예제 #1
void PrimitiveReader::readGeomParam( const T &param, const Alembic::Abc::ISampleSelector &sampleSelector, IECoreScene::Primitive *primitive ) const

	typedef typename T::prop_type::sample_ptr_type SamplePtr;
	typedef typename IGeomParamTraits<T>::DataType DataType;
	typedef typename T::sample_type GeomParamSample;

	if( param.getArrayExtent() > 1 )
		IECore::msg( IECore::Msg::Warning, "FromAlembicGeomBaseConverter::convertArbGeomParam", boost::format( "Param \"%s\" has unsupported array extent" ) % param.getHeader().getName() );

	SamplePtr sample;
	Abc::UInt32ArraySamplePtr indices;

	if( param.isIndexed() )
		GeomParamSample geomParamSample = param.getIndexedValue( sampleSelector );
		sample = geomParamSample.getVals();
		indices = geomParamSample.getIndices();
		sample = param.getExpandedValue( sampleSelector ).getVals();

	typename DataType::Ptr data = new DataType();
	data->writable().resize( sample->size() );
	std::copy( sample->get(), sample->get() + sample->size(), data->writable().begin() );

	ApplyGeometricInterpretation<DataType, T>::apply( data.get() );

	PrimitiveVariable pv;
	pv.interpolation = interpolation( param.getScope() );
	pv.data = data;

	if( param.isIndexed() )
		IntVectorDataPtr indexData = new IntVectorData();
		indexData->writable().resize( indices->size() );
		std::copy( indices->get(), indices->get() + indices->size(), indexData->writable().begin() );
		pv.indices = indexData;

	primitive->variables[param.getHeader().getName()] = pv;
예제 #2
DataPtr EXRImageReader::readTypedChannel( const std::string &name, const Imath::Box2i &dataWindow, const Imf::Channel *channel )
	assert( channel );
	Imath::V2i pixelDimensions = dataWindow.size() + Imath::V2i( 1 );
	unsigned numPixels = pixelDimensions.x * pixelDimensions.y;

	typedef TypedData<vector<T> > DataType;
	typename DataType::Ptr data = new DataType;
	data->writable().resize( numPixels );

	Imath::Box2i fullDataWindow = this->dataWindow();
	if( fullDataWindow.min.x==dataWindow.min.x && fullDataWindow.max.x==dataWindow.max.x )
		// the width we want to read matches the width in the file, so we can read straight
		// into the result buffer
		FrameBuffer frameBuffer;
		T *buffer00 = data->baseWritable() - dataWindow.min.y * pixelDimensions.x - fullDataWindow.min.x;
		Slice slice( channel->type, (char *)buffer00, sizeof(T), sizeof(T) * pixelDimensions.x );
		frameBuffer.insert( name.c_str(), slice );
		m_inputFile->setFrameBuffer( frameBuffer );
		// exr library will choose the best order to read scanlines automatically (increasing or decreasing)
			m_inputFile->readPixels( dataWindow.min.y, dataWindow.max.y );
		catch( Iex::InputExc &e )
			// so we can read incomplete files
			msg( Msg::Warning, "EXRImageReader::readChannel", e.what() );
			return data;
		// widths don't match, we need to read into a temporary buffer and then transfer just
		// the bits we need into the result buffer.
		int numTmpPixels = fullDataWindow.size().x + 1;
		vector<T> tmpBuffer( numTmpPixels );
		T *tmpBufferTransferStart = &(tmpBuffer[0]) + dataWindow.min.x - fullDataWindow.min.x;
		size_t tmpBufferTransferLength = pixelDimensions.x * sizeof( T );
		T *transferDestination = &(data->writable()[0]);

		// slice has yStride of 0 so each successive scanline just overwrites the previous one
		Slice slice( channel->type, (char *)(&(tmpBuffer[0]) - fullDataWindow.min.x), sizeof(T), 0 );
		FrameBuffer frameBuffer;
		frameBuffer.insert( name.c_str(), slice );
		m_inputFile->setFrameBuffer( frameBuffer );

		int yStart = dataWindow.min.y;
		int yEnd = dataWindow.max.y;
		int yStep = 1;
			for( int y=yStart; y!=(yEnd+yStep); y+=yStep )
				m_inputFile->readPixels( y );
				memcpy( (char *)transferDestination, (const char *)tmpBufferTransferStart, tmpBufferTransferLength );
				transferDestination += pixelDimensions.x;
		catch( Iex::InputExc &e )
			// so we can read incomplete files
			msg( Msg::Warning, "EXRImageReader::readChannel", e.what() );
			return data;

#ifndef NDEBUG
	for ( typename DataType::ValueType::const_iterator it = data->readable().begin(); it != data->readable().end(); ++it )
		assert( *it == *it ); // Will fail iff NaN

	return data;