예제 #1
   void _write_error_msg(std::ostream* error_msgs,
                        const std::domain_error& e) {
     if (!error_msgs) return;
     *error_msgs << std::endl
                 << "Informational Message: The current Metropolis proposal is about to be "
                 << "rejected becuase of the following issue:"
                 << std::endl
                 << e.what() << std::endl
                 << "If this warning occurs sporadically, such as for highly constrained "
                 << "variable types like covariance matrices, then the sampler is fine,"
                 << std::endl
                 << "but if this warning occurs often then your model may be either severely "
                 << "ill-conditioned or misspecified."
                 << std::endl;
예제 #2
   void _write_error_msg(std::ostream* error_msgs,
                        const std::domain_error& e) {
     if (!error_msgs) return;
     *error_msgs << std::endl
                 << "Informational Message: The parameter state is about to be Metropolis"
                 << " rejected due to the following underlying, non-fatal (really)"
                 << " issue (and please ignore that what comes next might say 'error'): "
                 << e.what()
                 << std::endl
                 << "If the problem persists across multiple draws, you might have"
                 << " a problem with an initial state or a gradient somewhere."
                 << std::endl
                 << " If the problem does not persist, the resulting samples will still"
                 << " be drawn from the posterior."
                 << std::endl;