예제 #1
PassRefPtr<StringImpl> AtomicString::add(const KJS::UString& ustring)
    if (ustring.isNull())
        return 0;

    UString::Rep* string = ustring.rep();
    unsigned length = string->size();
    if (!length)
        return StringImpl::empty();

    HashAndCharacters buffer = { string->hash(), string->data(), length }; 
    pair<HashSet<StringImpl*>::iterator, bool> addResult = stringTable->add<HashAndCharacters, HashAndCharactersTranslator>(buffer);
    if (!addResult.second)
        return *addResult.first;
    return adoptRef(*addResult.first);
예제 #2
AtomicStringImpl* AtomicString::find(const KJS::Identifier& identifier)
    if (identifier.isNull())
        return 0;

    UString::Rep* string = identifier.ustring().rep();
    unsigned length = string->size();
    if (!length)
        return static_cast<AtomicStringImpl*>(StringImpl::empty());

    HashAndCharacters buffer = { string->computedHash(), string->data(), length }; 
    HashSet<StringImpl*>::iterator iterator = stringTable->find<HashAndCharacters, HashAndCharactersTranslator>(buffer);
    if (iterator == stringTable->end())
        return 0;
    return static_cast<AtomicStringImpl*>(*iterator);
예제 #3
const JSChar* JSStringGetCharactersPtr(JSStringRef string)
    UString::Rep* rep = toJS(string);
    return reinterpret_cast<const JSChar*>(rep->data());
예제 #4
CFStringRef JSStringCopyCFString(CFAllocatorRef alloc, JSStringRef string)
    UString::Rep* rep = toJS(string);
    return CFStringCreateWithCharacters(alloc, reinterpret_cast<const UniChar*>(rep->data()), rep->size());
예제 #5
// Overview: this methods converts a JSString from holding a string in rope form
// down to a simple UString representation.  It does so by building up the string
// backwards, since we want to avoid recursion, we expect that the tree structure
// representing the rope is likely imbalanced with more nodes down the left side
// (since appending to the string is likely more common) - and as such resolving
// in this fashion should minimize work queue size.  (If we built the queue forwards
// we would likely have to place all of the constituent UString::Reps into the
// Vector before performing any concatenation, but by working backwards we likely
// only fill the queue with the number of substrings at any given level in a
// rope-of-ropes.)
void JSString::resolveRope(ExecState* exec) const

    // Allocate the buffer to hold the final string, position initially points to the end.
    UChar* buffer;
    if (PassRefPtr<UStringImpl> newImpl = UStringImpl::tryCreateUninitialized(m_stringLength, buffer))
        m_value = newImpl;
    else {
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_ropeLength; ++i) {
            m_fibers[i] = static_cast<void*>(0);
        m_ropeLength = 0;
        ASSERT(m_value == UString());
    UChar* position = buffer + m_stringLength;

    // Start with the current Rope.
    Vector<Rope::Fiber, 32> workQueue;
    Rope::Fiber currentFiber;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < (m_ropeLength - 1); ++i)
    currentFiber = m_fibers[m_ropeLength - 1];
    while (true) {
        if (currentFiber.isRope()) {
            Rope* rope = currentFiber.rope();
            // Copy the contents of the current rope into the workQueue, with the last item in 'currentFiber'
            // (we will be working backwards over the rope).
            unsigned ropeLengthMinusOne = rope->ropeLength() - 1;
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < ropeLengthMinusOne; ++i)
            currentFiber = rope->fibers(ropeLengthMinusOne);
        } else {
            UString::Rep* string = currentFiber.string();
            unsigned length = string->size();
            position -= length;
            UStringImpl::copyChars(position, string->data(), length);

            // Was this the last item in the work queue?
            if (workQueue.isEmpty()) {
                // Create a string from the UChar buffer, clear the rope RefPtr.
                ASSERT(buffer == position);
                for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_ropeLength; ++i) {
                    m_fibers[i] = static_cast<void*>(0);
                m_ropeLength = 0;


            // No! - set the next item up to process.
            currentFiber = workQueue.last();