Exemplo n.º 1
void speaker_sound_device::device_reset()
	int i;

	m_level = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < FILTER_LENGTH; i++)
		m_composed_volume[i] = 0;

	m_composed_sample_index = 0;
	m_last_update_time = machine().time();
	m_channel_sample_period = HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(machine().sample_rate());
	m_channel_sample_period_secfrac = ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(m_channel_sample_period);
	m_interm_sample_period = m_channel_sample_period / RATE_MULTIPLIER;
	m_interm_sample_period_secfrac = ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(m_interm_sample_period);
	m_channel_last_sample_time = m_channel->sample_time();
	m_channel_next_sample_time = m_channel_last_sample_time + attotime(0, m_channel_sample_period);
	m_next_interm_sample_time = m_channel_last_sample_time + attotime(0, m_interm_sample_period);
	m_interm_sample_index = 0;
	m_prevx = m_prevy = 0.0;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void configure_screen(crtc6845_state *chip, int postload)
	if (chip->intf)
		/* compute the screen sizes */
		UINT16 horiz_total = (chip->horiz_total + 1) * chip->intf->hpixels_per_column;
		UINT16 vert_total = (chip->vert_total + 1) * (chip->max_ras_addr + 1) + chip->vert_total_adj;

		/* determine the visible area, avoid division by 0 */
		UINT16 max_x = chip->horiz_disp * chip->intf->hpixels_per_column - 1;
		UINT16 max_y = chip->vert_disp * (chip->max_ras_addr + 1) - 1;

		/* update only if screen parameters changed, unless we are coming here after loading the saved state */
		if (postload ||
		    (horiz_total != chip->last_horiz_total) || (vert_total != chip->last_vert_total) ||
			(max_x != chip->last_max_x) || (max_y != chip->last_max_y))
			/* update the screen only if we have valid data */
			if ((chip->horiz_total > 0) && (max_x < horiz_total) && (chip->vert_total > 0) && (max_y < vert_total))
				rectangle visarea;

				attoseconds_t refresh = HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(chip->intf->clock) * (chip->horiz_total + 1) * vert_total;

				visarea.min_x = 0;
				visarea.min_y = 0;
				visarea.max_x = max_x;
				visarea.max_y = max_y;

				if (LOG) logerror("CRTC6845 config screen: HTOTAL: %x  VTOTAL: %x  MAX_X: %x  MAX_Y: %x  FPS: %f\n",
								  horiz_total, vert_total, max_x, max_y, 1 / ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(refresh));

				video_screen_configure(chip->intf->scrnum, horiz_total, vert_total, &visarea, refresh);

				chip->has_valid_parameters = TRUE;
				chip->has_valid_parameters = FALSE;

			chip->last_horiz_total = horiz_total;
			chip->last_vert_total = vert_total;
			chip->last_max_x = max_x;
			chip->last_max_y = max_y;

Exemplo n.º 3
inline void crt9007_device::recompute_parameters()
	// check that necessary registers have been loaded

	// screen dimensions
	int horiz_pix_total = CHARACTERS_PER_HORIZONTAL_PERIOD * m_hpixels_per_column;
	int vert_pix_total = SCAN_LINES_PER_FRAME;

	// refresh rate
	attoseconds_t refresh = HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(clock()) * horiz_pix_total * vert_pix_total;

	// horizontal sync
	m_hsync_start = 0;
	m_hsync_end = HORIZONTAL_SYNC_WIDTH * m_hpixels_per_column;

	// visible line time
	m_vlt_start = HORIZONTAL_DELAY * m_hpixels_per_column;
	m_vlt_end = (HORIZONTAL_DELAY + CHARACTERS_PER_DATA_ROW) * m_hpixels_per_column;

	// data row boundary

	// vertical sync
	m_vsync_start = 0;
	m_vsync_end = VERTICAL_SYNC_WIDTH;

