Exemplo n.º 1
int AVIOBJ::OpenAVI(LPCSTR szFile)										// Opens An AVI File (szFile)

    AVIFileInit();												// Opens The AVIFile Library

    if (AVIStreamOpenFromFile(&pavi, szFile, streamtypeVIDEO, 0, OF_READ, NULL) !=0)

    AVIStreamInfo(pavi, &psi, sizeof(psi));						// Reads Information About The Stream Into psi
    width=psi.rcFrame.right-psi.rcFrame.left;					// Width Is Right Side Of Frame Minus Left
    height=psi.rcFrame.bottom-psi.rcFrame.top;					// Height Is Bottom Of Frame Minus Top

    lastframe=AVIStreamLength(pavi);							// The Last Frame Of The Stream

    mpf=AVIStreamSampleToTime(pavi,lastframe)/lastframe;		// Calculate Rough Milliseconds Per Frame

    bmih.biSize = sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER);					// Size Of The BitmapInfoHeader
    bmih.biPlanes = 1;											// Bitplanes
    bmih.biBitCount = 24;										// Bits Format We Want (24 Bit, 3 Bytes)
    bmih.biWidth = width;											// Width We Want
    bmih.biHeight = height;										// Height We Want
    bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB;								// Requested Mode = RGB

    hBitmap = CreateDIBSection (hdc, (BITMAPINFO*)(&bmih), DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)(&data), NULL, 0);
    SelectObject (hdc, hBitmap);								// Select hBitmap Into Our Device Context (hdc)

    pgf=AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(pavi, NULL);						// Create The PGETFRAME	Using Our Request Mode
    if (pgf==NULL) return(0);

Exemplo n.º 2
PAVIFILE AVIFILE_CreateAVITempFile(int nStreams, const PAVISTREAM *ppStreams)
  ITmpFileImpl *tmpFile;
  int           i;

  tmpFile = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(ITmpFileImpl));
  if (tmpFile == NULL)
    return NULL;

  tmpFile->IAVIFile_iface.lpVtbl = &itmpft;
  tmpFile->ref    = 1;
  memset(&tmpFile->fInfo, 0, sizeof(tmpFile->fInfo));

  tmpFile->fInfo.dwStreams = nStreams;
  tmpFile->ppStreams = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, nStreams * sizeof(PAVISTREAM));
  if (tmpFile->ppStreams == NULL) {
    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, tmpFile);
    return NULL;

  for (i = 0; i < nStreams; i++) {

    tmpFile->ppStreams[i] = ppStreams[i];

    AVIStreamInfoW(ppStreams[i], &sInfo, sizeof(sInfo));
    if (i == 0) {
      tmpFile->fInfo.dwScale = sInfo.dwScale;
      tmpFile->fInfo.dwRate  = sInfo.dwRate;
      if (!sInfo.dwScale || !sInfo.dwRate) {
        tmpFile->fInfo.dwScale = 1;
        tmpFile->fInfo.dwRate  = 100;

    if (tmpFile->fInfo.dwSuggestedBufferSize < sInfo.dwSuggestedBufferSize)
      tmpFile->fInfo.dwSuggestedBufferSize = sInfo.dwSuggestedBufferSize;

      DWORD tmp;

      tmp = MulDiv(AVIStreamSampleToTime(ppStreams[i], sInfo.dwLength),
                   tmpFile->fInfo.dwScale, tmpFile->fInfo.dwRate * 1000);
      if (tmpFile->fInfo.dwLength < tmp)
        tmpFile->fInfo.dwLength = tmp;

      tmp = sInfo.rcFrame.right - sInfo.rcFrame.left;
      if (tmpFile->fInfo.dwWidth < tmp)
        tmpFile->fInfo.dwWidth = tmp;
      tmp = sInfo.rcFrame.bottom - sInfo.rcFrame.top;
      if (tmpFile->fInfo.dwHeight < tmp)
        tmpFile->fInfo.dwHeight = tmp;

  return &tmpFile->IAVIFile_iface;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool AVI :: Load(std :: string fname,bool loopflag,Texture *tex)				// Opens An AVI File
	// copy over looping flag

