int get_max_key(std::multimap<u_int,record> map, std::set<u_int> keys) { std::set<u_int>::iterator it = keys.begin(); u_int max = *it; for(;it != keys.end(); ++it){ if (map.count(*it) > map.count(max)) max = *it; } return max; }
void CZMQAbstractPublishNotifier::Shutdown() { assert(psocket); int count = mapPublishNotifiers.count(address); // remove this notifier from the list of publishers using this address typedef std::multimap<std::string, CZMQAbstractPublishNotifier*>::iterator iterator; std::pair<iterator, iterator> iterpair = mapPublishNotifiers.equal_range(address); for (iterator it = iterpair.first; it != iterpair.second; ++it) { if (it->second==this) { mapPublishNotifiers.erase(it); break; } } if (count == 1) { LogPrint("zmq", "Close socket at address %s\n", address); int linger = 0; zmq_setsockopt(psocket, ZMQ_LINGER, &linger, sizeof(linger)); zmq_close(psocket); } psocket = 0; }
std::vector<CIMSettings> InterwovenServers::GetDuplicateEntries(const std::map<CStdString, CIMSettings>& uniqueIntewovenServers, const std::multimap<CStdString, CIMSettings>& duplicateIntewovenServers) { LOG_WS_FUNCTION_SCOPE(); std::vector<CIMSettings> duplications; if(uniqueIntewovenServers.size() == duplicateIntewovenServers.size()) { return duplications; } for(std::map<CStdString, CIMSettings>::const_iterator it = uniqueIntewovenServers.begin(); it != uniqueIntewovenServers.end(); ++it) { CStdString key = it->first; if(duplicateIntewovenServers.count(key) == 1) { continue; } pair<multimap<CStdString, CIMSettings>::const_iterator, multimap<CStdString, CIMSettings>::const_iterator> equalRange = duplicateIntewovenServers.equal_range(key); for(multimap<CStdString, CIMSettings>::const_iterator it = equalRange.first; it != equalRange.second; ++it) { CIMSettings wsServer = it->second; wsServer.SetActionType(CIMSettings::REGISTRATION_ACTION_REMOVE); duplications.push_back(wsServer); } } return duplications; }
void AMQPAbstractPublishNotifier::Shutdown() { LogPrint("amqp", "amqp: Shutdown notifier %s at %s\n", GetType(), GetAddress()); int count = mapPublishNotifiers.count(address); // remove this notifier from the list of publishers using this address typedef std::multimap<std::string, AMQPAbstractPublishNotifier*>::iterator iterator; std::pair<iterator, iterator> iterpair = mapPublishNotifiers.equal_range(address); for (iterator it = iterpair.first; it != iterpair.second; ++it) { if (it->second == this) { mapPublishNotifiers.erase(it); break; } } // terminate the connection if this is the last publisher using this address if (count == 1) { handler_->terminate(); if (thread_.get() != nullptr) { if (thread_->joinable()) { thread_->join(); } } } }
void getAverageNormal( PackedVertexWithTangents2 & packed, std::multimap<PackedVertexWithTangents2,unsigned int> & vertexToOutIndex, PackedVertexWithTangents2 & result) { result.position = packed.position; result.uv = packed.uv; std::multimap<PackedVertexWithTangents2,unsigned int>::iterator it; int count = vertexToOutIndex.count(packed); for(it = vertexToOutIndex.equal_range(packed).first; it != vertexToOutIndex.equal_range(packed).second; ++it) { result.normal += it->first.normal; result.tangent += it->first.tangent; result.biTangent += it->first.biTangent; } result.normal = glm::normalize(result.normal); result.biTangent = glm::normalize(result.biTangent); result.tangent = glm::normalize(result.tangent); }
/* * dissect/print packet */ void got_packet(u_char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *packet) { static int count = 1; /* packet counter */ /* declare pointers to packet headers */ const struct sniff_ethernet *ethernet; /* The ethernet header [1] */ const struct sniff_ip *ip; /* The IP header */ const struct sniff_tcp *tcp; /* The TCP header */ //const char *payload; /* Packet payload */ //const u_char *payload; int size_ip; int size_tcp; int size_payload; //printf("\nPacket number %d:\n", count); count++; /* define ethernet header */ ethernet = (struct sniff_ethernet*)(packet); /* define/compute ip header offset */ ip = (struct sniff_ip*)(packet + SIZE_ETHERNET); size_ip = IP_HL(ip)*4; if (size_ip < 