/// Main function for Connector_HTTP_Dynamic int Connector_HTTP_Dynamic(Socket::Connection conn){ std::deque<std::string> FlashBuf; std::vector<int> Timestamps; int FlashBufSize = 0; long long int FlashBufTime = 0; DTSC::Stream Strm; //Incoming stream buffer. HTTP::Parser HTTP_R, HTTP_S; //HTTP Receiver en HTTP Sender. bool ready4data = false; //Set to true when streaming is to begin. bool pending_manifest = false; bool receive_marks = false; //when set to true, this stream will ignore keyframes and instead use pause marks bool inited = false; Socket::Connection ss( -1); std::string streamname; std::string recBuffer = ""; bool wantsVideo = false; bool wantsAudio = false; std::string Quality; int Segment = -1; long long int ReqFragment = -1; int temp; std::string tempStr; int Flash_RequestPending = 0; unsigned int lastStats = 0; conn.setBlocking(false); //do not block on conn.spool() when no data is available while (conn.connected()){ if (conn.spool() || conn.Received().size()){ //make sure it ends in a \n if ( *(conn.Received().get().rbegin()) != '\n'){ std::string tmp = conn.Received().get(); conn.Received().get().clear(); if (conn.Received().size()){ conn.Received().get().insert(0, tmp); }else{ conn.Received().append(tmp); } } if (HTTP_R.Read(conn.Received().get())){ #if DEBUG >= 4 std::cout << "Received request: " << HTTP_R.getUrl() << std::endl; #endif conn.setHost(HTTP_R.GetHeader("X-Origin")); if (HTTP_R.url.find("Manifest") == std::string::npos){ streamname = HTTP_R.url.substr(8, HTTP_R.url.find("/", 8) - 12); if ( !ss){ ss = Util::Stream::getStream(streamname); if ( !ss.connected()){ #if DEBUG >= 1 fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect to server!\n"); #endif ss.close(); HTTP_S.Clean(); HTTP_S.SetBody("No such stream " + streamname + " is available on the system. Please try again.\n"); conn.SendNow(HTTP_S.BuildResponse("404", "Not found")); ready4data = false; continue; } ss.setBlocking(false); inited = true; } Quality = HTTP_R.url.substr(HTTP_R.url.find("/Q(", 8) + 3); Quality = Quality.substr(0, Quality.find(")")); tempStr = HTTP_R.url.substr(HTTP_R.url.find(")/") + 2); wantsAudio = false; wantsVideo = false; if (tempStr[0] == 'A'){ wantsAudio = true; } if (tempStr[0] == 'V'){ wantsVideo = true; } tempStr = tempStr.substr(tempStr.find("(") + 1); ReqFragment = atoll(tempStr.substr(0, tempStr.find(")")).c_str()); #if DEBUG >= 4 printf("Quality: %s, Frag %d\n", Quality.c_str(), (ReqFragment / 10000)); #endif std::stringstream sstream; sstream << "s " << (ReqFragment / 10000) << "\no \n"; ss.SendNow(sstream.str().c_str()); Flash_RequestPending++; }else{ streamname = HTTP_R.url.substr(8, HTTP_R.url.find("/", 8) - 12); if ( !Strm.metadata.isNull()){ HTTP_S.Clean(); HTTP_S.SetHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"); HTTP_S.SetHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); if (Strm.metadata.isMember("length")){ receive_marks = true; } std::string manifest = BuildManifest(streamname, Strm.metadata); HTTP_S.SetBody(manifest); conn.SendNow(HTTP_S.BuildResponse("200", "OK")); #if DEBUG >= 3 printf("Sent manifest\n"); #endif pending_manifest = false; }else{ pending_manifest = true; } } ready4data = true; HTTP_R.Clean(); //clean for any possible next requests } }else{ if (Flash_RequestPending){ usleep(1000); //sleep 1ms }else{ usleep(10000); //sleep 10ms } } if (ready4data){ if ( !inited){ //we are ready, connect the socket! ss = Util::Stream::getStream(streamname); if ( !ss.connected()){ #if DEBUG >= 1 fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect to server!\n"); #endif ss.close(); HTTP_S.Clean(); HTTP_S.SetBody("No such stream " + streamname + " is available on the system. Please try again.