	// do we have a texture manager?
		return false;
	// copy it over

	hdc=CreateCompatibleDC(0);									// Get a compatible DC
	hdd = DrawDibOpen();										// Grab A Device Context For Our Dib

	AVIFileInit();												// Opens The AVIFile Library

	// Opens The AVI Stream
	if (AVIStreamOpenFromFile(&pavi, fname.c_str(), streamtypeVIDEO, 0, OF_READ, NULL) !=0)
		return false;

	AVIStreamInfo(pavi, &psi, sizeof(psi));						// Reads Information About The Stream Into psi
	width=psi.rcFrame.right-psi.rcFrame.left;					// Width Is Right Side Of Frame Minus Left
	height=psi.rcFrame.bottom-psi.rcFrame.top;					// Height Is Bottom Of Frame Minus Top

	lastframe=AVIStreamLength(pavi);							// The Last Frame Of The Stream

	mpf=AVIStreamSampleToTime(pavi,lastframe)/lastframe;		// Calculate Rough Milliseconds Per Frame

	bmih.biSize = sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER);					// Size Of The BitmapInfoHeader
	bmih.biPlanes = 1;											// Bitplanes	
	bmih.biBitCount = 24;										// Bits Format We Want (24 Bit, 3 Bytes)
	bmih.biWidth = 256;											// Width We Want (256 Pixels)
	bmih.biHeight = 256;										// Height We Want (256 Pixels)
	bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB;								// Requested Mode = RGB

	hBitmap = CreateDIBSection (hdc, (BITMAPINFO*)(&bmih), DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)(&data), NULL, NULL);
	SelectObject (hdc, hBitmap);								// Select hBitmap Into Our Device Context (hdc)

	pgf=AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(pavi, NULL);						// Create The PGETFRAME	Using Our Request Mode
	if (pgf==NULL)
		return false;

	// create the texture
	Image img;
	img.Create(256,256,false);									// set dimensions of texture
	img.SetImage(data);											// set the texture information
	texid=tman->Create(&img);									// create the texture

	// clear the time position 

	// success
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
- Opens An AVI File (szFile)
bool AviVideoRenderer::OpenAVI(const char * szFile)
	// Opens The AVI Stream
	if (AVIStreamOpenFromFileA(&_AVR_pavi, szFile, streamtypeVIDEO, 0, OF_READ, NULL) !=0)
		return false;

	AVIStreamInfo(_AVR_pavi, &_AVR_psi, sizeof(_AVR_psi));						// Reads Information About The Stream Into psi
	_video_width=_AVR_psi.rcFrame.right-_AVR_psi.rcFrame.left;					// Width Is Right Side Of Frame Minus Left
	_video_height=_AVR_psi.rcFrame.bottom-_AVR_psi.rcFrame.top;					// Height Is Bottom Of Frame Minus Top

	_endFrame=AVIStreamLength(_AVR_pavi);							// The Last Frame Of The Stream

	_timeperframe=AVIStreamSampleToTime(_AVR_pavi,_endFrame)/_endFrame;		// Calculate Rough Milliseconds Per Frame

	int sizet = 1024;
	if((_video_width < 128) && (_video_height < 128))
		sizet = 128;
	else if((_video_width < 256) && (_video_height < 256))
		sizet = 256;
	else if((_video_width < 512) && (_video_height < 512))
		sizet = 512;


	// initialize the host texture

	_AVR_bmih.biSize = sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER);					// Size Of The BitmapInfoHeader
	_AVR_bmih.biPlanes = 1;											// Bitplanes
	_AVR_bmih.biBitCount = 24;										// Bits Format We Want (24 Bit, 3 Bytes)
	_AVR_bmih.biWidth = _widths[0];									// Width We Want
	_AVR_bmih.biHeight = _heights[0];								// Height We Want
	_AVR_bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB;								// Requested Mode = RGB

	_AVR_hBitmap = CreateDIBSection (_AVR_hdc, (BITMAPINFO*)(&_AVR_bmih), DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)(&_img_data), NULL, NULL);
	SelectObject (_AVR_hdc, _AVR_hBitmap);							// Select hBitmap Into Our Device Context (hdc)

