SoapySDR::ArgInfoList SoapyLMS7::getStreamArgsInfo(const int direction, const size_t channel) const { SoapySDR::ArgInfoList argInfos; //buffer length { SoapySDR::ArgInfo info; info.key = "bufferLength"; = "Buffer Length"; info.description = "The buffer transfer size over the link."; info.units = "samples"; info.type = SoapySDR::ArgInfo::INT; argInfos.push_back(info); } //link format { SoapySDR::ArgInfo info; info.key = "linkFormat"; = "Link Format"; info.description = "The format of the samples over the link."; info.type = SoapySDR::ArgInfo::STRING; info.options.push_back(SOAPY_SDR_CS16); info.options.push_back(SOAPY_SDR_CS12); info.optionNames.push_back("Complex int16"); info.optionNames.push_back("Complex int12"); argInfos.push_back(info); } return argInfos; }
SoapySDR::ArgInfoList SoapyAudio::getStreamArgsInfo(const int direction, const size_t channel) const { SoapySDR::ArgInfoList streamArgs; SoapySDR::ArgInfo chanArg; chanArg.key = "chan"; chanArg.value = "mono_l"; = "Channel Setup"; chanArg.description = "Input channel configuration."; chanArg.type = SoapySDR::ArgInfo::STRING; std::vector<std::string> chanOpts; std::vector<std::string> chanOptNames; chanOpts.push_back("mono_l"); chanOptNames.push_back("Mono Left"); chanOpts.push_back("mono_r"); chanOptNames.push_back("Mono Right"); chanOpts.push_back("stereo_iq"); chanOptNames.push_back("Complex L/R = I/Q"); chanOpts.push_back("stereo_qi"); chanOptNames.push_back("Complex L/R = Q/I"); chanArg.options = chanOpts; chanArg.optionNames = chanOptNames; streamArgs.push_back(chanArg); return streamArgs; }
SoapySDR::ArgInfoList SoapySDR::Device::getFrequencyArgsInfo(const int dir, const size_t chan) const { SoapySDR::ArgInfoList args; const std::vector<std::string> comps = this->listFrequencies(dir, chan); if (comps.size() < 2) return args; //no tuning options with single components //support offset tuning { SoapySDR::ArgInfo info; info.key = "OFFSET"; = "LO Offset"; info.value = "0.0"; info.units = "Hz"; info.type = SoapySDR::ArgInfo::FLOAT; info.description = "Tune the LO with an offset and compensate with the baseband CORDIC."; SoapySDR::RangeList ranges = this->getFrequencyRange(dir, chan,; if (not ranges.empty()) info.range = ranges.front(); args.push_back(info); } //every tunable component becomes an option for (size_t comp_i = 1; comp_i < comps.size(); comp_i++) { SoapySDR::ArgInfo info; info.key = comps[comp_i]; info.value = "DEFAULT"; info.units = "Hz"; info.type = SoapySDR::ArgInfo::FLOAT; info.description = "Specify a specific value for this component or IGNORE to skip tuning it."; info.options.push_back("DEFAULT"); info.optionNames.push_back("Default"); info.options.push_back("IGNORE"); info.optionNames.push_back("Ingore"); SoapySDR::RangeList ranges = this->getFrequencyRange(dir, chan,; if (not ranges.empty()) info.range = ranges.front(); args.push_back(info); } return args; }
SoapySDR::ArgInfoList SoapySDRPlay::getSettingInfo(void) const { SoapySDR::ArgInfoList setArgs; // TODO: Settings SoapySDR::ArgInfo IFArg; IFArg.key="use_low_if"; IFArg.value="true"; = "Low IF (when available)"; IFArg.description = "Use low IF when available: 0.5MHz SR with 200 and 300khz BW, 1MHz SR with 600kHz BW, 2048kHz SR with 1536kHz BW"; IFArg.type=SoapySDR::ArgInfo::BOOL; setArgs.push_back(IFArg); SoapySDR::ArgInfo AIFArg; AIFArg.key="actual_IF"; AIFArg.value=ifMode; = "Actual IF"; AIFArg.description = "Currently used IF frequency in kHz"; AIFArg.type=SoapySDR::ArgInfo::INT; setArgs.push_back(AIFArg); return setArgs; }