Exemplo n.º 1
 * Sets the name of a wallet
tABC_CC ABC_WalletSetName(tABC_WalletID self, const char *szName, tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    tWalletData *pData = NULL;
    char *szFilename = NULL;
    char *szJSON = NULL;

    // load the wallet data into the cache
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_WalletCacheData(self, &pData, pError));

    // set the new name
    ABC_STRDUP(pData->szName, szName);

    // create the json for the wallet name
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_UtilCreateValueJSONString(szName, JSON_WALLET_NAME_FIELD, &szJSON, pError));
    //printf("name:\n%s\n", szJSON);

    // write the name out to the file
    sprintf(szFilename, "%s/%s", pData->szWalletSyncDir, WALLET_NAME_FILENAME);
    tABC_U08Buf Data;
    ABC_BUF_SET_PTR(Data, (unsigned char *)szJSON, strlen(szJSON) + 1);
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_CryptoEncryptJSONFile(Data, pData->MK, ABC_CryptoType_AES256, szFilename, pError));


    return cc;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Gets the specified field from a json string
 * the user is responsible for free'ing the value
tABC_CC ABC_UtilGetStringValueFromJSONString(const char *szJSON,
                                             const char *szFieldName,
                                             char       **pszValue,
                                             tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    json_t *pJSON_Root = NULL;
    json_t *pJSON_Value = NULL;


    // decode the object
    json_error_t error;
    pJSON_Root = json_loads(szJSON, 0, &error);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(pJSON_Root != NULL, ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON");
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_object(pJSON_Root), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON");

    // get the field
    pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, szFieldName);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_string(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
    ABC_STRDUP(*pszValue, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

    if (pJSON_Root) json_decref(pJSON_Root);

    return cc;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Copies the strings from one tABC_WalletID struct to another.
tABC_CC ABC_WalletIDCopy(tABC_WalletID *out,
                         tABC_WalletID in,
                         tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_SyncKeysCopy(&out->pKeys, in.pKeys, pError));
    ABC_STRDUP(out->szUUID, in.szUUID);

    return cc;
Exemplo n.º 4
tABC_CC ABC_LoginServerGetPinPackage(tABC_U08Buf DID,
                                     tABC_U08Buf LPIN1,
                                     char **szPinPackage,
                                     tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    HttpReply reply;
    ServerReplyJson replyJson;
    json_t  *pJSON_Value    = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_Root     = NULL;
    char    *szPost         = NULL;


    pJSON_Root = json_pack("{ss, ss}",
        ABC_SERVER_JSON_DID_FIELD, base64Encode(DID).c_str(),
        ABC_SERVER_JSON_LPIN1_FIELD, base64Encode(LPIN1).c_str());

    szPost = ABC_UtilStringFromJSONObject(pJSON_Root, JSON_COMPACT);

    // send the command
    ABC_CHECK_NEW(AirbitzRequest().post(reply, url, szPost));

    // Check the result

    // get the results field
    pJSON_Value = replyJson.results().get();
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_object(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing server JSON pin package results");

    // get the pin_package field
    pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Value, JSON_ACCT_PIN_PACKAGE);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_string(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error pin package JSON results");

    // copy the value
    ABC_STRDUP(*szPinPackage, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

    if (pJSON_Root)     json_decref(pJSON_Root);

    return cc;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Gets the specified field from a json string
 * the user is responsible for free'ing the array
tABC_CC ABC_UtilGetArrayValuesFromJSONString(const char *szJSON,
                                             const char *szFieldName,
                                             char       ***aszValues,
                                             unsigned int *pCount,
                                             tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    json_t *pJSON_Root = NULL;
    json_t *pJSON_Value = NULL;
    char **pArrayStrings = NULL;

    *aszValues = NULL;
    *pCount = 0;

    // decode the object
    json_error_t error;
    pJSON_Root = json_loads(szJSON, 0, &error);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(pJSON_Root != NULL, ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON");
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_object(pJSON_Root), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON");

    // get the field
    pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, szFieldName);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_array(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON array value");

    // get the number of elements in the array
    *pCount = (int) json_array_size(pJSON_Value);

    if (*pCount > 0)
        ABC_ARRAY_NEW(pArrayStrings, *pCount, char*);