	_AVR_pgf=AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(_AVR_pavi, NULL);				// Create The PGETFRAME	Using Our Request Mode

	_avi_opened = true;

Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: AVI.cpp Projeto: DCubix/1.4.0
bool CAvi::OpenAVI( LPCWSTR szFile )
	if( AVIStreamOpenFromFile( &m_pavi, szFile, streamtypeVIDEO, 0, OF_READ, NULL) !=0)
		MessageBox( NULL, _T("Couldnt open the CAvi stream."), _T("VandaEngine Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
		return 0;
	AVIStreamInfo(m_pavi, &psi, sizeof(psi));				// Reads Information About The Stream Into psi
	m_width=psi.rcFrame.right-psi.rcFrame.left;			// Width Is Right Side Of Frame Minus Left
	m_height=psi.rcFrame.bottom-psi.rcFrame.top;			// Height Is Bottom Of Frame Minus Top
	m_lastFrame = AVIStreamLength(m_pavi);	
	m_mpf=AVIStreamSampleToTime(m_pavi,m_lastFrame)/m_lastFrame;		// Calculate Rough Milliseconds Per Frame
	if( m_mpf == 0 )
		MessageBox( NULL, _T("MPF is 0"), _T("VandaEngine Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
		return 0;

	bmih.biSize = sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER);					// Size Of The BitmapInfoHeader
	bmih.biPlanes = 1;											// Bitplanes	
	bmih.biBitCount = 24;										// Bits Format We Want (24 Bit, 3 Bytes)
	bmih.biWidth = 1024;											// Width We Want (512 Pixels)
	bmih.biHeight = 512;										// Height We Want (256 Pixels)
	bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB;								// Requested Mode = RGB

	m_hBitmap = CreateDIBSection (m_hDC, (BITMAPINFO*)(&bmih), DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)(&m_data), NULL, NULL);
	SelectObject (m_hDC, m_hBitmap);		// Select m_hBitmap Into Our Device Context (hdc)

	m_pgf=AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(m_pavi, NULL);	// Create The PGETFRAME	Using Our Request Mode
	if (m_pgf==NULL)
		//An Error Occurred Opening The Frame
		MessageBox( NULL, _T("Couldn't open the CAvi frame."), _T("VandaEngine Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
		return 0;
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
static FIMULTIBITMAP* ReadFromAvi(const char* filename) {
	int err=0;
	PAVISTREAM pavi; // Handle To An Open Stream
	if( AVIStreamOpenFromFile(&pavi, filename, streamtypeVIDEO, 0, OF_READ, NULL) != 0) {
		return NULL;

	AVISTREAMINFO		psi;				// Pointer To A Structure Containing Stream Info
	AVIStreamInfo(pavi, &psi, sizeof(psi));				// Reads Information About The Stream Into psi
	int width  = psi.rcFrame.right-psi.rcFrame.left;			// Width Is Right Side Of Frame Minus Left
	int height = psi.rcFrame.bottom-psi.rcFrame.top;			// Height Is Bottom Of Frame Minus Top
	int frameCount = AVIStreamLength(pavi);							// The Last Frame Of The Stream

	double mpf = AVIStreamSampleToTime(pavi, frameCount) / (double)frameCount;		// Calculate Rough Milliseconds Per Frame

	PGETFRAME pgf = AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(pavi, NULL);				// Create The PGETFRAME Using Our Request Mode
	if (pgf==NULL)
		// An Error Occurred Opening The Frame
		error("Failed To Open frame from AVI");

	//HDC hdc = GetDC(0);

	HDRAWDIB hdd = DrawDibOpen();													// Handle For Our Dib

	BITMAPINFOHEADER bmih;										// Header Information For DrawDibDraw Decoding
	bmih.biSize = sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER);					// Size Of The BitmapInfoHeader
	bmih.biPlanes = 1;											// Bitplanes	
	bmih.biBitCount = 24;										// Bits Format We Want (24 Bit, 3 Bytes)
	bmih.biWidth = width;										// Width We Want (256 Pixels)
	bmih.biHeight = height;										// Height We Want (256 Pixels)
	bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB;								// Requested Mode = RGB

	char		*data;						// Pointer To Texture Data
	HBITMAP hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, (BITMAPINFO*)(&bmih), DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)(&data), NULL, NULL);
	SelectObject(hdc, hBitmap);								// Select hBitmap Into Our Device Context (hdc)

