Exemplo n.º 1
struct core_pak *copy_core(struct core_pak *core, struct model_pak *src,
                                                  struct model_pak *dest)
gint items=0;
gdouble vec[3];
struct core_pak *copyc;
struct shel_pak *copys;

/* checks */
g_assert(core != NULL);
g_assert(src != NULL);
g_assert(dest != NULL);

/* duplicate data structure */
copyc = dup_core(core);

/* setup status */
copyc->status = copyc->status & (~SELECT & ~SELECT);
copyc->orig = copyc->primary = TRUE;
copyc->primary_core = NULL;
VEC3SET(copyc->offset, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

/* coords, account for transformation matrices */
ARR3SET(vec, core->rx);
vecmat(dest->ilatmat, vec);
ARR3ADD(vec, dest->centroid);
ARR3SET(copyc->x, vec);

dest->cores = g_slist_prepend(dest->cores, copyc);

/* attached shell? */
if (copyc->shell)
  copys = copyc->shell;

/* main info */
  copys->status = copys->status & (~SELECT);
  copys->primary_shell = NULL;
  VEC3SET(copys->offset, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

/* coords, account for transformation matrices */
  ARR3SET(vec, copys->rx);
  vecmat(dest->ilatmat, vec);
  ARR3ADD(vec, dest->centroid);
  ARR3SET(copys->x, vec);

  dest->shels = g_slist_prepend(dest->shels, copys);

Exemplo n.º 2
void coords_confine_cores(GSList *cores, struct model_pak *model)
gint dummy[3];
gdouble x[3];
GSList *list;
struct core_pak *core;
struct shel_pak *shell;

g_assert(model != NULL);

if (!model->periodic)

/* translate cores to within the cell */
for (list=cores ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
  core = list->data;
  fractional_clamp(core->x, dummy, model->periodic);

/* move shell */
  if (core->shell)
    shell = core->shell;

/* want core-shell distance to be smallest possible */
    ARR3SET(x, shell->x);
    ARR3SUB(x, core->x);
    fractional_min(x, model->periodic);
    ARR3SET(shell->x, core->x);
    ARR3ADD(shell->x, x);
Exemplo n.º 3
void gui_siesta_mode_show(GtkWidget *w, gpointer dialog)
    gint i, atom, state;
    gdouble scale, x1[3], x2[3], colour[3];
    gpointer button, spin;
    GSList *list;
    struct core_pak *core;
    struct spatial_pak *spatial;
    struct model_pak *model;

    g_assert(dialog != NULL);

    model = dialog_model(dialog);
    g_assert(model != NULL);

    button = dialog_child_get(dialog, "phonon_toggle");
    g_assert(button != NULL);

    spatial_destroy_by_label("siesta_phonons", model);

    state = gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(button));
    if (!state)

    spin = dialog_child_get(dialog, "phonon_scaling");
    scale = SPIN_FVAL(spin);

    /* create & init the spatial object */
    spatial = spatial_new("siesta_phonons", SPATIAL_VECTOR, 2, TRUE, model);

    atom = 0;
    /* get eigenvectors from all atoms */
    for (list=model->cores ; list; list=g_slist_next(list))
        core = list->data;
        ARR3SET(x1, core->x);

        /* get current eigenvector */
        i = model->siesta.sorted_eig_values[model->siesta.current_animation];
        x2[0] = mesch_me_get(model->siesta.eigen_xyz_atom_mat, 3*atom, i);
        x2[1] = mesch_me_get(model->siesta.eigen_xyz_atom_mat, 3*atom+1, i);
        x2[2] = mesch_me_get(model->siesta.eigen_xyz_atom_mat, 3*atom+2, i);

        /* compute coords */
        VEC3MUL(x2, scale);
        vecmat(model->ilatmat, x2);
        ARR3ADD(x2, x1);
        /* add to spatial */
        spatial_vertex_add(x2, colour, spatial);
        spatial_vertex_add(x1, colour, spatial);

    /* drawing update */
Exemplo n.º 4
void coords_confine_centroid(struct mol_pak *mol, struct model_pak *model)
gint xlat[3];
gdouble mov[3];
GSList *list;
struct core_pak *core;

/* calc moves required to bring centroid within pbc */
fractional_clamp(mol->centroid, xlat, model->periodic);
ARR3SET(mov, xlat);

