static void WebHistoryInflate(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint frame, jbyteArray data) { LOG_ASSERT(frame, "Inflate needs a valid frame pointer!"); LOG_ASSERT(data, "Inflate needs a valid data pointer!"); // Get the actual bytes and the length from the java array. const jbyte* bytes = env->GetByteArrayElements(data, NULL); jsize size = env->GetArrayLength(data); // Inflate the history tree into one HistoryItem or null if the inflation // failed. RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> newItem = WebCore::HistoryItem::create(); RefPtr<WebHistoryItem> bridge = new WebHistoryItem(env, obj, newItem.get()); newItem->setBridge(bridge.get()); // Inflate the item recursively. If it fails, that is ok. We'll have an // incomplete HistoryItem but that is better than crashing due to a null // item. // We have a 2nd local variable since read_item_recursive may change the // ptr's value. We can't pass &bytes since we have to send bytes to // ReleaseByteArrayElements unchanged. const char* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes); read_item_recursive(newItem.get(), &ptr, (int)size); env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data, const_cast<jbyte*>(bytes), JNI_ABORT); bridge->setActive(); // Add the new item to the back/forward list. WebCore::Frame* pFrame = (WebCore::Frame*)frame; pFrame->page()->backForwardList()->addItem(newItem); // Update the item. bridge->updateHistoryItem(newItem.get()); }
Page* ChromeClientAndroid::createWindow(Frame* frame, const FrameLoadRequest&, const WindowFeatures& features, const NavigationAction&) { ASSERT(frame); #ifdef ANDROID_MULTIPLE_WINDOWS if (frame->settings() && !(frame->settings()->supportMultipleWindows())) // If the client doesn't support multiple windows, just return the current page return frame->page(); #endif const WebCoreViewBridge* bridge = frame->view()->platformWidget(); bool dialog = features.dialog || !features.resizable || (features.heightSet && features.height < bridge->height() && features.widthSet && features.width < bridge->width()) || (!features.menuBarVisible && !features.statusBarVisible && !features.toolBarVisible && !features.locationBarVisible && !features.scrollbarsVisible); // fullscreen definitely means no dialog if (features.fullscreen) dialog = false; WebCore::Frame* newFrame = m_webFrame->createWindow(dialog, ScriptController::processingUserGesture()); if (newFrame) { WebCore::Page* page = newFrame->page(); page->setGroupName(frame->page()->groupName()); return page; } return NULL; }
PassRefPtr<Frame> FrameLoaderClientEfl::createFrame(const URL& url, const String& name, HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement, const String& referrer, bool /*allowsScrolling*/, int /*marginWidth*/, int /*marginHeight*/) { ASSERT(m_frame); ASSERT(m_view); Evas_Object* subFrame = ewk_frame_child_add(m_frame, name, ownerElement); if (!subFrame) return 0; WebCore::Frame* coreSubFrame = EWKPrivate::coreFrame(subFrame); ASSERT(coreSubFrame); // The creation of the frame may have run arbitrary JavaScript that removed it from the page already. if (!coreSubFrame->page()) { evas_object_del(subFrame); return 0; } evas_object_smart_callback_call(m_view, "frame,created", subFrame); EWKPrivate::coreFrame(m_frame)->loader().loadURLIntoChildFrame(url, referrer, coreSubFrame); // The frame's onload handler may have removed it from the document. // See fast/dom/null-page-show-modal-dialog-crash.html for an example. if (!coreSubFrame->tree().parent()) { evas_object_del(subFrame); return 0; } ewk_view_frame_rect_changed(m_view); return coreSubFrame; }
Page* ChromeClientAndroid::createWindow(Frame* frame, const FrameLoadRequest&, const WindowFeatures& features) { ASSERT(frame); #ifdef ANDROID_MULTIPLE_WINDOWS if (frame->settings() && !(frame->settings()->supportMultipleWindows())) // If the client doesn't support multiple windows, just return the current page return frame->page(); #endif WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::Screen> screen = WebCore::Screen::create(frame); bool dialog = features.dialog || !features.resizable || (features.heightSet && features.height < screen.get()->height() && features.widthSet && features.width < screen.get()->width()) || (!features.menuBarVisible && !features.statusBarVisible && !features.toolBarVisible && !features.locationBarVisible && !features.scrollbarsVisible); // fullscreen definitely means no dialog if (features.fullscreen) dialog = false; WebCore::Frame* newFrame = m_webFrame->createWindow(dialog, frame->script()->processingUserGesture(mainThreadNormalWorld())); if (newFrame) { WebCore::Page* page = newFrame->page(); page->setGroupName(frame->page()->groupName()); return page; } return NULL; }
