bool vfs::CVirtualFileSystem::removeFileFromFS(vfs::Path const& sFilePath) { vfs::Path sPath,sFile; sFilePath.splitLast(sPath,sFile); vfs::CVirtualProfile *pProf = m_oProfileStack.getWriteProfile(); if(pProf) { vfs::IBaseLocation *pBL = pProf->getLocation(sPath); if(pBL && pBL->implementsWritable()) { vfs::TDirectory<vfs::IWritable> *pDir = dynamic_cast<vfs::TDirectory<vfs::IWritable>*>(pBL); if(pDir) { bool bSuccess = false; // remove file from virtual structures first vfs::IBaseFile* file = pDir->getFile(sFilePath); if(file) { vfs::Path sDir,sFile; sFilePath.splitLast(sDir,sFile); vfs::CVirtualLocation *pVLoc = this->getVirtualLocation(sDir); if(pVLoc) { bSuccess = pVLoc->removeFile(file); } } // delete actual file return bSuccess && pDir->deleteFileFromDirectory(sFilePath); } } } return false; }
void vfs::Path::splitFirst(vfs::Path &rsFirst, vfs::Path &rsTail) const { pathSplitFirst(_path, rsFirst._path, rsTail._path, _sep.first, _sep.last); getFirstLastSeparator(rsFirst.c_str(), rsFirst._sep.first, rsFirst._sep.last); getFirstLastSeparator(rsTail.c_str(), rsTail._sep.first, rsTail._sep.last); // no need to check, as the original path is already checked //rPath.doCheck(); //rFile.doCheck(); }
/** * Downloads a single file from the specified server. */ bool GetOneFile( const launcher::Settings &settings, const std::string &filename, const Signature crc) { Trace("Attempting to download " << filename); core::net::NetClient client(core::net::eConnectionMode::TCP_ASYNC); std::string hostName; for (auto server = settings.get_patch_server_begin(); server != settings.get_patch_server_end(); ++server) { client.start(settings.get_patch_server(0)); if (client.valid()) { hostName = wrappers::net::http::Uri(server->get_dns_name()).getHost(); break; } } if (!client.valid()) { Log(LL::Error) << "Unable to connect to any servers." << std::endl; return false; } wrappers::net::http::HttpHeader header = wrappers::net::http::HttpHeader::Builder() .setRequestType(wrappers::net::http::HttpHeader::eRequestType::HTTP_REQUEST_GET) .setRequestPath(std::string("/") + settings.get_server_patch_dir() + filename) .addHeader("host", hostName) .build(); if (!header.valid()) { return false; } client.send(header.asBlob()); const vfs::Path outputPath = GetOutputPath(filename); vfs::ofstream outfile(outputPath, std::ios::binary | std::ios::out); if (!outfile.is_open()) { Log(LL::Error) << "Unable to open file: " << outputPath.str() << std::endl; return false; } wrappers::net::http::HttpFileHandler fileHandler(outfile); while (client.valid() && !fileHandler.done()) { client.update(fileHandler); core::thread::thisthread::yield(); } client.stop(); outfile.flush(); if (!fileHandler.success()) { return false; } return CheckSignature(outputPath, crc); }
IniFilePtr IniFile::ConstructFromFile(vfs::Path filename) { // Start parsing std::ifstream iniFile(filename.toString().c_str()); if (!iniFile) { Logger::warning( "[IniFile]: Cannot open file " + filename.toString() ); return IniFilePtr(); } return ConstructFromStream(iniFile); }
void IniFile::ExportToFile(vfs::Path file, const std::string& headerComments) const { std::ofstream stream(file.toString().c_str()); if (!headerComments.empty()) { // Split the header text into lines and export it as INI comment std::vector<std::string> lines = StringHelper::split( headerComments, "\n" ); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { stream << "# " << lines[i] << std::endl; } // add some additional line break after the header stream << std::endl; } for (Sections::const_iterator i = _settings.begin(); i != _settings.end(); ++i) { stream << "[" << i->first << "]" << std::endl; for (Options::const_iterator kv = i->second.begin(); kv != i->second.end(); ++kv) { stream << kv->key << " = " << kv->value << std::endl; } stream << std::endl; } }