/* apply to all atoms/shells in this molecule */
for (list=mol->cores ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
  core = list->data;
  ARR3ADD(core->x, mov);
  if (core->shell)
    ARR3ADD((core->shell)->x, mov);
Exemplo n.º 5
gint region_move_atom(struct core_pak *core, gint direction,
                                    struct model_pak *data)
gint flag, primary, secondary, mov[2];
gdouble vec[3], tmp[3], d[3];
GSList *list;
struct core_pak *comp;

printf("       model: %s\n", data->basename);
printf(" periodicity: %d\n", data->periodic);
printf("         hkl: %f %f %f\n", data->surface.miller[0],
          data->surface.miller[1], data->surface.miller[2]);
printf("        dhkl: %f\n", data->surface.dspacing);
printf("region sizes: %f %f\n", data->surface.region[0], data->surface.region[1]);
printf("      moving: ");
if (direction == UP)

/* checks */
g_return_val_if_fail(data != NULL, 1);
g_return_val_if_fail(data->periodic == 2, 1);
if (data->surface.region[0] < 1)
  gui_text_show(ERROR, "region 1 is empty.\n");

/* setup region switching labels */
if (direction == UP)
  primary = REGION1A;
  secondary = REGION2A;
  primary = REGION2A;
  secondary = REGION1A;

/* get fractional depth translation vector */
ARR3SET(vec, data->surface.depth_vec);
vecmat(data->ilatmat, vec);

/* calculate offset to region boundary */
ARR3SET(tmp, vec);
if (direction == DOWN)
  VEC3MUL(tmp, data->surface.region[0]);
  VEC3MUL(tmp, -1.0);
  if (data->surface.region[1] == 0)
    VEC3MUL(tmp, data->surface.region[0]);
    VEC3MUL(tmp, data->surface.region[1]);

/* if region 2 is empty, just move core to the bottom */
if (data->surface.region[1] == 0.0)
  ARR3ADD(core->x, tmp);
  if (core->shell)
    ARR3ADD((core->shell)->x, tmp);
  atom_colour_scheme(data->colour_scheme, core, data);

/* get coordinates of target atom */
ARR3ADD(tmp, core->x);

P3VEC("    translation: ", vec);
P3VEC("  target coords: ", tmp);

/* find the target */
for (list=data->cores ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
  comp = list->data;

/* only atoms of the same type need apply */
  if (core->atom_code != comp->atom_code)

/* get difference vector */
  ARR3SET(d, comp->x);
  ARR3SUB(d, tmp);

/* pbc constraint */
  while(d[0] < -FRACTION_TOLERANCE)
    d[0] += 1.0;
  while(d[0] > 0.5)
    d[0] -= 1.0;
  while(d[1] < -FRACTION_TOLERANCE)
    d[1] += 1.0;
  while(d[1] > 0.5)
    d[1] -= 1.0;

/* test difference vector's magnitude */
/* change its labelling */
printf("Matched core: %p\n", comp);
    comp->region = secondary;
    if (comp->shell)
      (comp->shell)->region = secondary;
    atom_colour_scheme(data->colour_scheme, comp, data);

if (!flag)
  gui_text_show(ERROR, "Failed to find a boundary image.\n");

/* now move selected atom to bottom of region 2 */
ARR3SET(tmp, vec);
VEC3MUL(tmp, (data->surface.region[0] + data->surface.region[1]));
if (direction == UP)
  VEC3MUL(tmp, -1.0);
ARR3SUB(core->x, tmp);
core->region = primary;
/* pbc constrain */
fractional_clamp(core->x, mov, 2);

if (core->shell)
  ARR3SUB((core->shell)->x, tmp);
  ARR2ADD((core->shell)->x, mov);
  (core->shell)->region = primary;

atom_colour_scheme(data->colour_scheme, core, data);

Exemplo n.º 6
void camera_waypoint_animate(gint frames, gint overwrite, struct model_pak *model)
gint i;
gdouble a, af, v[3], e[3], o[3], tmp[3];
gdouble jf, jv[3], x[3], mat[9];
GSList *list, *journey;
struct camera_pak *cam, *cam1, *cam2;

/* checks */
g_assert(model != NULL);
g_assert(frames > 0);
if (g_slist_length(model->waypoint_list) < 2)
  gui_text_show(ERROR, "You need to make at least 2 waypoint.\n");

/* close any active animation dialog */

printf("frames for each traversal: %d\n", frames);

list = model->waypoint_list;
cam1 = list->data;
list = g_slist_next(list);

/* create the camera journey */
journey = NULL;
while (list)
  cam2 = list->data;

/* setup camera journey vector */
  ARR3SET(jv, cam2->x);
  ARR3SUB(jv, cam1->x);