static void WebHistoryRestoreIndex(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint frame, jint index) { LOG_ASSERT(frame, "RestoreState needs a valid Frame pointer!"); WebCore::Frame* pFrame = (WebCore::Frame*)frame; WebCore::Page* page = pFrame->page(); WebCore::HistoryItem* currentItem = page->backForwardList()->entries()[index].get(); // load the current page with FrameLoadTypeIndexedBackForward so that it // will use cache when it is possible page->goToItem(currentItem, FrameLoadTypeIndexedBackForward); }
DebuggerAgentImpl* DebuggerAgentManager::findAgentForCurrentV8Context() { if (!s_attachedAgentsMap) return 0; ASSERT(!s_attachedAgentsMap->isEmpty()); WebCore::Frame* frame = WebCore::V8Proxy::retrieveFrameForEnteredContext(); if (!frame) return 0; WebCore::Page* page = frame->page(); for (AttachedAgentsMap::iterator it = s_attachedAgentsMap->begin(); it != s_attachedAgentsMap->end(); ++it) { if (it->second->page() == page) return it->second; } return 0; }
static jint WebHistoryInflate(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint frame, jbyteArray data) { ALOG_ASSERT(frame, "Inflate needs a valid frame pointer!"); ALOG_ASSERT(data, "Inflate needs a valid data pointer!"); // Get the actual bytes and the length from the java array. const jbyte* bytes = env->GetByteArrayElements(data, NULL); jsize size = env->GetArrayLength(data); // Inflate the history tree into one HistoryItem or null if the inflation // failed. RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> newItem = WebCore::HistoryItem::create(); WebHistoryItem* bridge = new WebHistoryItem(newItem.get()); newItem->setBridge(bridge); // Inflate the item recursively. If it fails, that is ok. We'll have an // incomplete HistoryItem but that is better than crashing due to a null // item. // We have a 2nd local variable since read_item_recursive may change the // ptr's value. We can't pass &bytes since we have to send bytes to // ReleaseByteArrayElements unchanged. const char* ptr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes); readItemRecursive(newItem.get(), &ptr, (int)size); env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(data, const_cast<jbyte*>(bytes), JNI_ABORT); bridge->setActive(); // Add the new item to the back/forward list. WebCore::Frame* pFrame = (WebCore::Frame*)frame; pFrame->page()->backForwardList()->addItem(newItem); // Update the item. bridge->updateHistoryItem(newItem.get()); // Ref here because Java expects to adopt the reference, and as such will not // call ref on it. However, setBridge has also adopted the reference // TODO: This is confusing as hell, clean up ownership and have setBridge // take a RefPtr instead of a raw ptr and calling adoptRef on it bridge->ref(); return reinterpret_cast<jint>(bridge); }
/*static void webkit_web_view_settings_notify(WebKitWebView* webView, GParamSpec* pspec, gpointer userdata) { printf("##########%s:%d (%s)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, WTF_PRETTY_FUNCTION ); const gchar* name = g_intern_string(pspec->name); printf("name = %s\n", name); }*/ static GtkWidget* currentToplevelCallback(WebKitSoupAuthDialog* feature, SoupMessage* message, gpointer userData) { gpointer messageData = g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(message), "resourceHandle"); if (!messageData) return NULL; ResourceHandle* handle = static_cast<ResourceHandle*>(messageData); if (!handle) return NULL; ResourceHandleInternal* d = handle->getInternal(); if (!d) return NULL; WebCore::Frame* frame = d->m_frame; if (!frame) return NULL; GtkWidget* toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(GTK_WIDGET(frame->page()->chrome()->platformPageClient())); if (GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL(toplevel)) return toplevel; else return NULL; }
void DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::scalePageBy(QWebFrameAdapter* adapter, float scalefactor, const QPoint& origin) { WebCore::Frame* coreFrame = adapter->frame; if (Page* page = coreFrame->page()) page->setPageScaleFactor(scalefactor, origin); }
static void WebHistoryClose(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint frame) { LOG_ASSERT(frame, "Close needs a valid Frame pointer!"); WebCore::Frame* pFrame = (WebCore::Frame*)frame; WebCore::BackForwardList* list = pFrame->page()->backForwardList(); RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> current = list->currentItem(); // Remove each item instead of using close(). close() is intended to be used // right before the list is deleted. WebCore::HistoryItemVector& entries = list->entries(); int size = entries.size(); for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; --i) list->removeItem(entries[i].get()); // Add the current item back to the list. if (current) { current->setBridge(0); // addItem will update the children to match the newly created bridge list->addItem(current); /* * The Grand Prix