20) { printf(" * Invalid IP header length: %u bytes\n", size_ip); return; } /* print source and destination IP addresses */ //printf(" From: %s\n", inet_ntoa(ip->ip_src)); //printf(" To: %s\n", inet_ntoa(ip->ip_dst)); /* determine protocol */ switch(ip->ip_p) { case IPPROTO_TCP: //printf(" Protocol: TCP\n"); break; case IPPROTO_UDP: printf(" Protocol: UDP\n"); return; case IPPROTO_ICMP: printf(" Protocol: ICMP\n"); return; case IPPROTO_IP: printf(" Protocol: IP\n"); return; default: printf(" Protocol: unknown\n"); return; } /* define/compute tcp header offset */ tcp = (struct sniff_tcp*)(packet + SIZE_ETHERNET + size_ip); size_tcp = TH_OFF(tcp)*4; if (size_tcp < 20) { printf(" * Invalid TCP header length: %u bytes\n", size_tcp); return; } std::string flags; if (tcp->th_flags & TH_FIN) flags = flags + "F"; if (tcp->th_flags & TH_SYN) flags = flags + "S"; if (tcp->th_flags & TH_RST) flags = flags + "R"; if (tcp->th_flags & TH_ACK) flags = flags + "A"; if (tcp->th_flags & TH_URG) flags = flags + "U"; if (tcp->th_flags & TH_ECE) flags = flags + "E"; if (tcp->th_flags & TH_CWR) flags = flags + "C"; chars v; chars buffer; std::multimap<u_int,chars> temp_map; //to sort std::cout << "Packet# " << count << " S " << ntohl(tcp->th_seq) << " A " << ntohl(tcp->th_ack) << " Flags " << flags <<"\n"; if ((tcp->th_flags & TH_ACK) != 0) { const u_char *payload = (const u_char *) (packet + SIZE_ETHERNET + size_ip + size_tcp); size_payload = ntohs(ip->ip_len)- (size_ip + size_tcp); std::copy(payload, payload + size_payload, std::back_inserter(v)); //std::reverse(v.begin(),v.end()); // byte order thing std::pair<u_int,chars> temp(ntohl(tcp->th_seq),v); // create record dict.insert(std::pair<u_int,record>(ntohl(tcp->th_ack),temp)); //std::cout << "Packet# " << count << " " << ntohl(tcp->th_seq) << "\n"; //std::cout << "Packet# " << count << " " << inet_ntoa(ip->ip_src) << "\n"; } if (((tcp->th_flags & TH_FIN) != 0) && ((tcp->th_flags & TH_ACK) != 0)) { std::set<u_int> temp = get_keys(dict); u_int last_key = ntohl(tcp->th_ack); std::cout << "*********************************************\n"; std::set<u_int>::iterator it = temp.begin(); for(;it != temp.end(); ++it) std::cout << "Key " << *it << " Count " << dict.count(*it) <<"\n"; u_int image_key = get_max_key(dict,temp); std::cout << "Image key " << image_key << "\n"; std::multimap<u_int,record>::iterator itt; std::cout << "*********************************************\n"; for(itt=dict.begin(); itt!= dict.end(); ++itt) { if ((*itt).first == image_key) { std::pair<u_int,chars> temp_record = (*itt).second; temp_map.insert(std::pair<u_int,chars>(temp_record.first,temp_record.second)); } } std::multimap<u_int,chars>::iterator ittt; for(ittt = temp_map.begin(); ittt!=temp_map.end(); ++ittt) { buffer.insert(buffer.end(), (*ittt).second.begin(), (*ittt).second.end()); } std::ofstream myfile;"image.jpg", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); myfile.write(&buffer[0], buffer.size()); std::cout << buffer.size() << "\n"; std::cout << "For FIN packet " << "S: " << ntohl(tcp->th_seq) << " A: " << ntohl(tcp->th_ack) << "\n"; dict.clear(); conn.set("server_ip",inet_ntoa(ip->ip_src)); //exit(0); } return; }
bool ConvertXML2PO(std::string LangDir, std::string LCode, int nPlurals, std::string PluralForm, bool bIsForeignLang) { int contextCount = 0; int stringCountSource = 0; int stringCountForeign = 0; std::string OutputPOFilename; OutputPOFilename = LangDir + "strings.po"; // Initalize the output po document pPOTFile = fopen (OutputPOFilename.c_str(),"wb"); if (pPOTFile == NULL) { printf("Error opening output file: %s\n", OutputPOFilename.c_str()); return false; } printf("%s\t\t", LCode.c_str()); fprintf(pPOTFile, "# XBMC Media Center language file\n" "msgid \"\"\n" "msgstr \"\"\n" "\"Project-Id-Version: %s-%s\\n\"\n" "\"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: [email protected]\\n\"\n" "\"POT-Creation-Date: %s\\n\"\n" "\"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\\n\"\n" "\"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\\n\"\n" "\"Language-Team: LANGUAGE\\n\"\n" "\"MIME-Version: 