예제 #1
void extract_fractional_second(const utility::string_t& dateString, utility::string_t& resultString, uint64_t& ufrac_second)
    resultString = dateString;
    // First, the string must be strictly longer than 2 characters, and the trailing character must be 'Z'
    if (resultString.size() > 2 && resultString[resultString.size() - 1] == U('Z'))
        // Second, find the last non-digit by scanning the string backwards
        auto last_non_digit = std::find_if_not(resultString.rbegin() + 1, resultString.rend(), is_digit);
        if (last_non_digit < resultString.rend() - 1)
            // Finally, make sure the last non-digit is a dot:
            auto last_dot = last_non_digit.base() - 1;
            if (*last_dot == U('.'))
                // Got it! Now extract the fractional second
                auto last_before_Z = std::end(resultString) - 1;
                ufrac_second = timeticks_from_second(last_dot, last_before_Z);
                // And erase it from the string
                resultString.erase(last_dot, last_before_Z);
예제 #2
	///Right trim
	///@details Trim right part of the string
	///@param s - string to be trimmed
	void rtrim(utility::string_t& s)
		s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), std::not1(std::ptr_fun<int,int>(std::isspace))).base(),s.end());