예제 #1
std::pair<DynamicalSystemsGraph::EDescriptor, InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor>
Topology::link(SP::Interaction inter, SP::DynamicalSystem ds, SP::DynamicalSystem ds2)
  DEBUG_PRINTF("Topology::link : inter %p, ds1 %p, ds2 %p\n", &*inter, &*ds,
  if (indexSet0()->is_vertex(inter))

  unsigned int sumOfDSSizes = 0, sumOfZSizes = 0;

  sumOfDSSizes += ds->getDim();
    sumOfZSizes += ds->z()->size();

    sumOfDSSizes += ds2->getDim();
      sumOfZSizes += ds2->z()->size();
  DEBUG_PRINTF("sumOfDSSizes = %i\t, sumOfZSizes = %i\n ", sumOfDSSizes, sumOfZSizes);

  inter->setDSSizes(sumOfDSSizes, sumOfZSizes);

  return addInteractionInIndexSet0(inter, ds, ds2);
예제 #2
void EulerMoreauOSI::setW(const SiconosMatrix& newValue, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  // Check if ds is in the OSI
  if (!OSIDynamicalSystems->isIn(ds))
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal,ds) - ds does not belong to this Integrator ...");

  // Check dimensions consistency
  unsigned int line = newValue.size(0);
  unsigned int col  = newValue.size(1);

  if (line != col) // Check that newValue is square
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal,ds) - newVal is not square! ");

  if (!ds)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal,ds) - ds == NULL.");

  unsigned int sizeW = ds->getDim(); // n for first order systems, ndof for lagrangian.
  unsigned int dsN = ds->number();
  if (line != sizeW) // check consistency between newValue and dynamical system size
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal,ds) - unconsistent dimension between newVal and dynamical system to be integrated ");

  // Memory allocation for W, if required
  if (!WMap[dsN]) // allocate a new W if required
    WMap[dsN].reset(new SimpleMatrix(newValue));
  else  // or fill-in an existing one if dimensions are consistent.
    if (line == WMap[dsN]->size(0) && col == WMap[dsN]->size(1))
      *(WMap[dsN]) = newValue;
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI - setW: inconsistent dimensions with problem size for given input matrix W");
예제 #3
void EulerMoreauOSI::setWPtr(SP::SimpleMatrix newPtr, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  unsigned int line = newPtr->size(0);
  unsigned int col  = newPtr->size(1);
  if (line != col) // Check that newPtr is square
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setWPtr(newVal) - newVal is not square! ");

  if (!ds)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setWPtr(newVal,ds) - ds == NULL.");

  unsigned int sizeW = ds->getDim(); // n for first order systems, ndof for lagrangian.
  if (line != sizeW) // check consistency between newValue and dynamical system size
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::setW(newVal) - unconsistent dimension between newVal and dynamical system to be integrated ");

  WMap[ds->number()] = newPtr;                  // link with new pointer
예제 #4
std::pair<DynamicalSystemsGraph::EDescriptor, InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor>
Topology::addInteractionInIndexSet0(SP::Interaction inter, SP::DynamicalSystem ds1, SP::DynamicalSystem ds2)
  // !! Private function !!
  // Add inter and ds into IG/DSG

  // Compute number of constraints
  unsigned int nsLawSize = inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
  unsigned int m = inter->getSizeOfY() / nsLawSize;
  if (m > 1)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("Topology::addInteractionInIndexSet0 - m > 1. Obsolete !");

  _numberOfConstraints += nsLawSize;

  SP::DynamicalSystem ds2_ = ds2;
  // _DSG is the hyper forest : (vertices : dynamical systems, edges :
  // Interactions)
  // _IG is the hyper graph : (vertices : Interactions, edges :
  // dynamical systems)
  assert(_DSG[0]->edges_number() == _IG[0]->size());

  // _IG = L(_DSG),  L is the line graph transformation
  // vector of the Interaction
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::VDescriptor dsgv1, dsgv2;
  dsgv1 = _DSG[0]->add_vertex(ds1);