1.0\\n\"\n" "\"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\n\"\n" "\"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n\"\n" "\"Language: %s\\n\"\n" "\"Plural-Forms: nplurals=%i; plural=%s\\n\"\n\n", (pProjectName != NULL) ? pProjectName : "xbmc-unnamed", (pVersionNumber != NULL) ? pVersionNumber : "rev_unknown", GetCurrTime().c_str(), (!LCode.empty()) ? LCode.c_str() : "LANGUAGE", nPlurals, PluralForm.c_str()); int previd = -1; bool bCommentWritten = false; for (itSourceXmlId = mapSourceXmlId.begin(); itSourceXmlId != mapSourceXmlId.end(); itSourceXmlId++) { int id = itSourceXmlId->first; std::string value = itSourceXmlId->second; //create comment lines, if empty string id or ids found and //re-create original xml comments between entries. Only for the source language bCommentWritten = false; if (!bIsForeignLang) bCommentWritten = WriteComments(previd, true); if ((id-previd >= 2) && !bIsForeignLang) { if (id-previd == 2 && previd > -1) fprintf(pPOTFile,"#empty string with id %i\n", id-1); if (id-previd > 2 && previd > -1) fprintf(pPOTFile,"#empty strings from id %i to %i\n", previd+1, id-1); bCommentWritten = true; } if (bCommentWritten) fprintf(pPOTFile, "\n"); //create comment, including string id fprintf(pPOTFile,"#: id:%i\n", id); //write comment originally placed next to the string entry //convert it into #. style gettext comment if (!bIsForeignLang) WriteComments(id, false); if (multimapSourceXmlStrings.count(value) > 1) // if we have multiple IDs for the same string value { //create autogenerated context message for multiple msgid entries fprintf(pPOTFile,"msgctxt \"Auto context with id %i\"\n", id); contextCount++; } //create msgid and msgstr lines WriteStrLine("msgid ", value.c_str(), sourceXMLEncoding); if (bIsForeignLang) { itForeignXmlId = mapForeignXmlId.find(id); if (itForeignXmlId != mapForeignXmlId.end()) { stringCountForeign++; WriteStrLine("msgstr ", itForeignXmlId->second.c_str(), foreignXMLEncoding); fprintf(pPOTFile,"\n"); } else fprintf(pPOTFile,"msgstr \"\"\n\n"); } else fprintf(pPOTFile,"msgstr \"\"\n\n"); stringCountSource++; previd =id; } fclose(pPOTFile); printf("%i\t\t", bIsForeignLang ? stringCountForeign : stringCountSource); printf("%i\t\t", contextCount); printf("%s\n", OutputPOFilename.erase(0,WorkingDir.length()).c_str()); mapForeignXmlId.clear(); return true; }
void generateProlog() { int total_cycles; int regi_prolog_cycles = prolog_size/(X*Y); int init_cycles = maxMemoryOperations*3; int noop_cycles=0; if(init_cycles%II != 0) { noop_cycles = II - (init_cycles%II); } total_cycles = init_cycles + noop_cycles + regi_prolog_cycles; final_prolog_size = total_cycles * X * Y; final_prolog = new unsigned int[final_prolog_size]; CGRA_Instruction noop_ins = generateNOOP(); unsigned int noop_decoded = noop_ins.DecodeInstruction(&noop_ins); //populate the final_prolog array with init instructions //FOR EACH PE for(int i=0; i<(X*Y); ++i) { //FOR EACH MEM OPERATION if(initInstructions.count(i) > 0) { std::pair <std::multimap<int,std::vector<CGRA_Instruction> >::iterator, std::multimap<int,std::vector<CGRA_Instruction> >::iterator> ret; ret = initInstructions.equal_range(i); int j=0; //FOR EACH LD_IMM OPERATION for (std::multimap<int,std::vector<CGRA_Instruction> >::iterator it=ret.first; it!=ret.second; ++it) { std::vector<CGRA_Instruction> LDI_ins = it->second; for(int k = 0;k<LDI_ins.size(); ++k) { final_prolog[i + (X*Y)*j] = LDI_ins[k].DecodeInstruction(&LDI_ins[k]); j++; } } //fill the rest of init cycles with noops if(j < init_cycles) { while(j< init_cycles) { final_prolog[i + (X*Y)*j] = noop_decoded; j++; } } } //fll with only noops else { for(int j = 0;j<init_cycles;++j) final_prolog[i + (X*Y)*j] = noop_decoded; } } //populate the final_prolog array with dummy noop instructions if(noop_cycles > 0) { for(int i = 0; i< (X*Y); ++i) { for (int j = init_cycles; j < (init_cycles + noop_cycles) ; ++j) { final_prolog[i + (X*Y)*j] = noop_decoded; } } } int prolog_start = (init_cycles + noop_cycles) * (X*Y); for(int i =0; i<prolog_size; ++i) { if(prolog[i] == -1) { final_prolog[prolog_start++] = noop_decoded; } else { CGRA_Instruction temp = nodeid_instruction[prolog[i]]; final_prolog[prolog_start++] = temp.DecodeInstruction(&temp); } } cout<<"*******PROLOG*********\n"; for(int i =0; i<final_prolog_size; ++i) printf("%d: %x\n",i,final_prolog[i]); }
