예제 #1
void Player::Update(float elapsedTime) {

	SGD::InputManager *ptInput = SGD::InputManager::GetInstance();

	if (ptInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::Space) || ptInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::W)) {
		m_bPendingJump = true;

	Puff* ptPuff = dynamic_cast<Puff*>(GameplayState::GetInstance()->GetPuff());

	if (ptInput->IsKeyPressed(SGD::Key::MouseLeft)) {
		// Allocate a CreateLaserMessage

		CreateBulletMessage* pMsg = new CreateBulletMessage(

			ptPuff->GetPosition().x + ptPuff->GetSize().width / 4,
			ptPuff->GetPosition().y + ptPuff->GetSize().height / 4,
			//m_ptPosition.x + m_szSize.width / 2,
			//m_ptPosition.y + m_szSize.height / 2,

			m_fRotation, BULLET_A);

		// Queue the message into the Message System
		pMsg = nullptr;

	// independent phycis timer/buffer
	m_fAccumulatedTime += elapsedTime;

	if (m_fAccumulatedTime < FRAME) return;

	elapsedTime = FRAME;

	while (m_fAccumulatedTime >= FRAME) {
		m_fAccumulatedTime -= FRAME;
	// independent phycis timer/buffer

	if (ptInput->IsKeyDown(SGD::Key::A)) {
		m_bIsFlipped = true;

		if (m_fSpeed < m_fMaxSpeed) {
			m_fSpeed += m_fAccelerationRate * elapsedTime;

	if (ptInput->IsKeyDown(SGD::Key::D)) {
		m_bIsFlipped = false;

		if (m_fSpeed > -m_fMaxSpeed) {
			m_fSpeed -= m_fAccelerationRate * elapsedTime;
	//	left and right control
	if (!(ptInput->IsKeyDown(SGD::Key::D) || ptInput->IsKeyDown(SGD::Key::A))) {

		if (m_ptPosition.y + m_szSize.height / 2 == GameplayState::GetInstance()->GetWorldSize().height - m_fGroundOffset) {
			if (m_fSpeed > 0) {
				if (m_fSpeed - (m_fAccelerationRate * 2.0f) * elapsedTime < 0) {
					m_fSpeed = 0;
				} else {
					m_fSpeed -= (m_fAccelerationRate * 2.0f) * elapsedTime;
			} else if (m_fSpeed < 0) {
				m_fSpeed += (m_fAccelerationRate * 2.0f) * elapsedTime;

	if (m_bPendingJump) {	//pre-Jump trigger "space and w"
		if (m_ptPosition.y + m_szSize.height / 2 == GameplayState::GetInstance()->GetWorldSize().height - m_fGroundOffset) {
			m_vtVelocity.y = -1500.0f;

		m_bPendingJump = false;

	SGD::Vector vtNewVelocity{ -m_fSpeed, 0 };

	m_vtVelocity.x = vtNewVelocity.x;
 	m_vtVelocity += m_vtGravity;

	if (m_fSpeed > 0) {
	} else if (m_fSpeed < 0) {
	} else {
		m_pCharaterAnim->Restart(true, 1.0f);

	if (m_pCharaterAnim != nullptr) {
		m_pCharaterAnim->Update(elapsedTime, m_bIsFlipped);