Exemplo n.º 1
 * Metamethod: __eq [boolean]
 * Compare two nodes.
 * Example:
 * n1 == n2 or n1 ~= n2 with metamethods
static int gr_equal(lua_State *L)
  gr_node_t *ud1 = tonode(L, 1, STRICT);
  gr_node_t *ud2 = tonode(L, 2, STRICT);
  lua_pushboolean(L, (AGID(ud1->n) == AGID(ud2->n)));
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* compare:
 * Lexicographic ordering of objects.
int compare(Agobj_t * l, Agobj_t * r)
    char lkind, rkind;
    if (l == NULL) {
	if (r == NULL)
	    return 0;
	    return -1;
    } else if (r == NULL) {
	return 1;
    if (AGID(l) < AGID(r))
	return -1;
    else if (AGID(l) > AGID(r))
	return 1;
    lkind = AGTYPE(l);
    rkind = AGTYPE(r);
    if (lkind == 3)
	lkind = 2;
    if (rkind == 3)
	rkind = 2;
    if (lkind == rkind)
	return 0;
    else if (lkind < rkind)
	return -1;
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
int agraphidcmpf(Dict_t * d, void *arg0, void *arg1, Dtdisc_t * disc)
    ptrdiff_t	v;
    Agraph_t *sg0, *sg1;
    sg0 = (Agraph_t *) arg0;
    sg1 = (Agraph_t *) arg1;
    v = (AGID(sg0) - AGID(sg1));
    return ((v==0)?0:(v<0?-1:1));
Exemplo n.º 4
static void tkgen_print_tags(GVJ_t *job)
    char *ObjType;
    unsigned int ObjId;
    obj_state_t *obj = job->obj;
    int ObjFlag;

