static inline uint16_t bind_port(util::csview scheme, const uint16_t port_from_uri) noexcept { static const std::vector<std::pair<util::csview, uint16_t>> port_table { {"ftp", 21U}, {"http", 80U}, {"https", 443U}, {"irc", 6667U}, {"ldap", 389U}, {"nntp", 119U}, {"rtsp", 554U}, {"sip", 5060U}, {"sips", 5061U}, {"smtp", 25U}, {"ssh", 22U}, {"telnet", 23U}, {"ws", 80U}, {"wss", 443U}, {"xmpp", 5222U}, }; if (port_from_uri not_eq 0) return port_from_uri; const auto it = std::find_if(port_table.cbegin(), port_table.cend(), [scheme](const auto& _) { return icase_equal(_.first, scheme); }); return (it not_eq port_table.cend()) ? it->second : 0xFFFFU; }
void test_singletons(CompareT cmp, std::vector<T> values, direction M) { std::cout << "Test singletons" << std::endl; die_unless(cmp(cmp.min_value(), cmp.max_value())); size_t pos_compares = 0; size_t neg_compares = 0; for (auto i1 = values.cbegin(); i1 != values.cend(); ++i1) { die_unless(!cmp(*i1, *i1)); die_unless(cmp(*i1, cmp.max_value())); die_unless(cmp(cmp.min_value(), *i1)); for (auto i2 = values.cbegin(); i2 != values.cend(); ++i2) { const bool expected = (M == direction::Less) ? (*i1 < *i2) : (*i1 > *i2); const bool compared = cmp(*i1, *i2); pos_compares += compared; neg_compares += !compared; die_unless(expected == compared); } } die_unless(pos_compares + values.size() == neg_compares); }
/** A specialisation for bool to allow more, better values. */ bool CommandSystem::parseArgument(std::string &message, bool *result) { const static std::vector<std::string> trueValues = { "on", "true", "yes", "1" }; const static std::vector<std::string> allValues = { "on", "true", "yes", "1", "off", "false", "no", "0" }; std::vector<std::string> possible = chooseWord(allValues, message); if (possible.empty()) return false; // Look what possibilities were found bool foundTrue = false; bool foundFalse = false; for (const auto &p : possible) { if (std::find(trueValues.cbegin(), trueValues.cend(), p) != trueValues.cend()) foundTrue = true; else foundFalse = true; } if (foundTrue && foundFalse) return false; *result = foundTrue; return true; }
/** * Wyświetla informacje na ekranie. */ void printUI(unsigned int step, const std::vector<Conveyor *>& conveyors, const std::vector<Tank *>& tanks) { using namespace std; clearScreen(); cout << "Krok symulacji: " << step << '\n'; // Wyświetl kilka przenosników cout << "Przenośniki:\n"; int num = 15; for (auto it = conveyors.cbegin(); it != conveyors.cend() && num > 0; ++it) { Conveyor *c = *it; cout << setw(10) << c->name() << " (Q_we: " << setw(4) << c->m_chwilowaWydajnoscNaWejsciu << " t/h) "; (*it)->printMaterialDistribution(100); // Wyświetl odcinkami po 100 [m] cout << " (Q_wy: " << setw(4) << c->m_chwilowaWydajnoscNaWyjsciu << " t/h)\n"; --num; } cout << endl; // Wyświetl kilka zbiorników cout << "Zbiorniki:\n"; num = 5; for (auto it = tanks.cbegin(); it != tanks.cend() && num > 0; ++it) { cout << setw(10) << (*it)->name() << ' '; (*it)->printMaterialDistribution(); --num; } }
/** Add a keyword from it's definition * * @param _lines : lines which define the keyword * @return keyword * * Returns a nullptr if keyword the keyword */ std::shared_ptr<Keyword> KeyFile::add_keyword(const std::vector<std::string>& _lines, int64_t _line_index) { // find keyword name const auto it = std::find_if(_lines.cbegin(), _lines.cend(), [](const std::string& line) { return (line.size() > 0 && line[0] == '*'); }); if (it == _lines.cend()) throw(std::invalid_argument( "Can not find keyword definition (line must begin with *)")); // determine type auto kw_type = Keyword::determine_keyword_type(*it); // do the thing auto kw = create_keyword(_lines, kw_type, _line_index); if (kw) keywords[kw->get_keyword_name()].push_back(kw); return kw; }