/* add starting camera over journey leg */
  for (i=0 ; i<frames ; i++)
/* journey fraction */
    jf = i;
    jf /= frames;

    ARR3SET(x, jv);
    VEC3MUL(x, jf);    

    cam = camera_dup(cam1);
    ARR3ADD(cam->x, x);

    journey = g_slist_prepend(journey, cam);
/* approx 5 degrees */
#define ROTATION_INCREMENT 0.08727
/* (v x e plane alignment) */
proj_vop(v, cam2->v, cam1->o);
a = via(v, cam1->v, 3);

/* compute rotation increment */
af = (gint) nearest_int(a / ROTATION_INCREMENT);
if (!af)
  af = 1.0;

/* test rotation sense */
matrix_v_rotation(mat, cam1->o, a);
ARR3SET(tmp, cam1->v);
vecmat(mat, tmp);
if (via(tmp, v, 3) > 0.1)
  a *= -1.0;

/* build rotaton */
matrix_v_rotation(mat, cam1->o, a/af);

/* apply to camera */
ARR3SET(v, cam1->v);
ARR3SET(e, cam1->e);
for (i=af ; i-- ; )
  cam = camera_dup(cam1);
  ARR3SET(cam->x, cam2->x);

  vecmat(mat, v);
  vecmat(mat, e);

  ARR3SET(cam->v, v);
  ARR3SET(cam->e, e);

  journey = g_slist_prepend(journey, cam);

/* TODO - apply elevation to get v in complete coincidence */
/* rotate about e to achieve coincidence */
a = via(v, cam2->v, 3);

/* compute rotation increment */
af = (gint) nearest_int(a / ROTATION_INCREMENT);
if (!af)
  af = 1.0;

/* test rotation sense */
matrix_v_rotation(mat, e, a);
ARR3SET(tmp, v);
vecmat(mat, tmp);
if (via(tmp, cam2->v, 3) > 0.1)
  a *= -1.0;

/* build rotaton */
matrix_v_rotation(mat, e, a/af);

/* apply to camera */
ARR3SET(o, cam1->o);
for (i=af ; i-- ; )
  cam = camera_dup(cam1);
  ARR3SET(cam->x, cam2->x);

  vecmat(mat, v);
  vecmat(mat, o);

  ARR3SET(cam->v, v);
  ARR3SET(cam->o, o);
  ARR3SET(cam->e, e);

  journey = g_slist_prepend(journey, cam);

/* endpoint camera */
  journey = g_slist_prepend(journey, camera_dup(cam2));

/* get next journey leg */
  cam1 = cam2;
  list = g_slist_next(list);
journey = g_slist_reverse(journey);

if (overwrite)
  model->transform_list = journey;
  model->transform_list = g_slist_concat(model->transform_list, journey);

model->num_frames = g_slist_length(model->transform_list);
model->animation = TRUE;

Exemplo n.º 7
void povray_hdr(FILE *fp, struct model_pak *data)
gdouble xvec, yvec, amb, pos[3], colour[3];
gdouble x[3], o[3], v[3], e[3];
GSList *list;
struct light_pak *light;
struct camera_pak *camera;

g_assert(data != NULL);
g_assert(data->camera != NULL);

fprintf(fp,"#include \"colors.inc\" \n");
fprintf(fp,"#include \"finish.inc\" \n");
fprintf(fp,"#include \"glass.inc\" \n");
fprintf(fp,"#include \"metals.inc\" \n");
fprintf(fp,"#include \"textures.inc\" \n");

/* background colour (except for glass morphologies) */
fprintf(fp,"background { color rgb<%f,%f,%f0> }\n", sysenv.render.bg_colour[0],
                        sysenv.render.bg_colour[1], sysenv.render.bg_colour[2]);  

/* pixel to angstrom conversion, with yet another magic number... */
p2a = 0.565 * (gdouble) sysenv.render.width / data->rmax;

/* preserve model aspect ratio for the given image size */
xvec = yvec = 2.0*sysenv.rsize;
if (sysenv.render.width > sysenv.render.height)
  xvec *= sysenv.render.width/sysenv.render.height;
if (sysenv.render.height > sysenv.render.width)
  yvec *= sysenv.render.height/sysenv.render.width;

/* compute camera position and orientation */
camera = data->camera;
ARR3SET(x, camera->x);
ARR3SET(o, camera->o);
ARR3SET(v, camera->v);

switch (camera->mode)
  case FREE:

  case LOCKED:
    quat_rotate(x, camera->q);
    quat_rotate(o, camera->q);
    quat_rotate(v, camera->q);
/* convert viewing vector to a location */
ARR3ADD(v, x);