    switch (obj->emit_state) {
    case EMIT_NDRAW:
	ObjType = "node";
	ObjFlag = 1;
        ObjId = AGID(obj->u.n);
    case EMIT_NLABEL:
	ObjType = "node";
	ObjFlag = 0;
        ObjId = AGID(obj->u.n);
    case EMIT_EDRAW:
    case EMIT_TDRAW:
    case EMIT_HDRAW:
	ObjType = "edge";
	ObjFlag = 1;
        ObjId = AGID(obj->u.e);
    case EMIT_ELABEL:
    case EMIT_TLABEL:
    case EMIT_HLABEL:
	ObjType = "edge";
	ObjFlag = 0;
        ObjId = AGID(obj->u.e);
    case EMIT_GDRAW:
	ObjType = "graph";
	ObjFlag = 1;
	ObjId = AGID(obj->u.g);
    case EMIT_GLABEL:
	ObjFlag = 0;
	ObjType = "graph label";
	ObjId = AGID(obj->u.g);
    case EMIT_CDRAW:
	ObjType = "graph";
	ObjFlag = 1;
	ObjId = AGID(obj->u.sg);
    case EMIT_CLABEL:
	ObjType = "graph";
	ObjFlag = 0;
	ObjId = AGID(obj->u.sg);
	assert (0);
    gvprintf(job, " -tags {%d%s%p}", ObjFlag, ObjType, ObjId);
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Write info about a node to stdout.
 * Example:
 * n:info()
static int gr_info(lua_State *L)
  Agraph_t  *g;
  gr_node_t *ud = tonode(L, 1, STRICT);
  Agedge_t *se;
  Agsym_t *sym;
  g = agraphof(ud->n);
  printf("INFO NODE '%s' '%s' id=%lu seq=%d\n", agnameof(ud->n), ud->name, (unsigned long) AGID(ud->n), AGSEQ(ud->n));
  printf("  ptr: %p\n", ud->n);
  printf("  Symbols:\n");
  se = agfstout(g, ud->n);
  while ((sym = agnxtattr(g,AGNODE,sym))!=NULL)
         printf("    %s = '%s'\n",sym->name,sym->defval);
#if 0
  printf("  Out edges: d-out=%d u-out=%d\n", agdegree(g, ud->n, 0, 1), agcountuniqedges(g, ud->n, 0, 1));
  while (se) {
    printf("    name: '%s', head: '%s', tail: '%s' id=%lud, seq=%d %p\n",
           agnameof(se), agnameof(aghead(se)), agnameof(agtail(se)), (unsigned long) AGID(se), AGSEQ(se), (void*)se);
    se = agnxtout(g, se);
#if 0
  printf("  In edges: d-in=%d u-in=%d\n", agdegree(g, ud->n, 1, 0), agcountuniqedges(g, ud->n, 1, 0));
  se = agfstin(g, ud->n);
  while (se) {
    printf("    name: '%s', head: '%s', tail: '%s' îd=%lu seq=%d %p\n",
           agnameof(se), agnameof(aghead(se)), agnameof(agtail(se)), (unsigned long) AGID(se), AGSEQ(se), (void*)se);
    se = agnxtin(g, se);
#if 0
  printf("  Edges: d-io=%d u-io=%d\n", agdegree(g, ud->n, 1, 1), agcountuniqedges(g, ud->n, 1, 1));
  se = agfstedge(g, ud->n);
  while (se) {
    printf("    name: '%s', head: '%s', tail: '%s' id=%lud seq=%d %p\n",
           agnameof(se), agnameof(aghead(se)), agnameof(agtail(se)), (unsigned long) AGID(se), AGSEQ(se), (void*)se);
    se = agnxtedge(g, se, ud->n);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Method: n.delete(self)
 * Delete a node. All associated edges are deleted as well.
 * Returns non-nil on success.
 * Example:
 * rv, err = n:delete(h)
static int gr_delete(lua_State *L)
  Agraph_t *g;
  gr_node_t *ud = tonode(L, 1, NONSTRICT);
  if (ud->n != NULL){
    /* Delete all associated edges with tail on this node */
    Agedge_t *se, *ne;
    int ix;
    g = ud->n->graph;
    se = agfstedge(g, ud->n);
    while (se){
      ne = agnxtedge(g, se, ud->n);
      ix = get_object(L, se);         /* ud, se */
      if (!(lua_isnil(L, -ix))){
	TRACE("n:delete(): closing subedge: ud=%p 'edge@%d' id=0x%0x e=%p\n", 
	       (void *) lua_touserdata(L, -ix), AGID(se), AGID(se), (void *)se);
	lua_pushcfunction(L, gr_delete_edge); /* ud, se, func */
	lua_pushvalue(L, -2);                 /* ud, se, func, se */
	lua_call(L, 1, LUA_MULTRET);          /* ud, se */
	lua_pop(L, 1);                        /* ud */
      } else {
	lua_pop(L, 2);                        /* ud */
      se = ne;
    TRACE("n:delete(): ud=%p '%s' id=0x%0x \n", 
	  (void *) ud, agnameof(ud->n), AGID(ud->n));
    del_object(L, ud->n);
    agdelete(g, ud->n);
    ud->n = NULL;
    if (ud->name){
      ud->name = NULL;
  } else {
    TRACE("n:delete(): ud=%p already closed\n", (void *)ud);
  lua_pushnumber(L, 0);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: id.c Projeto: Chaduke/bah.mod
char *agnameof(void *obj)
    Agraph_t *g;
    char *rv;
    char buf[32];

    /* perform internal lookup first */
    g = agraphof(obj);
    if ((rv = aginternalmapprint(g, AGTYPE(obj), AGID(obj))))
	return rv;

    if (AGDISC(g, id)->print) {
	if ((rv =
	     AGDISC(g, id)->print(AGCLOS(g, id), AGTYPE(obj), AGID(obj))))
	    return rv;
    if (AGTYPE(obj) != AGEDGE)
	sprintf(buf, "%c%ld", LOCALNAMEPREFIX, AGID(obj));
	buf[0] = 0;
    return agstrdup(g, buf);
Exemplo n.º 8
/* isIn:
 * Return 1 if object objp is in subgraph gp.
int isIn(Agraph_t * gp, Agobj_t * objp)
    if (!sameG(gp, objp, "isIn", 0))
	return 0;
    switch (AGTYPE(objp)) {
    case AGRAPH:
	return (agparent((Agraph_t *) objp) == gp);
    case AGNODE:
	return (agidnode(gp, AGID(objp), 0) != 0);
	return (agsubedge(gp, (Agedge_t *) objp, 0) != 0);
Exemplo n.º 9
int circuit_model(graph_t * g, int nG)
    double **Gm;
    double **Gm_inv;
    int rv;
    long i, j;
    node_t *v;
    edge_t *e;

