->close(); } msg1.setFont(font); msg1.setColor(sf::Color::White); msg1.setCharacterSize(50); msg1.setPosition(80, 100); msg2.setFont(font); msg2.setColor(sf::Color::White); msg2.setCharacterSize(25); msg2.setString("Press <Enter> to Replay"); msg2.setPosition(60, 250); }
void Param::lire_Texte(std::ifstream &fichier, sf::String &destination, sf::Font &myFont) { std::string ligne; int x, y, z; lire_string(fichier, ligne); destination.SetText(traduire(ligne.c_str())); lire_position(fichier, x, y); destination.SetPosition(x, y); lire_string(fichier, ligne); if(ligne != "default" && !myFont.LoadFromFile(ligne)) { std::cerr << "Erreur lors du chargement de la police '" << ligne << "'" << std::endl; myFont = sf::Font::GetDefaultFont(); } else if(ligne == "default") myFont = sf::Font::GetDefaultFont(); lire_int(fichier, x); destination.SetSize(x); lire_string(fichier, ligne); set_police(destination, ligne.c_str()); lire_couleur(fichier, x, y, z); destination.SetColor(sf::Color(x, y, z)); lire_int(fichier, x); destination.SetRotation(x); }
void ColoredText::getText(unique_ptr_vector<sf::Text>& target, const sf::Font& font, const unsigned char characterSize)const { const float TEXT_HEIGHT(font.getLineSpacing(characterSize) + LINE_SPACING); sf::Vector2f addPosition(0, 0); target.clear(); getText(target, font, characterSize, TEXT_HEIGHT, addPosition); }
void rendering::render_time(sf::RenderWindow& screen,const GameInfo& stats) { static sf::Text text; static sf::Font f; f.loadFromFile("../data/Font/Loma.ttf"); text.setFont(f); text.setColor(sf::Color::Red); text.setCharacterSize(24); text.setPosition(700,100); text.setString(stats.GetFormattedElapsed()); screen.draw(text); text.setString(std::to_string(stats.getFps())); text.setPosition(700,125); screen.draw(text); }
virtual void init() { dt=0; select_switch = 0.2; if (!standard_font.loadFromFile("fonts/Unique.ttf")) { // error... } // darken = sf::RectangleShape(sf::Vector2f(800,400)); //sfx if (!buffer.loadFromFile("sfx/Blip 007.wav")) { //error } blip.setBuffer(buffer); if(!title.loadFromFile("gfx/title.png"))std::cout<<"Error"<<std::endl; t**s.setTexture(title); t**s.setOrigin(50,8); t**s.setScale(sf::Vector2f(3,3)); t**s.setPosition(400,100); sf::FloatRect tempt ; for(int i =0 ; i<4;i++) { selector[i].setFont(standard_font); selector[i].setCharacterSize(28); // dla centrowania obiektow tempt = selector[i].getGlobalBounds(); selector[i].setOrigin(sf::Vector2f(tempt.width/2,tempt.height/2)); selector[i].setPosition(350,150+30*i); } selector[0].setString("Start game"); selector[1].setString("Info"); selector[2].setString("Highscores"); selector[3].setString("Exit"); selector[0].setColor(sf::Color(0,127,127)); timer.restart(); };
bool initalize(sf::RenderWindow*& rw){ //renderWindow = rw = new sf::RenderWindow(sf::VideoMode(1920, 1080, 32), "SFML", sf::Style::Fullscreen); renderWindow = rw = new sf::RenderWindow(sf::VideoMode(1280, 720, 32), "NMLB"); drawCalls = frameCount = 0; cameraX = TARGET_WIDTH / 2; cameraY = TARGET_HEIGHT / 2; cameraZ = 1.0f; return menuFont.loadFromFile(c::fontDir.child("Arial.ttf").path()); }
int WindowCreateThing::load() { if(!font.loadFromFile("arial.ttf")){ std::cerr << "Error loading arial.png" << std::endl; return (-1); } if(!textureFolder.loadFromFile("folder.png")) { std::cerr << "Error loading folder.png" << std::endl; return (-1); } return 0; }
namespace OstrichRiders { static sf::Font defFont; static bool init = true; #ifdef __linux__ std::string FindDefaultFont() { std::string answer("/usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf"); FcFontSet *fs; FcPattern *pat; FcResult result; if (!FcInit()) { return answer; } pat = FcNameParse((FcChar8 *)"LiberationSans-Regular.ttf"); FcConfigSubstitute(0, pat, FcMatchPattern); FcDefaultSubstitute(pat); fs = FcFontSetCreate(); FcPattern *match; match = FcFontMatch(0, pat, &result); if (match) { FcChar8 *file; if (FcPatternGetString(match, FC_FILE, 0, &file) == FcResultMatch) { answer = (const char *)file; } FcPatternDestroy(match); } FcPatternDestroy(pat); FcFini(); return answer; } #endif sf::Font &GetDefaultFont() { if (init) { bool success = defFont.loadFromFile(JOUST_FONT); if (!success) { printf("Failed to load font %s\n", JOUST_FONT); exit(1); } init = false; } return defFont; } }