VariantMap SaveAdapter::load( const vfs::Path& filename ) { Logger::warning( "SaveAdapter: try load model from " + filename.toString() ); NFile f = NFile::open( filename ); return load( f ); }
bool vfs::CVirtualFileSystem::createNewFile(vfs::Path const& sFilename) { vfs::Path sPath,sFile; sFilename.splitLast(sPath,sFile); vfs::CVirtualProfile *pProf = m_oProfileStack.getWriteProfile(); if(pProf) { bool bIsExclusive = false; bool bNewLocation = false; vfs::IBaseLocation *pProfLoc = pProf->getLocation(sPath); if(!pProfLoc) { // try to find closest match vfs::Path sTemp, sCreateDir, sRight, sLeft = sPath; while(!pProfLoc && !sLeft.empty()) { sLeft.splitLast(sTemp,sRight); sLeft = sTemp; sCreateDir = sRight + sCreateDir; pProfLoc = pProf->getLocation(sLeft); } // see if the closest match is exclusive // if yes, then the the new path is a subdirectory and has to be exclusive too vfs::CVirtualLocation *pVLoc = this->getVirtualLocation(sLeft,true); if(pVLoc) { bIsExclusive = pVLoc->getIsExclusive(); } //else //{ // VFS_THROW(L"location (closest match) should exist"); //} bNewLocation = true; } if(pProfLoc && pProfLoc->implementsWritable()) { // create file and add to location vfs::TDirectory<vfs::IWritable> *pDir = dynamic_cast<vfs::TDirectory<vfs::IWritable>*>(pProfLoc); vfs::IBaseFile* pFile = pDir->addFile(sFilename); if(bNewLocation) { pProf->addLocation(pProfLoc); } if(pFile) { CVirtualLocation* pLoc = this->getVirtualLocation(sPath,true); if(bIsExclusive) { pLoc->setIsExclusive(bIsExclusive); } pLoc->addFile(pFile,pProf->cName); return true; } } } // throw ? return false; }
bool Addon::open(vfs::Path path) { # ifdef CAESARIA_PLATFORM_WIN _d->library = ::LoadLibraryA(path.toString().c_str()); # else _d->library = ::dlopen(path.toString().c_str(), RTLD_LAZY); # endif if( _d->library != 0 ) { _d->isOpened = true; _d->funcInit = _d->initFunction<addonInitFunctor>( "initialize" ); _d->funcGetVersion = _d->initFunction<addonGetVersionFunctor>( "getVersion" ); _d->funcGetLevel = _d->initFunction<addonGetLevelFunctor>( "getLevel" ); } return _d->isOpened; }
void PictureBank::Impl::loadAtlas(const vfs::Path& filePath) { if( !filePath.exist() ) { Logger::warning( "PictureBank: cant find atlas " + filePath.toString() ); return; } VariantMap info = config::load( filePath ); vfs::Path texturePath = info.get( "texture" ).toString(); vfs::NFile file = vfs::NFile::open( texturePath ); Picture mainTexture; if( file.isOpen() ) { mainTexture = PictureLoader::instance().load( file ); } else { Logger::warning( "PictureBank: load atlas failed for texture" + texturePath.toString() ); mainTexture = Picture::getInvalid(); } //SizeF mainRectSize = mainTexture.size().toSizeF(); if( !info.empty() ) { VariantMap items = info.get( framesSection ).toMap(); for( auto& i : items ) { VariantList rInfo = i.second.toList(); Picture pic = mainTexture; Point start( rInfo.get( 0 ).toInt(), rInfo.get( 1 ).toInt() ); Size size( rInfo.get( 2 ).toInt(), rInfo.get( 3 ).toInt() ); pic.setOriginRect( Rect( start, size ) ); setPicture( i.first, pic ); } } }
/** * @return true if the {@code crc} is 0, or matches the computed CRC of the file */ bool CheckSignature(const vfs::Path &filePath, const Signature crc) { Trace("Checking signature matches [" << crc << "] for file " << filePath.str()); vfs::ifstream infile(filePath, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in); if (!infile.is_open()) { return false; } const Signature downloadCrc = core::hash::CRC32( std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(infile.rdbuf()), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()); Trace("Crc was: " << downloadCrc); return (crc == 0 || crc == downloadCrc); }
UpdateController::UpdateController(IUpdateView& view, vfs::Path executableName, UpdaterOptions& options) : _view(view), _curStep(Init), _updater(options, executableName.baseName()), _abortFlag(false), _differentialUpdatePerformed(false) { _progress = ProgressHandlerPtr( new ProgressHandler(_view) ); _progress->drop(); _updater.SetDownloadProgressCallback( ptr_cast<Updater::DownloadProgress>( _progress )); _updater.SetFileOperationProgressCallback( ptr_cast<Updater::FileOperationProgress>( _progress )); }