    Gm = new_array(nG, nG, 0.0);
    Gm_inv = new_array(nG, nG, 0.0);

    /* set non-diagonal entries */
    for (v = agfstnode(g); v; v = agnxtnode(g, v)) {
	for (e = agfstedge(g, v); e; e = agnxtedge(g, e, v)) {
	    i = AGID(agtail(e));
	    j = AGID(aghead(e));
	    if (i == j)
	    /* conductance is 1/resistance */
	    Gm[i][j] = Gm[j][i] = -1.0 / ED_dist(e);	/* negate */

    rv = solveCircuit(nG, Gm, Gm_inv);

    if (rv)
	for (i = 0; i < nG; i++) {
	    for (j = 0; j < nG; j++) {
		GD_dist(g)[i][j] =
		    Gm_inv[i][i] + Gm_inv[j][j] - 2.0 * Gm_inv[i][j];
    return rv;
Exemplo n.º 10
static void cc_dfs(Agraph_t* g, Agraph_t * comp, Agnode_t * n)
    Agedge_t *e;
    Agnode_t *other;

    agidnode(comp, AGID(n), 1);
    for (e = agfstedge(g, n); e; e = agnxtedge(g, e, n)) {
	if (agtail(e) == n)
	    other = aghead(e);
	    other = agtail(e);
	if (!CCMARKED(other))
	    cc_dfs(g, comp, other);
Exemplo n.º 11
/* compOf:
 * Return connected component of node.
Agraph_t *compOf(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n)
    Agraph_t *cg;
    Agnode_t *np;
    static int id;
    char name[64];

    if (!(n = agidnode(g, AGID(n), 0)))
	return 0;		/* n not in g */
    for (np = agfstnode(g); np; np = agnxtnode(g, np))

    sprintf(name, "_cc_%d", id++);
    cg = openSubg(g, name);
    cc_dfs(g, cg, n);

    return cg;
Exemplo n.º 12
 * Open a new main graph with the given descriptor (directed, strict, etc.)
Agraph_t *agopen(char *name, Agdesc_t desc, Agdisc_t * arg_disc)
    Agraph_t *g;
    Agclos_t *clos;
    unsigned long gid;

    clos = agclos(arg_disc);
    g = clos->disc.mem->alloc(clos->state.mem, sizeof(Agraph_t));
    g->clos = clos;
    g->desc = desc;
    g->desc.maingraph = TRUE;
    g->root = g;
    g->clos->state.id = g->clos->disc.id->open(g);
    if (agmapnametoid(g, AGRAPH, name, &gid, TRUE))
	AGID(g) = gid;
    /* else AGID(g) = 0 because we have no alternatives */
    return agopen1(g);
Exemplo n.º 13
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------* \
 * Method: n.delete(self)
 * Delete a node. All associated edges are deleted as well.
 * Returns non-nil on success.
 * Example:
 * rv, err = n:delete(h)
static int gr_delete(lua_State *L)
  Agraph_t *g;
  gr_node_t *ud = tonode(L, 1, NONSTRICT);