/// visitGraph - Visit the functions in the specified graph, updating the /// specified lattice values for all of their uses. /// void StructureFieldVisitorBase:: visitGraph(DSGraph &DSG, std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*> &NodeLVs) { assert(!NodeLVs.empty() && "No lattice values to compute!"); // To visit a graph, first step, we visit the instruction making up each // function in the graph, but ignore calls when processing them. We handle // call nodes explicitly by looking at call nodes in the graph if needed. We // handle instructions before calls to avoid interprocedural analysis if we // can drive lattice values to bottom early. // SFVInstVisitor IV(DSG, Callbacks, NodeLVs); for (DSGraph::retnodes_iterator FI = DSG.retnodes_begin(), E = DSG.retnodes_end(); FI != E; ++FI) for (Function::iterator BB = FI->first->begin(), E = FI->first->end(); BB != E; ++BB) for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); I != E; ++I) if (IV.visit(*I) && NodeLVs.empty()) return; // Nothing left to analyze. // Keep track of which actual direct callees are handled. std::set<Function*> CalleesHandled; // Once we have visited all of the instructions in the function bodies, if // there are lattice values that have not been driven to bottom, see if any of // the nodes involved are passed into function calls. If so, we potentially // have to recursively traverse the call graph. for (DSGraph::fc_iterator CS = DSG.fc_begin(), E = DSG.fc_end(); CS != E; ++CS) { // Figure out the mapping from a node in the caller (potentially several) // nodes in the callee. DSGraph::NodeMapTy CallNodeMap; Instruction *TheCall = CS->getCallSite().getInstruction(); // If this is an indirect function call, assume nothing gets passed through // it. FIXME: THIS IS BROKEN! Just get the ECG for the fn ptr if it's not // direct. if (CS->isIndirectCall()) continue; // If this is an external function call, it cannot be involved with this // node, because otherwise the node would be marked incomplete! if (CS->getCalleeFunc()->isExternal()) continue; // If we can handle this function call, remove it from the set of direct // calls found by the visitor. CalleesHandled.insert(CS->getCalleeFunc()); std::vector<DSNodeHandle> Args; DSGraph *CG = &ECG.getDSGraph(*CS->getCalleeFunc()); CG->getFunctionArgumentsForCall(CS->getCalleeFunc(), Args); if (!CS->getRetVal().isNull()) DSGraph::computeNodeMapping(Args[0], CS->getRetVal(), CallNodeMap); for (unsigned i = 0, e = CS->getNumPtrArgs(); i != e; ++i) { if (i == Args.size()-1) break; DSGraph::computeNodeMapping(Args[i+1], CS->getPtrArg(i), CallNodeMap); } Args.clear(); // The mapping we just computed maps from nodes in the callee to nodes in // the caller, so we can't query it efficiently. Instead of going through // the trouble of inverting the map to do this (linear time with the size of // the mapping), we just do a linear search to see if any affected nodes are // passed into this call. bool CallCanModifyDataFlow = false; for (DSGraph::NodeMapTy::iterator MI = CallNodeMap.begin(), E = CallNodeMap.end(); MI != E; ++MI) if (NodeLVs.count(MI->second.getNode())) // Okay, the node is passed in, check to see if the call might do // something interesting to it (i.e. if analyzing the call can produce // anything other than "top"). if ((CallCanModifyDataFlow = NodeCanPossiblyBeInteresting(MI->first, Callbacks))) break; // If this function call cannot impact the analysis (either because the // nodes we are tracking are not passed into the call, or the DSGraph for // the callee tells us that analysis of the callee can't provide interesting // information), ignore it. if (!CallCanModifyDataFlow) continue; // Okay, either compute analysis results for the callee function, or reuse // results previously computed. std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*> &CalleeFacts = getCalleeFacts(*CG); // Merge