예제 #1
파일: 92-dump-igroups.C 프로젝트: 8l/rose
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    argv0 = argv[0];
        size_t slash = argv0.rfind('/');
        argv0 = slash==std::string::npos ? argv0 : argv0.substr(slash+1);
        if (0==argv0.substr(0, 3).compare("lt-"))
            argv0 = argv0.substr(3);

    // Parse switches
    int argno = 1;
    for (/*void*/; argno<argc && '-'==argv[argno][0]; ++argno) {
        if (!strcmp(argv[argno], "--")) {
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[argno], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[argno], "-h")) {
        } else {
            std::cerr <<argv0 <<": unrecognized switch: " <<argv[argno] <<"\n"
                      "see \"" <<argv0 <<" --help\" for usage info.\n";
    if (argno+1!=argc) {
        std::cerr <<argv0 <<": missing database URL\n"
                  <<"see \"" <<argv0 <<" --help\" for usage info.\n";
    SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr tx = SqlDatabase::Connection::create(argv[argno])->transaction();

    // Get the set of commands that created these inputs.  This set is pretty small (usually just one command), so we make no
    // attempt to optimize it.
    size_t ncmds = 0;
    SqlDatabase::StatementPtr stmt0 = tx->statement("select distinct cmd from semantic_inputvalues");
    for (SqlDatabase::Statement::iterator row=stmt0->begin(); row!=stmt0->end(); ++row, ++ncmds) {
        SqlDatabase::StatementPtr stmt1 = tx->statement("select hashkey, begin_time, end_time, notation, command"
                                                                 " from semantic_history where hashkey = ?");
        stmt1->bind(0, row.get<uint64_t>(0));
        SqlDatabase::Statement::iterator cmd = stmt1->begin();
        std::cout <<"insert into semantic_history (hashkey, begin_time, end_time, notation, command) values ("
                  <<cmd.get<int64_t>(0) <<", "                                            // hashkey
                  <<cmd.get<int64_t>(1) <<", "                                            // begin_time
                  <<cmd.get<int64_t>(2) <<", "                                            // end_time
                  <<SqlDatabase::escape(cmd.get<std::string>(3), tx->driver()) <<", "     // notation
                  <<SqlDatabase::escape(cmd.get<std::string>(4), tx->driver()) <<");\n";  // command

    // Get the input values
    size_t nivalues = 0;
    std::cout <<"copy semantic_inputvalues (igroup_id, queue_id, pos, val, cmd) from stdin;\n";
    SqlDatabase::StatementPtr stmt2 = tx->statement("select igroup_id, queue_id, pos, val, cmd from semantic_inputvalues");
    for (SqlDatabase::Statement::iterator row=stmt2->begin(); row!=stmt2->end(); ++row, ++nivalues) {
        std::cout <<row.get<int32_t>(0) <<"\t"         // igroup_id
                  <<row.get<int32_t>(1) <<"\t"         // queue_id
                  <<row.get<int32_t>(2) <<"\t"         // pos
                  <<row.get<int64_t>(3) <<"\t"         // val
                  <<row.get<int64_t>(4) <<"\n";        // cmd
    std::cout <<"\\.\n";

    std::cerr <<argv0 <<": dumped " <<StringUtility::plural(nivalues, "input values")
              <<" from " <<StringUtility::plural(ncmds, "commands") <<".\n";
    return 0;
예제 #2
static int
find_function_or_exit(const SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr &tx, char *func_spec)
    char *rest;
    errno = 0;
    int func_id = -1;
    int func_spec_i = strtol(func_spec, &rest, 0);
    if (errno || rest==func_spec || *rest)
        func_spec_i = -1;
    if (-1==func_id && -1!=func_spec_i &&
        1==tx->statement("select count(*) from semantic_functions where id = ?")->bind(0, func_spec_i)->execute_int())
        func_id = func_spec_i;
    if (-1==func_id) {
        SqlDatabase::StatementPtr stmt1a = tx->statement("select func.id, func.entry_va, func.name, func.ninsns, file.name"
                                                         " from semantic_functions as func"
                                                         " join semantic_files as file on func.file_id = file.id"
                                                         " where entry_va = ?")->bind(0, func_spec_i);
        SqlDatabase::StatementPtr stmt1b = tx->statement("select func.id, func.entry_va, func.name, func.ninsns, file.name"
                                                         " from semantic_functions as func"
                                                         " join semantic_files as file on func.file_id = file.id"
                                                         " where func.name = ?")->bind(0, func_spec);
        SqlDatabase::StatementPtr stmt1c = tx->statement("select func.id, func.entry_va, func.name, func.ninsns, file.name"
                                                         " from semantic_functions as func"
                                                         " join semantic_files as file on func.file_id = file.id"
                                                         " where file.name like"
                                                         " '%/"+SqlDatabase::escape(func_spec, tx->driver(), false)+"'");
        SqlDatabase::Table<int, rose_addr_t, std::string, size_t, std::string> functions;
        if (func_spec_i!=-1)
        functions.headers("ID", "Entry VA", "Function Name", "NInsns", "Specimen Name");
        functions.renderers().r1 = &SqlDatabase::addr32Renderer;
        if (functions.empty()) {
            std::cout <<argv0 <<": no function found by ID, address, or name: " <<func_spec <<"\n";
        } else if (1==functions.size()) {
            func_id = functions[0].v0;
        } else {
            std::cout <<argv0 <<": function specification is ambiguous: " <<func_spec <<"\n";
    return func_id;
예제 #3
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    argv0 = argv[0];
        size_t slash = argv0.rfind('/');
        argv0 = slash==std::string::npos ? argv0 : argv0.substr(slash+1);
        if (0==argv0.substr(0, 3).compare("lt-"))
            argv0 = argv0.substr(3);