  if (ud->n != NULL){
    /* Delete all associated edges with tail on this node */
    g = agraphof(ud->n);
    if (ud->status == ALIVE){
      TRACE("   n.delete(): deleting node '%s' ud=%p id=0x%0lx (%s %d) \n", 
            agnameof(ud->n), (void *) ud, (unsigned long) AGID(ud->n), __FILE__, __LINE__);
      agdelnode(g, ud->n);
  } else {
    TRACE("   n:delete(): ud=%p already closed (%s %d)\n", (void *)ud, __FILE__, __LINE__);
  lua_pushnumber(L, 0);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 14
 * Method: n.rename(self, name)
 * Renames a graph. Null name will assign an auto-name 'node@ID'.
 * Returns old name.
 * Example:
 * oldname, err = n:rename("NODENEWNAME") or n:rename()
static int gr_rename(lua_State *L)
  char sbuf[32];
  gr_node_t *ud = tonode(L, 1, STRICT);
  char *name = (char *) lua_tostring(L, 2);
  char *oldname = agnameof(ud->n);
  if (!name){
    sprintf(sbuf, "node@%d", AGID(ud->n));
    agrename(ud->n, agstrdup(sbuf));
    ud->name = strdup(sbuf);
  } else {
    agrename(ud->n, agstrdup(name));
    ud->name = strdup(name);
  lua_pushstring(L, oldname);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 15
 * Method: e = nextedge(self, prev)
 * Retrieves next edge of a node.
 * Returns the next edge of the given node. With nil as prev the first
 * edge is returned. 
 * Example:
 * first = n:nextedge(nil)
 * second = n:nextedge(first)
 * third = n:nextedge(second)
static int gr_nextedge(lua_State *L)
  int rv;
  char sbuf[32];
  Agraph_t *g;
  Agedge_t *e;
  gr_edge_t *ud_e;
  gr_node_t *ud_n = tonode(L, 1, STRICT);
  g = agroot(ud_n->n);

  if (lua_isnil(L, 2)){
    e = agfstedge(g, ud_n->n);
  } else {
    ud_e = toedge(L, 2, STRICT);
    e = agnxtedge(g, ud_e->e, ud_n->n);
  if (!e){
    /* no more edges */
    return 1;
  } else {
    /* Check whether userdata exists .. */
    rv = get_object(L, e);
    if (rv == 1){
      /* .. yes: return it */
      return rv;
    } else {
      /* .. no: create it */
      lua_pop(L, rv);
      ud_e = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(gr_edge_t)); 
      ud_e->e = e;
      sprintf(sbuf, "edge@%lu", (unsigned long) AGID(e));
      ud_e->name = strdup(sbuf);
      ud_e->type = AGEDGE;
      ud_e->status = ALIVE;
      set_object(L, e);
      return new_edge(L);
Exemplo n.º 16
 * Method: e.delete(self)
 * Delete an edge.
 * Returns non-nil on success.
 * Example:
 * rv, err = n:delete()
static int gr_delete(lua_State *L)
  int rv = -1;
  gr_edge_t *ud = toedge(L, 1, NONSTRICT);
  Agraph_t *g;
  if (ud->e != NULL){
    g = ud->e->tail->graph;
    TRACE("e.delete(): edge: ud=%p '%s' id=0x%x e=%p\n", 
	   (void *) ud, ud->name, AGID(ud->e), (void *)ud->e);
    del_object(L, ud->e);
    agdelete(g, ud->e);
    ud->e = NULL;
    if (ud->name){
      ud->name = NULL;
  } else {
    TRACE("e:delete(): ud=%p already closed\n", (void *)ud);
  lua_pushnumber(L, rv);
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 17
static int gr_nextinout(lua_State *L, edge_first_iter_t *fst, edge_next_iter_t *nxt)
  int rv;
  Agedge_t *e;
  char sbuf[32];
  gr_edge_t *ud_e;
  gr_node_t *ud_n = tonode(L, 1, STRICT);
  Agraph_t *g = agroot(ud_n->n);

  if (lua_isnil(L, 2))
    e = fst(g, ud_n->n);
  else {
    ud_e = toedge(L, 2, STRICT);
    e = nxt(g, ud_e->e);
  if (!e){
    /* no more nodes */
    return 1;
  } else {
    /* Check whether userdata exists .. */
    rv = get_object(L, e);
    if (rv == 1)
      /* .. yes: return it */
      return rv;
    else {
      /* .. no: create it */
      lua_pop(L, rv);
      ud_e = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(gr_edge_t)); 
      ud_e->e = e;
      sprintf(sbuf, "edge@%lu", (unsigned long) AGID(e));
      ud_e->name = strdup(sbuf);
      ud_e->type = AGEDGE;
      set_object(L, e);
      return new_edge(L);
Exemplo n.º 18
 * Method: e, tail, head = n.edge(self, node, label, flag)
 * Finds or creates an edge. The given node becomes the tail of the edge.
 * Label is optional.
 * The optional flag nocreate=true inhibits auto-creation.
 * Any node given by name is implicitly created and it's userdata returned
 * as additional results - even if nocreate is not set.
 * Example:
 * e, tail, head = e:node(n2, "edge-1")
 * e, err = g:edge(...)
static int gr_edge(lua_State *L)
  Agedge_t *e;
  gr_edge_t *edge;                 
  int rv;
  char *label;
  char sbuf[32];
  Agraph_t *g;
  gr_node_t *head;
  gr_node_t *tail = tonode(L, 1, STRICT);
  if (lua_isuserdata(L, 2))
    head = tonode(L, 2, STRICT);
  else {
    /* Create a node given by name */
    lua_pushcfunction(L, gr_create_node);            /* tail, nhead, (label), func */
    get_object(L, tail->n->graph);                   /* tail, nhead, (label), func, graph */
    lua_pushstring(L, (const char *) luaL_checkstring(L, 2)); /* ... func, graph, nhead */
    if (lua_isboolean(L, 4))
      lua_pushvalue(L, 4);
      lua_pushboolean(L, 0);
    /* g.node(self, name, flag) */
    lua_call(L, 3,  1);                              /* tail, nhead, (label), head */ 
    head = tonode(L, -1, STRICT);
    lua_pop(L,1);                                    /* tail, nhead, (label) */