all of the facts for the callee into the facts for the caller. If // this reduces anything in the caller to 'bottom', remove them. for (DSGraph::NodeMapTy::iterator MI = CallNodeMap.begin(), E = CallNodeMap.end(); MI != E; ++MI) { // If we have Lattice facts in the caller for this node in the callee, // merge any information from the callee into the caller. // If the node is not accessed in the callee at all, don't update. if (MI->first->getType() == Type::VoidTy) continue; // If there are no data-flow facts live in the caller for this node, don't // both processing it. std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator NLVI = NodeLVs.find(MI->second.getNode()); if (NLVI == NodeLVs.end()) continue; // Iterate over all of the lattice values that have corresponding fields // in the callee, merging in information as we go. Be careful about the // fact that the callee may get passed the address of a substructure and // other funny games. //if (CalleeFacts.count(const_cast<DSNode*>(MI->first)) == 0) { DSNode *CalleeNode = const_cast<DSNode*>(MI->first); unsigned CalleeNodeOffset = MI->second.getOffset(); while (NLVI->first == MI->second.getNode()) { // Figure out what offset in the callee this field would land. unsigned FieldOff = NLVI->second->getFieldOffset()+CalleeNodeOffset; // If the field is not within the callee node, ignore it. if (FieldOff >= CalleeNode->getSize()) { ++NLVI; continue; } // Okay, check to see if we have a lattice value for the field at offset // FieldOff in the callee node. const LatticeValue *CalleeLV = 0; std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator CFI = CalleeFacts.lower_bound(CalleeNode); for (; CFI != CalleeFacts.end() && CFI->first == CalleeNode; ++CFI) if (CFI->second->getFieldOffset() == FieldOff) { CalleeLV = CFI->second; // Found it! break; } // If we don't, the lattice value hit bottom and we should remove the // lattice value in the caller. if (!CalleeLV) { delete NLVI->second; // The lattice value hit bottom. NodeLVs.erase(NLVI++); continue; } // Finally, if we did find a corresponding entry, merge the information // into the caller's lattice value and keep going. if (NLVI->second->mergeInValue(CalleeLV)) { // Okay, merging these two caused the caller value to hit bottom. // Remove it. delete NLVI->second; // The lattice value hit bottom. NodeLVs.erase(NLVI++); } ++NLVI; // We successfully merged in some information! } // If we ran out of facts to prove, just exit. if (NodeLVs.empty()) return; } } // The local analysis pass inconveniently discards many local function calls // from the graph if they are to known functions. Loop over direct function // calls not handled above and visit them as appropriate. while (!IV.DirectCallSites.empty()) { Instruction *Call = *IV.DirectCallSites.begin(); IV.DirectCallSites.erase(IV.DirectCallSites.begin()); // Is this one actually handled by DSA? if (CalleesHandled.count(cast<Function>(Call->getOperand(0)))) continue; // Collect the pointers involved in this call. std::vector<Value*> Pointers; if (isa<PointerType>(Call->getType())) Pointers.push_back(Call); for (unsigned i = 1, e = Call->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) if (isa<PointerType>(Call->getOperand(i)->getType())) Pointers.push_back(Call->getOperand(i)); // If this is an intrinsic function call, figure out which one. unsigned IID = cast<Function>(Call->getOperand(0))->getIntrinsicID(); for (unsigned i = 0, e = Pointers.size(); i != e; ++i) { // If any of our lattice values are passed into this call, which is // specially handled by the local analyzer, inform the lattice function. DSNode *N = DSG.getNodeForValue(Pointers[i]).getNode(); for (std::multimap<DSNode*, LatticeValue*>::iterator LVI = NodeLVs.lower_bound(N); LVI != NodeLVs.end() && LVI->first == N;) { bool AtBottom = false; switch (IID) { default: AtBottom = LVI->second->visitRecognizedCall(*Call); break; case Intrinsic::memset: if (Callbacks & Visit::Stores) AtBottom = LVI->second->visitMemSet(*cast<CallInst>(Call)); break; } if (AtBottom) { delete LVI->second; NodeLVs.erase(LVI++); } else { ++LVI; } } } } }