XnStatus XnDeviceBase::CreateStreams(const XnPropertySet* pSet) { XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK; for (XnPropertySetData::ConstIterator it = pSet->pData->begin(); it != pSet->pData->end(); ++it) { // check if this module is a stream XnActualPropertiesHash* pModule = it.Value(); XnActualPropertiesHash::ConstIterator itProp = pModule->end(); if (XN_STATUS_OK == pModule->Find(XN_STREAM_PROPERTY_TYPE, itProp)) { // create a copy of the properties XnActualPropertiesHash streamProps(it.Key()); nRetVal = streamProps.CopyFrom(*pModule); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); // remove the type property nRetVal = streamProps.Remove(XN_STREAM_PROPERTY_TYPE); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); // and create the stream XnActualStringProperty* pActualProp = (XnActualStringProperty*)itProp.Value(); nRetVal = CreateStreamImpl(pActualProp->GetValue(), it.Key(), &streamProps); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); } } return (XN_STATUS_OK); }
XnStatus XnDeviceBase::BatchConfig(const XnPropertySet* pChangeSet) { XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK; XN_VALIDATE_INPUT_PTR(pChangeSet); // start a transaction nRetVal = StartTransaction(); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); for (XnPropertySetData::ConstIterator itModule = pChangeSet->pData->begin(); itModule != pChangeSet->pData->end(); ++itModule) { // find this module XnDeviceModule* pModule = NULL; nRetVal = FindModule(itModule.Key(), &pModule); XN_CHECK_RC_ROLLBACK(nRetVal); nRetVal = pModule->BatchConfig(*itModule.Value()); XN_CHECK_RC_ROLLBACK(nRetVal); } nRetVal = CommitTransaction(); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); return (XN_STATUS_OK); }
XnStatus XnFileDevice::SetInitialState(XnPropertySet* pSet) { XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK; // Fix state (remove some properties that we don't wish to reflect in reader device) XnActualPropertiesHash* pDeviceModule = NULL; if (XN_STATUS_OK == pSet->pData->Get(XN_MODULE_NAME_DEVICE, pDeviceModule)) { pDeviceModule->Remove(XN_MODULE_PROPERTY_READ_WRITE_MODE); pDeviceModule->Remove(XN_MODULE_PROPERTY_PRIMARY_STREAM); // check for timestamps resolution XnActualIntProperty* pIntProp = NULL; if (XN_STATUS_OK == pDeviceModule->Get(XN_MODULE_PROPERTY_HIGH_RES_TIMESTAMPS, (XnProperty*&)pIntProp)) { m_bHighresTimestamps = (pIntProp->GetValue() == TRUE); } } // TODO: create DEVICE node // now create the rest of the modules and streams (DEVICE was already created) XnPropertySetData* pPropSetData = pSet->pData; for (XnPropertySetData::ConstIterator it = pPropSetData->Begin(); it != pPropSetData->End(); ++it) { // ignore module DEVICE if (strcmp(XN_MODULE_NAME_DEVICE, it->Key()) == 0) { continue; } // check if this is a stream XnActualPropertiesHash::ConstIterator itProp = it->Value()->End(); if (XN_STATUS_OK == it->Value()->Find(XN_STREAM_PROPERTY_TYPE, itProp)) { XnActualStringProperty* pTypeProp = (XnActualStringProperty*)itProp->Value(); nRetVal = HandleNewStream(pTypeProp->GetValue(), it->Key(), it->Value()); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); } } // modules loop return (XN_STATUS_OK); }
XnStatus XnDeviceBase::BatchConfig(const XnPropertySet* pChangeSet) { XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK; XN_VALIDATE_INPUT_PTR(pChangeSet); for (XnPropertySetData::ConstIterator itModule = pChangeSet->pData->Begin(); itModule != pChangeSet->pData->End(); ++itModule) { // find this module XnDeviceModule* pModule = NULL; nRetVal = FindModule(itModule->Key(), &pModule); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); nRetVal = pModule->BatchConfig(*itModule->Value()); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); } return (XN_STATUS_OK); }
XnStatus XnDeviceBase::ValidateOnlyModule(const XnPropertySet* pSet, const XnChar* StreamName) { XnPropertySetData::ConstIterator it = pSet->pData->begin(); if (it == pSet->pData->end()) { XN_LOG_WARNING_RETURN(XN_STATUS_DEVICE_BAD_PARAM, XN_MASK_DDK, "Property set did not contain any stream!"); } if (strcmp(it.Key(), StreamName) != 0) { XN_LOG_WARNING_RETURN(XN_STATUS_DEVICE_BAD_PARAM, XN_MASK_DDK, "Property set module name does not match stream name!"); } if (++it != pSet->pData->end()) { XN_LOG_WARNING_RETURN(XN_STATUS_DEVICE_BAD_PARAM, XN_MASK_DDK, "Property set contains more than one module!"); } return (XN_STATUS_OK); }
XnStatus XnStreamReaderDevice::SetInitialState(const XnDeviceConfig* pDeviceConfig, XnPropertySet* pSet) { XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK; // Fix state (remove some properties that we don't wish to reflect in reader device) XnActualPropertiesHash* pDeviceModule = NULL; if (XN_STATUS_OK == pSet->pData->Get(XN_MODULE_NAME_DEVICE, pDeviceModule)) { pDeviceModule->Remove(XN_MODULE_PROPERTY_READ_WRITE_MODE); pDeviceModule->Remove(XN_MODULE_PROPERTY_PRIMARY_STREAM); } // now init base using this state (this will also create module DEVICE) XnDeviceConfig initConfig; initConfig.cpConnectionString = pDeviceConfig->cpConnectionString; initConfig.DeviceMode = pDeviceConfig->DeviceMode; initConfig.pInitialValues = pSet; initConfig.SharingMode = pDeviceConfig->SharingMode; nRetVal = XnStreamDevice::InitImpl(&initConfig); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); // now create the rest of the modules and streams (DEVICE was already created) XnPropertySetData* pPropSetData = pSet->pData; for (XnPropertySetData::ConstIterator it = pPropSetData->begin(); it != pPropSetData->end(); ++it) { // ignore module DEVICE if (strcmp(XN_MODULE_NAME_DEVICE, it.Key()) == 0) { continue; } // check if this is a stream XnActualPropertiesHash::ConstIterator itProp = it.Value()->end(); if (XN_STATUS_OK == it.Value()->Find(XN_STREAM_PROPERTY_TYPE, itProp)) { XnActualStringProperty* pTypeProp = (XnActualStringProperty*)itProp.Value(); nRetVal = HandleNewStream(pTypeProp->GetValue(), it.Key(), it.Value()); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); } else { // this is module. create it XnDeviceModuleHolder* pHolder = NULL; nRetVal = CreateModule(it.Key(), &pHolder); XN_IS_STATUS_OK(nRetVal); // set its props nRetVal = pHolder->Init(it.Value()); if (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK) { DestroyModule(pHolder); return (nRetVal); } // and add it nRetVal = AddModule(pHolder); if (nRetVal != XN_STATUS_OK) { DestroyModule(pHolder); return (nRetVal); } } } // modules loop return (XN_STATUS_OK); }