Exemplo n.º 1
int AnalogEncoder::EncoderValue()
    int analogPin = AnalogPinNumbers[pin];
    ADCNumber adcNum = ADCNumbers[pin];

     Encoder_Adc_Config.STATUS1A = AIEN_OFF | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(analogPin);
     Encoder_Adc_Config.STATUS1B = AIEN_OFF | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(analogPin);

    int result;

    if (adcNum == ADC0)
         ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Encoder_Adc_Config);  // config ADC0

         // Check the status control register to see is the COnversion is COmplete
         while (( ADC0_SC1A & ADC_SC1_COCO_MASK ) != ADC_SC1_COCO_MASK){}
         result = ADC0_RA;
         ADC_Config_Alt(ADC1_BASE_PTR, &Encoder_Adc_Config);  // config ADC0

         // Check the status control register to see is the COnversion is COmplete
         while (( ADC1_SC1A & ADC_SC1_COCO_MASK ) != ADC_SC1_COCO_MASK){}
         result = ADC1_RA;
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
/**   adc_init
 * \brief    initialize and calibrate ADC0 module
 * \brief    48MHz IPBus clock; ADC clock = 48M/2/8 = 3MHz
 * \brief    Total conversion time: 56N+4ADCK
 * \brief    given sampling rate Fs = 6.4K, 156us/sample,  156*3= 468 ADCK
 * \author   FSL
 * \param    none
 * \return   none
 * \warning  assumes 48MHz IPBus clock
void adc_init(void)
   uint8_t cal_ok;
#ifdef CMSIS
   enable_irq(INT_ADC0 - 16);
  /* 48MHz IPBus clock
   * ADC clock = 48M/2/8 = 3MHz
   * Total conversion time: 56N+4ADCK
   * Given sampling rate Fs = 6.4K, 156us/sample,  156*3= 468 ADCK
   * the maximum h/w average number = 8
   * use h/w average number = 4
   * Total conversion time: 56*4+4 = 228 ADC clocks,76us
   * There are 468-228 = 240 ADC clocks (ie. 80us) free for post processing

 // Initialize ADC0
  // Do calibration first with 32 h/w averages
                              | ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(ADICLK_BUS_2);  
  Master_Adc_Config.COMPARE1 = 0x1234u ; 
  Master_Adc_Config.COMPARE2 = 0x5678u ;
  Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1A = AIEN_OFF | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(31);       
  Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1B = AIEN_OFF | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(31);  
  ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);  // config ADC
  cal_ok = ADC_Cal(ADC0_BASE_PTR);                    // do the calibration
  if (cal_ok != 0) printf("ADC calibration error");
  ADC_Read_Cal(ADC0_BASE_PTR,&CalibrationStore[1]);   // store the cal
  // Now do normal ADC configuration with 4 h/w averages and h/w trigger from PDB
                              | ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(ADICLK_BUS_2);  
  Master_Adc_Config.COMPARE1 = 0x1234u ; 
  Master_Adc_Config.COMPARE2 = 0x5678u ;

  Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1A = !AIEN_ON | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(31);                                                               
  Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1B = !AIEN_ON | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(31);    

  ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);  // config the ADC again to default conditions    
void init_ADC16(void){
          // Turn on the ADC0 clock as well as the PDB clocks to test ADC triggered by PDB
            SIM_SCGC6 |= (SIM_SCGC6_ADC0_MASK );
//            SIM_SCGC6 |= SIM_SCGC6_PDB_MASK ; pdb
            PMC_REGSC |= PMC_REGSC_BGBE_MASK ;  