  g = tail->n->graph;
  if (tail->n->graph != head->n->graph){
    luaL_error(L, "head/tail not in same graph");
  label = (char *) luaL_optstring(L, 3, "");         /* ud, peer, name, (flag) */
  if ((e = agfindedge(g, tail->n, head->n)) != NULL){
    /* Edge exists */
    rv = get_object(L, e);                           /* ud, peer, name, (flag), edge */
    if (lua_isnil(L, -rv)){
      lua_pop(L, rv);                                /* ud, peer, name, (flag) */ 
      /* Edge not yet registered */
      edge = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(gr_edge_t));  /* ud, peer, name, (flag), edge */
      edge->e = e;
      if (strlen(label) > 0)
	agset(e, "label", label);
      sprintf(sbuf, "edge@%d", AGID(e));
      edge->name = strdup(sbuf);
      edge->type = AGEDGE;
      set_object(L, e);              /* ud, peer, name, (flag), edge */
      lua_pushlightuserdata(L, tail);
      lua_pushlightuserdata(L, head);     /* ud, peer, name, (flag), edge, tail, head */
      return 3;
    } else {
      /* Edge already registered */
      lua_pushlightuserdata(L, tail);
      lua_pushlightuserdata(L, head);
      return rv + 2;                 /* ud, peer, name, (flag), edge, tail, head */
  } else {
    /* Edge does not exist */
    if (lua_toboolean(L, 4)){
      lua_pushstring(L, "edge not found");
      return 2;
    edge = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(gr_edge_t));
    if (!(edge->e = agedge(g, tail->n, head->n))){
      luaL_error(L, "agedge failed");
      return 0;
    if (strlen(label) > 0)
      agset(edge->e, "label", label);
    sprintf(sbuf, "edge@%d", AGID(edge->e));
    edge->name = strdup(sbuf);
    edge->type = AGEDGE;
    set_object(L, edge->e);
    lua_pushlightuserdata(L, tail);
    lua_pushlightuserdata(L, head);
    return 3;
Exemplo n.º 19
/* orthoEdges:
 * For edges without position information, construct an orthogonal routing.
 * If doLbls is true, use edge label info when available to guide routing, 
 * and set label pos for those edges for which this info is not available.
orthoEdges (Agraph_t* g, int doLbls)
    sgraph* sg;
    maze* mp;
    int n_edges;
    route* route_list;
    int i, gstart;
    Agnode_t* n;
    Agedge_t* e;
    snode* sn;
    snode* dn;
    epair_t* es = N_GNEW(agnedges(g), epair_t);
    cell* start;
    cell* dest;
    PointSet* ps;
    textlabel_t* lbl;

    if (Concentrate) 
	ps = newPS();