SourceLocation VirtualCallsFromCTOR::containsVirtualCall(clang::CXXRecordDecl *classDecl, clang::Stmt *stmt, std::vector<Stmt*> &processedStmts) { if (stmt == nullptr) return {}; // already processed ? we don't want recurring calls if (std::find(processedStmts.cbegin(), processedStmts.cend(), stmt) != processedStmts.cend()) return {}; processedStmts.push_back(stmt); std::vector<CXXMemberCallExpr*> memberCalls; Utils::getChilds2<CXXMemberCallExpr>(stmt, memberCalls); for (CXXMemberCallExpr *callExpr : memberCalls) { CXXMethodDecl *memberDecl = callExpr->getMethodDecl(); if (memberDecl == nullptr || dyn_cast<CXXThisExpr>(callExpr->getImplicitObjectArgument()) == nullptr) continue; if (memberDecl->getParent() == classDecl) { if (memberDecl->isPure()) { return callExpr->getLocStart(); } else { if (containsVirtualCall(classDecl, memberDecl->getBody(), processedStmts).isValid()) return callExpr->getLocStart(); } } } return {}; }
std::vector<uint8_t> fromBitsToBytes(const std::vector<uint8_t>& bitVec) { std::vector<uint8_t> byteVec{}; if (bitVec.size() % 8 != 0) // The number of bits is not a multiple of 8 return byteVec; // We make sure that each element is either a one or a zero auto it = std::find_if_not(bitVec.cbegin(), bitVec.cend(), [](uint8_t x) { return x == 0 || x == 1; }); if (it == bitVec.cend()) { // All the values were 0 or 1 for(auto it8 = bitVec.cbegin(); it8 < bitVec.cend(); it8 += 8) { // We get all the bits one by one uint8_t tmp{}; for(auto index = 0 ; index < 8; ++index) { tmp |= (*(it8 + index)) << index; } byteVec.push_back(tmp); } } return byteVec; }
std::string getCommonParentPath(const std::vector<std::string> &paths) { if(paths.size() == 0) return std::string(); std::size_t maxCommonSize = string_utils::getMaxCommonSize(paths.cbegin(), paths.cend()); const char *refStart = paths.back().c_str(); const char *refEnd = refStart + maxCommonSize; while(refStart != refEnd) { bool same = true; for(auto it = paths.cbegin(); it != paths.cend() - 1; ++it) { if(!std::equal(refStart, refEnd, it->c_str())) { same = false; break; } } if(same) break; --refEnd; } if(refStart == refEnd) return std::string(); return std::string(refStart, refEnd); }
types::DiscoveryEntryWithMetaInfo QosArbitrationStrategyFunction::select( const std::map<std::string, types::CustomParameter> customParameters, const std::vector<types::DiscoveryEntryWithMetaInfo>& discoveryEntries) const { std::ignore = customParameters; auto selectedDiscoveryEntryIt = discoveryEntries.cend(); std::int64_t highestPriority = types::ProviderQos().getPriority(); // get default value for (auto it = discoveryEntries.cbegin(); it != discoveryEntries.cend(); ++it) { const types::ProviderQos& providerQos = it->getQos(); JOYNR_LOG_TRACE(logger(), "Looping over discoveryEntry: {}", it->toString()); if (providerQos.getPriority() >= highestPriority) { selectedDiscoveryEntryIt = it; JOYNR_LOG_TRACE(logger(), "setting selectedParticipantId to {}", selectedDiscoveryEntryIt->getParticipantId()); highestPriority = providerQos.getPriority(); } } if (selectedDiscoveryEntryIt == discoveryEntries.cend()) { std::stringstream errorMsg; errorMsg << "There was more than one entry in capabilitiesEntries, but none of the " "compatible entries had a priority >= " << types::ProviderQos().getPriority(); JOYNR_LOG_WARN(logger(), errorMsg.str()); throw exceptions::DiscoveryException(errorMsg.str()); } return *selectedDiscoveryEntryIt; }
void QEvalTmpResultCore::cartProductSorted(std::vector<std::pair<idx_t, idx_t>>& result, const std::vector<idx_t>& left, const std::vector<idx_t>& right) { result.reserve(left.size()*right.size()); std::vector<idx_t>::const_iterator lIter, rIter; for (lIter = left.cbegin(); lIter != left.cend(); lIter++) { for (rIter = right.cbegin(); rIter != right.cend(); rIter++) { result.push_back(std::make_pair(*lIter, *rIter)); } } std::sort(result.begin(), result.end()); }