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < *pCount; i++)
            json_t *pJSON_Elem = json_array_get(pJSON_Value, i);
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Elem && json_is_string(pJSON_Elem)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
            ABC_STRDUP(pArrayStrings[i], json_string_value(pJSON_Elem));

        *aszValues = pArrayStrings;
        pArrayStrings = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Loads the settings for a specific account using the given key
 * If no settings file exists for the given user, defaults are created
 * @param login         Access to the account sync dir
 * @param ppSettings    Location to store ptr to allocated settings (caller must free)
 * @param pError        A pointer to the location to store the error if there is one
tABC_CC ABC_AccountSettingsLoad(const Login &login,
                                tABC_AccountSettings **ppSettings,
                                tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;
    AutoCoreLock lock(gCoreMutex);

    tABC_AccountSettings *pSettings = NULL;
    json_t *pJSON_Root = NULL;
    json_t *pJSON_Value = NULL;
    bool bExists = false;
    auto filename = login.syncDir() + ACCOUNT_SETTINGS_FILENAME;


    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_FileIOFileExists(filename.c_str(), &bExists, pError));
    if (true == bExists)
        // load and decrypted the file into a json object
            toU08Buf(login.dataKey()), &pJSON_Root, pError));
        //ABC_DebugLog("Loaded settings JSON:\n%s\n", json_dumps(pJSON_Root, JSON_INDENT(4) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER));

        // allocate the new settings object
        ABC_NEW(pSettings, tABC_AccountSettings);
        pSettings->szFirstName = NULL;
        pSettings->szLastName = NULL;
        pSettings->szNickname = NULL;

        // get the first name
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_FIRST_NAME_FIELD);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_string(pJSON_Value), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
            ABC_STRDUP(pSettings->szFirstName, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

        // get the last name
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_LAST_NAME_FIELD);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_string(pJSON_Value), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
            ABC_STRDUP(pSettings->szLastName, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

        // get the nickname
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_NICKNAME_FIELD);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_string(pJSON_Value), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
            ABC_STRDUP(pSettings->szNickname, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_PIN_FIELD);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT(json_is_string(pJSON_Value), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
            ABC_STRDUP(pSettings->szPIN, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

        // get name on payments option
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_NAME_ON_PAYMENTS_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_boolean(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON boolean value");
        pSettings->bNameOnPayments = json_is_true(pJSON_Value) ? true : false;

        // get minutes auto logout
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_MINUTES_AUTO_LOGOUT_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON integer value");
        pSettings->minutesAutoLogout = (int) json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_RECOVERY_REMINDER_COUNT);
        if (pJSON_Value) {
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON integer value");
            pSettings->recoveryReminderCount = (int) json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);
        } else {
            pSettings->recoveryReminderCount = 0;

        // get language
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_LANGUAGE_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_string(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON string value");
        ABC_STRDUP(pSettings->szLanguage, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

        // get currency num
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_NUM_CURRENCY_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON integer value");
        pSettings->currencyNum = (int) json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);

        // get advanced features
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_ADVANCED_FEATURES_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_boolean(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON boolean value");
        pSettings->bAdvancedFeatures = json_is_true(pJSON_Value) ? true : false;

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_DAILY_SPEND_LIMIT_ENABLED);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_boolean(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON boolean value");
            pSettings->bDailySpendLimit = json_is_true(pJSON_Value) ? true : false;
            pSettings->bDailySpendLimit = false;

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_DAILY_SPEND_LIMIT_SATOSHIS);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON daily spend satoshi value");
            pSettings->dailySpendLimitSatoshis = (int64_t) json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);
            pSettings->dailySpendLimitSatoshis = 0;

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_SPEND_REQUIRE_PIN_ENABLED);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_boolean(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON boolean value");
            pSettings->bSpendRequirePin = json_is_true(pJSON_Value) ? true : false;
            // Default to PIN required
            pSettings->bSpendRequirePin = true;

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_DISABLE_PIN_LOGIN);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_boolean(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON boolean value");
            pSettings->bDisablePINLogin = json_is_true(pJSON_Value) ? true : false;
            // Default to PIN login allowed
            pSettings->bDisablePINLogin = false;

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_PIN_LOGIN_COUNT);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON pin login count");
            pSettings->pinLoginCount = json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);
            // Default to PIN login allowed
            pSettings->pinLoginCount = 0;