	// visible area
	rectangle visarea;

	visarea.set(m_hsync_end, horiz_pix_total - 1, m_vsync_end, vert_pix_total - 1);

	if (LOG)
		logerror("CRT9007 '%s' Screen: %u x %u @ %f Hz\n", tag(), horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, 1 / ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(refresh));
		logerror("CRT9007 '%s' Visible Area: (%u, %u) - (%u, %u)\n", tag(), visarea.min_x, visarea.min_y, visarea.max_x, visarea.max_y);

	m_screen->configure(horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, visarea, refresh);

	m_hsync_timer->adjust(m_screen->time_until_pos(0, 0));
	m_vsync_timer->adjust(m_screen->time_until_pos(0, 0));
	m_vlt_timer->adjust(m_screen->time_until_pos(0, m_vlt_start), 1);
	m_drb_timer->adjust(m_screen->time_until_pos(0, 0));
Exemplo n.º 4
inline void upd3301_device::recompute_parameters()
	int horiz_pix_total = (m_h + m_z) * m_width;
	int vert_pix_total = (m_l + m_v) * m_r;

	attoseconds_t refresh = HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(clock()) * horiz_pix_total * vert_pix_total;

	rectangle visarea;

	visarea.set(0, (m_h * m_width) - 1, 0, (m_l * m_r) - 1);

	if (LOG)
		if (LOG) logerror("UPD3301 '%s' Screen: %u x %u @ %f Hz\n", tag(), horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, 1 / ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(refresh));
		if (LOG) logerror("UPD3301 '%s' Visible Area: (%u, %u) - (%u, %u)\n", tag(), visarea.min_x, visarea.min_y, visarea.max_x, visarea.max_y);

	m_screen->configure(horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, visarea, refresh);

Exemplo n.º 5
void crtc_ega_device::recompute_parameters(bool postload)
	UINT16 hsync_on_pos, hsync_off_pos, vsync_on_pos, vsync_off_pos;

	/* compute the screen sizes */
	UINT16 horiz_pix_total = (m_horiz_char_total + 2) * m_hpixels_per_column;
	UINT16 vert_pix_total = m_vert_total + 1;

	/* determine the visible area, avoid division by 0 */
	UINT16 max_visible_x = ( m_horiz_disp + 1 ) * m_hpixels_per_column - 1;
	UINT16 max_visible_y = m_vert_disp_end;

	/* determine the syncing positions */
	int horiz_sync_char_width = ( m_horiz_retr_end + 1 ) - ( m_horiz_retr_start & 0x1f );
	int vert_sync_pix_width = m_vert_retr_end - ( m_vert_retr_start & 0x0f );

	if (horiz_sync_char_width <= 0)
		horiz_sync_char_width += 0x10;

	if (vert_sync_pix_width <= 0)
		vert_sync_pix_width += 0x10;

	hsync_on_pos = m_horiz_retr_start * m_hpixels_per_column;
	hsync_off_pos = hsync_on_pos + (horiz_sync_char_width * m_hpixels_per_column);
	vsync_on_pos = m_vert_retr_start;       /* + 1 ?? */
	vsync_off_pos = vsync_on_pos + vert_sync_pix_width;

	if (hsync_off_pos > horiz_pix_total)
		hsync_off_pos = horiz_pix_total;

	if (vsync_off_pos > vert_pix_total)
		vsync_off_pos = vert_pix_total;

	if ( vsync_on_pos >= vsync_off_pos )
		vsync_on_pos = vsync_off_pos - 2;

	/* update only if screen parameters changed, unless we are coming here after loading the saved state */
	if (postload ||
		(horiz_pix_total != m_horiz_pix_total) || (vert_pix_total != m_vert_pix_total) ||
		(max_visible_x != m_max_visible_x) || (max_visible_y != m_max_visible_y) ||
		(hsync_on_pos != m_hsync_on_pos) || (vsync_on_pos != m_vsync_on_pos) ||
		(hsync_off_pos != m_hsync_off_pos) || (vsync_off_pos != m_vsync_off_pos))
		/* update the screen if we have valid data */
		if ((horiz_pix_total > 0) && (max_visible_x < horiz_pix_total) &&
			(vert_pix_total > 0) && (max_visible_y < vert_pix_total) &&
			(hsync_on_pos <= horiz_pix_total) && (vsync_on_pos <= vert_pix_total) &&
			(hsync_on_pos != hsync_off_pos))
			attoseconds_t refresh = HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(m_clock) * (m_horiz_char_total + 2) * vert_pix_total;

			rectangle visarea(0, max_visible_x, 0, max_visible_y);

			if (LOG) logerror("CRTC_EGA config screen: HTOTAL: 0x%x  VTOTAL: 0x%x  MAX_X: 0x%x  MAX_Y: 0x%x  HSYNC: 0x%x-0x%x  VSYNC: 0x%x-0x%x  Freq: %ffps\n",
								horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, max_visible_x, max_visible_y, hsync_on_pos, hsync_off_pos - 1, vsync_on_pos, vsync_off_pos - 1, 1 / ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(refresh));