std::size_t colidx(const std::vector<std::string> & colnames, const std::string & name) { std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator found = std::find(colnames.cbegin(), colnames.cend(), name); if (found == colnames.cend()) { std::cerr << "Bad column name: " << name << std::endl; } assert(found != colnames.cend()); return found - colnames.cbegin(); }
void broadcast_impl(std::vector<hpx::id_type> ids, hpx::util::function<void(hpx::id_type)> fun, std::size_t fan_out) { // Call some action for the fan_out first ids here ... std::vector<hpx::future<void> > broadcast_futures; broadcast_futures.reserve((std::min)(ids.size(), fan_out)); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < (std::min)(fan_out, ids.size()); ++i) { broadcast_futures.push_back( hpx::async(fun, ids[i]) ); } if(ids.size() > fan_out) { typedef std::vector<hpx::id_type>::const_iterator iterator; iterator begin = ids.cbegin() + fan_out; for(std::size_t i = 0; i < fan_out; ++i) { std::size_t next_dist = (ids.size() - fan_out)/fan_out + 1; iterator end = ((i == fan_out-1) || ((std::distance(ids.cbegin() + fan_out, begin) + next_dist) >= ids.size())) ? ids.cend() : begin + next_dist; std::vector<hpx::id_type> next(begin, end); if(next.size() > 0) { hpx::id_type dst = hpx::naming::get_locality_from_id(next[0]); broadcast_futures.push_back( hpx::async<broadcast_impl_action>(dst, std::move(next), fun, fan_out) ); /* hpx::apply<broadcast_impl_action>(dst, std::move(next), fun, fan_out); */ } if(end == ids.cend()) break; begin = end; } } if(broadcast_futures.size() > 0) { hpx::wait_all(broadcast_futures); } }
std::vector<LogicalSessionId> LogicalSessionCacheImpl::listIds( const std::vector<SHA256Block>& userDigests) const { stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_cacheMutex); std::vector<LogicalSessionId> ret; for (const auto& it : _activeSessions) { if (std::find(userDigests.cbegin(), userDigests.cend(), it.first.getUid()) != userDigests.cend()) { ret.push_back(it.first); } } return ret; }
std::vector<tpoint> intersection(const std::vector<tpoint>& lhs, const std::vector<tpoint>& rhs) { std::vector<tpoint> result; std::set_intersection(lhs.cbegin(), lhs.cend(), rhs.cbegin(), rhs.cend(), std::back_inserter(result)); return result; }
boost::optional<const User&> find(const std::string & nick) const { auto result = std::find_if( users_alpha_.cbegin(), users_alpha_.cend(), [&nick, this](const User* u){ return this->locale_(nick, u->nick); }); if (result != users_alpha_.cend()) return boost::optional<const User&>(*(*result)); return boost::none; }
void Mapper::setNames(const std::vector<std::string>& inNames, const std::vector<std::string>& outNames) { inToOutMapping_.clear(); inSize_ = inNames.size(); outSize_ = outNames.size(); for (const auto& in : inNames) { auto it(std::find(outNames.cbegin(), outNames.cend(), in)); if (it != outNames.cend()) inToOutMapping_.push_back(std::distance(outNames.cbegin(), it)); else inToOutMapping_.push_back(-1); } }
LocalToGlobalIndexMap::LocalToGlobalIndexMap( std::vector<MeshLib::MeshSubset>&& mesh_subsets, std::vector<int> const& global_component_ids, std::vector<int> const& variable_component_offsets, std::vector<MeshLib::Element*> const& elements, NumLib::MeshComponentMap&& mesh_component_map, LocalToGlobalIndexMap::ConstructorTag) : _mesh_subsets(std::move(mesh_subsets)), _mesh_component_map(std::move(mesh_component_map)), _variable_component_offsets(variable_component_offsets) { // Each subset in the mesh_subsets represents a single component. if (_mesh_subsets.size() != global_component_ids.size()) OGS_FATAL( "Number of mesh subsets is not equal to number of components. " "There are %d mesh subsets and %d components.", _mesh_subsets.size(), global_component_ids.size()); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(global_component_ids.size()); ++i) { auto const& ms = _mesh_subsets[i]; // For all MeshSubset in mesh_subsets and each element of that // MeshSubset save a line of global indices. std::size_t const mesh_id = ms.getMeshID(); findGlobalIndices(elements.cbegin(), elements.cend(), ms.getNodes(), mesh_id, global_component_ids[i], i); } }