/* camera zoom */
xvec *= camera->zoom;
yvec *= camera->zoom;

/* NEW - enable movies of left/right eye to be produced */
if (sysenv.stereo)
/* get axis for eye translation (view x up vector) */
  crossprod(e, v, o);
  normalize(e, 3);

/* the old 2% rule ... */
  VEC3MUL(e, 0.02 * sysenv.rsize); 

/* default is left eye only */
  if (sysenv.render.stereo_right)
    ARR3ADD(x, e);
    ARR3ADD(v, e);
    ARR3SUB(x, e);
    ARR3SUB(v, e);

/* sky is the orientation vector */
/* right and up give the perspective */
if (camera->perspective)
  fprintf(fp,"camera { location <%f,%f,%f>\n", x[0], x[1], x[2]);
  fprintf(fp,"    sky <%f,%f,%f>\n", o[0], o[1], o[2]);
  fprintf(fp,"    right <%f,0,0> up <%f,0,0>\n", xvec, yvec);
  fprintf(fp,"    look_at <%f,%f,%f>\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]);
  fprintf(fp,"    angle %f }\n", camera->fov);
  fprintf(fp,"camera { orthographic location <%f,%f,%f>\n", x[0], x[1], x[2]);
  fprintf(fp,"    sky <%f,%f,%f>\n", o[0], o[1], o[2]);
  fprintf(fp,"    right <%f,0,0> up <%f,0,0>\n", xvec, yvec);
  fprintf(fp,"    look_at <%f,%f,%f> }\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]);

/* create light sources */
for (list=sysenv.render.light_list ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
  light = list->data;
  ARR3SET(pos, light->x);

/* OpenGL -> POVRay axes */
  pos[0] *= -1.0;
  pos[1] *= -1.0;
  pos[2] *= -1.0;

  quat_rotate(pos, camera->q);

  switch (light->type)
    case POSITIONAL:
      fprintf(fp,"light_source\n  {\n <%f,%f,%f>\n", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);

/* move away far enough so the rays are ~ // */
      VEC3MUL(pos, 100.0*data->rmax);
      fprintf(fp,"light_source\n  {\n <%f,%f,%f>\n", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);


/* simulate OpenGL style lights */
  ARR3SET(colour, light->colour);
  VEC3MUL(colour, light->specular);

  if (sysenv.render.shadowless)
    fprintf(fp,"  color rgb<%f,%f,%f> shadowless }\n", colour[0], colour[1], colour[2]);
/* old style lighting */
    fprintf(fp,"  color rgb<%f,%f,%f> }\n", colour[0], colour[1], colour[2]);
    fprintf (fp,"color White\n");
    fprintf (fp,"   area_light <5, 0, 0,>, <0, 0, 5>, 5, 5\n");
    fprintf (fp,"   adaptive 1\n   jitter\n}\n");

/* fill-light to bring out the shadows */
fprintf(fp,"light_source{<%f,%f,%f> color Gray80 shadowless}\n", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);

/* morph is too dark with just the above, sky_sphere is *nice* */
/* TODO - choice of colour eg white/grey/light blue */
/* NB: white is a bit too bright (even with 0 ambience) */
if (data->id == MORPH)
  if (!sysenv.render.wire_surface && !sysenv.render.shadowless)
    fprintf(fp,"sky_sphere { pigment {gradient y  color_map "
               "{[0, 1 color Gray20 color White]} rotate x*45}}\n");

/* POVRay is a bit darker than OpenGL */
amb = 20.0*sysenv.render.ambience;

fprintf(fp,"global_settings { ambient_light rgb<%f, %f, %f> assumed_gamma 2.2}\n",amb,amb,amb);
Exemplo n.º 8
void docking_project_create(GtkWidget *w, struct model_pak *model)
gint a, b, i, m, n, rx, ry, rz, size, rigid_save;
gint a_max, b_max, rx_max, ry_max, rz_max;
gchar *file, *dump, *dump_save, *rigid_move_save;
gdouble dx, dy, dz, x[3], scale[3], mat[9], dock_centroid[3], q[4];
GString *name, *rigid;
GSList *list, *core_list, *shell_list;
struct dock_pak *dock;
struct core_pak *core, *core2;
struct shel_pak *shell, *shell2;
FILE *fp;

/* checks */
g_assert(model != NULL);
size = g_slist_length(model->selection);
if (!size)
  gui_text_show(WARNING, "Please select the subset you wish to dock.\n");