			if ( m_screen != NULL )
				m_screen->configure(horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, visarea, refresh);

			m_has_valid_parameters = true;
			m_has_valid_parameters = false;
			if (LOG) logerror("CRTC_EGA bad config screen: HTOTAL: 0x%x  VTOTAL: 0x%x  MAX_X: 0x%x  MAX_Y: 0x%x  HSYNC: 0x%x-0x%x  VSYNC: 0x%x-0x%x\n",
								horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, max_visible_x, max_visible_y, hsync_on_pos, hsync_off_pos - 1, vsync_on_pos, vsync_off_pos - 1);


		m_horiz_pix_total = horiz_pix_total;
		m_vert_pix_total = vert_pix_total;
		m_max_visible_x = max_visible_x;
		m_max_visible_y = max_visible_y;
		m_hsync_on_pos = hsync_on_pos;
		m_hsync_off_pos = hsync_off_pos;
		m_vsync_on_pos = vsync_on_pos;
		m_vsync_off_pos = vsync_off_pos;
Exemplo n.º 6
void speaker_sound_device::device_start()
	int i;
	double x;

	m_channel = machine().sound().stream_alloc(*this, 0, 1, machine().sample_rate(), this);

	m_level = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < FILTER_LENGTH; i++)
		m_composed_volume[i] = 0;

	m_composed_sample_index = 0;
	m_last_update_time = machine().time();
	m_channel_sample_period = HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(machine().sample_rate());
	m_channel_sample_period_secfrac = ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(m_channel_sample_period);
	m_interm_sample_period = m_channel_sample_period / RATE_MULTIPLIER;
	m_interm_sample_period_secfrac = ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(m_interm_sample_period);
	m_channel_last_sample_time = m_channel->sample_time();
	m_channel_next_sample_time = m_channel_last_sample_time + attotime(0, m_channel_sample_period);
	m_next_interm_sample_time = m_channel_last_sample_time + attotime(0, m_interm_sample_period);
	m_interm_sample_index = 0;
	m_prevx = m_prevy = 0.0;

	/* Note: To avoid time drift due to floating point inaccuracies,
	 * it is good if the speaker time synchronizes itself with the stream timing regularly.

	/* Compute filter kernel; */
	/* (Done for each device though the data is shared...
	 *  No problem really, but should be done as part of system init if I knew how)
#if 1
	/* This is an approximated sinc (a perfect sinc makes an ideal low-pass filter).
	 * FILTER_STEP determines the cutoff frequency,
	 * which should be below the Nyquist freq, i.e. half the sample rate.
	 * Smaller step => kernel extends in time domain => lower cutoff freq
	 * In this case, with sinc, filter step PI corresponds to the Nyq. freq.
	 * Since we do not get a perfect filter => must lower the cutoff freq some more.
	 * For example, step PI/(2*RATE_MULTIPLIER) corresponds to cutoff freq = sample rate / 4;
	 *    With -samplerate 48000, cutoff freq is ca 12kHz while the Nyq. freq is 24kHz.
	 *    With -samplerate 96000, cutoff freq is ca 24kHz while the Nyq. freq is 48kHz.
	 * For a steeper, more efficient filter, increase FILTER_LENGTH at the expense of CPU usage.
	/* Distribute symmetrically on x axis; center has x=0 if length is odd */
	for (i = 0,             x = (0.5 - FILTER_LENGTH / 2.) * FILTER_STEP;
			i++,                x += FILTER_STEP)
		if (x == 0)
			m_ampl[i] = 1;
			m_ampl[i] = sin(x) / x;
	/* Trivial average filter with poor frequency cutoff properties;
	 * First zero (frequency where amplification=0) = sample rate / filter length
	 * Cutoff frequency approx <= first zero / 2
	for (i = 0, i < FILTER_LENGTH; i++)
		m_ampl[i] = 1;


	machine().save().register_postload(save_prepost_delegate(FUNC(speaker_sound_device::speaker_postload), this));
Exemplo n.º 7
static void recompute_parameters(crtc_ega_t *crtc_ega, int postload)
	if (crtc_ega->intf != NULL)
		UINT16 hsync_on_pos, hsync_off_pos, vsync_on_pos, vsync_off_pos;