    Switches opt;
    int argno = 1;
    for (/*void*/; argno<argc && '-'==argv[argno][0]; ++argno) {
        if (!strcmp(argv[argno], "--")) {
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[argno], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[argno], "-h")) {
        } else if (!strncmp(argv[argno], "--entry=", 8)) {
            opt.entry_vas.insert(strtoull(argv[argno]+8, NULL, 0));
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[argno], "--file=list") || !strcmp(argv[argno], "--files=list")) {
            opt.list_files = true;
        } else if (!strncmp(argv[argno], "--file=", 7) || !strncmp(argv[argno], "--files=", 8)) {
            std::vector<std::string> ids = StringUtility::split(",", strchr(argv[argno], '=')+1, (size_t)-1, true);
            for (size_t i=0; i<ids.size(); ++i) {
                const char *s = ids[i].c_str();
                char *rest;
                errno = 0;
                int id = strtoul(s, &rest, 0);
                if (errno || rest==s || *rest) {
                    std::cerr <<argv0 <<": invalid file ID: " <<ids[i] <<"\n";
        } else if (!strncmp(argv[argno], "--function=", 11) || !strncmp(argv[argno], "--functions=", 12)) {
            std::vector<std::string> ids = StringUtility::split(",", strchr(argv[argno], '=')+1, (size_t)-1, true);
            if (ids.size()==1 && isalpha(ids[0][0]) && ids[0].find_first_of('.')!=std::string::npos) {
                std::vector<std::string> words = StringUtility::split(".", ids[0]);
                if (words.size()!=2 ||
                    !SqlDatabase::is_valid_table_name(words[0]) || !SqlDatabase::is_valid_table_name(words[1])) {
                    std::cerr <<argv0 <<": --function switch needs either IDs or a database TABLE.COLUMN\n";
                opt.function_table = words[0];
                opt.function_column = words[1];
            } else {
                for (size_t i=0; i<ids.size(); ++i) {
                    const char *s = ids[i].c_str();
                    char *rest;
                    errno = 0;
                    int id = strtoul(s, &rest, 0);
                    if (errno || rest==s || *rest) {
                        std::cerr <<argv0 <<": invalid function ID: " <<ids[i] <<"\n";
        } else if (!strncmp(argv[argno], "--first-fuzz=", 13)) {
            opt.first_fuzz = strtoul(argv[argno]+13, NULL, 0);
        } else if (!strncmp(argv[argno], "--name=", 7)) {
        } else if (!strncmp(argv[argno], "--nfuzz=", 8)) {
            opt.nfuzz = strtoul(argv[argno]+8, NULL, 0);
            opt.nfuzz_set = true;
        } else if (!strncmp(argv[argno], "--size=", 7)) {
            opt.ninsns = strtoul(argv[argno]+7, NULL, 0);
        } else if (!strcmp(argv[argno], "--specimen=list") || !strcmp(argv[argno], "--specimens=list")) {
            opt.list_specimens = true;
        } else if (!strncmp(argv[argno], "--specimen=", 11) || !strncmp(argv[argno], "--specimens=", 12)) {
            std::vector<std::string> ids = StringUtility::split(",", strchr(argv[argno], '=')+1, (size_t)-1, true);
            for (size_t i=0; i<ids.size(); ++i) {
                const char *s = ids[i].c_str();
                char *rest;
                errno = 0;
                int id = strtoul(s, &rest, 0);
                if (errno || rest==s || *rest) {
                    std::cerr <<argv0 <<": invalid specimen ID: " <<ids[i] <<"\n";
        } else {
            std::cerr <<argv0 <<": unrecognized switch: " <<argv[argno] <<"\n"
                      <<"see \"" <<argv0 <<" --help\" for usage info.\n";
    if (argno+1!=argc)
    SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr tx = SqlDatabase::Connection::create(argv[argno++])->transaction();