/* create new docking project */
dock = g_malloc(sizeof(struct dock_pak));

/* NEW - setup project path */

/* seek a file name that doesn't exist (avoid background overwriting) */
name = g_string_new(NULL);
  g_string_sprintf(name, "project_%06d", i);
while (g_file_test(name->str, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS));

dock->path = g_build_path(sysenv.cwd, name->str, NULL);

printf("creating new project: [%s]\n", dock->path);

#if WIN32
if (mkdir(dock->path))
if (mkdir(dock->path, 0700))
  gui_text_show(ERROR, "Failed to create project directory.\n");

/* project control file */
g_string_sprintf(name, "%s%sproject.pcf", dock->path, DIR_SEP);
fp = fopen(name->str, "wt");

/* save original variables */
dump_save = model->gulp.dump_file;
model->gulp.dump_file = NULL;
rigid_save = model->gulp.rigid;
model->gulp.rigid = dock_rigid_on;
rigid_move_save = model->gulp.rigid_move;
model->gulp.rigid_move = NULL;
if (model->gulp.rigid)
  rigid = g_string_new(NULL);
  if (dock_rigid_x)
    g_string_sprintf(rigid, "x");
  if (dock_rigid_y)
    g_string_sprintfa(rigid, "y");
  if (dock_rigid_z)
    g_string_sprintfa(rigid, "z");
  model->gulp.rigid_move = g_string_free(rigid, FALSE);

/* duplicate selection for docking */
core_list = NULL;
shell_list = NULL;
VEC3SET(dock_centroid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
for (list=model->selection ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
  core2 = dup_core(list->data);
  core_list = g_slist_prepend(core_list, core2);
  if (core2->shell)
    shell_list = g_slist_prepend(shell_list, core2->shell);
/* compute centroid */
  ARR3ADD(dock_centroid, core2->x);

/* NB: lists must have the same order as original selection */
core_list = g_slist_reverse(core_list);
shell_list = g_slist_reverse(shell_list);
VEC3MUL(dock_centroid, 1.0/(gdouble) size);

/* fractional translation grid units */
scale[0] = dock_cell[0] / dock_grid[0];
scale[1] = dock_cell[1] / dock_grid[1];

/* rotational increments */
dx = PI/dock_rotate[0];
dy = PI/dock_rotate[1];
dz = PI/dock_rotate[2];

/* translational sampling */
if (dock_grid_on)
  a_max = dock_grid[0];
  b_max = dock_grid[1];
  a_max = 1;
  b_max = 1;

/* rotational sampling */
if (dock_rotate_on)
  rx_max = dock_rotate[0];
  ry_max = dock_rotate[1];
  rz_max = dock_rotate[2];
  rx_max = 1;
  ry_max = 1;
  rz_max = 1;

/* project header */
fprintf(fp, "%%title solvent mapping project\n");
fprintf(fp, "%%set %d %d %f %f\n", a_max, b_max, dock_cell[0], dock_cell[1]);

/* loop over all grid translations */
m = n = 0;
for (a=0 ; a<a_max ; a++)
  for (b=0 ; b<b_max ; b++)
    VEC3SET(x, a, b, 0.0);
    x[0] *= scale[0];
    x[1] *= scale[1];

/* loop over rotations */
    VEC4SET(q, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    for (rx=0 ; rx<rx_max ; rx++)
      if (rx)
        quat_concat_euler(q, PITCH, dx);

    for (ry=0 ; ry<ry_max ; ry++)
      if (ry)
        quat_concat_euler(q, ROLL, dy);

    for (rz=0 ; rz<rz_max ; rz++)
      if (rz)
        quat_concat_euler(q, YAW, dz);

/* build total rotation matrix */
      quat_matrix(mat, q);

/* transform the cores and shells */
      i = 0;
      for (list=model->selection ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
        core = list->data;

/* FIXME - should we restore this after? how? */
core->region = 2;

/* get original selection core coordinates */
        core2 = g_slist_nth_data(core_list, i);
        ARR3SET(core->x, core2->x);
/* perform the rotation (NB: must be done about origin in cartesian space) */
        ARR3SUB(core->x, dock_centroid);
        vecmat(model->latmat, core->x);
        vecmat(mat, core->x);
        vecmat(model->ilatmat, core->x);
        ARR3ADD(core->x, dock_centroid);
/* add the current translation offset */
        ARR3ADD(core->x, x);

