예제 #1
파일: parser.cpp 프로젝트: Sable/mcvm
* Function: CodeParser::parseCellArrayExpr()
* Purpose : Parse the XML code of a cell array expression
* Initial : Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on February 23, 2009
Revisions and bug fixes:
Expression* CodeParser::parseCellArrayExpr(const XML::Element* pElement)
	// Declare a vector to store the rows
	CellArrayExpr::RowVector rowVector;

	// For each child element
	for (size_t i = 0; i < pElement->getNumChildren(); ++i)
		// Declare a row to store elements
		CellArrayExpr::Row row;

		// Get a reference to this child element
		XML::Element* pRowElem = pElement->getChildElement(i);

		// If this is not a row element, throw an exception
		if (pRowElem->getName() != "Row")
			throw XML::ParseError("Invalid element found in cell array expression", pRowElem->getTextPos());

		// For each expression in this row
		for (size_t j = 0; j < pRowElem->getNumChildren(); ++j)
			// Parse the expression and add it to the row

		// Add the row to the vector

	// Create and return the cell array expression
	return new CellArrayExpr(rowVector);
예제 #2
파일: parser.cpp 프로젝트: Sable/mcvm
* Function: CodeParser::parseAssignStmt()
* Purpose : Parse the XML code of an assignment statement
* Initial : Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on November 5, 2008
Revisions and bug fixes:
Statement* CodeParser::parseAssignStmt(const XML::Element* pElement)
	// Get the element corresponding to the left-expression
	XML::Element* pLeftElem = pElement->getChildElement(0);

	// Create a vector to store the left expressions
	AssignStmt::ExprVector leftExprs;

	// If the left expression is a matrix expression
	if (pLeftElem->getName() == "MatrixExpr")
		// If the number of rows is not 1, throw an exception
		if (pLeftElem->getNumChildren() != 1)
			throw XML::ParseError("invalid matrix expression on assignment lhs");

		// Get the row element
		XML::Element* pRowElem = pLeftElem->getChildElement(0);

		// For each left expression element
		for (size_t i = 0; i < pRowElem->getNumChildren(); ++i)
			// Get the child element for this expression
			XML::Element* pExprElem = pRowElem->getChildElement(i);

			// Parse this left-expression
		// Parse the left expression directly

	// Parse the right expression
	Expression* pRightExpr = parseExpression(pElement->getChildElement(1));

	// Get the output suppression flag
	bool suppressOut = pElement->getBoolAttrib("outputSuppressed");

	// Create and return the new assignment statement object
	return new AssignStmt(leftExprs, pRightExpr, suppressOut);
예제 #3
파일: parser.cpp 프로젝트: Sable/mcvm
* Function: CodeParser::parseFunction()
* Purpose : Parse the XML code of a function
* Initial : Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert on November 3, 2008
Revisions and bug fixes:
ProgFunction* CodeParser::parseFunction(const XML::Element* pElement)
	// Get the function name
	std::string funcName = pElement->getStringAttrib("name");

	// Declare a pointer for the sequence statement
	StmtSequence* pSequenceStmt = NULL;

	// Declare vectors for the input and output parameters
	ProgFunction::ParamVector inParams;
	ProgFunction::ParamVector outParams;

	// Declare a vector for the nested function list
	ProgFunction::FuncVector nestedFuncs;

	// For each child element
	for (size_t i = 0; i < pElement->getNumChildren(); ++i)
		// Get a pointer to this element
		XML::Element* pFuncElement = pElement->getChildElement(i);

		// If this is a symbol table
		if (pFuncElement->getName() == "Symboltable")
			// Ignore for now

		// If this is a parameter declaration list
		else if (pFuncElement->getName() == "ParamDeclList")
			// Ignore for now

		// If this is an input parameter list
		else if (pFuncElement->getName() == "InputParamList")
			// For each child element
			for (size_t i = 0; i < pFuncElement->getNumChildren(); ++i)
				// Get the parameter name
				const std::string& paramName = pFuncElement->getChildElement(i)->getStringAttrib("nameId");

				// Add the parameter to the list

		// If this is an output parameter list
		else if (pFuncElement->getName() == "OutputParamList")
			// For each child element
			for (size_t i = 0; i < pFuncElement->getNumChildren(); ++i)
				// Get the parameter name
				const std::string& paramName = pFuncElement->getChildElement(i)->getStringAttrib("nameId");

				// Add the parameter to the list

		// If this is a nested function list
		else if (pFuncElement->getName() == "NestedFunctionList")
			// For each child element
			for (size_t i = 0; i < pFuncElement->getNumChildren(); ++i)
				// Parse this function declaration
				ProgFunction* pFunction = parseFunction(pFuncElement->getChildElement(i));

				// Add the nested function to the list

		// If this is the statement list
		else if (pFuncElement->getName() == "StmtList")
			// If the statement list was already encountered, throw an exception
			if (pSequenceStmt != NULL)
				throw XML::ParseError("Duplicate statement list", pElement->getTextPos());

			// Parse the statement list
			pSequenceStmt = parseStmtList(pFuncElement);

		// Otherwise
			// This is an invalid element type, throw an exception
			throw XML::ParseError("Invalid element type in script: \"" + pFuncElement->getName() + "\"", pFuncElement->getTextPos());

	// If the statement list is missing, throw an exception
	if (pSequenceStmt == NULL)
		throw XML::ParseError("Missing statement list", pElement->getTextPos());

	// Create a new program function object
	ProgFunction* pNewFunc = new ProgFunction(

	// For each nested function
	for (ProgFunction::FuncVector::iterator nestItr = nestedFuncs.begin(); nestItr != nestedFuncs.end(); ++nestItr)
		// Set the parent pointer to the newly created function object

	// Return the new program function object
	return pNewFunc;