SIPTransaction::Ptr SIPFSMDispatch::createClientTransaction(const SIPMessage::Ptr& pRequest) { if (!pRequest->isRequest()) throw OSS::SIP::SIPException("Sending a response using sendRequest() method is illegal"); std::string id; if (!pRequest->getTransactionId(id)) throw OSS::SIP::SIPException("Unable to determine transaction identifier"); SIPTransaction::Ptr trn; SIPTransportSession::Ptr nullTransport; bool isAck = false; if (OSS::string_caseless_starts_with(pRequest->startLine(), "invite")) { // // This is an ICT // trn = _ict.findTransaction(pRequest, nullTransport); } else { // // This is an NICT // isAck = pRequest->isRequest(OSS::SIP::REQ_ACK); if (!isAck) { trn = _nict.findTransaction(pRequest, nullTransport); } } return trn; }
void SIPFSMDispatch::onReceivedMessage(SIPMessage::Ptr pMsg, SIPTransportSession::Ptr pTransport) { if (!pTransport->isEndpoint() && pTransport->getLastReadCount() < MIN_DATAGRAM_SIZE && !pTransport->isReliableTransport()) { // // datagram is too short to be a SIP Message // Bailing out. Take note that streamed connection // can split SIP messages to smaller frames // and the last frame can be smaller than MIN_DATAGRAM_SIZE // so we do not impose a limit for streams // return; } try { pMsg->parse(); } catch(OSS::Exception e) { std::ostringstream logMsg; logMsg << "Incoming message failed to be parsed - " << e.message() << " LEN: " << pTransport->getLastReadCount() << " SRC: " << pTransport->getRemoteAddress().toIpPortString(); OSS::log_warning(logMsg.str()); return; } std::string id; if (!pMsg->getTransactionId(id)) return; // don't throw here // we don't have control over what we receive from the transport SIPTransaction::Ptr trn; SIPTransaction::Type transactionType = SIPTransaction::TYPE_UNKNOWN; if (pMsg->isRequest()) { if (OSS::string_caseless_starts_with(pMsg->startLine(), "invite")) { transactionType = SIPTransaction::TYPE_IST; if (_istBlocker.has(id)) { OSS_LOG_WARNING("Blocked request retransmission - " << pMsg->startLine()); return; } trn = _ist.findTransaction(pMsg, pTransport); } else if (OSS::string_caseless_starts_with(pMsg->startLine(), "ack")) { // // ACK for error responses will get matched to a transaction // transactionType = SIPTransaction::TYPE_IST; trn = _ist.findTransaction(pMsg, pTransport, false); } else { transactionType = SIPTransaction::TYPE_NIST; trn = _nist.findTransaction(pMsg, pTransport); } } else if (!pMsg->isRequest()) { std::string cseq; cseq = pMsg->hdrGet(OSS::SIP::HDR_CSEQ); if (OSS::string_caseless_ends_with(cseq, "invite")) { transactionType = SIPTransaction::TYPE_ICT; trn = _ict.findTransaction(pMsg, pTransport, false); } else { transactionType = SIPTransaction::TYPE_NICT; trn = _nict.findTransaction(pMsg, pTransport, false); } } if (trn) { std::ostringstream logMsg; if (!trn->getLogId().empty()) { logMsg << trn->getLogId() << "Found Transaction " << trn->getId(); OSS::log_debug(logMsg.str()); } else { trn->setLogId(pMsg->createContextId(true)); logMsg << trn->getLogId() << "Transaction " << trn->getId() << " CREATED"; OSS::log_information(logMsg.str()); } } if (!trn) { // // We did not get a transaction, check if this is an ack and find the IST ACK transaction // if (transactionType == SIPTransaction::TYPE_IST && pMsg->isRequest("ACK")) { // // No IST is existing in the ackable Pool. // Report this ACK as orphaned to the UA CORE // if (_ackOr2xxTransactionHandler) _ackOr2xxTransactionHandler(pMsg, pTransport); } else if (transactionType == SIPTransaction::TYPE_ICT && pMsg->is2xx()) { if (_ackOr2xxTransactionHandler) _ackOr2xxTransactionHandler(pMsg, pTransport); } else { std::ostringstream logMsg; logMsg << pMsg->createContextId(true) << "Unable to match incoming request to a transaction - " << pMsg->startLine(); OSS::log_warning(logMsg.str()); } } else { if (!trn->transportService()) { // // This is a newly created transaction // trn->transportService() = &_transport; trn->transport() = pTransport; } trn->onReceivedMessage(pMsg, pTransport); } }