\n"); conn.SendNow(HTTP_S.BuildResponse("404", "Not found")); ready4data = false; continue; } ss.setBlocking(false); #if DEBUG >= 3 fprintf(stderr, "Everything connected, starting to send video data...\n"); #endif inited = true; } unsigned int now = Util::epoch(); if (now != lastStats){ lastStats = now; ss.SendNow(conn.getStats("HTTP_Smooth").c_str()); } if (ss.spool()){ while (Strm.parsePacket(ss.Received())){ if (Strm.getPacket(0).isMember("time")){ if ( !Strm.metadata.isMember("firsttime")){ Strm.metadata["firsttime"] = Strm.getPacket(0)["time"]; }else{ if ( !Strm.metadata.isMember("length") || Strm.metadata["length"].asInt() == 0){ Strm.getPacket(0)["time"] = Strm.getPacket(0)["time"].asInt() - Strm.metadata["firsttime"].asInt(); } } Strm.metadata["lasttime"] = Strm.getPacket(0)["time"]; } if (pending_manifest){ HTTP_S.Clean(); HTTP_S.SetHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"); HTTP_S.SetHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); if (Strm.metadata.isMember("length")){ receive_marks = true; } std::string manifest = BuildManifest(streamname, Strm.metadata); HTTP_S.SetBody(manifest); conn.SendNow(HTTP_S.BuildResponse("200", "OK")); #if DEBUG >= 3 printf("Sent manifest\n"); #endif pending_manifest = false; } if ( !receive_marks && Strm.metadata.isMember("length")){ receive_marks = true; } if (Strm.lastType() == DTSC::PAUSEMARK){ Timestamps.push_back(Strm.getPacket(0)["time"].asInt()); } if ((Strm.getPacket(0).isMember("keyframe") && !receive_marks) || Strm.lastType() == DTSC::PAUSEMARK){ #if DEBUG >= 4 fprintf(stderr, "Received a %s fragment of %i bytes.\n", Strm.getPacket(0)["datatype"].asString().c_str(), FlashBufSize); #endif if (Flash_RequestPending > 0 && FlashBufSize){ #if DEBUG >= 3 fprintf(stderr, "Sending a fragment..."); #endif //static std::string btstrp; //btstrp = GenerateBootstrap(streamname, Strm.metadata, ReqFragment, FlashBufTime, Strm.getPacket(0)["time"]); HTTP_S.Clean(); HTTP_S.SetHeader("Content-Type", "video/mp4"); HTTP_S.SetBody(""); int myDuration; MP4::MFHD mfhd_box; for (int i = 0; i < Strm.metadata["keytime"].size(); i++){ if (Strm.metadata["keytime"][i].asInt() >= (ReqFragment / 10000)){ mfhd_box.setSequenceNumber(i + 1); if (i != Strm.metadata["keytime"].size()){ myDuration = Strm.metadata["keytime"][i + 1].asInt() - Strm.metadata["keytime"][i].asInt(); }else{ myDuration = Strm.metadata["lastms"].asInt() - Strm.metadata["keytime"][i].asInt(); } myDuration = myDuration * 10000; break; } } MP4::TFHD tfhd_box; tfhd_box.setFlags(MP4::tfhdSampleFlag); tfhd_box.setTrackID(1); tfhd_box.setDefaultSampleFlags(0x000000C0 | MP4::noIPicture | MP4::noDisposable | MP4::noKeySample); MP4::TRUN trun_box; //maybe reinsert dataOffset trun_box.setFlags(MP4::trundataOffset | MP4::trunfirstSampleFlags | MP4::trunsampleDuration | MP4::trunsampleSize); trun_box.setDataOffset(42); trun_box.setFirstSampleFlags(0x00000040 | MP4::isIPicture | MP4::noDisposable | MP4::isKeySample); for (int i = 0; i < FlashBuf.size(); i++){ MP4::trunSampleInformation trunSample; trunSample.sampleSize = FlashBuf[i].size(); //trunSample.sampleDuration = (Timestamps[i+1]-Timestamps[i]) * 10000; trunSample.sampleDuration = (((double)myDuration / FlashBuf.size()) * i) - (((double)myDuration / FlashBuf.size()) * (i - 1)); trun_box.setSampleInformation(trunSample, i); } MP4::SDTP sdtp_box; sdtp_box.setVersion(0); sdtp_box.setValue(0x24, 4); for (int i = 1; i < FlashBuf.size(); i++){ sdtp_box.setValue(0x14, 4 + i); } MP4::TRAF traf_box; traf_box.setContent(tfhd_box, 0); traf_box.setContent(trun_box, 1); traf_box.setContent(sdtp_box, 2); MP4::MOOF moof_box; moof_box.setContent(mfhd_box, 0); moof_box.setContent(traf_box, 1); //setting tha offsets! trun_box.setDataOffset(moof_box.boxedSize() + 