Exemplo n.º 1
void ADC_read_W1(){                     
    static U32 save_A, save_B, save_BD;
    int read_xpdata0;
    save_A   = rADCCON;  
    save_B   = rGPBCON;
    save_BD  = rGPBDAT;
    LED_INIT();  //初始化LED
    while(Uart_GetKey() != 'q')
     W1_ADC( &read_xpdata0 );//传递read_xpdata0地址,改变read_xpdata0的值来给W1_LED函数使用
     W1_LED(read_xpdata0);                 //LED函数
    rADCCON = save_A;
    rGPBCON = save_B;
    rGPBDAT = save_BD;

Exemplo n.º 2
 *  ======== main ========
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	CSL_init();                 // Activate Grace-generated configuration
	delay();					//
    System_Initial();			// initialize system.
   	delay();					// delay and wait the first conversion.
   	_enable_interrupt();		// enable interrupt

   		// half a second interrupt.
   		if(flag & BIT7)

   		// read ADC result
   		if(flag & BIT4)			//Read ADC result

   		// one second interrupt to display time
   		if (flag & BIT3)

   		if(flag & BIT1)				// if SW1 is pushed, threshold temperature
   		{							//   state machine will be changed
   			flag &= ~ BIT1;			// flag is reset
   			time_state = 0;			//when threshold temperature is setting,
   									//setting time is disable.
   			if(!customThreshold) {
   				meatSelect();		//Enter meat select menu if not setting custom
   			if(Thr_state >= 3)		// if in state 3, change to state 0;
   				Thr_state = 0;
   				Thr_temp = set_temp;				// assign threshold temperature
   				LCD_display_number(0,4,Thr_temp);	// display threshold temperature

   				customThreshold = 0;		//Reset custom threshold flag
   			else							//else, Thr_state is changed to next state
   				Thr_state ++;

   		if((flag & BIT2) && (!Thr_state))	// if SW2 is pushed, and Thr_state = 0,
   		{									// time setting state machine will be changed
   			flag &= ~ BIT2;					// flag is reset

   			if(!(P1IN & BIT3))
   				flag ^= BIT9;		// S2 and SW2 are pushed together to change input
   				flag ^= BIT8;
   				if(flag & BIT9)		// Display external temp
   					LCD_display_string(1,"   Ext :");
   				else				//Display probe temp
   					LCD_display_string(1," Probe :");
   				if(time_state >= 4)					// if in state 4, change to state 0;
   					time_state = 0;
   				 	time = set_time;				// assign actual time
   					set_time = 0;
   					LCD_display_time(0,8,time);		// display setting time
   					time_state ++;

   		if(flag & BIT0)				// P1.3 service, set the Threshold temp or Time.
   			flag &= ~ BIT0;			// flag is reset
   			if(Thr_state != 0)
   				set_Thrtemp();		// set threshold temperature.
   			else if(time_state != 0)
   				set_Time();			// set timer.
   				flag ^= BIT8;		// display temperature in Fahrenheit