		/* compute the screen sizes */
		UINT16 horiz_pix_total = (crtc_ega->horiz_char_total + 5) * crtc_ega->hpixels_per_column;
		UINT16 vert_pix_total = crtc_ega->vert_total + 1;

		/* determine the visible area, avoid division by 0 */
		UINT16 max_visible_x = ( crtc_ega->horiz_disp + 1 ) * crtc_ega->hpixels_per_column - 1;
		UINT16 max_visible_y = crtc_ega->vert_disp_end;

		/* determine the syncing positions */
		int horiz_sync_char_width = ( crtc_ega->horiz_retr_end + 1 ) - ( crtc_ega->horiz_retr_start & 0x1f );
		int vert_sync_pix_width = crtc_ega->vert_retr_end - ( crtc_ega->vert_retr_start & 0x0f );

		if (horiz_sync_char_width <= 0)
			horiz_sync_char_width += 0x10;

		if (vert_sync_pix_width <= 0)
			vert_sync_pix_width += 0x10;

		hsync_on_pos = crtc_ega->horiz_retr_start * crtc_ega->hpixels_per_column;
		hsync_off_pos = hsync_on_pos + (horiz_sync_char_width * crtc_ega->hpixels_per_column);
		vsync_on_pos = crtc_ega->vert_retr_start;		/* + 1 ?? */
		vsync_off_pos = vsync_on_pos + vert_sync_pix_width;

		/* the Commodore PET computers program a horizontal synch pulse that extends
          past the scanline width.  I assume that the real device will clamp it */
		if (hsync_off_pos > horiz_pix_total)
			hsync_off_pos = horiz_pix_total;

		if (vsync_off_pos > vert_pix_total)
			vsync_off_pos = vert_pix_total;

		/* update only if screen parameters changed, unless we are coming here after loading the saved state */
		if (postload ||
		    (horiz_pix_total != crtc_ega->horiz_pix_total) || (vert_pix_total != crtc_ega->vert_pix_total) ||
			(max_visible_x != crtc_ega->max_visible_x) || (max_visible_y != crtc_ega->max_visible_y) ||
			(hsync_on_pos != crtc_ega->hsync_on_pos) || (vsync_on_pos != crtc_ega->vsync_on_pos) ||
			(hsync_off_pos != crtc_ega->hsync_off_pos) || (vsync_off_pos != crtc_ega->vsync_off_pos))
			/* update the screen if we have valid data */
			if ((horiz_pix_total > 0) && (max_visible_x < horiz_pix_total) &&
				(vert_pix_total > 0) && (max_visible_y < vert_pix_total) &&
				(hsync_on_pos <= horiz_pix_total) && (vsync_on_pos <= vert_pix_total) &&
				(hsync_on_pos != hsync_off_pos))
				rectangle visarea;

				attoseconds_t refresh = HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(crtc_ega->clock) * (crtc_ega->horiz_char_total + 1) * vert_pix_total;

				visarea.min_x = 0;
				visarea.min_y = 0;
				visarea.max_x = max_visible_x;
				visarea.max_y = max_visible_y;

				if (LOG) logerror("CRTC_EGA config screen: HTOTAL: 0x%x  VTOTAL: 0x%x  MAX_X: 0x%x  MAX_Y: 0x%x  HSYNC: 0x%x-0x%x  VSYNC: 0x%x-0x%x  Freq: %ffps\n",
								  horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, max_visible_x, max_visible_y, hsync_on_pos, hsync_off_pos - 1, vsync_on_pos, vsync_off_pos - 1, 1 / ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(refresh));

				crtc_ega->screen->configure(horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, visarea, refresh);

				crtc_ega->has_valid_parameters = TRUE;
				crtc_ega->has_valid_parameters = FALSE;

			crtc_ega->horiz_pix_total = horiz_pix_total;
			crtc_ega->vert_pix_total = vert_pix_total;
			crtc_ega->max_visible_x = max_visible_x;
			crtc_ega->max_visible_y = max_visible_y;
			crtc_ega->hsync_on_pos = hsync_on_pos;
			crtc_ega->hsync_off_pos = hsync_off_pos;
			crtc_ega->vsync_on_pos = vsync_on_pos;
			crtc_ega->vsync_off_pos = vsync_off_pos;

Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: mc6845.c Projeto: bji/libmame
static void recompute_parameters(mc6845_t *mc6845, int postload)
	if (mc6845->intf != NULL)
		UINT16 hsync_on_pos, hsync_off_pos, vsync_on_pos, vsync_off_pos;

