bool MovementAdapterWorkerDiscrete::injectMouseMove(const MouseMotion& motion, bool& freezeMouse)
	//this will move the entity instead of the mouse

	Vector<3> direction;;
	direction.x() = -motion.xRelativeMovement;
	direction.y() = motion.yRelativeMovement;
	direction = direction * mMovementSpeed;
	//hard coded to allow the shift button to increase the speed
	// 	if (Input::getSingleton().isKeyDown(SDLK_RSHIFT) || Input::getSingleton().isKeyDown(SDLK_LSHIFT)) {
	// 		direction = direction * 5;
	// 	}

	Quaternion orientation = Convert::toWF(getCamera().getOrientation());

	//We need to constraint the orientation to only around the z axis.
	WFMath::Vector<3> rotator(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	WFMath::Quaternion adjustedOrientation;
	adjustedOrientation.fromRotMatrix(WFMath::RotMatrix<3>().rotationZ(atan2(rotator.y(), rotator.x())));

	orientation = adjustedOrientation;

	//move it relative to the camera
	direction = direction.rotate(orientation);

	getBridge()->move(direction);//move the entity a fixed distance for each mouse movement.

	//we don't want to move the cursor
	freezeMouse = true;

	return false;