/* as above, for the associated shell */
        if (core->shell)
          shell = core->shell;
shell->region = 2;
          shell2 = core2->shell;
g_assert(shell2 != NULL);
          ARR3SET(shell->x, shell2->x);
          ARR3SUB(shell->x, dock_centroid);
          vecmat(model->latmat, shell->x);
          vecmat(mat, shell->x);
          vecmat(model->ilatmat, shell->x);
          ARR3ADD(shell->x, dock_centroid);
          ARR3ADD(shell->x, x);
/* write docking configuration */
      file = g_strdup_printf("%s_%06d.gin", model->basename, n);

/* m identifies grid points (for later minimum check) */
fprintf(fp, "%s_%06d.gin %f %f %d\n", model->basename, n, x[0], x[1], m);

      file = g_strdup_printf("%s%s%s_%06d.gin", dock->path, DIR_SEP, model->basename, n);
      dump = g_strdup_printf("%s_%06d.res", model->basename, n);

      model->gulp.dump_file = dump;

      write_gulp(file, model);



/* restore original variables */
model->gulp.dump_file = dump_save;
model->gulp.rigid = rigid_save;
model->gulp.rigid_move = rigid_move_save;

/* restore original selection (delete, then concat saved list) */
i = 0;
for (list=model->selection ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
  core = list->data;
  core2 = g_slist_nth_data(core_list, i);
  ARR3SET(core->x, core2->x);
  if (core->shell)
    shell = core->shell;
    shell2 = core2->shell;
g_assert(shell2 != NULL);
    ARR3SET(shell->x, shell2->x);

/* free docking core/shell lists */

g_string_free(name, TRUE);
/* run docking in background unless told to stop after setup */
if (!dock_no_execute)
  submit_task("Docking", &docking_execute, dock, &docking_cleanup, dock, model);
Exemplo n.º 9
void zmat_build(void)
gint i, j, k, n, type;
gdouble r, a, d, x[4][3], v[3];
gdouble  zaxis[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
gchar *line;
GSList *list, *species;
struct zmat_pak *zmat;
struct core_pak *core[4] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
struct model_pak *model;

model = sysenv.active_model;
if (!model)

/* CURRENT - using selection as our list of cores to generate a zmatrix from */
if (!model->selection)
  gui_text_show(WARNING, "ZMATRIX: please select a molecule.\n");

/* destroy old zmatrix */
/* TODO - prompt if non null */
zmat = model->zmatrix = zmat_new();
zmat_angle_units_set(model->zmatrix, DEGREES);

/* setup SIESTA species type */
species = fdf_species_build(model);

/* sort the list so it follows molecular connectivity */
model->selection = zmat_connect_sort(model->selection);

for (list=model->selection ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
/* current atom/zmatrix line init */
  core[0] = list->data;
  type = fdf_species_index(core[0]->atom_label, species);
  line = NULL;

  zmat->zcores = g_slist_append(zmat->zcores, core[0]);

/* build a ZMATRIX line for processing */
  switch (n)
    case 0:
      if (core[0])
        ARR3SET(x[0], core[0]->x);
        vecmat(model->latmat, x[0]);
      line = g_strdup_printf("%d  0 0 0  %f %f %f  0 0 0\n", type, x[0][0], x[0][1], x[0][2]);

    case 1:
      if (core[0])
        ARR3SET(x[0], core[0]->x);
        vecmat(model->latmat, x[0]);
      if (core[1])
        ARR3SET(x[1], core[1]->x);
        vecmat(model->latmat, x[1]);

      r = measure_distance(x[0], x[1]);

/* angle with z axis */
      ARR3SET(v, x[0]);
      ARR3SUB(v, x[1]);
      a = R2D * via(v, zaxis, 3);

/* angle between xy projection and x axis */
      d = R2D * angle_x_compute(v[0], v[1]);

      line = g_strdup_printf("%d  1 0 0  %f %f %f 0 0 0\n", type, r, a, d);

    case 2:
/* coords init */
  for (i=3 ; i-- ; )
    if (core[i])
      ARR3SET(x[i], core[i]->x);
      vecmat(model->latmat, x[i]);

      r = measure_distance(x[0], x[1]);
      a = measure_angle(x[0], x[1], x[2]);

/* create a fake core -> 1 unit displaced in the z direction */
      g_assert(core[3] == NULL);
      core[3] = core_new("x", NULL, model);
      ARR3SET(core[3]->rx, core[2]->rx);
      ARR3ADD(core[3]->rx, zaxis); 
      d = measure_torsion(core);

      line = g_strdup_printf("%d  2 1 0  %f %f %f 0 0 0\n", type,r,a,d);