		/* compute the screen sizes */
		UINT16 horiz_pix_total = (mc6845->horiz_char_total + 1) * mc6845->hpixels_per_column;
		UINT16 vert_pix_total = (mc6845->vert_char_total + 1) * (mc6845->max_ras_addr + 1) + mc6845->vert_total_adj;

		/* determine the visible area, avoid division by 0 */
		UINT16 max_visible_x = mc6845->horiz_disp * mc6845->hpixels_per_column - 1;
		UINT16 max_visible_y = mc6845->vert_disp * (mc6845->max_ras_addr + 1) - 1;

		/* determine the syncing positions */
		UINT8 horiz_sync_char_width = mc6845->sync_width & 0x0f;
		UINT8 vert_sync_pix_width = supports_vert_sync_width[mc6845->device_type] ? (mc6845->sync_width >> 4) & 0x0f : 0x10;

		if (horiz_sync_char_width == 0)
			horiz_sync_char_width = 0x10;

		if (vert_sync_pix_width == 0)
			vert_sync_pix_width = 0x10;

		/* determine the transparent update cycle time, 1 update every 4 character clocks */
		mc6845->upd_time = attotime::from_hz(mc6845->clock) * (4 * mc6845->hpixels_per_column);

		hsync_on_pos = mc6845->horiz_sync_pos * mc6845->hpixels_per_column;
		hsync_off_pos = hsync_on_pos + (horiz_sync_char_width * mc6845->hpixels_per_column);
		vsync_on_pos = mc6845->vert_sync_pos * (mc6845->max_ras_addr + 1);
		vsync_off_pos = vsync_on_pos + vert_sync_pix_width;

		/* the Commodore PET computers program a horizontal synch pulse that extends
           past the scanline width.  I assume that the real device will clamp it */
		if (hsync_off_pos > horiz_pix_total)
			hsync_off_pos = horiz_pix_total;

		if (vsync_off_pos > vert_pix_total)
			vsync_off_pos = vert_pix_total;

		/* update only if screen parameters changed, unless we are coming here after loading the saved state */
		if (postload ||
		    (horiz_pix_total != mc6845->horiz_pix_total) || (vert_pix_total != mc6845->vert_pix_total) ||
			(max_visible_x != mc6845->max_visible_x) || (max_visible_y != mc6845->max_visible_y) ||
			(hsync_on_pos != mc6845->hsync_on_pos) || (vsync_on_pos != mc6845->vsync_on_pos) ||
			(hsync_off_pos != mc6845->hsync_off_pos) || (vsync_off_pos != mc6845->vsync_off_pos))
			/* update the screen if we have valid data */
			if ((horiz_pix_total > 0) && (max_visible_x < horiz_pix_total) &&
				(vert_pix_total > 0) && (max_visible_y < vert_pix_total) &&
				(hsync_on_pos <= horiz_pix_total) && (vsync_on_pos <= vert_pix_total) &&
				(hsync_on_pos != hsync_off_pos))
				rectangle visarea;

				attoseconds_t refresh = HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(mc6845->clock) * (mc6845->horiz_char_total + 1) * vert_pix_total;

				visarea.min_x = 0;
				visarea.min_y = 0;
				visarea.max_x = max_visible_x;
				visarea.max_y = max_visible_y;

				if (LOG) logerror("M6845 config screen: HTOTAL: 0x%x  VTOTAL: 0x%x  MAX_X: 0x%x  MAX_Y: 0x%x  HSYNC: 0x%x-0x%x  VSYNC: 0x%x-0x%x  Freq: %ffps\n",
								  horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, max_visible_x, max_visible_y, hsync_on_pos, hsync_off_pos - 1, vsync_on_pos, vsync_off_pos - 1, 1 / ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(refresh));

				if ( mc6845->screen != NULL )
					mc6845->screen->configure(horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, visarea, refresh);

				mc6845->has_valid_parameters = TRUE;
				mc6845->has_valid_parameters = FALSE;