  SP::VectorOfVectors workVds1 = _DSG[0]->properties(dsgv1).workVectors;
  SP::VectorOfVectors workVds2;
  if (!workVds1)
    workVds1.reset(new VectorOfVectors());
    _DSG[0]->properties(dsgv1).workMatrices.reset(new VectorOfMatrices());
    ds1->initWorkSpace(*workVds1, *_DSG[0]->properties(dsgv1).workMatrices);
    dsgv2 = _DSG[0]->add_vertex(ds2);
    workVds2 = _DSG[0]->properties(dsgv2).workVectors;
    if (!workVds2)
      workVds2.reset(new VectorOfVectors());
      _DSG[0]->properties(dsgv2).workMatrices.reset(new VectorOfMatrices());
      ds2->initWorkSpace(*workVds2, *_DSG[0]->properties(dsgv2).workMatrices);
    dsgv2 = dsgv1;
    ds2_ = ds1;
    workVds2 = workVds1;

  // this may be a multi edges graph
  assert(!_DSG[0]->is_edge(dsgv1, dsgv2, inter));
  InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor ig_new_ve;
  DynamicalSystemsGraph::EDescriptor new_ed;
  std11::tie(new_ed, ig_new_ve) = _DSG[0]->add_edge(dsgv1, dsgv2, inter, *_IG[0]);
  InteractionProperties& interProp = _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve);
  interProp.DSlink.reset(new VectorOfBlockVectors);
  interProp.workVectors.reset(new VectorOfVectors);
  interProp.workMatrices.reset(new VectorOfSMatrices);
  unsigned int nslawSize = inter->nonSmoothLaw()->size();
  interProp.block.reset(new SimpleMatrix(nslawSize, nslawSize));
  inter->setDSLinkAndWorkspace(interProp, *ds1, *workVds1, *ds2_, *workVds2);

  // add self branches in vertex properties
  // note : boost graph SEGFAULT on self branch removal
  // see https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4622
  _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve).source = ds1;
  _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve).source_pos = 0;
    _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve).target = ds1;
    _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve).target_pos = 0;
    _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve).target = ds2;
    _IG[0]->properties(ig_new_ve).target_pos = ds1->getDim();

  assert(_IG[0]->bundle(ig_new_ve) == inter);
  assert(_DSG[0]->is_edge(dsgv1, dsgv2, inter));
  assert(_DSG[0]->edges_number() == _IG[0]->size());

  return std::pair<DynamicalSystemsGraph::EDescriptor, InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor>(new_ed, ig_new_ve);
예제 #5
void EulerMoreauOSI::initW(double t, SP::DynamicalSystem ds)
  // This function:
  // - allocate memory for a matrix W
  // - insert this matrix into WMap with ds as a key

  if (!ds)
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::initW(t,ds) - ds == NULL");

  if (!OSIDynamicalSystems->isIn(ds))
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::initW(t,ds) - ds does not belong to the OSI.");
  unsigned int dsN = ds->number();
  if (WMap.find(dsN) != WMap.end())
    RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::initW(t,ds) - W(ds) is already in the map and has been initialized.");

  unsigned int sizeW = ds->getDim(); // n for first order systems, ndof for lagrangian.
  // Memory allocation for W
  //  WMap[ds].reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeW,sizeW));
  //   SP::SiconosMatrix W = WMap[ds];

  double h = simulationLink->timeStep();
  Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);

  // 1 - First order non linear systems
  if (dsType == Type::FirstOrderNonLinearDS || dsType == Type::FirstOrderLinearDS || dsType == Type::FirstOrderLinearTIDS)
    //    // Memory allocation for W
    //     WMap[ds].reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeW,sizeW));
    //     SP::SiconosMatrix W = WMap[ds];

    // W =  M - h*_theta* [jacobian_x f(t,x,z)]
    SP::FirstOrderNonLinearDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<FirstOrderNonLinearDS> (ds);

    // Copy M or I if M is Null into W

    //    SP::SiconosMatrix W = WMap[ds];

    if (d->M())
      //      *W = *d->M();
      WMap[dsN].reset(new SimpleMatrix(*d->M()));

      // WMap[ds].reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeW,sizeW,Siconos::IDENTITY));
      WMap[dsN].reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeW, sizeW)); // Warning if the Jacobian is a sparse matrix
    SP::SiconosMatrix W = WMap[dsN];

    // d->computeJacobianfx(t); // Computation of JacxF is not required here
    // since it must have been done in OSI->initialize, before a call to this function.