	// create a new freeimage anim
	FIMULTIBITMAP* ret = FreeImage_OpenMultiBitmap(FIF_TIFF, "temp.tiff", TRUE, FALSE);
	if (!ret || someError) {
		error("Couldnt create multibitmap");

	for (int frame=0; frame<frameCount; frame++) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Loading frame %i\n", frame);
		// Grab Data From The AVI Stream
		// Pointer To Data Returned By AVIStreamGetFrame
		// (Skip The Header Info To Get To The Data)
		char* pdata = (char *)lpbi + lpbi->biSize + lpbi->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD);	
		// Convert Data To Requested Bitmap Format
		DrawDibDraw(hdd, hdc, 0, 0, width, height, lpbi, pdata, 0, 0, width, height, 0);

		// copy into the freeimage thing
		FIBITMAP* fiBitmap = FreeImage_ConvertFromRawBits((BYTE*)data, width, height, width*3, 24, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF);
/*		BYTE* src = (BYTE*)data;
		for (int y=0; y<height; y++) {
			BYTE* dst = FreeImage_GetScanLine(fiBitmap, y);
			for (int x=0; x<width; x++) {
				*dst++ = *src++;
				*dst++ = *src++;
				*dst++ = *src++;
		FIBITMAP* grayBitmap = FreeImage_ConvertToGreyscale(fiBitmap);

		FreeImage_AppendPage(ret, grayBitmap);
	ret = FreeImage_OpenMultiBitmap(FIF_TIFF, "temp.tiff", FALSE, TRUE);

	DeleteObject(hBitmap);										// Delete The Device Dependant Bitmap Object
	DrawDibClose(hdd);											// Closes The DrawDib Device Context
	AVIStreamGetFrameClose(pgf);								// Deallocates The GetFrame Resources
	AVIStreamRelease(pavi);										// Release The Stream
	AVIFileExit();												// Release The File

	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 7
bool CLoaderAVI::loadFromFile(const CString& fileName)
    CApplication::getApp()->log(CString::fromUTF8("Chargement de la vidéo %1").arg(fileName));


    // Suppression des flux
    if (m_video)

    if (m_audio)
        delete m_audio;
        m_audio = nullptr;


    m_time = 0;
    m_play = false;

    // Suppression de la précédente texture
    if (m_texture)



    // Ouverture du flux vidéo
    if (AVIStreamOpenFromFile(&m_video, fileName.toCharArray(), streamtypeVIDEO, 0, OF_READ, nullptr))
        CApplication::getApp()->log(CString::fromUTF8("AVIStreamOpenFromFile : impossible de lire le flux video."), ILogger::Error);
        return false;

    // Infos sur le stream video

    if (AVIStreamInfo(m_video, &psi, sizeof(psi)))
        CApplication::getApp()->log("AVIStreamInfo donne une erreur", ILogger::Error);
        return false;

    // Dimensions de la vidéo
    m_width = psi.rcFrame.right - psi.rcFrame.left;
    m_height = psi.rcFrame.bottom - psi.rcFrame.top;

    m_fileName = fileName;

    m_pixels.resize(4 * m_width * m_height);

    for (int i = 0; i < m_width * m_height; ++i)
        m_pixels[4 * i + 0] = 0x00;
        m_pixels[4 * i + 1] = 0x00;
        m_pixels[4 * i + 2] = 0x00;
        m_pixels[4 * i + 3] = 0xFF;

    // Création de la texture
    CImage img(m_width, m_height, reinterpret_cast<CColor *>(&m_pixels[0]));

    m_texture = Game::textureManager->loadTexture(m_fileName, img, CTextureManager::FilterNone);

    m_lastFrame = AVIStreamLength(m_video);

    if (m_lastFrame == 0)
        return false;

    m_frameTime = AVIStreamSampleToTime(m_video, m_lastFrame) / m_lastFrame;
    m_pgf = AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(m_video, nullptr);