virtual void init() { dt=0; if (!standard_font.loadFromFile("fonts/Unique.ttf")) { // error... } darken = sf::RectangleShape(sf::Vector2f(800,400)); tit.setFont(standard_font); tit.setString("Made by"); explain.setFont(standard_font); explain.setString("Just a bored slacker"); explain.setCharacterSize(36); explain.setPosition(260,320); tit.setCharacterSize(24); // dla centrowania obiektow sf::FloatRect tempt = tit.getGlobalBounds(); tit.setOrigin(sf::Vector2f(tempt.width/2,tempt.height/2)); tit.setPosition(400,120); if (!tex.loadFromFile("gfx/jabslogo.png")) { std::cout<<"Fuckup"<<std::endl; } spr.setTexture(tex); spr.setPosition(334,144); timer.restart(); };
void set_font() { assert(m_file_name != ""); if (!m_font.loadFromFile(m_file_name)) { std::cout << m_file_name << " not found!\n"; } }
void initTexts() { if (!font.loadFromFile("arial.ttf"))cout << "error"; endText.setFont(font); endText.setString("Game Over"); endText.setCharacterSize(50); endText.setColor(sf::Color( 156, 39, 176)); endText.setPosition(SIZE/2-100,SIZE/2-100); scoreText.setFont(font); scoreText.setCharacterSize(50); scoreText.setColor(sf::Color(255,255,255)); scoreText.setPosition(SIZE/2-200,SIZE/2); }
// Constructeur & destructeur Observer(const sf::Vector2f& center) { //sf::Font font; assert(_font.loadFromFile("vera.ttf") == true); _text.setColor(sf::Color::White); _text.setFont(_font); _text.setCharacterSize(50); _text.setStyle(sf::Text::Italic); _border.setPosition(center); _border.setOutlineColor(sf::Color::White); _border.setOutlineThickness(2.0); _border.setFillColor(sf::Color::Transparent); }
virtual void init() { dt=0; if (!standard_font.loadFromFile("fonts/Unique.ttf")) { // error... } darken = sf::RectangleShape(sf::Vector2f(800,400)); tit.setFont(standard_font); score.setFont(standard_font); std::stringstream ss; ss << your_score; std::string str = ss.str(); tit.setString("Congrats! You beat the game\nIt took you:"); score.setString(str + " seconds"); tit.setCharacterSize(24); score.setCharacterSize(24); // dla centrowania obiektow sf::FloatRect tempt = tit.getGlobalBounds(); sf::FloatRect tempr = score.getGlobalBounds(); tit.setOrigin(sf::Vector2f(tempt.width/2,tempt.height/2)); score.setOrigin(sf::Vector2f(tempr.width/2,tempr.height/2)); tit.setPosition(400,150); score.setPosition(400,200); score.setColor(sf::Color(0,127,127)); timer.restart(); };
sf::Vector2f Renderer::LoadFont( const sf::Font& font, unsigned int size, sf::Color background_color_hint, sf::Color foreground_color_hint ) { // Get the font face that Laurent tries to hide from us. struct FontStruct { void* font_face; // Authentic SFML comment: implementation details void* unused1; int* unused2; // Since maps allocate everything non-contiguously on the heap we can use void* instead of Page here. mutable std::map<unsigned int, void*> unused3; mutable std::vector<sf::Uint8> unused4; }; void* face; // All your font face are belong to us too. memcpy( &face, reinterpret_cast<const char*>( &font ) + sizeof( sf::Font ) - sizeof( FontStruct ), sizeof( void* ) ); FontID id( face, size ); std::map<FontID, sf::Vector2f>::iterator iter( m_font_offsets.find( id ) ); if( iter != m_font_offsets.end() ) { return iter->second; } // Make sure all the glyphs we need are loaded. for( sf::Uint32 codepoint = 0; codepoint < 512; ++codepoint ) { font.getGlyph( codepoint, size, false ); } sf::Image image = font.getTexture( size ).copyToImage(); sf::Vector2f offset = LoadImage( image, background_color_hint, foreground_color_hint, true ); m_font_offsets[id] = offset; return offset; }