    // Add -h*_theta*jacobian_XF to W
    scal(-h * _theta, *d->jacobianfx(), *W, false);
  else RuntimeException::selfThrow("EulerMoreauOSI::initW - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type :" + dsType);

  // Remark: W is not LU-factorized nor inversed here.
  // Function PLUForwardBackward will do that if required.

예제 #6
void MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock(const InteractionsGraph::EDescriptor& ed)

  // Computes matrix _interactionBlocks[inter1][inter2] (and allocates memory if
  // necessary) if inter1 and inter2 have commond DynamicalSystem.  How
  // _interactionBlocks are computed depends explicitely on the type of
  // Relation of each Interaction.

  // Warning: we suppose that at this point, all non linear
  // operators (G for lagrangian relation for example) have been
  // computed through plug-in mechanism.

  std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock currentInteractionBlock start " << std::endl;
  // Get dimension of the NonSmoothLaw (ie dim of the interactionBlock)
  SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet = simulation()->indexSet(indexSetLevel());

  SP::DynamicalSystem ds = indexSet->bundle(ed);
  SP::Interaction inter1 = indexSet->bundle(indexSet->source(ed));
  SP::Interaction inter2 = indexSet->bundle(indexSet->target(ed));
  // For the edge 'ds', we need to find relative position of this ds
  // in inter1 and inter2 relation matrices (--> pos1 and pos2 below)
  // - find if ds is source or target in inter_i
  InteractionsGraph::VDescriptor vertex_inter;
  // - get the corresponding position
  unsigned int pos1, pos2;
  // source of inter1 :
  vertex_inter = indexSet->source(ed);
  VectorOfSMatrices& workMInter1 = *indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).workMatrices;
  SP::OneStepIntegrator Osi = indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).osi;
  SP::DynamicalSystem tmpds = indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).source;
  if (tmpds == ds)
    pos1 =  indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).source_pos;
    tmpds  = indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).target;
    pos1 =  indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).target_pos;
  // now, inter2
  vertex_inter = indexSet->target(ed);
  VectorOfSMatrices& workMInter2 = *indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).workMatrices;
  tmpds = indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).source;
  if (tmpds == ds)
    pos2 =  indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).source_pos;
    tmpds  = indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).target;
    pos2 =  indexSet->properties(vertex_inter).target_pos;
  unsigned int index1 = indexSet->index(indexSet->source(ed));
  unsigned int index2 = indexSet->index(indexSet->target(ed));
  unsigned int sizeY1 = 0;
  sizeY1 = std11::static_pointer_cast<OSNSMatrixProjectOnConstraints>
  unsigned int sizeY2 = 0;
  sizeY2 = std11::static_pointer_cast<OSNSMatrixProjectOnConstraints>
  SP::SiconosMatrix currentInteractionBlock;
  assert(index1 != index2);

  if (index2 > index1) // upper block
    //     if (! indexSet->properties(ed).upper_block)
    //     {
    //       indexSet->properties(ed).upper_block.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY1, sizeY2));
    //     }

    currentInteractionBlock = indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed];
    std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock currentInteractionBlock " << std::endl;
    //    currentInteractionBlock->display();
    std::cout << "sizeY1 " << sizeY1  << std::endl;
    std::cout << "sizeY2 " << sizeY2  << std::endl;
    std::cout <<  "upper_blockProj " <<  indexSet->upper_blockProj[ed].get() << " of edge " << ed << " of size " << currentInteractionBlock->size(0) << " x " << currentInteractionBlock->size(0) << " for interaction " << inter1->number() << " and interaction " <<  inter2->number() <<  std::endl;
    // std::cout<<"inter1->display() "<< inter1->number()<< std::endl;
    // std::cout<<"inter2->display() "<< inter2->number()<< std::endl;

    assert(currentInteractionBlock->size(0) == sizeY1);
    assert(currentInteractionBlock->size(1) == sizeY2);

  else  // lower block
    //     if (! indexSet->properties(ed).lower_block)
    //     {
    //       indexSet->properties(ed).lower_block.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY1, sizeY2));
    //     }

    assert(indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed]->size(0) == sizeY1);
    assert(indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed]->size(1) == sizeY2);

    currentInteractionBlock = indexSet->lower_blockProj[ed];