rcl_interfaces::msg::ListParametersResult Node::list_parameters( const std::vector<std::string> & prefixes, uint64_t depth) const { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_); rcl_interfaces::msg::ListParametersResult result; // TODO(esteve): define parameter separator, use "." for now for (auto & kv : parameters_) { if (std::any_of(prefixes.cbegin(), prefixes.cend(), [&kv, &depth](const std::string & prefix) { if (kv.first == prefix) { return true; } else if (kv.first.find(prefix + ".") == 0) { size_t length = prefix.length(); std::string substr = kv.first.substr(length); // Cast as unsigned integer to avoid warning return static_cast<uint64_t>(std::count(substr.begin(), substr.end(), '.')) < depth; } return false; })) { result.names.push_back(kv.first); size_t last_separator = kv.first.find_last_of('.'); if (std::string::npos != last_separator) { std::string prefix = kv.first.substr(0, last_separator); if (std::find(result.prefixes.cbegin(), result.prefixes.cend(), prefix) == result.prefixes.cend()) { result.prefixes.push_back(prefix); } } } } return result; }
catchment_t run(parameter_t param) { catchment_t catchment_discharge(time_axis, 0.0); //shyft::time_axis::fixed_dt auto state_time_axis=time_axis; state_time_axis.n++;//add room for end-state size_t i = 0; for_each(model_cells.cbegin(), model_cells.cend(), [this, &i, ¶m, &catchment_discharge,&state_time_axis] (PTGSKCell d) { StateCollector<timeaxis> sc(state_time_axis); DischargeCollector<timeaxis> rc(1000*1000, time_axis); pt_gs_k::state_t s = state(i++); pt_gs_k::response_t r; pt_gs_k::run_pt_gs_k<shyft::timeseries::direct_accessor,pt_gs_k::response_t>( d.geo_cell_info(), param, time_axis,0,0, d.temperature(), d.precipitation(), d.wind_speed(), d.rel_hum(), d.radiation(), s, sc, rc); d.add_discharge(rc.avg_discharge, catchment_discharge, time_axis); // Aggregate discharge into the catchment }); return catchment_discharge; }
/* Constructeur de chargement.*/ Joueur::Joueur(std::vector<int> const &id_armes_depart, Coordonnees pos_depart) : super(pos_depart), m_compteur_recharge(0), m_points_de_vie(100) { // Initialisation des attributs. // Attributs hérités. m_vitesse_max = 4; // Attributs privés. for(int i = 0; i < NB_ACTIONS; i++) { m_actions[i] = false; } // Chargement des images du joueur. m_textures[HAUT] = new Texture("rsc/img/jeu/entites/joueur/joueur_haut.bmp"); m_textures[HAUT_DROITE] = new Texture("rsc/img/jeu/entites/joueur/joueur_haut_droite.bmp"); m_textures[DROITE] = new Texture("rsc/img/jeu/entites/joueur/joueur_droite.bmp"); m_textures[BAS_DROITE] = new Texture("rsc/img/jeu/entites/joueur/joueur_bas_droite.bmp"); m_textures[BAS] = new Texture("rsc/img/jeu/entites/joueur/joueur_bas.bmp"); m_textures[BAS_GAUCHE] = new Texture("rsc/img/jeu/entites/joueur/joueur_bas_gauche.bmp"); m_textures[GAUCHE] = new Texture("rsc/img/jeu/entites/joueur/joueur_gauche.bmp"); m_textures[HAUT_GAUCHE] = new Texture("rsc/img/jeu/entites/joueur/joueur_haut_gauche.bmp"); // Attribution de l'image de départ par défaut. m_image = m_textures[BAS]; // Récupération des armes correspondants aux id donnés. for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator it = id_armes_depart.cbegin(); it != id_armes_depart.cend(); ++it) { m_armes_portees.emplace_back(Jeu::getArmeDepuisID(*it)); } // Sélection automatique de la première arme portée. m_num_arme_selectionnee = 0; m_arme_selectionnee = &; }