void Presentation::drawIntro(sf::RenderWindow &window){ sf::Font ibm; sf::Font font; if (!ibm.loadFromFile("ibm.ttf")) { std::cerr << "Error loading ibm.ttf" << std::endl; //return (-1); } sf::Text textTitleIntro; textTitleIntro.setFont(ibm); textTitleIntro.setString("HELLO"); textTitleIntro.setCharacterSize(100); textTitleIntro.setColor(sf::Color::White); textTitleIntro.setOrigin(textTitleIntro.getLocalBounds().left+textTitleIntro.getLocalBounds().width/2.0f, textTitleIntro.getLocalBounds().top+textTitleIntro.getLocalBounds().height/2.0f); textTitleIntro.setPosition(window.getSize().x/2, textTitleIntro.getLocalBounds().height/1.5f); window.draw(textTitleIntro); TCHAR nameBuf[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 2]; DWORD nameBufSize; nameBufSize = sizeof nameBuf - 1; if (GetUserName(nameBuf, &nameBufSize) == TRUE) { //_tprintf(_T("Your computer name is %s\n"), nameBuf); } //std::cout << nameBuf << std::endl; strcpy (str,"HELLO (C) "); strcat (str,nameBuf); if (!font.loadFromFile("arial.ttf")) { std::cerr << "Error loading arial.ttf" << std::endl; //return (-1); } sf::Text textSubTitleIntro; textSubTitleIntro.setFont(font); textSubTitleIntro.setString(str); textSubTitleIntro.setCharacterSize(25); textSubTitleIntro.setColor(sf::Color::White); textSubTitleIntro.setPosition(20, window.getSize().y/2); window.draw(textSubTitleIntro); sf::Text textContinueIntro; textContinueIntro.setFont(font); textContinueIntro.setString("Space to continue or Esc to cancel"); textContinueIntro.setCharacterSize(25); textContinueIntro.setColor(sf::Color::White); textContinueIntro.setPosition(20, window.getSize().y/3); window.draw(textContinueIntro); }
sf::Font &GetDefaultFont() { if (init) { bool success = defFont.loadFromFile(JOUST_FONT); if (!success) { printf("Failed to load font %s\n", JOUST_FONT); exit(1); } init = false; } return defFont; }
void init() { int major,minor; v.getOpenGLVersion(&major,&minor); cout <<"Opengl version supported : "<<major<<"."<<minor<<endl; v.getGLSLVersion(&major,&minor); cout << "GLSL version supported : "<<major<<"."<<minor << endl; //delegate to our view class to do all the initializing v.initialize(); if (!font.loadFromFile("resources/GARA.ttf")) return; }
int init() { scrw = 800; scrh = 600; mouse_wheel = 0; window = new sf::RenderWindow(sf::VideoMode(scrw, scrh), "thing"); window->setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); view = new sf::View(sf::FloatRect(-40, 30, 80, -60)); noview = new sf::View(sf::FloatRect(0, 0, scrw, scrh)); window->setView(*view); arial.loadFromFile("arial.ttf"); return 0; }
void init_char_width(){ if (!PTSANS.loadFromFile("PTN57F.ttf" )) return; PTSANS_loaded = true; string tq; int tmp = log_string.getPosition().x; for( int i = 255; i--; ){ tq = (char) i; log_string.setString( tq ); char_width[i] = log_string.findCharacterPos( 1 ).x - tmp; } }
int main() { window.create(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Breakfree"); window.setVerticalSyncEnabled(true); //, sf::Style::Close|sf::Style::Titlebar); if (!font.loadFromFile("Nirmala.ttf")) return EXIT_FAILURE; Levels lv; Paddle pad; InputManager input; while (window.isOpen()) { switch (level) { case 0: lv.loadLv0(); break; } while (playing) { input.ExecuteEvents(window); pad.Update(); window.clear(); // ------draw graphics here------- sf::Text text("Score: " + std::to_string(score), font, 20); text.setPosition(660, 220); window.draw(text); lv.Draw(window); window.draw(pad.sprite); window.draw(pad.ball); window.display(); // ----------------------- } } return 0; }
hud() { tex_paskaHp[ 0 ].loadFromFile( "gfx/pasek_hpTlo.png" ); tex_paskaHp[ 1 ].loadFromFile( "gfx/pasek_hp.png" ); tex_paskaBonusu[ 0 ].loadFromFile( "gfx/pasek_bonusTlo.png" ); tex_paskaBonusu[ 1 ].loadFromFile( "gfx/pasek_bonus.png" ); spr_paskaHp.setTexture( tex_paskaHp[ 0 ] ); spr_paskaBonusu.setTexture( tex_paskaBonusu[ 0 ] ); tex_tla.loadFromFile( "gfx/tlo0.png" ); czcionka.loadFromFile( "font/Barme Reczny.ttf" ); tekst.setFont( czcionka ); tekst.setCharacterSize( 18 ); timer[ 0 ] = 0; timer[ 1 ] = 0; typ_bonusu = 0; alphaPaskaBonusu = 0.0001; // spr_paskaBonusu.setColor( sf::Color( 255, 255, 255, alphaPaskaBonusu ) ); }