/* connectivity test */
      if (!zmat_bond_check(core[0], core[1]))
printf("[%d] non-connected atoms [%f]\n", n, measure_distance(x[0], x[1]));
/* need to build a new connectivity chain starting from core[0] */
        core[1] = core[2] = core[3] = NULL;
        if (!zmat_connect_find(n, core, zmat))
          gui_text_show(WARNING, "ZMATRIX: bad connectivity (molecule will be incomplete)\n");
          goto zmat_build_done;

/* coords init */
      for (i=3 ; i-- ; )
        if (core[i])
          ARR3SET(x[i], core[i]->x);
          vecmat(model->latmat, x[i]);

      r = measure_distance(x[0], x[1]);
      a = measure_angle(x[0], x[1], x[2]);
      d = measure_torsion(core);

/* NB: indexing starts from 0, siesta starts from 1 (naturally) */
      i = 1+g_slist_index(zmat->zcores, core[1]);
      j = 1+g_slist_index(zmat->zcores, core[2]);
      k = 1+g_slist_index(zmat->zcores, core[3]);

      line = g_strdup_printf("%d  %d %d %d  %f %f %f 0 0 0\n", type,i,j,k,r,a,d);

/* process a successfully constructed ZMATRIX line */
  if (line)
    zmat_core_add(line, model->zmatrix);

/* shuffle */
  core[3] = core[2];
  core[2] = core[1];
  core[1] = core[0];



/* do the species typing */
zmat_type(model->zmatrix, species);

Exemplo n.º 10
void zmat_process(gpointer data, struct model_pak *model)
gint i, n;
gdouble r, a, d;
gdouble v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], m1[9], m2[9];
gpointer tmp;
GSList *list;
struct zmat_pak *zmat = data;
struct zval_pak *zval;
struct core_pak *core[4] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};

/* checks */
if (!zmat)


printf("distance scale = %f\n", zmat->distance_scale);
printf("angle scale = %f\n", zmat->angle_scale);

/* track the core # - 1st 3 items in zmatrix are exceptions */
n = 0;
for (list=zmat->zlines ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
  zval = list->data;

/* check for variable names */
  for (i=3 ; i-- ; )
    if (zval->name[i])
/* hash table lookup for variable value */
      zval->value[i] = zmat_table_lookup(zval->name[i], zmat);

/* create the core */
printf("[%d = %s] [%d %d %d]", zval->type, zval->elem,
                               zval->connect[0], zval->connect[1], zval->connect[2]);
P3VEC(" x: ", zval->value);


/* TODO - need to mark zmatrix generated cores as special */
/* probably have another list in the zmat struct that contains */
/* all the cores created below */

  switch (n)
    case 0:
/* TODO - convert to cartesian if fractional and enforce cart model */
      core[0] = new_core(zval->elem, model);
      model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core[0]);
      zmat->zcores = g_slist_prepend(zmat->zcores, core[0]);
      ARR3SET(core[0]->x, zval->value);
      if (zmat->fractional)
        vecmat(model->latmat, core[0]->x);
        VEC3MUL(core[0]->x, zmat->distance_scale);

    case 1:
      core[1] = new_core(zval->elem, model);
      model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core[1]);
      zmat->zcores = g_slist_prepend(zmat->zcores, core[1]);

      r = zmat->distance_scale * zval->value[0];
      a = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[1];
      d = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[2];

/* SIESTA hack : z-axis angle is 2nd, and theta is 3rd (last) */
      a = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[2];
      d = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[1];

      v1[0] = v1[1] = r * sin(d);
      v1[0] *= cos(a);
      v1[1] *= sin(a);
      v1[2] = r * cos(d);

      ARR3SET(core[1]->x, core[0]->x);
      ARR3ADD(core[1]->x, v1);

    case 2:
/* check the connection order */
      if (zval->connect[0] == 2)
        tmp = core[0];
        core[0] = core[1];
        core[1] = tmp;

      r = zmat->distance_scale * zval->value[0];
      a = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[1];
      d = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[2];

      ARR3SET(v2, core[1]->x);
      ARR3SUB(v2, core[0]->x);

/* get rotation axis for bond angle */
      VEC3SET(v3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
      crossprod(v1, v3, v2);

/* rotate bondlength scaled vector into position */
      matrix_v_rotation(m2, v1, a);
      ARR3SET(v3, v2);
      normalize(v3, 3);
      VEC3MUL(v3, r);
      vecmat(m2, v3);

/* rotate to give required dihedral */
      matrix_v_rotation(m1, v2, d);
      vecmat(m1, v3);

