void CommaSeperatedEntryValidator::validate(const Teuchos::ParameterEntry & entry,  
                                      const std::string & paramName,
                                      const std::string & sublistName) const
  const std::string &entryName = entry.getAny(false).typeName();
  Teuchos::any anyValue = entry.getAny(true);
  // type passed, validate value
  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!(anyValue.type() == typeid(std::string) ),
    "Sorry but it looks like the \"" << paramName << "\"" <<
    " parameter in the \"" << sublistName <<
    "\" sublist does not exist." << std::endl << std::endl <<
    "Error: The value that you entered was the wrong type." << std::endl <<
    "Parameter: " << paramName << std::endl <<
    "Type specified: " << entryName << std::endl <<
    "Type accepted: " << typeid(std::string).name() <<
    std::endl << std::endl);

  const std::string & value = Teuchos::any_cast<std::string>(anyValue);

  std::vector<std::string> tokens;

  if(!allowEmpty_) {
     const std::string errorStr = "The value for \"string-list\" type parameter in sublist \""+sublistName+"\" named \""+paramName+"\" "
                                  "is incorrectly formatted. The expected format is\n"
                                  "   \"<string>[, <string>]*\" "
                                  "your value is \""+value+"\"";

     // verify that their is a response type and an evaluation type
예제 #2
 static std::string generateXMLParameterString(const std::string& name, T data) {
   Teuchos::ParameterEntry entry = getEntry(name);
   std::stringstream ss;
   // TODO: check whether getAny().typeName() matches the typeid(T)
   //       One could use a technique as described here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4484982/how-to-convert-typename-t-to-string-in-c
   ss << "<Parameter name=\"" << name << "\" type=\"" << entry.getAny().typeName() << "\" value=\"" << data << "\"/>";
   return ss.str();
 std::string filterValueToString(const Teuchos::ParameterEntry& entry ) {
   return ( entry.isList() ? std::string("...") : toString(entry.getAny()) );