            // setup the initial ADC default configuration              
            Master_Adc_Config.CONFIG1  = ADLPC_LOW
              | ADC_CFG1_ADIV(ADIV_1)
              | ADLSMP_LONG
              | ADC_CFG1_MODE(MODE_16)
              | ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(ADICLK_BUS);
            Master_Adc_Config.CONFIG2  = MUXSEL_ADCA
              | ADACKEN_DISABLED
              | ADHSC_HISPEED
              | ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(ADLSTS_20) ;
            Master_Adc_Config.COMPARE1 = 0x1234u ;                 // can be anything
            Master_Adc_Config.COMPARE2 = 0x5678u ;                 // can be anything
            // since not using
            // compare feature
            Master_Adc_Config.STATUS2  = ADTRG_SW
              | ACFE_DISABLED
              | ACFGT_GREATER
              | ACREN_DISABLED
              | DMAEN_DISABLED
              | ADC_SC2_REFSEL(REFSEL_EXT);
            Master_Adc_Config.STATUS3  = CAL_OFF
              | ADCO_SINGLE
              | !AVGE_ENABLED
              | ADC_SC3_AVGS(AVGS_4);
            Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1A = !AIEN_ON | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(31);
            // Configure ADC as it will be used, but becuase ADC_SC1_ADCH is 31,
            // the ADC will be inactive.  Channel 31 is just disable function.
            // There really is no channel 31.
            ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);  // config ADC
            // Calibrate the ADC in the configuration in which it will be used:
            ADC_Cal(ADC0_BASE_PTR);                    // do the calibration
            // The structure still has the desired configuration.  So restore it.
            // Why restore it?  The calibration makes some adjustments to the
            // configuration of the ADC.  The are now undone:
            // config the ADC again to desired conditions
            ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);
Exemplo n.º 4
void InitADC_12Bit()
    // setup the initial ADC default configuration to get setup for calibration
    Master_Adc_Config.CONFIG1  = ADLPC_NORMAL
                                 | ADC_CFG1_ADIV(ADIV_4)
                                 | ADLSMP_LONG
                                 | ADC_CFG1_MODE(MODE_12)
                                 | ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(ADICLK_BUS);
    Master_Adc_Config.CONFIG2  = MUXSEL_ADCA
                                 | ADACKEN_DISABLED
                                 | ADHSC_HISPEED
                                 | ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(ADLSTS_20) ;
    Master_Adc_Config.COMPARE1 = 0x1234u ;                 // can be anything
    Master_Adc_Config.COMPARE2 = 0x5678u ;                 // can be anything
    // since not using
    // compare feature
    Master_Adc_Config.STATUS2  =
    Master_Adc_Config.STATUS3  = CAL_OFF
                                 | ADCO_SINGLE
                                 | AVGE_ENABLED
                                 | ADC_SC3_AVGS(AVGS_16);
    Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1A = AIEN_OFF | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(31);
    Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1B = AIEN_OFF | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(31);
    // Configure ADC as it will be used, but becuase ADC_SC1_ADCH is 31,
    // the ADC will be inactive.  Channel 31 is just disable function.
    // There really is no channel 31.
    ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);  // config ADC
    // Calibrate the ADC in the configuration in which it will be used:
    ADC_Cal(ADC0_BASE_PTR);                    // do the calibration
    // The structure still has the desired configuration.  So restore it.
    // Why restore it?  The calibration makes some adjustments to the
    // configuration of the ADC.  The are now undone:
    // config the ADC again to desired conditions
    ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);
    // *****************************************************************************
    //      ADC0 using the PDB trigger in ping pong
    // *****************************************************************************
    // use interrupts, single ended mode, and real channel numbers now:
    ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);  // config ADC0
Exemplo n.º 5
//Analog read function causes digital output to behave strangely????????
float AnalogInputPin::Value()
    int analogPin = AnalogPinNumbers[pin];
        ADCNumber adcNum = ADCNumbers[pin];

         Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1A = AIEN_OFF | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(analogPin);
         Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1B = AIEN_OFF | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(analogPin);

        unsigned int result;

        // Disable Encoder Interrupts Temporarily
        NVICICER2 = (1 << (4));

        if (adcNum == ADC0)
             ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);  // config ADC0

             // Check the status control register to see is the COnversion is COmplete
             while (( ADC0_SC1A & ADC_SC1_COCO_MASK ) != ADC_SC1_COCO_MASK){}
             result = ADC0_RA;
             ADC_Config_Alt(ADC1_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);  // config ADC0

             // Check the status control register to see is the COnversion is COmplete
             while (( ADC1_SC1A & ADC_SC1_COCO_MASK ) != ADC_SC1_COCO_MASK){}
             result = ADC1_RA;


        // Re-enable Encoder Interrupt
        NVICICPR2 |= (1 << (4));
        NVICISER2 |= (1 << (4));

        // // Re-enable button Interrupt
        // NVICICPR2 |= (1 << ( 26 ));
        // NVICISER2 |= (1 << ( 26 ));

        float v = (result & 0xFFFFu) *3.33 / (0xFFFFu);
        return v;
Exemplo n.º 6
uint8_t Hw_Trig_Test(void)
  // Notes:

  //      PDB settings : continous mode, started by sotware trigger.
  //      This means that once the software "pulls the trigger" by setting a certain bit, the PDB starts counting
  //      and handing out four triggers per cycle of its counter.