        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_SPEND_REQUIRE_PIN_SATOSHIS);
        if (pJSON_Value)
            ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON daily spend satoshi value");
            pSettings->spendRequirePinSatoshis = (int64_t) json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);
            // Default PIN requirement to 50mb
            pSettings->spendRequirePinSatoshis = DEF_REQUIRE_PIN_SATOSHIS;

        // get the denomination object
        json_t *pJSON_Denom = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_BITCOIN_DENOMINATION_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Denom && json_is_object(pJSON_Denom)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON object value");

        // get denomination satoshi display size (e.g., 100,000 would be milli-bit coin)
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Denom, JSON_ACCT_SATOSHI_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON integer value");
        pSettings->bitcoinDenomination.satoshi = json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);

        // get denomination type
        pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Denom, JSON_ACCT_LABEL_TYPE);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_integer(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON integer value");
        pSettings->bitcoinDenomination.denominationType = json_integer_value(pJSON_Value);

        // get the exchange rates array
        json_t *pJSON_Sources = json_object_get(pJSON_Root, JSON_ACCT_EX_RATE_SOURCES_FIELD);
        ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Sources && json_is_array(pJSON_Sources)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing JSON array value");

        // get the number of elements in the array
        pSettings->exchangeRateSources.numSources = (int) json_array_size(pJSON_Sources);
        if (pSettings->exchangeRateSources.numSources > 0)
                          pSettings->exchangeRateSources.numSources, tABC_ExchangeRateSource*);
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Helper function for getting CarePackage or LoginPackage.
tABC_CC ABC_LoginServerGetString(const Lobby &lobby, tABC_U08Buf LP1, tABC_U08Buf LRA1,
                                 const char *szURL, const char *szField, char **szResponse, tABC_Error *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    HttpReply reply;
    ServerReplyJson replyJson;
    json_t  *pJSON_Value    = NULL;
    json_t  *pJSON_Root     = NULL;
    char    *szPost         = NULL;

    // create the post data with or without LP1
    if (LP1.data() == NULL && LRA1.data() == NULL)
        pJSON_Root = json_pack("{ss}",
            ABC_SERVER_JSON_L1_FIELD, base64Encode(lobby.authId()).c_str());
        if (LP1.data() == NULL)
            pJSON_Root = json_pack("{ssss}",
                ABC_SERVER_JSON_L1_FIELD, base64Encode(lobby.authId()).c_str(),
                ABC_SERVER_JSON_LRA1_FIELD, base64Encode(LRA1).c_str());
            pJSON_Root = json_pack("{ssss}",
                ABC_SERVER_JSON_L1_FIELD, base64Encode(lobby.authId()).c_str(),
                ABC_SERVER_JSON_LP1_FIELD, base64Encode(LP1).c_str());
        auto key = lobby.otpKey();
        if (key)
            json_object_set_new(pJSON_Root, ABC_SERVER_JSON_OTP_FIELD, json_string(key->totp().c_str()));
    szPost = ABC_UtilStringFromJSONObject(pJSON_Root, JSON_COMPACT);

    // send the command
    ABC_CHECK_NEW(AirbitzRequest().post(reply, szURL, szPost));

    // Check the results, and store json if successful

    // get the care package
    pJSON_Value = replyJson.results().get();
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_object(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error parsing server JSON care package results");

    pJSON_Value = json_object_get(pJSON_Value, szField);
    ABC_CHECK_ASSERT((pJSON_Value && json_is_string(pJSON_Value)), ABC_CC_JSONError, "Error care package JSON results");
    ABC_STRDUP(*szResponse, json_string_value(pJSON_Value));

    if (pJSON_Root)     json_decref(pJSON_Root);

    return cc;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Creates the wallet with the given info.
 * @param pszUUID Pointer to hold allocated pointer to UUID string
tABC_CC ABC_WalletCreate(tABC_SyncKeys *pKeys,
                         tABC_U08Buf L1,
                         tABC_U08Buf LP1,
                         const char *szUserName,
                         const char *szWalletName,
                         int  currencyNum,
                         unsigned int attributes,
                         char                  **pszUUID,
                         tABC_Error            *pError)
    tABC_CC cc = ABC_CC_Ok;

    char *szFilename       = NULL;
    char *szJSON           = NULL;
    char *szUUID           = NULL;
    char *szWalletDir      = NULL;
    json_t *pJSON_Data     = NULL;
    json_t *pJSON_Wallets  = NULL;
    tABC_U08Buf WalletAcctKey = ABC_BUF_NULL;

    tWalletData *pData = NULL;