8); traf_box.setContent(trun_box, 1); moof_box.setContent(traf_box, 1); //std::cerr << "\t[encoded] = " << ((MP4::TRUN&)(((MP4::TRAF&)(moof_box.getContent(1))).getContent(1))).getDataOffset() << std::endl; HTTP_S.SetHeader("Content-Length", FlashBufSize + 8 + moof_box.boxedSize()); //32+33+btstrp.size()); conn.SendNow(HTTP_S.BuildResponse("200", "OK")); conn.SendNow(moof_box.asBox(), moof_box.boxedSize()); unsigned long size = htonl(FlashBufSize+8); conn.SendNow((char*) &size, 4); conn.SendNow("mdat", 4); while (FlashBuf.size() > 0){ conn.SendNow(FlashBuf.front()); FlashBuf.pop_front(); } Flash_RequestPending--; #if DEBUG >= 3 fprintf(stderr, "Done\n"); #endif } FlashBuf.clear(); FlashBufSize = 0; } if ((wantsAudio && Strm.lastType() == DTSC::AUDIO) || (wantsVideo && Strm.lastType() == DTSC::VIDEO)){ FlashBuf.push_back(Strm.lastData()); FlashBufSize += Strm.lastData().size(); Timestamps.push_back(Strm.getPacket(0)["time"].asInt()); } } if (pending_manifest && !Strm.metadata.isNull()){ HTTP_S.Clean(); HTTP_S.SetHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"); HTTP_S.SetHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); if (Strm.metadata.isMember("length")){ receive_marks = true; } std::string manifest = BuildManifest(streamname, Strm.metadata); HTTP_S.SetBody(manifest); conn.SendNow(HTTP_S.BuildResponse("200", "OK")); #if DEBUG >= 3 printf("Sent manifest\n"); #endif pending_manifest = false; } } if ( !ss.connected()){ break; } } } conn.close(); ss.SendNow(conn.getStats("HTTP_Smooth").c_str()); ss.close(); return 0; } //Connector_HTTP_Smooth main function
///\brief Main function for the HTTP Dynamic Connector ///\param conn A socket describing the connection the client. ///\return The exit code of the connector. int dynamicConnector(Socket::Connection conn){ std::deque<std::string> FlashBuf; int FlashBufSize = 0; long long int FlashBufTime = 0; FLV::Tag tmp; //temporary tag DTSC::Stream Strm; //Incoming stream buffer. HTTP::Parser HTTP_R, HTTP_S; //HTTP Receiver en HTTP Sender. Socket::Connection ss( -1); std::string streamname; std::string recBuffer = ""; std::string Quality; int Segment = -1; int ReqFragment = -1; unsigned int lastStats = 0; conn.setBlocking(false); //do not block on conn.spool() when no data is available while (conn.connected()){ if (conn.spool() || conn.Received().size()){ //make sure it ends in a \n if ( *(conn.Received().get().rbegin()) != '\n'){ std::string tmp = conn.Received().get(); conn.Received().get().clear(); if (conn.Received().size()){ conn.Received().get().insert(0, tmp); }else{ conn.Received().append(tmp); } } if (HTTP_R.Read(conn.Received().get())){ #if DEBUG >= 5 std::cout << "Received request: " << HTTP_R.getUrl() << std::endl; #endif conn.setHost(HTTP_R.GetHeader("X-Origin")); streamname = HTTP_R.GetHeader("X-Stream"); if ( !ss){ ss = Util::Stream::getStream(streamname); if ( !ss.connected()){ HTTP_S.Clean(); HTTP_S.SetBody("No such stream is available on the system. Please try again.\n"); conn.SendNow(HTTP_S.BuildResponse("404", "Not found")); continue; } ss.setBlocking(false); //make sure metadata is received while ( !Strm.metadata && ss.connected()){ if (ss.spool()){ while (Strm.parsePacket(ss.Received())){ //do nothing } } } } if (HTTP_R.url.find(".abst") != std::string::npos){ HTTP_S.Clean(); HTTP_S.SetBody(dynamicBootstrap(streamname, Strm.metadata)); HTTP_S.SetHeader("Content-Type", "binary/octet"); HTTP_S.SetHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); conn.SendNow(HTTP_S.BuildResponse("200", "OK")); HTTP_R.Clean(); //clean for any possible next requests continue; } if (HTTP_R.url.find("f4m") == std::string::npos){ Quality = HTTP_R.url.substr(HTTP_R.url.find("/", 10) + 1); Quality = Quality.substr(0, Quality.find("Seg")); int temp; temp = HTTP_R.url.find("Seg") + 3; Segment = atoi(HTTP_R.url.substr(temp, HTTP_R.url.find("-", temp) - temp).c_str()); temp = HTTP_R.url.find("Frag") + 4; ReqFragment = atoi(HTTP_R.url.substr(temp).c_str()); #if DEBUG >= 5 printf("Quality: %s, Seg %d Frag %d\n", Quality.c_str(), Segment, ReqFragment); #endif if (Strm.metadata.isMember("live")){ int seekable = Strm.canSeekFrame(ReqFragment); if (seekable == 0){ // iff the fragment in question is available, check if the next is available too seekable = Strm.canSeekFrame(ReqFragment + 1); } if (seekable < 0){ HTTP_S.Clean(); HTTP_S.SetBody("The requested fragment is no longer kept in memory on the server and cannot be served.\n"); conn.SendNow(HTTP_S.BuildResponse("412", "Fragment out of range")); HTTP_R.Clean(); //clean for any possible next requests std::cout << "Fragment @ F" << ReqFragment << " too old (F" << Strm.metadata["keynum"][0u].asInt() << " - " << Strm.metadata["keynum"][Strm.metadata["keynum"].size() - 1].asInt() << ")" << std::endl; continue; } if (seekable > 0){ HTTP_S.Clean(); HTTP_S.SetBody("Proxy, re-request this in a second or two.\n"); conn.SendNow(HTTP_S.BuildResponse("208", "Ask again later")); HTTP_R.Clean(); //clean for any possible next requests std::cout << "Fragment @ F" << ReqFragment << " not available yet (F" << Strm.metadata["keynum"][0u].asInt() << " - " << Strm.metadata["keynum"][Strm.metadata["keynum"].size() - 1].asInt() << ")" << std::endl; continue; } } std::stringstream sstream; sstream << "f " << ReqFragment << "\no \n"; ss.SendNow(sstream.str().c_str()); }else{ HTTP_S.Clean(); HTTP_S.SetHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"); HTTP_S.SetHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); std::string manifest = dynamicIndex(streamname, Strm.metadata); HTTP_S.SetBody(manifest); conn.SendNow(HTTP_S.BuildResponse("200", "OK")); } HTTP_R.Clean(); //clean for any possible next requests } }else{ Util::sleep(1); } if (ss.connected()){ unsigned int now = Util::epoch(); if (now != lastStats){ lastStats = now; ss.SendNow(conn.getStats("HTTP_Dynamic").c_str()); } if (ss.spool()){ while (Strm.parsePacket(ss.Received())){ if (Strm.lastType() == DTSC::PAUSEMARK){ if (FlashBufSize){ HTTP_S.Clean(); HTTP_S.SetHeader("Content-Type", "video/mp4"); HTTP_S.SetBody(""); std::string new_strap = dynamicBootstrap(streamname, Strm.metadata, ReqFragment); HTTP_S.SetHeader("Content-Length", FlashBufSize + 8 + new_strap.size()); //32+33+btstrp.size()); conn.SendNow(HTTP_S.BuildResponse("200", "OK")); conn.SendNow(new_strap); unsigned long size = htonl(FlashBufSize+8); conn.SendNow((char*) &size, 4); conn.SendNow("mdat", 4); while (FlashBuf.size() > 0){ conn.SendNow(FlashBuf.front()); FlashBuf.pop_front(); } } FlashBuf.clear(); FlashBufSize = 0; } if (Strm.lastType() == DTSC::VIDEO || Strm.lastType() == DTSC::AUDIO){ if (FlashBufSize == 0){ //fill buffer with init data, if needed. if (Strm.metadata.isMember("audio") && Strm.metadata["audio"].isMember("init")){ tmp.DTSCAudioInit(Strm); tmp.tagTime(Strm.getPacket(0)["time"].asInt()); FlashBuf.push_back(std::string(tmp.data, tmp.len)); FlashBufSize += tmp.len; } if (Strm.metadata.isMember("video") && Strm.metadata["video"].isMember("init")){ tmp.DTSCVideoInit(Strm); tmp.tagTime(Strm.getPacket(0)["time"].asInt()); FlashBuf.push_back(std::string(tmp.data, tmp.len)); FlashBufSize += tmp.len; } FlashBufTime = Strm.getPacket(0)["time"].asInt(); } tmp.DTSCLoader(Strm); FlashBuf.push_back(std::string(tmp.data, tmp.len)); FlashBufSize += tmp.len; } } } if ( !ss.connected()){ break; } } } conn.close(); ss.SendNow(conn.getStats("HTTP_Dynamic").c_str()); ss.close(); return 0; } //Connector_HTTP_Dynamic main function