    // On ne peut pas récupérer les frames
    if (m_pgf == nullptr)
        CApplication::getApp()->log("AVIStreamGetFrameOpen retourne un pointeur nul", ILogger::Error);
        return false;

    // Ouverture du flux audio
    m_audio = new CMusic();

    if (m_loop)



    //m_play = true;
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
bool VideoComponent::openAvi(const std::string& filename)
	// Stop any currently loaded avi

	AVIFileInit();							// Opens The AVIFile Library
	// Opens The AVI Stream
	if (AVIStreamOpenFromFile(&m_pavi, filename.c_str(), streamtypeVIDEO, 0, OF_READ, NULL) !=0)
		GameLog::errorMessage("Error opening avi: %s", filename.c_str());
		// An Error Occurred Opening The Stream
		AVIFileExit();								// Release The File
		return false;
	AVIStreamInfo(m_pavi, &m_psi, sizeof(m_psi));						// Reads Information About The Stream Into psi
	m_width = m_psi.rcFrame.right-m_psi.rcFrame.left;					// Width Is Right Side Of Frame Minus Left
	m_height = m_psi.rcFrame.bottom-m_psi.rcFrame.top;					// Height Is Bottom Of Frame Minus Top
	if (!m_resize)
		// Size should be kept
		m_resizeWidth = m_width;
		m_resizeHeight = m_height;
	m_lastframe = AVIStreamLength(m_pavi);								// The Last Frame Of The Stream
	m_timePerFrame = ((float)AVIStreamSampleToTime(m_pavi, m_lastframe) / (float) m_lastframe) / 1000.0f;	// Calculate Rough Seconds Per Frame
	m_bmih.biSize		= sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER);					// Size Of The BitmapInfoHeader
	m_bmih.biPlanes		= 1;					// Bitplanes
	m_bmih.biBitCount	= 24;					// Bits Format We Want 24 / 8  = 3 bytes
	m_bmih.biWidth		= m_resizeWidth;		// Width We Want
	m_bmih.biHeight		= m_resizeHeight;		// Height We Want
	m_bmih.biCompression= BI_RGB;				// Requested Mode = RGB
	m_hBitmap = CreateDIBSection (m_hdc, (BITMAPINFO*)(&m_bmih), DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)(&m_data), NULL, NULL);	
	SelectObject (m_hdc, m_hBitmap);					// Select hBitmap Into Our Device Context (hdc)
	// Bitmapinfo header for decoding (needed for xvid)
	m_bmiavih.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
	m_bmiavih.biPlanes			= 1;					// Bitplanes
	m_bmiavih.biBitCount		= 24;					// Bits Format We Want 24 / 8  = 3 bytes
	m_bmiavih.biWidth			= m_width;				// Width We Want
	m_bmiavih.biHeight			= m_height;				// Height We Want
	m_bmiavih.biCompression		= BI_RGB;				// Requested Mode = RGB
	// And some more infos
	m_bmiavih.biClrImportant	= 0;
	m_bmiavih.biClrUsed			= 0;
	m_bmiavih.biXPelsPerMeter	= 0;
	m_bmiavih.biYPelsPerMeter	= 0;
	m_bmiavih.biSizeImage = (((m_bmiavih.biWidth * 3) + 3) & 0xFFFC) * m_bmiavih.biHeight;
	m_pgf=AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(m_pavi, &m_bmiavih);// Create The PGETFRAME Using Our Request Mode
	if (m_pgf==0x0)
		GameLog::errorMessage("Error opening first frame of avi: %s", filename.c_str());
		// An Error Occurred Opening The Frame
		DeleteObject(m_hBitmap);					// Delete The Device Dependant Bitmap Object
		AVIStreamRelease(m_pavi);					// Release The Stream
		AVIFileExit();								// Release The File
		return false;
	m_fileName = filename;

	// Create buffer for converted data
	// width*height = count pixel; each pixel has 4 channels for rgba with each one byte
	int dataSize = 4*m_resizeWidth*m_resizeHeight;
	m_bgraData = new unsigned char[dataSize];
	// Initialize with 255 (black screen with full alpha)
	memset(m_bgraData, 255, dataSize);