#ifdef DEBUG
	char* s = agget(g, "odb");
        char c;
	odb_flags = 0;
	if (s && (*s != '\0')) {
	    while ((c = *s++)) {
		switch (c) {
		case 'c' :
		    odb_flags |= ODB_CHANG;     // emit channel graph 
		case 'i' :
		    odb_flags |= (ODB_SGRAPH|ODB_IGRAPH);  // emit search graphs
		case 'm' :
		    odb_flags |= ODB_MAZE;      // emit maze
		case 'r' :
		    odb_flags |= ODB_ROUTE;     // emit routes in maze
		case 's' :
		    odb_flags |= ODB_SGRAPH;    // emit search graph 
    if (doLbls) {
	agerr(AGWARN, "Orthogonal edges do not currently handle edge labels. Try using xlabels.\n");
	doLbls = 0;
    mp = mkMaze (g, doLbls);
    sg = mp->sg;
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (odb_flags & ODB_SGRAPH) emitSearchGraph (stderr, sg);

    /* store edges to be routed in es, along with their lengths */
    n_edges = 0;
    for (n = agfstnode (g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) {
        for (e = agfstout(g, n); e; e = agnxtout(g,e)) {
	    if ((Nop == 2) && ED_spl(e)) continue;
	    if (Concentrate) {
		int ti = AGID(agtail(e));
		int hi = AGID(aghead(e));
		if (ti <= hi) {
		    if (isInPS (ps,ti,hi)) continue;
		    else addPS (ps,ti,hi);
		else {
		    if (isInPS (ps,hi,ti)) continue;
		    else addPS (ps,hi,ti);
	    es[n_edges].e = e;
	    es[n_edges].d = edgeLen (e);

    route_list = N_NEW (n_edges, route);

    qsort((char *)es, n_edges, sizeof(epair_t), (qsort_cmpf) edgecmp);

    gstart = sg->nnodes;
    PQgen (sg->nnodes+2);
    sn = &sg->nodes[gstart];
    dn = &sg->nodes[gstart+1];
    for (i = 0; i < n_edges; i++) {
#ifdef DEBUG
	if ((i > 0) && (odb_flags & ODB_IGRAPH)) emitSearchGraph (stderr, sg);
	e = es[i].e;
        start = CELL(agtail(e));
        dest = CELL(aghead(e));

	if (doLbls && (lbl = ED_label(e)) && lbl->set) {
	else {
	    if (start == dest)
		addLoop (sg, start, dn, sn);
	    else {
       		addNodeEdges (sg, dest, dn);
		addNodeEdges (sg, start, sn);
       	    if (shortPath (sg, dn, sn)) goto orthofinish;
       	route_list[i] = convertSPtoRoute(sg, sn, dn);
       	reset (sg);
    PQfree ();

    mp->hchans = extractHChans (mp);
    mp->vchans = extractVChans (mp);
    assignSegs (n_edges, route_list, mp);
    if (setjmp(jbuf))
	goto orthofinish;
    assignTracks (n_edges, route_list, mp);
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (odb_flags & ODB_ROUTE) emitGraph (stderr, mp, n_edges, route_list, es);
    attachOrthoEdges (g, mp, n_edges, route_list, &sinfo, es, doLbls);

    if (Concentrate)
	freePS (ps);

    for (i=0; i < n_edges; i++)
	free (route_list[i].segs);
    free (route_list);
    freeMaze (mp);
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Close a graph or subgraph, freeing its storage.
int agclose(Agraph_t * g)
    Agraph_t *subg, *next_subg, *par;
    Agnode_t *n, *next_n;

    agflatten(g, FALSE);
    par = agparent(g);

    if ((par == NILgraph) && (AGDISC(g, mem)->close)) {
	/* free entire heap */
	agmethod_delete(g, g);	/* invoke user callbacks */
	agfreeid(g, AGRAPH, AGID(g));
	AGDISC(g, mem)->close(AGCLOS(g, mem));	/* whoosh */
	return SUCCESS;

    for (subg = agfstsubg(g); subg; subg = next_subg) {
	next_subg = agnxtsubg(subg);

    for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = next_n) {
	next_n = agnxtnode(n);

    agmethod_delete(g, g);

    assert(dtsize(g->n_id) == 0);
    agdtclose(g, g->n_id);
    assert(dtsize(g->n_seq) == 0);
    agdtclose(g, g->n_seq);

    assert(dtsize(g->e_id) == 0);
    agdtclose(g, g->e_id);
    assert(dtsize(g->e_seq) == 0);
    agdtclose(g, g->e_seq);