  //      PDB settings: CH0_DLY0, CH0_DLY1 , CH1_DLY0, CH1_DLY1
  //      set to different values to distinguish effect on ADCx_Ry register
  //      need to provide 4 different voltages to convert at two ADC0 and two ADC1 input channels
  //      PDB counter clock prescaled to allow time for printf's and slow down things to they are visible, each trigger.

  //      Using adiclk= BUS ,  and adidiv/4 to get  12,5MHz on Tower demonstration.
  //      visibility of PDB start trigger is obtained by generating a toggling edge on
  //      GPIOxx with PDBisr set to trigger immediatly at zero value of PDB counter.

  //      Conversion end of each ADC and channel within the ADC ( A,B ) will be done by
  //      toggling second GPIO pin inside ADCisr  ( this pin is also reset by PDB isr )

// GPIO PIN to low voltage .. this macro sets the PIN low.

// Initialize PIN1 and PIN2 GPIO outputs

// Disable ADC and PDB interrupts
 disable_irq(ADC0_irq_no) ;   // not ready for this interrupt yet. Plug vector first.
 disable_irq(ADC1_irq_no) ;   // not ready for this interrupt yet. Plug vector first.
 disable_irq(PDB_irq_no) ;    // not ready for this interrupt yet. Plug vector first.

// Dynamic interrupt vector modification whilst those interruts are disabled
 __VECTOR_RAM[73] = (uint32)adc0_isr;  // plug isr into vector table in case not there already
 __VECTOR_RAM[74] = (uint32)adc1_isr;  // plug isr into vector table in case not there already
 __VECTOR_RAM[88] = (uint32)pdb_isr;   // plug isr into vector table in case not there already

// The System Integration Module largely determines the role of the different ball map locations on Kinetis.
// When an external pin is used, the System Integration Module should be consulted and invoked as needed.
// System integration module registers start with SIM_

// Turn on the ADC0 and ADC1 clocks as well as the PDB clocks to test ADC triggered by PDB

// Configure System Integration Module for defaults as far as ADC
 SIM_SOPT7 &= ~(SIM_SOPT7_ADC1ALTTRGEN_MASK  | // selects PDB not ALT trigger
                SIM_SOPT7_ADC1PRETRGSEL_MASK |
                SIM_SOPT7_ADC0ALTTRGEN_MASK  | // selects PDB not ALT trigger
                SIM_SOPT7_ADC0ALTTRGEN_MASK) ;
 SIM_SOPT7 = SIM_SOPT7_ADC0TRGSEL(0);       // applies only in case of ALT trigger, in which case
                                             // PDB external pin input trigger for ADC
 SIM_SOPT7 = SIM_SOPT7_ADC1TRGSEL(0);       // same for both ADCs

//PDB configured below  以下是PDB配置

// Configure the Peripheral Delay Block (PDB):
// enable PDB, pdb counter clock = busclock / 20 , continous triggers, sw trigger , and use prescaler too
 PDB0_SC =  PDB_SC_CONT_MASK       // Contintuous, rather than one-shot, mode
         | PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK      // PDB enabled
         | PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK      // PDB Interrupt Enable
         | PDB_SC_PRESCALER(0x5)  // Slow down the period of the PDB for testing
         | PDB_SC_TRGSEL(0xf)     // Trigger source is Software Trigger to be invoked in this file
         | PDB_SC_MULT(2);        // Multiplication factor 20 for the prescale divider for the counter clock
                                  // the software trigger, PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK is not triggered at this time.

 PDB0_IDLY = 0x0000;   // need to trigger interrupt every counter reset which happens when modulus reached

 PDB0_MOD = 0xffff;    // largest period possible with the slections above, so slow you can see each conversion.

