예제 #1
bool XMLDocument::isElementEqual(SimTK::Xml::Element& elt1, SimTK::Xml::Element& elt2, double toleranceForDoubles)
    SimTK::String s1,s2;
    SimTK::Xml::attribute_iterator att1 = elt1.attribute_begin();
    SimTK::Xml::attribute_iterator att2 = elt2.attribute_begin();
    // Handle different # attributes
    if ( (att1 == elt1.attribute_end() && att2 != elt2.attribute_end()) ||
         (att1 != elt1.attribute_end() && att2 == elt2.attribute_end()) ){
            cout << "Number of attributes is different, element " << elt1.getElementTag() << endl;
            return false;
    bool equal =true;
    // Same size attributes including none
    for(att1 = elt1.attribute_begin(); att1 != elt1.attribute_end() && equal; att1++, att2++){
        equal = (att1->getName() == att2->getName());
        equal = equal && (att1->getValue() == att2->getValue());
        if (!equal) {
            cout << "Attribute " << att1->getName() << " is different " << att1->getValue() << 
            "vs." << att2->getValue() << endl;
    if (!equal) return false;

    // Attributes match now children
    SimTK::Array_<SimTK::Xml::Element> elts1 = elt1.getAllElements();
    SimTK::Array_<SimTK::Xml::Element> elts2 = elt2.getAllElements();
    if (elts1.size() != elts2.size()){
        cout << "Different number of children for Element " << elt1.getElementTag() << endl;
        equal = false;
    if (!equal) return false;
    // Recursively compare Elements unless Value Elements in that case do direct compare
    for(unsigned it = 0; it < elts1.size() && equal; it++){
        SimTK::String elt1Tag = elts1[it].getElementTag();
        cout << "Compare " << elt1Tag << endl;
        SimTK::Xml::element_iterator elt2_iter = elt2.element_begin(elt1Tag);
        if (elt2_iter==elt2.element_end()){
            cout << "Element " << elt1Tag << " was not found in reference document" << endl;
            equal = false;
        bool value1 = elts1[it].isValueElement();
        bool value2 = elt2_iter->isValueElement();
        equal = (value1 == value2);
        if (!equal){ 
            cout << elts1[it].getElementTag() << " is different. One is Value Element the other isn't" << endl;  
            return false; 
        if (value1){
            // We should check if this's a double or array of doubles in that case we can getValueAs<double> anbd
            try {
                SimTK::Array_<double> v1, v2;
                for(unsigned ix=0; ix<v1.size() && equal; ix++)
                    equal = (std::fabs(v1[ix]-v2[ix]) < toleranceForDoubles);
                equal = (elts1[it].getValue() == elt2_iter->getValue());
        else    // recur
            equal = isElementEqual(elts1[it], elts2[it], toleranceForDoubles);
        if (!equal){ 
            cout << elts1[it].getElementTag() << " is different" << endl;  
            SimTK::String pad;
            cout << pad << endl;
            cout << "------------------- vs. ------" << endl;
            cout << pad << endl;
            return equal; 

    return equal;