/* generate the atom position */
      core[2] = new_core(zval->elem, model);
      model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core[2]);
      zmat->zcores = g_slist_prepend(zmat->zcores, core[2]);

      ARR3SET(core[2]->x, core[0]->x);
      ARR3ADD(core[2]->x, v3);

/* get core connectivity (NB: prepending cores - hence n - number) */
      core[0] = g_slist_nth_data(zmat->zcores, n-zval->connect[0]); 
      core[1] = g_slist_nth_data(zmat->zcores, n-zval->connect[1]); 
      core[2] = g_slist_nth_data(zmat->zcores, n-zval->connect[2]); 
g_assert(core[0] != NULL);
g_assert(core[1] != NULL);
g_assert(core[2] != NULL);

      r = zmat->distance_scale * zval->value[0];
      a = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[1];
      d = zmat->angle_scale * zval->value[2];

/* setup vectors */
      ARR3SET(v2, core[1]->x);
      ARR3SUB(v2, core[0]->x);
      ARR3SET(v3, core[2]->x);
      ARR3SUB(v3, core[1]->x);

/* rotate v3 about v2 to give dihedral */
      matrix_v_rotation(m1, v2, d);
      vecmat(m1, v3);

/* get rotation axis and matrix for bond angle */
      crossprod(v1, v3, v2);
      matrix_v_rotation(m2, v1, a);
      normalize(v2, 3);
      VEC3MUL(v2, r);
      vecmat(m2, v2);

/* generate the atom position */
      core[3] = new_core(zval->elem, model);
      model->cores = g_slist_prepend(model->cores, core[3]);
      zmat->zcores = g_slist_prepend(zmat->zcores, core[3]);

      ARR3SET(core[3]->x, core[0]->x);
      ARR3ADD(core[3]->x, v2);

/* TODO (maybe) - some zmatrix constructions implicitly assume */
/* some checking for duplicate atoms & reversing the torsional */
/* angle sense to accomodate this. */


/* zmatrix cores are created in cartesians - revert to fractional if required */
if (model->fractional)
  for (list=zmat->zcores ; list ; list=g_slist_next(list))
    core[0] = list->data;
    vecmat(model->ilatmat, core[0]->x);
Exemplo n.º 11
// not really an animate function as such...
void gui_animate_phonon_vectors(struct model_pak *model)
gdouble *v, x1[3], x2[3], colour[3];
gpointer spatial, ptr;
GSList *list, *xlist, *ylist, *zlist;
struct core_pak *core, *prim;

if (!model)

/* create & init the spatial object */
spatial_destroy_by_label("phonons", model);
spatial = spatial_new("phonons", SPATIAL_VECTOR, 2, TRUE, model);

/* get eigenvectors from all atoms */
for (list=model->cores ; list; list=g_slist_next(list))
  core = list->data;
  ARR3SET(x1, core->x);

/* get eigenvector list */
  if (core->primary)
    xlist = core->vibx_list; 
    ylist = core->viby_list; 
    zlist = core->vibz_list; 
    prim = core->primary_core;
    xlist = prim->vibx_list; 
    ylist = prim->viby_list; 
    zlist = prim->vibz_list; 

  if (!xlist || !ylist || !zlist)
    printf("Missing phonon eigenvectors.\n");

/* vibrational eigenvector */
/* NB: current_phonon starts from 1 */
  ptr = g_slist_nth_data(xlist, model->current_phonon-1);
  if (ptr)
    x2[0] = *((gdouble *) ptr);

  ptr = g_slist_nth_data(ylist, model->current_phonon-1);
  if (ptr)
    x2[1] = *((gdouble *) ptr);

  v = g_slist_nth_data(zlist, model->current_phonon-1);
  if (ptr)
    x2[2] = *v;

/* pulse offset scaling */
  VEC3MUL(x2, sysenv.render.phonon_scaling);
  vecmat(model->ilatmat, x2);

/* TODO - unify with siesta */
  i = model->siesta.sorted_eig_values[model->siesta.current_animation];
  x2[0] = mesch_me_get(model->siesta.eigen_xyz_atom_mat, 3*atom, i);
  x2[1] = mesch_me_get(model->siesta.eigen_xyz_atom_mat, 3*atom+1, i);
  x2[2] = mesch_me_get(model->siesta.eigen_xyz_atom_mat, 3*atom+2, i);

/* compute coords */
  ARR3ADD(x2, x1);

/* add to spatial */
  spatial_vertex_add(x2, colour, spatial);
  spatial_vertex_add(x1, colour, spatial);