void verify_retry_results(wa::storage::retry_policy policy, web::http::status_code primary_status_code, web::http::status_code secondary_status_code, wa::storage::location_mode mode, std::function<std::chrono::milliseconds (int)> allowed_delta, std::vector<wa::storage::retry_info> expected_retry_info_list) { auto initial_location = get_initial_location(mode); auto next_location = get_next_location(mode, initial_location); wa::storage::operation_context op_context; wa::storage::request_result result(utility::datetime::utc_now(), initial_location, web::http::http_response(initial_location == wa::storage::storage_location::secondary ? secondary_status_code : primary_status_code), false); int retry_count = 0; for (auto iter = expected_retry_info_list.cbegin(); iter != expected_retry_info_list.cend(); ++iter) { auto retry_info = policy.evaluate(wa::storage::retry_context(retry_count++, result, next_location, mode), op_context); CHECK(retry_info.should_retry()); CHECK(iter->target_location() == retry_info.target_location()); CHECK(iter->updated_location_mode() == retry_info.updated_location_mode()); CHECK_CLOSE(iter->retry_interval().count(), retry_info.retry_interval().count(), allowed_delta(retry_count).count()); std::this_thread::sleep_for(retry_info.retry_interval()); result = wa::storage::request_result(utility::datetime::utc_now(), retry_info.target_location(), web::http::http_response(retry_info.target_location() == wa::storage::storage_location::secondary ? secondary_status_code : primary_status_code), false); mode = retry_info.updated_location_mode(); next_location = get_next_location(mode, next_location); } auto retry_info = policy.evaluate(wa::storage::retry_context(retry_count++, result, next_location, mode), op_context); CHECK(!retry_info.should_retry()); }
tmp_pipes(int nb_pipes): tmpdir_(create_tmp_dir()), pipes_(create_pipes(tmpdir_, nb_pipes)) { for(auto it = pipes_.cbegin(); it != pipes_.cend(); ++it) pipes_paths_.push_back(it->c_str()); }
// TODO: refactor DirectoryDescriptorIterator FileSystem::getLastPathElementHandle(const std::vector<std::string> &path, bool isAbsolute) { descriptorIndex_tp currentHandle = isAbsolute ? header().rootDirectoryDescriptor : currentDirectory(); // TODO: symbolic link and check symbolic link loop // for(const string ¤tName: path) { for(auto currentName = path.cbegin(); ; ++currentName) { DirectoryDescriptorIterator dIt = getDirectoryDescriptorIterator(currentHandle); if(currentName == path.cend()) { return dIt; } bool found = false; while(dIt.hasNext()) { ++dIt; if(dIt->name(header().filenameLength) == *currentName) { found = true; currentHandle = dIt->descriptor; break; } } if(!found) { throw file_system_exception("No such file or directory."); } } }
void min_heap::print() { cout << "\nElements : [ "; for(auto itr = _elements.cbegin(); itr != _elements.cend(); ++itr) { cout << *itr << ","; } cout << "\b ]" << endl; }
PLUGIN_EXPORT void Initialize(void** data, void* rm) { MeasureData* measure = new MeasureData(RmGetMeasureName(rm)); *data = measure; g_Measures.push_back(measure); void* skin = RmGetSkin(rm); LPCWSTR str = RmReadString(rm, L"Folder", L"", FALSE); if (*str == L'[') { int len = wcslen(str); for (auto iter = g_Measures.cbegin(); iter != g_Measures.cend(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->folder && (*iter)->folder->GetSkin() == skin && wcsncmp(&str[1], (*iter)->section, len - 2) == 0) { measure->folder = (*iter)->folder; measure->folder->AddInstance(); return; } } } measure->folder = new CFolderInfo(skin); measure->parent = true; }
void FileUtils::setSearchResolutionsOrder(const std::vector<std::string>& searchResolutionsOrder) { bool existDefault = false; _fullPathCache.clear(); _searchResolutionsOrderArray.clear(); for(auto iter = searchResolutionsOrder.cbegin(); iter != searchResolutionsOrder.cend(); ++iter) { std::string resolutionDirectory = *iter; if (!existDefault && resolutionDirectory == "") { existDefault = true; } if (resolutionDirectory.length() > 0 && resolutionDirectory[resolutionDirectory.length()-1] != '/') { resolutionDirectory += "/"; } _searchResolutionsOrderArray.push_back(resolutionDirectory); } if (!existDefault) { _searchResolutionsOrderArray.push_back(""); } }