// channel 0 pretrigger 0 and 1 enabled and delayed
 PDB0_CH0C1 = PDB_C1_EN(0x01)
           | PDB_C1_TOS(0x01)
           | PDB_C1_EN(0x02)
           | PDB_C1_TOS(0x02) ;


// channel 1 pretrigger 0 and 1 enabled and delayed
 PDB0_CH1C1 = PDB_C1_EN(0x01)
           | PDB_C1_TOS(0x01)
           | PDB_C1_EN(0x02)
           | PDB_C1_TOS(0x02) ;


 PDB0_SC =  PDB_SC_CONT_MASK        // Contintuous, rather than one-shot, mode
         | PDB_SC_PDBEN_MASK       // PDB enabled
         | PDB_SC_PDBIE_MASK       // PDB Interrupt Enable
         | PDB_SC_PRESCALER(0x5)   // Slow down the period of the PDB for testing
         | PDB_SC_TRGSEL(0xf)      // Trigger source is Software Trigger to be invoked in this file
         | PDB_SC_MULT(2)          // Multiplication factor 20 for the prescale divider for the counter clock
         | PDB_SC_LDOK_MASK;       // Need to ok the loading or it will not load certain regsiters!
                                   // the software trigger, PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK is not triggered at this time.

//PDB configured above  以上是PDB配置
//ADC configured below  以下是ADC配置

// setup the initial ADC default configuration
 Master_Adc_Config.CONFIG1  = ADLPC_NORMAL
                            | ADC_CFG1_ADIV(ADIV_4)
                            | ADLSMP_LONG
                            | ADC_CFG1_MODE(MODE_16)
                            | ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(ADICLK_BUS);
 Master_Adc_Config.CONFIG2  = MUXSEL_ADCA
                            | ADACKEN_DISABLED
                            | ADHSC_HISPEED
                            | ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(ADLSTS_20) ;
 Master_Adc_Config.COMPARE1 = 0x1234u ;                 // can be anything
 Master_Adc_Config.COMPARE2 = 0x5678u ;                 // can be anything
                                                        // since not using
                                                        // compare feature
 Master_Adc_Config.STATUS2  = ADTRG_HW
                            | ACFE_DISABLED
                            | ACFGT_GREATER
                            | ACREN_ENABLED
                            | DMAEN_DISABLED
                            | ADC_SC2_REFSEL(REFSEL_EXT);

 Master_Adc_Config.STATUS3  = CAL_OFF
                            | ADCO_SINGLE
                            | AVGE_ENABLED
                            | ADC_SC3_AVGS(AVGS_32);

 Master_Adc_Config.PGA      = PGAEN_DISABLED
                            | PGACHP_NOCHOP
                            | PGALP_NORMAL
                            | ADC_PGA_PGAG(PGAG_64);
 Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1A = AIEN_OFF | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(31);
 Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1B = AIEN_OFF | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(31);

// Configure ADC as it will be used, but becuase ADC_SC1_ADCH is 31,
// the ADC will be inactive.  Channel 31 is just disable function.
// There really is no channel 31.

 ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);  // config ADC

// Calibrate the ADC in the configuration in which it will be used:
 ADC_Cal(ADC0_BASE_PTR);                    // do the calibration

// The structure still has the desired configuration.  So restore it.
// Why restore it?  The calibration makes some adjustments to the
// configuration of the ADC.  The are now undone:

// config the ADC again to desired conditions
 ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);

// REPEAT for BOTH ADC's.  However we will only 'use' the results from
// the ADC wired to the Potentiometer on the Kinetis Tower Card.

// Repeating for ADC1:
  ADC_Config_Alt(ADC1_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);  // config ADC
  ADC_Cal(ADC1_BASE_PTR);                    // do the calibration
//  ADC_Read_Cal(ADC1_BASE_PTR,&CalibrationStore[0]);   // store the cal

// config the ADC again to default conditions
 ADC_Config_Alt(ADC1_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);

// *****************************************************************************
//      ADC0 and ADC1 using the PDB trigger in ping pong
// *****************************************************************************

// use interrupts, single ended mode, and real channel numbers now:

 ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);  // config ADC0

 ADC_Config_Alt(ADC1_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);  // config ADC1

 // Note that three different balls are being sampled:
 // ADC0_CHANA not used in this demo, but readings are shown
 // ADC0_CHANB not used in this demo, but readings are shown
 // ADC1_CHANA POT channel set the same as the following for demo: 20
 // ADC1_CHANB POT channel set the same as the above for demo: 20

 // The potentiometer is only on ADC1.  That is the one used
 // to calculate the change of the potentiometer below.

