AreaTable* TerrainHolder::GetArea(float x, float y, float z) { AreaTable* ret = NULL; float vmap_z = z; VMAP::IVMapManager* vmgr = VMAP::VMapFactory::createOrGetVMapManager(); uint32 flags; int32 adtid, rootid, groupid; if(vmgr->getAreaInfo(m_mapid, x, y, vmap_z, flags, adtid, rootid, groupid)) { float adtz = GetADTLandHeight(x, y); if(adtz > vmap_z && z + 1 > adtz) return GetArea2D(x, y); WMOAreaTableEntry* wmoArea = sWorld.GetWMOAreaData(rootid, adtid, groupid); if(wmoArea != NULL) ret = dbcArea.LookupEntryForced(wmoArea->areaId); } if(ret == NULL) //fall back to 2d if no vmaps or vmap has no areaid set ret = GetArea2D(x, y); return ret; }
bool TerrainInfo::GetAreaInfo(float x, float y, float z, uint32 &flags, int32 &adtId, int32 &rootId, int32 &groupId) const { float vmap_z = z; VMAP::IVMapManager* vmgr = VMAP::VMapFactory::createOrGetVMapManager(); if (vmgr->getAreaInfo(GetMapId(), x, y, vmap_z, flags, adtId, rootId, groupId)) { // check if there's terrain between player height and object height if(GridMap *gmap = const_cast<TerrainInfo*>(this)->GetGrid(x, y)) { float _mapheight = gmap->getHeight(x,y); // z + 2.0f condition taken from GetHeight(), not sure if it's such a great choice... if(z + 2.0f > _mapheight && _mapheight > vmap_z) return false; } return true; } return false; }