  SP::SiconosMatrix leftInteractionBlock, rightInteractionBlock;

  RELATION::TYPES relationType1, relationType2;

  // General form of the interactionBlock is : interactionBlock =
  // a*extraInteractionBlock + b * leftInteractionBlock * centralInteractionBlocks
  // * rightInteractionBlock a and b are scalars, centralInteractionBlocks a
  // matrix depending on the integrator (and on the DS), the
  // simulation type ...  left, right and extra depend on the relation
  // type and the non smooth law.
  relationType1 = inter1->relation()->getType();
  relationType2 = inter2->relation()->getType();
  if (relationType1 == NewtonEuler &&
      relationType2 == NewtonEuler)
    assert(inter1 != inter2);
    unsigned int sizeDS = (std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS>(ds))->getDim();
    leftInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY1, sizeDS));
    inter1->getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(pos1, leftInteractionBlock);
    SP::NewtonEulerDS neds = (std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS>(ds));
    SP::SimpleMatrix T = neds->T();
    SP::SimpleMatrix workT(new SimpleMatrix(*T));
    SP::SimpleMatrix workT2(new SimpleMatrix(6, 6));
    prod(*workT, *T, *workT2, true);
    rightInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY2, sizeDS));
    inter2->getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(pos2, rightInteractionBlock);
    prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *rightInteractionBlock, *currentInteractionBlock, false);


    unsigned int sizeDS = (std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS>(ds))->getqDim();
    leftInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY1, sizeDS));
    inter1->getLeftInteractionBlockForDSProjectOnConstraints(pos1, leftInteractionBlock);
    SP::NewtonEulerDS neds = (std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS>(ds));
    rightInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY2, sizeDS));
    inter2->getLeftInteractionBlockForDSProjectOnConstraints(pos2, rightInteractionBlock);
    prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *rightInteractionBlock, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
  else if (relationType1 == Lagrangian &&
           relationType2 == Lagrangian)
    unsigned int sizeDS =  ds->getDim();
    leftInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY1, sizeDS));
    inter1->getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(pos1, leftInteractionBlock, workMInter1);

    Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);
    if (dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS || dsType == Type::LagrangianDS)
      SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);

      if (d->boundaryConditions()) // V.A. Should we do that ?
        for (std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator itindex =
               d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
             itindex != d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->end();
          // (sizeY1,sizeDS));
          SP::SiconosVector coltmp(new SiconosVector(sizeY1));
          leftInteractionBlock->setCol(*itindex, *coltmp);
    std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock : leftInteractionBlock" << std::endl;
    // inter1 != inter2
    rightInteractionBlock.reset(new SimpleMatrix(sizeY2, sizeDS));
    inter2->getLeftInteractionBlockForDS(pos2, rightInteractionBlock, workMInter2);
    std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock : rightInteractionBlock" << std::endl;
    // Warning: we use getLeft for Right interactionBlock
    // because right = transpose(left) and because of
    // size checking inside the getBlock function, a
    // getRight call will fail.
    SP::SiconosMatrix centralInteractionBlock = getOSIMatrix(Osi, ds);
    std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock : centralInteractionBlocks " << std::endl;

    if (_useMassNormalization)
      //*currentInteractionBlock +=  *leftInteractionBlock ** work;
      prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *rightInteractionBlock, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
      prod(*leftInteractionBlock, *rightInteractionBlock, *currentInteractionBlock, false);
    std::cout << "MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock : currentInteractionBlock" << std::endl;

    RuntimeException::selfThrow("MLCPProjectOnConstraints::computeInteractionBlock not yet implemented for relation of type " + relationType1);