	// Prepare horde texture stream named like the video file name, to get a unique name
	m_videoTexture = h3dCreateTexture(filename.c_str(), m_resizeWidth, m_resizeHeight, H3DFormats::TEX_BGRA8, H3DResFlags::NoTexMipmaps);
	if (m_videoTexture == 0)
		GameLog::errorMessage("Error creating texture for playing avi: %s", filename.c_str());
		// Failure creating the dynamic texture
		return false;

	// Find the sampler index within the material
	m_samplerIndex = h3dFindResElem(m_material, H3DMatRes::SamplerElem, H3DMatRes::SampNameStr, "albedoMap");	
	if (m_samplerIndex == -1)
		GameLog::errorMessage("Error preparing material with resID %d for playing avi: %s", m_material, filename.c_str());
		// No sampler found in material
		return false;

	// Store old sampler
	m_originalSampler = h3dGetResParamI(m_material, H3DMatRes::SamplerElem, m_samplerIndex, H3DMatRes::SampTexResI);

	// Now open the audio stream
	PAVISTREAM audioStream;
	if (AVIStreamOpenFromFile(&audioStream, filename.c_str(), streamtypeAUDIO, 0, OF_READ, NULL) == 0)
		// Audio stream found
		// Get format info
		PCMWAVEFORMAT audioFormat;
		long formatSize = sizeof(audioFormat);
		int start = AVIStreamStart(audioStream);
		// TODO get channelsmask and use it
		AVIStreamReadFormat(audioStream, start, &audioFormat, &formatSize);
		long numSamples = AVIStreamLength(audioStream);
		int bitsPerSample = (audioFormat.wf.nAvgBytesPerSec * 8) / (audioFormat.wf.nSamplesPerSec * audioFormat.wf.nChannels);
		/*if (audioFormat.wf.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_MPEGLAYER3)
			// TODO
			formatSize = sizeof(mp3Format);
			AVIStreamReadFormat(audioStream, start, &mp3Format, &formatSize);

		// Create buffer with appropriate size
		long bufferSize = (bitsPerSample * numSamples) / 8;
		char* buffer = new char[bufferSize];
		// Read the audio data
		long bytesWritten = 0;
		AVIStreamRead(audioStream, start, numSamples, buffer, bufferSize, &bytesWritten, 0x0);

		if (bytesWritten > 0)
			// Send the audio data to the sound component
			SoundResourceData eventData(buffer, bytesWritten, audioFormat.wf.nSamplesPerSec, bitsPerSample, audioFormat.wf.nChannels);
			GameEvent event(GameEvent::E_SET_SOUND_WITH_USER_DATA, &eventData, this);
			m_hasAudio = true;

		// Delete the buffer data
		delete[] buffer;