 while(char_present()) in_char();                     // flush terminal buffer

 printf ("\n\n\n");
 printf("* Running ADC0 & ADC1 HARDWARE TRIGGER by PDB          *\n");
 printf("* The one PDB is triggering both ADC0 and ADC1         *\n");
 printf("* ADC1 A,B is the POT.   Vary the POT setting.         *\n");
 printf("* Hit any key to exit   (ADC0 readings not used)       *\n");
 printf ("\n\n");

// Enable the ADC and PDB interrupts in NVIC
 enable_irq(ADC0_irq_no) ;   // ready for this interrupt.
 enable_irq(ADC1_irq_no) ;   // ready for this interrupt.
 enable_irq(PDB_irq_no) ;    // ready for this interrupt.

// In case previous test did not end with interrupts enabled, enable used ones.
 EnableInterrupts ;

 PDB0_SC |= PDB_SC_SWTRIG_MASK ;    // kick off the PDB  - just once

 //The system is now working!!!!  The PDB is *continuously* triggering ADC
 // conversions.  Now, to display the results!  The line above
 // was the SOFTWARE TRIGGER...

 // The demo will continue as long as no character is pressed on the terminal.

 while(!char_present()) // as long as no operater intervention, keep running this:
  while( cycle_flags != ( ADC0A_DONE | ADC0B_DONE | ADC1A_DONE | ADC1B_DONE ));  // wait for one complete cycle
  printf("R0A=%6d  R0B=%6d  R1A=%6d  R1B=%6d   POT=%6d\r",
          result0A,result0B,result1A,result1B, exponentially_filtered_result1);

// disable the PDB

  PDB0_SC = 0 ;

// Disable the ADC and PDB interrupts in NVIC
  disable_irq(ADC0_irq_no) ;   // through with this interrupt.
  disable_irq(ADC1_irq_no) ;   // through with this interrupt.
  disable_irq(PDB_irq_no) ;    // through with this interrupt.

 printf ("\n\n\n");
 printf("* Demonstration ended at operator request              *\n");
 printf("* ADC0 & ADC1 PDB      TRIGGER DEMO COMPLETE           *\n");
 printf ("\n\n");

return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
void InitADC1()
	tADC_Config Master_Adc1_Config;
    //Lets calibrate the ADC. 1st setup how the channel will be used.

    Master_Adc1_Config.CONFIG1 = ADLPC_NORMAL 			//No low power mode
								| ADC_CFG1_ADIV(ADIV_4) //divide input by 4
								| ADLSMP_LONG 			//long sample time
								| ADC_CFG1_MODE(MODE_8)//single ended 8-bit conversion
    Master_Adc1_Config.CONFIG2 = MUXSEL_ADCA // select the A side of the ADC channel.
								| ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(ADLSTS_2);//Extra long sample Time (20 extra clocks)
    Master_Adc1_Config.COMPARE1 = 00000; // Comparators don't matter for calibration
    Master_Adc1_Config.COMPARE1 = 0xFFFF;
    Master_Adc1_Config.STATUS2  = ADTRG_HW //hardware triggers for calibration
                               | ACFE_DISABLED //disable comparator
                               | ACFGT_GREATER
                               | ACREN_ENABLED
                               | DMAEN_DISABLED //Disable DMA
                               | ADC_SC2_REFSEL(REFSEL_EXT); //External Reference
    Master_Adc1_Config.STATUS3 = CAL_OFF  
								| ADCO_SINGLE
    							| AVGE_ENABLED
								| ADC_SC3_AVGS(AVGS_4);
    Master_Adc1_Config.PGA =     0; // Disable the PGA
    // Configure ADC as it will be used, but because ADC_SC1_ADCH is 31,
    // the ADC will be inactive.  Channel 31 is just disable function.
    // There really is no channel 31.
    Master_Adc1_Config.STATUS1A = AIEN_ON | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(31);
   // Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1B = AIEN_OFF | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(31);
    ADC_Config_Alt(ADC1_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc1_Config);  // config ADC
    // Calibrate the ADC in the configuration in which it will be used:
     ADC_Cal(ADC1_BASE_PTR);                    // do the calibration
     Master_Adc1_Config.STATUS2  = ACFE_DISABLED //disable comparator
                                | ACFGT_GREATER
                                | ACREN_ENABLED
                                | DMAEN_DISABLED //Disable DMA
                                | ADC_SC2_REFSEL(REFSEL_EXT); //External Reference
     Master_Adc1_Config.STATUS3 = CAL_OFF  
     							| ADCO_SINGLE;
     ADC_Config_Alt(ADC1_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc1_Config);
Exemplo n.º 8
////Initialize ADC Function. Needs to be placed somewhere??
void AnalogInputPin::InitADCs()
    // setup the initial ADC default configuration
         Master_Adc_Config.CONFIG1  = ADLPC_NORMAL                   // Normal power, (not low power)
                                    | ADC_CFG1_ADIV(ADIV_4)          // Clock divider
                                    | ADLSMP_LONG                    // Take a long time to sample
                                    | ADC_CFG1_MODE(MODE_16)         // 16 bit mode
                                    | ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(ADICLK_BUS);   // use the bus clock
         Master_Adc_Config.CONFIG2  = MUXSEL_ADCB                    // use channel A
                                    | ADACKEN_DISABLED               // Asynch clock disabled?
                                    | ADHSC_NORMAL                   // Asynch clock setting
                                    | ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(ADLSTS_20) ;
         Master_Adc_Config.COMPARE1 = 0x1234u ;                 // can be anything
         Master_Adc_Config.COMPARE2 = 0x5678u ;                 // can be anything
                                                                // since not using
                                                                // compare feature
         Master_Adc_Config.STATUS2  = ADTRG_SW                  // Software triggered conversion
                                    | ACFE_DISABLED             // Disable comparator (if enabled only registers as an anlog reading if it is greater than a certain value)
                                    | ACFGT_GREATER             // comparator setting
                                    | ACREN_DISABLED            // Compare Function Range disabled
                                    | DMAEN_DISABLED               // Disable DMA
                                    | ADC_SC2_REFSEL(REFSEL_EXT); // external voltage reference