site uses anchor navigations to change the display. * WebKit tries to be smart and not load child frames that have the * same history urls during an anchor navigation. This means that the * current history item stored in the child frame's loader does not * match the item found in the history tree. If we remove all the * entries in the back/foward list, we have to restore the entire tree * or else a HistoryItem might have a deleted parent. * * In order to restore the history tree correctly, we have to look up * all the frames first and then look up the history item. We do this * because the history item in the tree may be null at this point. * Unfortunately, a HistoryItem can only search its immediately * children so we do a breadth-first rebuild of the tree. */ // Keep a small list of child frames to traverse. WTF::Vector<WebCore::Frame*> frameQueue; // Fix the top-level item. pFrame->loader()->history()->setCurrentItem(current.get()); WebCore::Frame* child = pFrame->tree()->firstChild(); // Remember the parent history item so we can search for a child item. RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> parent = current; while (child) { // Use the old history item since the current one may have a // deleted parent. WebCore::HistoryItem* item = parent->childItemWithTarget(child->tree()->name()); child->loader()->history()->setCurrentItem(item); // Append the first child to the queue if it exists. If there is no // item, then we do not need to traverse the children since there // will be no parent history item. WebCore::Frame* firstChild; if (item && (firstChild = child->tree()->firstChild())) frameQueue.append(firstChild); child = child->tree()->nextSibling(); // If we don't have a sibling for this frame and the queue isn't // empty, use the next entry in the queue. if (!child && !frameQueue.isEmpty()) { child =; frameQueue.remove(0); // Figure out the parent history item used when searching for // the history item to use. parent = child->tree()->parent()->loader()->history()->currentItem(); } } } }
void DumpRenderTreeSupportQt::scalePageBy(QWebFrame* frame, float scalefactor, const QPoint& origin) { WebCore::Frame* coreFrame = QWebFramePrivate::core(frame); if (Page* page = coreFrame->page()) page->setPageScaleFactor(scalefactor, origin); }
static void Sync(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jint frame) { WebCore::Frame* pFrame = (WebCore::Frame*)frame; ALOG_ASSERT(pFrame, "%s must take a valid frame pointer!", __FUNCTION__); WebCore::Settings* s = pFrame->settings(); if (!s) return; WebCore::CachedResourceLoader* cachedResourceLoader = pFrame->document()->cachedResourceLoader(); #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT jobject layout = env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mLayoutAlgorithm); WebCore::Settings::LayoutAlgorithm l = (WebCore::Settings::LayoutAlgorithm) env->CallIntMethod(layout, gFieldIds->mOrdinal); if (s->layoutAlgorithm() != l) { s->setLayoutAlgorithm(l); if (pFrame->document()) { pFrame->document()->styleSelectorChanged(WebCore::RecalcStyleImmediately); if (pFrame->document()->renderer()) { recursiveCleanupForFullLayout(pFrame->document()->renderer()); ALOG_ASSERT(pFrame->view(), "No view for this frame when trying to relayout"); pFrame->view()->layout(); // FIXME: This call used to scroll the page to put the focus into view. // It worked on the WebViewCore, but now scrolling is done outside of the // WebViewCore, on the UI side, so there needs to be a new way to do this. //pFrame->makeFocusVisible(); } } } #endif jint textSize = env->GetIntField(obj, gFieldIds->mTextSize); float zoomFactor = textSize / 100.0f; if (pFrame->textZoomFactor() != zoomFactor) pFrame->setTextZoomFactor(zoomFactor); jstring str = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mStandardFontFamily); s->setStandardFontFamily(jstringToWtfString(env, str)); str = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mFixedFontFamily); s->setFixedFontFamily(jstringToWtfString(env, str)); str = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mSansSerifFontFamily); s->setSansSerifFontFamily(jstringToWtfString(env, str)); str = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mSerifFontFamily); s->setSerifFontFamily(jstringToWtfString(env, str)); str = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mCursiveFontFamily); s->setCursiveFontFamily(jstringToWtfString(env, str)); str = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mFantasyFontFamily); s->setFantasyFontFamily(jstringToWtfString(env, str)); str = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mDefaultTextEncoding); s->setDefaultTextEncodingName(jstringToWtfString(env, str)); str = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mUserAgent); WebFrame::getWebFrame(pFrame)->setUserAgent(jstringToWtfString(env, str)); WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(pFrame->view())->setWebRequestContextUserAgent(); jint