	if (m_autoStart)
		// Play video directly

	return true;
bool Movie::reload(const io::stringc &Filename, const s32 Resolution)
    if (DataPointer_)
    /* Information message */
    io::Log::message("Load movie: \"" + Filename + "\"");
    /* General settings */
    SMovieSequencePacket* MovieData = new SMovieSequencePacket;
    DataPointer_                = MovieData;
    MovieData->Next             = MovieData->Frame      = 0;
    MovieData->State            = MOVIESTATE_STOPED;
    MovieData->Time             = MovieData->LastTime   = 0;
    MovieData->RawData          = 0;
    MovieData->Resolution       = Resolution;
    MovieData->hDeviceContext   = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
    MovieData->hDrawDIB         = DrawDibOpen();
    /* Open video stream */
    if (AVIStreamOpenFromFile(&MovieData->pVideoStream, Filename.c_str(), streamtypeVIDEO, 0, OF_READ, 0) != 0)
        return exitWithError("Could not open video stream");
    if (AVIStreamInfo(MovieData->pVideoStream, &MovieData->VideoStreamInfo, sizeof(MovieData->VideoStreamInfo)) != 0)
        return exitWithError("Video stream information process failed");
    MovieData->VideoLastFrame = AVIStreamLength(MovieData->pVideoStream);
    if (MovieData->VideoLastFrame == -1)
        return exitWithError("Video stream length is invalid");
    MovieData->VideoMPF = AVIStreamSampleToTime(MovieData->pVideoStream, MovieData->VideoLastFrame) / MovieData->VideoLastFrame;
    if (MovieData->VideoMPF == -1)
        return exitWithError("Video stream sample is invalid");
    #if 0
    /* Open audio stream */
    if (AVIStreamOpenFromFile(&MovieData->pAudioStream, Filename.c_str(), streamtypeAUDIO, 0, OF_READ, 0))
        return exitWithError("Could not open audio stream");
    if (AVIStreamInfo(MovieData->pAudioStream, &MovieData->AudioStreamInfo, sizeof(MovieData->AudioStreamInfo)))
        return exitWithError("Audio stream information process failed");
    MovieData->AudioLastFrame = AVIStreamLength(MovieData->pAudioStream);
    if (MovieData->AudioLastFrame == -1)
        return exitWithError("Audio stream length is invalid");
    MovieData->AudioMPF = AVIStreamSampleToTime(MovieData->pAudioStream, MovieData->AudioLastFrame) / MovieData->AudioLastFrame;
    if (MovieData->AudioMPF == -1)
        return exitWithError("Audio stream sample is invalid");
    /* Start configuration process */
    MovieData->Size.Width   = MovieData->VideoStreamInfo.rcFrame.right  - MovieData->VideoStreamInfo.rcFrame.left;
    MovieData->Size.Height  = MovieData->VideoStreamInfo.rcFrame.bottom - MovieData->VideoStreamInfo.rcFrame.top;
    MovieData->BitmapInfoHeader.biSize          = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
    MovieData->BitmapInfoHeader.biPlanes        = 1;
    MovieData->BitmapInfoHeader.biBitCount      = 24;
    MovieData->BitmapInfoHeader.biWidth         = MovieData->Resolution;
    MovieData->BitmapInfoHeader.biHeight        = MovieData->Resolution;
    MovieData->BitmapInfoHeader.biCompression   = BI_RGB;
    /* Create the movie bitmap context */
    MovieData->hBitmap = CreateDIBSection(
        0, 0

    if (!MovieData->hBitmap)
        return exitWithError("Could not create device independent bitmap (DIB) for video stream");
    SelectObject(MovieData->hDeviceContext, MovieData->hBitmap);
    MovieData->BitmapInfoHeader.biWidth         = MovieData->Size.Width;
    MovieData->BitmapInfoHeader.biHeight        = MovieData->Size.Height;
    MovieData->BitmapInfoHeader.biSizeImage     = 0;
    MovieData->BitmapInfoHeader.biClrUsed       = 0;
    MovieData->BitmapInfoHeader.biClrImportant  = 0;
    /* Get first video frame */
    MovieData->pGetFrame = AVIStreamGetFrameOpen(MovieData->pVideoStream, &MovieData->BitmapInfoHeader);
    if (!MovieData->pGetFrame)
        return exitWithError("Could not open first video stream");
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
// Return the time in milliseconds corresponding to the  currently playing audio sample, or -1 if no audio is playing.
LONG CALLBACK aviaudioTime(void)
	MMTIME      mmtime;

	if (audioPlayable <= 0)
		return -1;

	if (!sfPlaying)
		return -1;

	//not sure
	if (recalc) {
		streamEnd = AVIStreamEnd(spavi);
		streamStart = AVIStreamStart(spavi);
		recalc = 0;

	if ((streamEnd<=streamStart) || (streamEnd<=0))
		return -1;

	mmtime.wType = TIME_SAMPLES;

	waveOutGetPosition(shWaveOut, &mmtime, sizeof(mmtime));

	if (mmtime.wType == TIME_SAMPLES)
		return AVIStreamSampleToTime(spavi, slBegin) + muldiv32(mmtime.u.sample, 1000, sdwSamplesPerSec);
	else if (mmtime.wType == TIME_BYTES)
		return AVIStreamSampleToTime(spavi, slBegin) + muldiv32(mmtime.u.cb, 1000, sdwBytesPerSec);
		return -1;