int BmFontUtil::main() { g_inputFile.checkSet(); g_outputFile.checkSet(); vfs::Mount("./", "./", std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); const vfs::Path filename(g_inputFile.get()); const vfs::Path rootPath(filename.dir()); std::string content; if (!appshared::parseFileToString(filename, content)) { Log(LL::Error) << "Unable to open input font set: " << g_inputFile.get() << std::endl; return eExitCode::BAD_FILE; } XmlNode doc; if (!doc.parse(content)) { Log(LL::Error) << "Unable to parse XML document." << std::endl; return eExitCode::BAD_DATA; } u32 nodeIndex; if (!doc.getChild("font", nodeIndex)) { Log(LL::Error) << "XML is not a valid font file. Missing top level 'font' node." << std::endl; return eExitCode::BAD_DATA; } FontDef def; if (!ParseDocument(def, rootPath, doc.getChild(nodeIndex), g_exportAsDistanceFont.get())) { return eExitCode::BAD_DATA; } if (!appshared::serializeProtoToFile(vfs::Path(g_outputFile.get()), def)) { Log(LL::Error) << "Unable to write output." << std::endl; return eExitCode::EXCEPTION; } return eExitCode::OK; }
vfs::CVirtualFileSystem::CMatchingIterator::CMatchingIterator(vfs::Path const& sPattern, vfs::CVirtualFileSystem* pVFS) : tBaseClass(), m_VFS(pVFS) { if(sPattern() == vfs::Const::STAR()) { m_sLocPattern = vfs::Path(vfs::Const::STAR()); m_sFilePattern = vfs::Path(vfs::Const::STAR()); } else { sPattern.splitLast(m_sLocPattern,m_sFilePattern); } _vloc_iter = m_VFS->m_mapFS.begin(); while(_vloc_iter != m_VFS->m_mapFS.end()) { if( matchPattern(m_sLocPattern(),_vloc_iter->second->cPath()) ) { bool bExclusiveVLoc = _vloc_iter->second->getIsExclusive(); _vfile_iter = _vloc_iter->second->iterate(); while(!_vfile_iter.end()) { vfs::IBaseFile* pFile = NULL; if(bExclusiveVLoc) { pFile = _vfile_iter.value()->file(vfs::CVirtualFile::SF_STOP_ON_WRITABLE_PROFILE); } else { pFile = _vfile_iter.value()->file(vfs::CVirtualFile::SF_TOP); } if(pFile) { vfs::Path const& filename = pFile->getName(); if( matchPattern(m_sFilePattern(),filename()) ) { return; } }; } } _vloc_iter++; } }
void FontCollection::addFont(const int key, const std::string& name, vfs::Path pathFont, const int size, const NColor& color ) { TTF_Font* ttf = TTF_OpenFont(pathFont.toCString(), size); if( ttf == NULL ) { std::string errorStr( TTF_GetError() ); #ifdef CAESARIA_PLATFORM_WIN errorStr += "\n Is it only latin symbols in path to game?"; #endif OSystem::error( "CRITICAL!!! ", errorStr ); THROW( errorStr ); } Font font0; font0._d->ttfFont = ttf; SDL_Color c = {,,, color.alpha() }; font0._d->color = c; setFont( key, name, font0); }
void Saver::save(const vfs::Path& filename, const Game& game ) { VariantMap vm; vm[ SaverOptions::version ] = 1; vm[ "timemultiplier" ] = game.timeMultiplier(); VariantMap vm_scenario; vm_scenario[ "date" ] = game::Date::current(); vm_scenario[ "events" ] = events::Dispatcher::instance().save(); vm_scenario[ "translation" ] = SETTINGS_VALUE( lastTranslation ); vm_scenario[ "climate" ] = (int)>climate(); vm[ "scenario" ] = vm_scenario; vm[ SaverOptions::restartFile ] = Variant( _restartFile ); VariantMap vm_empire; game.empire()->save( vm_empire ); vm[ "empire" ] = vm_empire; VariantMap plm; game.player()->save( plm ); vm[ "player" ] = plm; VariantMap vm_city;>save( vm_city ); vm[ "city" ] = vm_city; VariantMap vm_pantheon; religion::rome::Pantheon::instance().save( vm_pantheon ); vm[ "pantheon" ] = vm_pantheon; gui::Minimap* minimap = gui::findChildA<gui::Minimap*>( true, game.gui()->rootWidget() ); if( minimap ) { vfs::Path imgPath = filename.changeExtension( "png" ); minimap->saveImage( imgPath.toString() ); } config::save( vm, filename ); }