    assert(dtsize(g->g_dict) == 0);
    agdtclose(g, g->g_dict);

    if (g->desc.has_attrs)
    agrecclose((Agobj_t *) g);
    agfreeid(g, AGRAPH, AGID(g));

    if (par) {
	agdelsubg(par, g);
	agfree(par, g);
    } else {
	Agmemdisc_t *memdisc;
	void *memclos, *clos;
	while (g->clos->cb)
	    agpopdisc(g, g->clos->cb->f);
	AGDISC(g, id)->close(AGCLOS(g, id));
	memdisc = AGDISC(g, mem);
	memclos = AGCLOS(g, mem);
	clos = g->clos;
	(memdisc->free) (memclos, g);
	(memdisc->free) (memclos, clos);
    return SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 21
 * Property: id [number]
 * Get a node's id.
 * Example:
 * n = n.id
static int gr_id(lua_State *L)
  gr_node_t *ud = tonode(L, 1, STRICT);
  lua_pushnumber(L, AGID(ud->n));
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 22
 * Property: id [number]
 * Get an edge's id.
 * Example:
 * n = e.id
static int gr_id(lua_State *L)
  gr_edge_t *ud = toedge(L, 1, STRICT);
  lua_pushnumber(L, AGID(ud->e));
  return 1;
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: utils.c Projeto: lccanon/ggen
int ggen_read_graph(igraph_t *g,FILE *input)
	Agraph_t *cg;
	Agnode_t *v;
	Agedge_t *e;
	igraph_vector_t edges;
	igraph_vector_t vertices;
	int err;
	unsigned long esize;
	unsigned long vsize;
	unsigned long from, to;
	igraph_integer_t eid;
	Agsym_t *att;

	/* read the graph */
	cg = agread((void *)input,NULL);
	if(!cg) return 1;

		error("Input graph is undirected\n");
		err = 1;
		goto error_d;

	/* init edge array */
	err = igraph_vector_init(&edges,2*agnedges(cg));
	if(err) goto error_d;

	err = igraph_vector_init(&vertices,agnnodes(cg));
	if(err) goto error_de;

	/* init igraph */

	/* asign id to each vertex */
	vsize = 0;
	for(v = agfstnode(cg); v; v = agnxtnode(cg,v))
		VECTOR(vertices)[vsize++] = AGID(v);

	/* loop through each edge */
	esize = 0;
	for(v = agfstnode(cg); v; v = agnxtnode(cg,v))
		from = find_id(AGID(v),vertices,vsize);
		for(e = agfstout(cg,v); e; e = agnxtout(cg,e))
			to = find_id(AGID(aghead(e)),vertices,vsize);
			VECTOR(edges)[esize++] = from;
			VECTOR(edges)[esize++] = to;

	/* finish the igraph */
	err = igraph_add_edges(g,&edges,NULL);
	if(err) goto error;

	/* read graph properties */
	att = agnxtattr(cg,AGRAPH,NULL);
	while(att != NULL)
		/* copy this attribute to igraph */
		att = agnxtattr(cg,AGRAPH,att);
	/* we keep the graph name using a special attribute */

	/* read vertex properties */
	att = agnxtattr(cg,AGNODE,NULL);
	while(att != NULL)
		/* iterate over all vertices for this attribute */
		for(v = agfstnode(cg); v; v = agnxtnode(cg,v))
			from = find_id(AGID(v),vertices,vsize);
		att = agnxtattr(cg,AGNODE,att);
	/* we keep each vertex name in a special attribute */
	for(v = agfstnode(cg); v; v = agnxtnode(cg,v))
			from = find_id(AGID(v),vertices,vsize);

	/* read edges properties */
	att = agnxtattr(cg,AGEDGE,NULL);
	while(att != NULL)
		/* the only way to iterate over all edges is to iterate
		 * over the vertices */
		for(v = agfstnode(cg); v; v = agnxtnode(cg,v))
			from = find_id(AGID(v),vertices,vsize);
			for(e = agfstout(cg,v); e; e = agnxtout(cg,e))
				to = find_id(AGID(aghead(e)),vertices,vsize);
		att = agnxtattr(cg,AGEDGE,att);

	goto cleanup;
	return err;