    // create a new wallet data struct
    ABC_NEW(pData, tWalletData);
    pData->archived = 0;

    // create wallet guid
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_CryptoGenUUIDString(&szUUID, pError));
    ABC_STRDUP(pData->szUUID, szUUID);

    // generate the master key for this wallet - MK_<Wallet_GUID1>
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_CryptoCreateRandomData(WALLET_KEY_LENGTH, &pData->MK, pError));

    // create and set the bitcoin private seed for this wallet
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_CryptoCreateRandomData(WALLET_BITCOIN_PRIVATE_SEED_LENGTH, &pData->BitcoinPrivateSeed, pError));

    // Create Wallet Repo key
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_CryptoCreateRandomData(SYNC_KEY_LENGTH, &WalletAcctKey, pError));
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_CryptoHexEncode(WalletAcctKey, &(pData->szWalletAcctKey), pError));

    // create the wallet root directory if necessary

    // create the wallet directory - <Wallet_UUID1>  <- All data in this directory encrypted with MK_<Wallet_UUID1>
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_WalletGetDirName(&(pData->szWalletDir), pData->szUUID, pError));
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_FileIOCreateDir(pData->szWalletDir, pError));
    ABC_STRDUP(szWalletDir, pData->szWalletDir);

    // create the wallet sync dir under the main dir
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_WalletGetSyncDirName(&(pData->szWalletSyncDir), pData->szUUID, pError));
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_FileIOCreateDir(pData->szWalletSyncDir, pError));

    // we now have a new wallet so go ahead and cache its data
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_WalletAddToCache(pData, pError));

    // all the functions below assume the wallet is in the cache or can be loaded into the cache
    // set the wallet name
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_WalletSetName(ABC_WalletID(pKeys, szUUID), szWalletName, pError));

    // set the currency
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_WalletSetCurrencyNum(ABC_WalletID(pKeys, szUUID), currencyNum, pError));

    // Request remote wallet repo
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_WalletServerRepoPost(L1, LP1, pData->szWalletAcctKey,
                                           ABC_SERVER_WALLET_CREATE_PATH, pError));

    // set this account for the wallet's first account
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_WalletAddAccount(ABC_WalletID(pKeys, szUUID), szUserName, pError));

    // TODO: should probably add the creation date to optimize wallet export (assuming it is even used)

    // Init the git repo and sync it
    int dirty;
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_SyncMakeRepo(pData->szWalletSyncDir, pError));
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_SyncRepo(pData->szWalletSyncDir, pData->szWalletAcctKey, &dirty, pError));

    // Actiate the remote wallet
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_WalletServerRepoPost(L1, LP1, pData->szWalletAcctKey,
                                           ABC_SERVER_WALLET_ACTIVATE_PATH, pError));

    // If everything worked, add the wallet to the account:
    tABC_AccountWalletInfo info; // No need to free this
    info.szUUID = szUUID;
    info.MK = pData->MK;
    info.BitcoinSeed = pData->BitcoinPrivateSeed;
    info.SyncKey = WalletAcctKey;
    info.archived = 0;
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_AccountWalletList(pKeys, NULL, &info.sortIndex, pError));
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_AccountWalletSave(pKeys, &info, pError));

    // Now the wallet is written to disk, generate some addresses
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_TxCreateInitialAddresses(ABC_WalletID(pKeys, pData->szUUID), pError));

    // After wallet is created, sync the account, ignoring any errors
    tABC_Error Error;
    ABC_CHECK_RET(ABC_SyncRepo(pKeys->szSyncDir, pKeys->szSyncKey, &dirty, &Error));

    pData = NULL; // so we don't free what we just added to the cache
    if (cc != ABC_CC_Ok)
        if (szUUID)
            ABC_WalletRemoveFromCache(szUUID, NULL);
        if (szWalletDir)
            ABC_FileIODeleteRecursive(szWalletDir, NULL);
    if (pJSON_Data)         json_decref(pJSON_Data);
    if (pJSON_Wallets)      json_decref(pJSON_Wallets);
    if (pData)              ABC_WalletFreeData(pData);

    return cc;