    // List the ID numbers and names for all specimen files
    if (opt.list_specimens) {
        SqlDatabase::Table<int, std::string> specimens;
        specimens.insert(tx->statement("select file.id, file.name"
                                       " from (select distinct specimen_id as id from semantic_functions) as specimen"
                                       " join semantic_files as file on specimen.id = file.id"
                                       " order by file.name"));
        specimens.headers("File ID", "Specimen Name");
        return 0;

    // List the ID numbers and names for all files containing functions
    if (opt.list_files) {
        SqlDatabase::Table<int, std::string> files;
        files.insert(tx->statement("select file.id, file.name"
                                   " from (select distinct file_id as id from semantic_functions) as used"
                                   " join semantic_files as file on used.id = file.id"
                                   " order by file.name"));
        files.headers("File ID", "Binary File Name");
        return 0;

    // Sanity checks
    if (!opt.functions.empty() && !opt.function_table.empty()) {
        std::cerr <<argv0 <<": --function=ID and --function=TABLE are mutually exclusive\n";
    if (0==tx->statement("select count(*) from semantic_functions")->execute_int()) {
        std::cerr <<argv0 <<": database has no functions; nothing to test\n";
        return 0;
    if (0==tx->statement("select count(*) from semantic_inputvalues")->execute_int()) {
        std::cerr <<argv0 <<": database has no input groups; nothing to test\n";
        return 0;

    // Create table tmp_functions containing IDs for selected functions and their specimen IDs
    std::vector<std::string> constraints;
    if (!opt.entry_vas.empty())
        constraints.push_back("func.entry_va " + SqlDatabase::in(opt.entry_vas));
    if (!opt.names.empty())
        constraints.push_back("func.name " + SqlDatabase::in_strings(opt.names, tx->driver()));
    if (!opt.specimens.empty())
        constraints.push_back("func.specimen_id " + SqlDatabase::in(opt.specimens));
    if (!opt.files.empty())
        constraints.push_back("func.file_id " + SqlDatabase::in(opt.files));
    if (!opt.functions.empty())
        constraints.push_back("func.id " + SqlDatabase::in(opt.functions));
    if (opt.ninsns>0)
        constraints.push_back("func.ninsns >= " + StringUtility::numberToString(opt.ninsns));
    std::string sql1 = "select func.id, func.specimen_id from semantic_functions as func";
    if (!opt.function_table.empty())
        sql1 += " join "+opt.function_table+" as flist on func.id = flist."+opt.function_column;
    if (!constraints.empty())
        sql1 += " where " + StringUtility::join(" and ", constraints);
    tx->execute("create temporary table tmp_functions as " + sql1);

    // Create table tmp_inputgroups containing IDs for selected input groups
    std::string sql2 = "select distinct igroup_id from semantic_inputvalues where igroup_id >= " +
    if (opt.nfuzz_set)
        sql2 += " and igroup_id < " + StringUtility::numberToString(opt.first_fuzz+opt.nfuzz);
    tx->execute("create temporary table tmp_inputgroups as " + sql2);

    // Create tmp_pending as the cross product of functions and inputgroups except for those already tested
    tx->execute("create temporary table tmp_pending as"
                "    select func.specimen_id as specimen_id, func.id as func_id, igroup.igroup_id as igroup_id"
                "      from tmp_functions as func"
                "      join tmp_inputgroups as igroup"
                "      on igroup.igroup_id is not null" // "on" clause and "is not null" (rather than "true") for portability
                "  except"
                "    select func.specimen_id, func.id, fio.igroup_id"
                "      from semantic_fio as fio"
                "      join semantic_functions as func on fio.func_id=func.id");
    SqlDatabase::StatementPtr stmt = tx->statement("select distinct specimen_id, func_id, igroup_id"
                                                   " from tmp_pending"
                                                   " order by specimen_id, igroup_id, func_id");
    for (SqlDatabase::Statement::iterator row=stmt->begin(); row!=stmt->end(); ++row)
        std::cout <<row.get<int>(0) <<"\t" <<row.get<int>(1) <<"\t" <<row.get<int>(2) <<"\n";

    // no need to commit, but if we change this in the future, be sure to add begin_command()/finish_command()
    return 0;