			mc6845->horiz_pix_total = horiz_pix_total;
			mc6845->vert_pix_total = vert_pix_total;
			mc6845->max_visible_x = max_visible_x;
			mc6845->max_visible_y = max_visible_y;
			mc6845->hsync_on_pos = hsync_on_pos;
			mc6845->hsync_off_pos = hsync_off_pos;
			mc6845->vsync_on_pos = vsync_on_pos;
			mc6845->vsync_off_pos = vsync_off_pos;
Exemplo n.º 9
static DEVICE_START( speaker )
	speaker_state *sp = get_safe_token(device);
	const speaker_interface *intf = (const speaker_interface *) device->static_config();
	int i;
	double x;

	sp->channel = device->machine().sound().stream_alloc(*device, 0, 1, device->machine().sample_rate(), sp, speaker_sound_update);

	if (intf != NULL)
		assert(intf->num_level > 1);
		assert(intf->levels != NULL);
		sp->num_levels = intf->num_level;
		sp->levels = intf->levels;
		sp->num_levels = 2;
		sp->levels = default_levels;

	sp->level = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < FILTER_LENGTH; i++)
		sp->composed_volume[i] = 0;
	sp->composed_sample_index = 0;
	sp->last_update_time = device->machine().time();
	sp->channel_sample_period = HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(device->machine().sample_rate());
	sp->channel_sample_period_secfrac = ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(sp->channel_sample_period);
	sp->interm_sample_period = sp->channel_sample_period / RATE_MULTIPLIER;
	sp->interm_sample_period_secfrac = ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(sp->interm_sample_period);
	sp->channel_last_sample_time = sp->channel->sample_time();
	sp->channel_next_sample_time = sp->channel_last_sample_time + attotime(0, sp->channel_sample_period);
	sp->next_interm_sample_time = sp->channel_last_sample_time + attotime(0, sp->interm_sample_period);
	sp->interm_sample_index = 0;
	/* Note: To avoid time drift due to floating point inaccuracies,
     * it is good if the speaker time synchronizes itself with the stream timing regularly.

	/* Compute filter kernel; */
	/* (Done for each device though the data is shared...
     *  No problem really, but should be done as part of system init if I knew how)
#if 1
	/* This is an approximated sinc (a perfect sinc makes an ideal low-pass filter).
     * FILTER_STEP determines the cutoff frequency,
     * which should be below the Nyquist freq, i.e. half the sample rate.
     * Smaller step => kernel extends in time domain => lower cutoff freq
     * In this case, with sinc, filter step PI corresponds to the Nyq. freq.
     * Since we do not get a perfect filter => must lower the cutoff freq some more.
     * For example, step PI/(2*RATE_MULTIPLIER) corresponds to cutoff freq = sample rate / 4;
     *    With -samplerate 48000, cutoff freq is ca 12kHz while the Nyq. freq is 24kHz.
     *    With -samplerate 96000, cutoff freq is ca 24kHz while the Nyq. freq is 48kHz.
     * For a steeper, more efficient filter, increase FILTER_LENGTH at the expense of CPU usage.
	/* Distribute symmetrically on x axis; center has x=0 if length is odd */
	for (i = 0, 			x = (0.5 - FILTER_LENGTH / 2.) * FILTER_STEP;
	     i < FILTER_LENGTH;
		 i++,				x += FILTER_STEP)
		if (x == 0)
			ampl[i] = 1;
			ampl[i] = sin(x) / x;
	/* Trivial average filter with poor frequency cutoff properties;
     * First zero (frequency where amplification=0) = sample rate / filter length
     * Cutoff frequency approx <= first zero / 2
	for (i = 0, i < FILTER_LENGTH; i++)
		ampl[i] = 1;
Exemplo n.º 10
void mc6845_device::recompute_parameters(bool postload)
	UINT16 hsync_on_pos, hsync_off_pos, vsync_on_pos, vsync_off_pos;

	UINT16 video_char_height = m_max_ras_addr + 1;   // fix garbage at the bottom of the screen (eg victor9k)
	// Would be useful for 'interlace and video' mode support...
	// UINT16 frame_char_height = (MODE_INTERLACE_AND_VIDEO ? m_max_ras_addr / 2 : m_max_ras_addr) + 1;

	/* compute the screen sizes */
	UINT16 horiz_pix_total = (m_horiz_char_total + 1) * m_hpixels_per_column;
	UINT16 vert_pix_total = (m_vert_char_total + 1) * video_char_height + m_vert_total_adj;

	/* determine the visible area, avoid division by 0 */
	UINT16 max_visible_x = m_horiz_disp * m_hpixels_per_column - 1;
	UINT16 max_visible_y = m_vert_disp * video_char_height - 1;