cacheMode = env->GetIntField(obj, gFieldIds->mOverrideCacheMode); WebViewCore::getWebViewCore(pFrame->view())->setWebRequestContextCacheMode(cacheMode); str = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mAcceptLanguage); WebRequestContext::setAcceptLanguage(jstringToWtfString(env, str)); jint size = env->GetIntField(obj, gFieldIds->mMinimumFontSize); s->setMinimumFontSize(size); size = env->GetIntField(obj, gFieldIds->mMinimumLogicalFontSize); s->setMinimumLogicalFontSize(size); size = env->GetIntField(obj, gFieldIds->mDefaultFontSize); s->setDefaultFontSize(size); size = env->GetIntField(obj, gFieldIds->mDefaultFixedFontSize); s->setDefaultFixedFontSize(size); jboolean flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mLoadsImagesAutomatically); s->setLoadsImagesAutomatically(flag); if (flag) cachedResourceLoader->setAutoLoadImages(true); flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mMediaPreloadEnabled); s->setMediaPreloadEnabled(flag); #ifdef ANDROID_BLOCK_NETWORK_IMAGE flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mBlockNetworkImage); s->setBlockNetworkImage(flag); if(!flag) cachedResourceLoader->setBlockNetworkImage(false); #endif flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mBlockNetworkLoads); WebFrame* webFrame = WebFrame::getWebFrame(pFrame); webFrame->setBlockNetworkLoads(flag); flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mJavaScriptEnabled); s->setJavaScriptEnabled(flag); flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs); s->setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(flag); flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs); s->setAllowFileAccessFromFileURLs(flag); // Hyperlink auditing (the ping attribute) has similar privacy // considerations as does the running of JavaScript, so to keep the UI // simpler, we leverage the same setting. s->setHyperlinkAuditingEnabled(flag); // ON = 0 // ON_DEMAND = 1 // OFF = 2 jobject pluginState = env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mPluginState); int state = env->CallIntMethod(pluginState, gFieldIds->mOrdinal); s->setPluginsEnabled(state < 2); #ifdef ANDROID_PLUGINS s->setPluginsOnDemand(state == 1); #endif #if ENABLE(OFFLINE_WEB_APPLICATIONS) // We only enable AppCache if it's been enabled with a call to // setAppCacheEnabled() and if a valid path has been supplied to // setAppCachePath(). Note that the path is applied to all WebViews // whereas enabling is applied per WebView. // WebCore asserts that the path is only set once. Since the path is // shared between WebViews, we can't do the required checks to guard // against this in the Java WebSettings. bool isPathValid = false; if (cacheStorage().cacheDirectory().isNull()) { str = static_cast<jstring>(env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mAppCachePath)); // Check for non-null string as an optimization, as this is the common case. if (str) { String path = jstringToWtfString(env, str); ALOG_ASSERT(!path.empty(), "Java side should never send empty string for AppCache path"); // This database is created on the first load. If the file // doesn't exist, we create it and set its permissions. The // filename must match that in ApplicationCacheStorage.cpp. String filename = pathByAppendingComponent(path, "ApplicationCache.db"); int fd = open(filename.utf8().data(), O_CREAT, permissionFlags660); if (fd >= 0) { close(fd); cacheStorage().setCacheDirectory(path); isPathValid = true; } } } else isPathValid = true; flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mAppCacheEnabled); s->setOfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled(flag && isPathValid); jlong maxsize = env->GetLongField(obj, gFieldIds->mAppCacheMaxSize); cacheStorage().setMaximumSize(maxsize); #endif flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically); s->setJavaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically(flag); #ifdef ANDROID_LAYOUT flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mUseWideViewport); s->setUseWideViewport(flag); #endif #ifdef ANDROID_MULTIPLE_WINDOWS flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mSupportMultipleWindows); s->setSupportMultipleWindows(flag); #endif flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mShrinksStandaloneImagesToFit); s->setShrinksStandaloneImagesToFit(flag); jlong maxImage = env->GetLongField(obj, gFieldIds->mMaximumDecodedImageSize); // Since in ImageSourceAndroid.cpp, the image will always not exceed // MAX_SIZE_BEFORE_SUBSAMPLE, there's no need to pass the max value to // WebCore, which checks (image_width * image_height * 4) as an // estimation against the max value, which is done in CachedImage.cpp. // And there're cases where the decoded