bool kdl_urdf_tools::initialize_kinematics_from_urdf( const std::string &robot_description, const std::string &root_link, const std::string &tip_link, unsigned int &n_dof, KDL::Chain &kdl_chain, KDL::Tree &kdl_tree, urdf::Model &urdf_model) { if(robot_description.length() == 0) { ROS_ERROR("URDF string is empty."); return false; } // Construct an URDF model from the xml string urdf_model.initString(robot_description); // Get a KDL tree from the robot URDF if (!kdl_parser::treeFromUrdfModel(urdf_model, kdl_tree)){ ROS_ERROR("Failed to construct kdl tree"); return false; } // Populate the KDL chain if(!kdl_tree.getChain(root_link, tip_link, kdl_chain)) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Failed to get KDL chain from tree: "); ROS_ERROR_STREAM(" "<<root_link<<" --> "<<tip_link); ROS_ERROR_STREAM(" Tree has "<<kdl_tree.getNrOfJoints()<<" joints"); ROS_ERROR_STREAM(" Tree has "<<kdl_tree.getNrOfSegments()<<" segments"); ROS_ERROR_STREAM(" The segments are:"); KDL::SegmentMap segment_map = kdl_tree.getSegments(); KDL::SegmentMap::iterator it; for( it=segment_map.begin(); it != segment_map.end(); it++ ) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM( " "<<(*it).first); } return false; } // Store the number of degrees of freedom of the chain n_dof = kdl_chain.getNrOfJoints(); return true; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ROS_INFO("Started fullbody_teleop."); ros::init(argc, argv, "fullbody_teleop"); ros::NodeHandle nh; std::string robotDescription; if (!nh.getParam("/robot_description", robotDescription)) { ROS_FATAL("Parameter for robot description not provided"); } huboModel.initString(robotDescription); //ros::Timer frame_timer = n.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.01), frameCallback); gIntServer.reset( new interactive_markers::InteractiveMarkerServer("joint_controls","",false) ); for (auto jointPair : huboModel.joints_) { boost::shared_ptr<urdf::Joint> joint = jointPair.second; if (joint->name[1] == 'F') { continue; } if (joint->name== "TSY") { continue; } makeJointMarker(joint->name); } std::cerr << "\nURDF size: " << huboModel.joints_.size() << std::endl; ros::Duration(0.1).sleep(); for (int i = 0; i < HUBO_JOINT_COUNT; i++) { if (DRCHUBO_URDF_JOINT_NAMES[i] != "") {[i]); planState.position.push_back(0); planState.velocity.push_back(0); planState.effort.push_back(0); } } for (int side = 0; side < 2; side++) for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { std::string sideStr = (side == 0) ? "R" : "L"; + "F" + std::to_string(i) + std::to_string(j)); planState.position.push_back(0); planState.velocity.push_back(0); planState.effort.push_back(0); } makeSaveButton(); gIntServer->applyChanges(); gJoySubscriber = nh.subscribe("joy_in", 1, &joyCallback); gIKinClient = nh.serviceClient<moveit_msgs::GetPositionIK>("/hubo/kinematics/ik_service"); gFKinClient = nh.serviceClient<moveit_msgs::GetPositionFK>("/hubo/kinematics/fk_service"); gStatePublisher = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("joint_states", 1); gRPosePublisher = nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("rh_pose", 1); gTextPublisher = nh.advertise<std_msgs::String>("text_out", 1); gTimer = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(1), &timerCallback); gTimer.start(); ros::spin(); gIntServer.reset(); return 0; }