	/* determine the syncing positions */
	UINT8 horiz_sync_char_width = m_sync_width & 0x0f;
	UINT8 vert_sync_pix_width = m_supports_vert_sync_width ? (m_sync_width >> 4) & 0x0f : 0x10;

	if (horiz_sync_char_width == 0)
		horiz_sync_char_width = 0x10;

	if (vert_sync_pix_width == 0)
		vert_sync_pix_width = 0x10;

	/* determine the transparent update cycle time, 1 update every 4 character clocks */
	m_upd_time = attotime::from_hz(m_clock) * (4 * m_hpixels_per_column);

	hsync_on_pos = m_horiz_sync_pos * m_hpixels_per_column;
	hsync_off_pos = hsync_on_pos + (horiz_sync_char_width * m_hpixels_per_column);
	vsync_on_pos = m_vert_sync_pos * video_char_height;
	vsync_off_pos = vsync_on_pos + vert_sync_pix_width;

	// the Commodore PET computers have a non-standard 20kHz monitor which
	// requires a wider HSYNC pulse that extends past the scanline width
	if (hsync_off_pos > horiz_pix_total)
		hsync_off_pos = horiz_pix_total;

	if (vsync_on_pos > vert_pix_total)
		vsync_on_pos = vert_pix_total;

	if (vsync_off_pos > vert_pix_total)
		vsync_off_pos = vert_pix_total;

	/* update only if screen parameters changed, unless we are coming here after loading the saved state */
	if (postload ||
		(horiz_pix_total != m_horiz_pix_total) || (vert_pix_total != m_vert_pix_total) ||
		(max_visible_x != m_max_visible_x) || (max_visible_y != m_max_visible_y) ||
		(hsync_on_pos != m_hsync_on_pos) || (vsync_on_pos != m_vsync_on_pos) ||
		(hsync_off_pos != m_hsync_off_pos) || (vsync_off_pos != m_vsync_off_pos))
		/* update the screen if we have valid data */
		if ((horiz_pix_total > 0) && (max_visible_x < horiz_pix_total) &&
			(vert_pix_total > 0) && (max_visible_y < vert_pix_total) &&
			(hsync_on_pos <= horiz_pix_total) && (vsync_on_pos <= vert_pix_total) &&
			(hsync_on_pos != hsync_off_pos))
			rectangle visarea;

			attoseconds_t refresh = HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(m_clock) * (m_horiz_char_total + 1) * vert_pix_total;

			// This doubles the vertical resolution, required for 'interlace and video' mode support.
			// Tested and works for super80v, which was designed with this in mind (choose green or monochrome colour in config switches).
			// However it breaks some other drivers (apricot,a6809,victor9k,bbc(mode7)).
			// So, it is commented out for now.
			// Also, the mode-register change needs to be added to the changed-parameter tests above.
				//max_visible_y *= 2;
				//vert_pix_total *= 2;

				visarea.set(0, horiz_pix_total-1, 0, vert_pix_total-1);
				visarea.set(0 + m_visarea_adjust_min_x, max_visible_x + m_visarea_adjust_max_x, 0 + m_visarea_adjust_min_y, max_visible_y + m_visarea_adjust_max_y);

			if (LOG) logerror("M6845 config screen: HTOTAL: 0x%x  VTOTAL: 0x%x  MAX_X: 0x%x  MAX_Y: 0x%x  HSYNC: 0x%x-0x%x  VSYNC: 0x%x-0x%x  Freq: %ffps\n",
								horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, max_visible_x, max_visible_y, hsync_on_pos, hsync_off_pos - 1, vsync_on_pos, vsync_off_pos - 1, 1 / ATTOSECONDS_TO_DOUBLE(refresh));

			if ( m_screen != NULL )
				m_screen->configure(horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, visarea, refresh);

				m_reconfigure_cb(horiz_pix_total, vert_pix_total, visarea, refresh);

			m_has_valid_parameters = true;
			m_has_valid_parameters = false;

		m_horiz_pix_total = horiz_pix_total;
		m_vert_pix_total = vert_pix_total;
		m_max_visible_x = max_visible_x;
		m_max_visible_y = max_visible_y;
		m_hsync_on_pos = hsync_on_pos;
		m_hsync_off_pos = hsync_off_pos;
		m_vsync_on_pos = vsync_on_pos;
		m_vsync_off_pos = vsync_off_pos;
		m_line_counter = 0;