void PictureInfoBank::initialize(vfs::Path filename) { Logger::warning( "PictureInfoBank: start load offsets from " + filename.toString() ); VariantMap m = config::load( filename ); foreach( it, m ) { Variant v = it->second; Logger::warning( "Set offset for " + it->first ); if( v.type() == Variant::Map ) { VariantMap vm = v.toMap(); int startIndex = vm[ "start" ]; int stopIndex = vm[ "stop" ]; std::string rc = vm[ "rc" ].toString(); Point offset = vm[ "offset" ].toPoint(); _d->setRange( rc.empty() ? it->first : rc, startIndex, stopIndex, offset ); } else if( v.type() == Variant::List ) { VariantList vl = v.toList(); _d->setOne( it->first, vl.get( idxIndex ), vl.get( idxXOffset ), vl.get( idxYOffset ) ); } }
bool operator==(vfs::Path const& p1, const vfs::String::char_t* p2) { return vfs::StrCmp::Equal(p1.c_str(), p2); }
bool operator==(vfs::Path const& p1, vfs::String::str_t const& p2) { return vfs::StrCmp::Equal(p1.c_str(), p2); }
void Game::Impl::initFontCollection( vfs::Path resourcePath ) { Logger::warning( "Game: load fonts" ); std::string fontname = SETTINGS_STR( font ); FontCollection::instance().initialize( resourcePath.toString(), fontname ); }
iResourceLoader::eLoadState::type FontFromFile::postload() { if (m_fontDef.get_texture_size() == 0) { Log(LL::Error) << "Font has no textures in it." << std::endl; return eLoadState::LOAD_FAILURE; } // Load material if (!m_material.getHandle().isValid()) { MaterialDef::Builder materialBuilder; // Create temp textures for (u32 i = 0; i < m_fontDef.get_texture_size(); ++i) { const vfs::Path filename = vfs::Path("memfile/") + vfs::Path(vfs::Path(m_fontDef.get_texture(i).get_filename()).file()); const std::string &data = m_fontDef.get_texture(i).get_image_data(); vfs::getStaticMemFileSystem()->create(filename, core::memory::ConstBlob((const u8 *), data.size())); materialBuilder.add_textures(filename.str()); } if (m_fontDef.get_texture(0).get_is_distancefield()) { materialBuilder.set_alpha_test(fsengine::render::eAlphaTestMode::ALPHA_TEST_GEQUAL); materialBuilder.set_alpha_cutoff(0.5f); materialBuilder.set_blend_mode(fsengine::render::eBlendMode::BLEND_NONE); materialBuilder.set_name("font"); materialBuilder.set_shader("data/shaders/tex0cutoffcolor"); } else { materialBuilder.set_blend_mode(fsengine::render::eBlendMode::BLEND_NORMAL); materialBuilder.set_name("font"); materialBuilder.set_shader("data/shaders/tex0color"); } { const MaterialDef materialDef =; const vfs::Path filename = vfs::Path("memfile/") + vfs::Path(vfs::Path(m_id + "_mat").file()); const size_t sz = materialDef.byte_size(); m_materialData.resize(sz, ' '); core::memory::Blob blob((u8 *) &m_materialData[0], sz); core::base::BlobSink sink(blob); sink <<; vfs::getStaticMemFileSystem()->create(filename, core::memory::ConstBlob((const u8 *), m_materialData.size())); m_material = m_pLoader->asyncLoadResource<Material, MaterialFromFile>(filename.str()); } } if (!m_material) { if (m_material.getManager()->isValidOrLocked(m_material.getHandle())) { return eLoadState::LOAD_DEPENDENCY; } else { return eLoadState::LOAD_FAILURE; } } // Create font if (!m_pResource->loadFromDef(m_fontDef)) { return eLoadState::LOAD_FAILURE; } // cleanup for (u32 i = 0; i < m_fontDef.get_texture_size(); ++i) { m_pResource->setTexture(i, m_material->m_pTexture[i]); const vfs::Path filename = vfs::Path("memfile/") + vfs::Path(vfs::Path(m_fontDef.get_texture(i).get_filename()).file()); vfs::util::Remove(filename); } const vfs::Path filename = vfs::Path("memfile/") + vfs::Path(vfs::Path(m_id + "_mat").file()); vfs::util::Remove(filename); m_pResource->setMaterial(m_material); return eLoadState::LOAD_SUCCESS; }
//! returns true if the file maybe is able to be loaded by this class //! based on the file extension (e.g. ".tga") bool PictureLoaderPng::isALoadableFileExtension(const vfs::Path& filename) const { return filename.isMyExtension( ".png" ); }