image size will not // exceed the max, but the WebCore estimation will. So the following // code is commented out to fix those cases. // if (maxImage == 0) // maxImage = computeMaxBitmapSizeForCache(); s->setMaximumDecodedImageSize(maxImage); flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mPrivateBrowsingEnabled); s->setPrivateBrowsingEnabled(flag); flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mSyntheticLinksEnabled); s->setDefaultFormatDetection(flag); s->setFormatDetectionAddress(flag); s->setFormatDetectionEmail(flag); s->setFormatDetectionTelephone(flag); #if ENABLE(DATABASE) flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mDatabaseEnabled); WebCore::Database::setIsAvailable(flag); flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mDatabasePathHasBeenSet); if (flag) { // If the user has set the database path, sync it to the DatabaseTracker. str = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mDatabasePath); if (str) { String path = jstringToWtfString(env, str); DatabaseTracker::tracker().setDatabaseDirectoryPath(path); // This database is created when the first HTML5 Database object is // instantiated. If the file doesn't exist, we create it and set its // permissions. The filename must match that in // DatabaseTracker.cpp. String filename = SQLiteFileSystem::appendDatabaseFileNameToPath(path, "Databases.db"); int fd = open(filename.utf8().data(), O_CREAT | O_EXCL, permissionFlags660); if (fd >= 0) close(fd); } } #endif #if ENABLE(DOM_STORAGE) flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mDomStorageEnabled); s->setLocalStorageEnabled(flag); str = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mDatabasePath); if (str) { WTF::String localStorageDatabasePath = jstringToWtfString(env,str); if (localStorageDatabasePath.length()) { localStorageDatabasePath = WebCore::pathByAppendingComponent( localStorageDatabasePath, "localstorage"); // We need 770 for folders mkdir(localStorageDatabasePath.utf8().data(), permissionFlags660 | S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP); s->setLocalStorageDatabasePath(localStorageDatabasePath); } } #endif flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mGeolocationEnabled); GeolocationPermissions::setAlwaysDeny(!flag); str = (jstring)env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mGeolocationDatabasePath); if (str) { String path = jstringToWtfString(env, str); GeolocationPermissions::setDatabasePath(path); GeolocationPositionCache::instance()->setDatabasePath(path); // This database is created when the first Geolocation object is // instantiated. If the file doesn't exist, we create it and set its // permissions. The filename must match that in // GeolocationPositionCache.cpp. String filename = SQLiteFileSystem::appendDatabaseFileNameToPath(path, "CachedGeoposition.db"); int fd = open(filename.utf8().data(), O_CREAT | O_EXCL, permissionFlags660); if (fd >= 0) close(fd); } flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mXSSAuditorEnabled); s->setXSSAuditorEnabled(flag); #if ENABLE(LINK_PREFETCH) flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mLinkPrefetchEnabled); s->setLinkPrefetchEnabled(flag); #endif size = env->GetIntField(obj, gFieldIds->mPageCacheCapacity); if (size > 0) { s->setUsesPageCache(true); WebCore::pageCache()->setCapacity(size); } else s->setUsesPageCache(false); #if ENABLE(WEB_AUTOFILL) flag = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mAutoFillEnabled); // TODO: This updates the Settings WebCore side with the user's // preference for autofill and will stop WebCore making requests // into the chromium autofill code. That code in Chromium also has // a notion of being enabled/disabled that gets read from the users // preferences. At the moment, it's hardcoded to true on Android // (see chrome/browser/autofill/ This // setting should probably be synced into Chromium also. s->setAutoFillEnabled(flag); if (flag) { EditorClientAndroid* editorC = static_cast<EditorClientAndroid*>(pFrame->page()->editorClient()); WebAutofill* webAutofill = editorC->getAutofill(); // Set the active AutofillProfile data. jobject autoFillProfile = env->GetObjectField(obj, gFieldIds->mAutoFillProfile); if (autoFillProfile) syncAutoFillProfile(env, autoFillProfile, webAutofill); else { // The autofill profile is null. We need to tell Chromium about this because // this may be because the user just deleted their profile but left the // autofill feature setting enabled. webAutofill->clearProfiles(); } } #endif // This is required to enable the XMLTreeViewer when loading an XML document that // has no style attached to it. s->setDeveloperExtrasEnabled(true); s->setSpatialNavigationEnabled(true); bool echoPassword = env->GetBooleanField(obj, gFieldIds->mPasswordEchoEnabled); s->setPasswordEchoEnabled(echoPassword); }