         Master_Adc_Config.STATUS3  = CAL_OFF                     // Calibration begins off
                                    | ADCO_SINGLE                 // Take a single reading
                                    | AVGE_ENABLED                // Enable averaging
                                    | ADC_SC3_AVGS(AVGS_32);      // Average 32 samples

         Master_Adc_Config.PGA      = PGAEN_DISABLED             // PGA disabled
                                    | PGACHP_NOCHOP              // no chopping for PGA?
                                    | PGALP_NORMAL               // Normal (not low power mode)
                                    | ADC_PGA_PGAG(PGAG_64);     // PGA gain of 64

         // Set up channel as all ones for configuration
         Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1A = AIEN_OFF | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(31);

         Master_Adc_Config.STATUS1B = AIEN_OFF | DIFF_SINGLE | ADC_SC1_ADCH(31);

        // Configure ADC as it will be used, but becuase ADC_SC1_ADCH is 31,
        // the ADC will be inactive.  Channel 31 is just disable function.
        // There really is no channel 31.

         ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);  // config ADC
         ADC_Config_Alt(ADC1_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);  // config ADC

        // Calibrate the ADC in the configuration in which it will be used:
         ADC_Cal(ADC1_BASE_PTR);                    // do the calibration
         ADC_Cal(ADC0_BASE_PTR);                    // do the calibration

        // The structure still has the desired configuration.  So restore it.
        // Why restore it?  The calibration makes some adjustments to the
        // configuration of the ADC.  The are now undone:

        // config the ADC again to desired conditions
         ADC_Config_Alt(ADC1_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);
         ADC_Config_Alt(ADC0_BASE_PTR, &Master_Adc_Config);

         //Load Encoder ADC Config (A bit different from Master)
         Encoder_Adc_Config = Master_Adc_Config;

         Encoder_Adc_Config.CONFIG1  = ADLPC_NORMAL                   // Normal power, (not low power)
                                    | ADC_CFG1_ADIV(ADIV_4)          // Clock divider
                                    | ADLSMP_LONG                    // Take a long time to sample
                                    | ADC_CFG1_MODE(MODE_16)         // 16 bit mode
                                    | ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(ADICLK_BUS);   // use the bus clock

         Encoder_Adc_Config.STATUS3  = CAL_OFF                     // Calibration begins off
                                    | ADCO_SINGLE                 // Take a single reading
                                    | AVGE_ENABLED                // Enable averaging
                                    | ADC_SC3_AVGS(AVGS_4);      // Average 4 samples