void FileUtils::setSearchPaths(const std::vector<std::string>& searchPaths) { bool existDefaultRootPath = false; _fullPathCache.clear(); _searchPathArray.clear(); for (auto iter = searchPaths.cbegin(); iter != searchPaths.cend(); ++iter) { std::string prefix; std::string path; if (!isAbsolutePath(*iter)) { // Not an absolute path prefix = _defaultResRootPath; } path = prefix + (*iter); if (path.length() > 0 && path[path.length()-1] != '/') { path += "/"; } if (!existDefaultRootPath && path == _defaultResRootPath) { existDefaultRootPath = true; } _searchPathArray.push_back(path); } if (!existDefaultRootPath) { //CCLOG("Default root path doesn't exist, adding it."); _searchPathArray.push_back(_defaultResRootPath); } }
int32_t TDvbDb::InsertDescriptor(const char* tableName, const int64_t& fkey, const std::vector<TMpegDescriptor>& descList) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(DbMutex); int32_t rc(-1); if (tableName && fkey > 0 && !descList.empty()) { // Using 'INSERT OR IGNORE' so duplicate entries do not trigger an exception or error. string cmdStr("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO "); string tableStr(tableName); cmdStr += tableStr; cmdStr += " (fkey, descriptor_id, descriptor) VALUES (?, ?, ?);"; try { for (auto it = descList.cbegin(); it != descList.cend(); ++it) { const TMpegDescriptor& md = *it; command cmd(Sqlite3ppWrapper, cmdStr.c_str()); cmd.binder() << static_cast<long long int>(fkey) << static_cast<uint8_t>(md.GetDescriptorTag()); const std::vector<uint8_t>& descData = md.GetDescriptorData(); cmd.bind(3, static_cast<const void*>(, descData.size()); cmd.execute(); rc = 0; } } catch (exception& ex) { OS_LOG(DVB_DEBUG, "<%s> - Exception: %s cmd: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, ex.what(), cmdStr.c_str()); } catch (...) { OS_LOG(DVB_ERROR, "<%s> - Unknown Exception: cmd: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, cmdStr.c_str()); } } return rc; }
int main() { try { lua::State state; lua::callback::registerFunctions(state, funcTable.cbegin(), funcTable.cend()); std::string i1; double d1; float f1; boost::optional<int> optInt; lua::types::AnyRef r; state.doFile("../test.lua"); //state.setGlobal("phasor_version", 202); lua::Caller<std::string, double, float, lua::types::AnyRef, boost::optional<some_random_type>> c(state); boost::optional<some_random_type> vo; std::tie(i1, d1, f1, r, vo) =<lua::Push, MyPop>("test_func", std::make_tuple(1, 2, 3)); if (!c.hasError()) { cout << i1 << " " << d1 << " " << f1 << endl; if (optInt) cout << "opt: " << *optInt << endl;<lua::Push, MyPop>("test_func1", std::make_tuple(std::ref(r))); } else { cout << "return values ignored" << endl; } } catch (std::exception& e) { cout << e.what() << endl; } //std::tuple<int, int> a; //std::get<0>(a) = 4; //std::tuple_element<0, std::tuple<int, int>>::type b = "15"; //cout << std::get<1>(a); }
void blob_service_test_base_with_objects_to_delete::check_container_list(const std::vector<azure::storage::cloud_blob_container>& list, const utility::string_t& prefix, bool check_found) { auto container_list_sorted = std::is_sorted(list.cbegin(), list.cend(), [](const azure::storage::cloud_blob_container& a, const azure::storage::cloud_blob_container& b) { return <; }); CHECK(container_list_sorted); std::vector<azure::storage::cloud_blob_container> containers(m_containers_to_delete); for (auto list_iter = list.begin(); list_iter != list.end(); ++list_iter) { bool found = false; for (auto iter = containers.begin(); iter != containers.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->name() == list_iter->name()) { auto index_str = list_iter->metadata().find(U("index")); CHECK(index_str != list_iter->metadata().end()); CHECK_UTF8_EQUAL(iter->name(), prefix + index_str->second); containers.erase(iter); found = true; break; } } if (check_found) { CHECK(found); } } CHECK(containers.empty()); }