Exemplo n.º 1
AVL_DVBSx_ErrorCode AVL6211_Initialize(struct AVL_DVBSx_Chip * pAVLChip,struct AVL_Tuner * pTuner)
    struct AVL_DVBSx_Diseqc_Para sDiseqcPara;
	struct AVL_DVBSx_MpegInfo sMpegMode;
	AVL_DVBSx_ErrorCode r = AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK;
	struct AVL_Demod_Tuner_Configuration_t *pDemodTunerConfig = &g_DemodTuner_Config[g_nDemodTunerArrayIndex];
	struct AVL_DVBSx_VerInfo VerInfo;
	//AVL_uint32 uiTemp;
	AVL_uint32 uiDeviceID=0;
#if 0  
	//This function should be implemented by customer.
	//This function should be called before all other functions to prepare everything for a BSP operation.
	r = AVL_DVBSx_IBSP_Initialize();

	if( AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r )
		printf("BSP Initialization failed !\n");
		return (r);


    // This function should be called after bsp initialized to initialize the chip object.
    r = Init_AVL_DVBSx_ChipObject(pAVLChip, pDemodTunerConfig->m_uiDemodAddress);	
	if( AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r ) 
		printf("Chip Object Initialization failed !\n");
		return (r);

	//Judge the chip ID of current chip.
	//r = AVL_DVBSx_II2C_Read32(pAVLChip, rom_ver_addr, &uiTemp);
	r= AVL_DVBSx_IRx_GetDeviceID(  pAVLChip, &uiDeviceID);
	printk("r is %x,uiDeviceID is %x\n",r,uiDeviceID);
	if (AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r)
		printf("Get Chip ID failed !\n");
		return (r);
	//if ( uiTemp != Chip_ID )
	if(uiDeviceID != Chip_ID )
		printf("Chip ID isn't correct !\n");
		return AVL_DVBSx_EC_GeneralFail;

    //This function should be called after chip object initialized to initialize the IBase,using reference clock as 10M. Make sure you pickup the right pll_conf since it may be modified in BSP.
	r = AVL_DVBSx_IBase_Initialize(&(pll_conf[pDemodTunerConfig->m_DemodReferenceClk]), ucPatchData, pAVLChip); 
	if( AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r ) 
		printf("IBase Initialization failed !\n");
		return (r);
	AVL_DVBSx_IBSP_Delay(100);	  //Wait 100 ms to assure that the AVL_DVBSx chip boots up.This function should be implemented by customer.

	//This function should be called to verify the AVL_DVBSx chip has completed its initialization procedure.
    r = AVL_DVBSx_IBase_GetStatus(pAVLChip);
	if( AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r )       
		printf("Booted failed !\n");
		return (r);
    printf("Booted !\n");

	//Get Chip ID, Patch version and SDK version.
	AVL_DVBSx_IBase_GetVersion( &VerInfo, pAVLChip);
	printf("Chip Ver:{%d}.{%d}.{%d}  API Ver:{%d}.{%d}.{%d}  Patch Ver:{%d}.{%d}.{%d} \n", 
		VerInfo.m_Chip.m_Major, VerInfo.m_Chip.m_Minor, VerInfo.m_Chip.m_Build, 
		VerInfo.m_API.m_Major, VerInfo.m_API.m_Minor, VerInfo.m_API.m_Build, 
		VerInfo.m_Patch.m_Major, VerInfo.m_Patch.m_Minor, VerInfo.m_Patch.m_Build);	

    //This function should be called after IBase initialized to initialize the demod.
	r = AVL_DVBSx_IRx_Initialize(pAVLChip);
	if(AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r)
		printf("Demod Initialization failed !\n");
		return (r);
	//This function should be called after demod initialized to set RF AGC polar.
	//User does not need to setup this for Sharp tuner since it is the default value. But for other tuners, user may need to do it here.
    r |= AVL_DVBSx_IRx_SetRFAGCPola(pDemodTunerConfig->m_TunerRFAGC, pAVLChip);
	r |= AVL_DVBSx_IRx_DriveRFAGC(pAVLChip);

	if(AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r)
		printf("Set RF AGC Polar failed !\n");
		return (r);

	//This function should be called after demod initialized to set spectrum polar.
	r = AVL_DVBSx_IBase_SetSpectrumPolarity(pDemodTunerConfig->m_Tuner_IQ_SpectrumMode, pAVLChip);
	if(AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r)
		printf("Set Spectrum Polar failed !\n");
		return (r);

	//Setup MPEG mode parameters.
    sMpegMode.m_MpegFormat = pDemodTunerConfig->m_TSFormat;
	sMpegMode.m_MpegMode = pDemodTunerConfig->m_TSOutPutMode;
	sMpegMode.m_MpegClockPolarity = pDemodTunerConfig->m_TSClockPolarity;
	//This function should be called after demod initialized to set MPEG mode.(These parameters will be valid after call lock channel function)
	r = AVL_DVBSx_IRx_SetMpegMode(&sMpegMode,pAVLChip );

	if(sMpegMode.m_MpegMode == AVL_DVBSx_MPM_Serial)
	if(AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r)
		printf("Set MPEG output mode failed !\n");
		return (r);
	// Enable the MPEG output (this function call has no effect for the AVL_DVBSxLG and AVL_DVBSxLGa devices)
	r = AVL_DVBSx_IRx_DriveMpegOutput(pAVLChip);

	//Setup tuner parameters for tuner initialization.
	pTuner->m_uiSlaveAddress = pDemodTunerConfig->m_uiTunerAddress;
	pTuner->m_uiI2CBusClock_kHz = pDemodTunerConfig->m_uiTuner_I2Cbus_clock;
    pTuner->m_pParameters = 0;
    pTuner->m_pAVLChip = pAVLChip;
	pTuner->m_pInitializeFunc = pDemodTunerConfig->m_pInitializeFunc;
	pTuner->m_pLockFunc = pDemodTunerConfig->m_pLockFunc;
	pTuner->m_pGetLockStatusFunc = pDemodTunerConfig->m_pGetLockStatusFunc;

	//This function should be called after IBase initialized to initialize the tuner.
	r = pTuner->m_pInitializeFunc(pTuner);
	if(AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r)
		printf("Tuner Initialization failed !\n");
		return (r);

	//Setup DiSEqC parameters for DiSEqC initialization.
	sDiseqcPara.m_RxTimeout = AVL_DVBSx_DRT_150ms;
	sDiseqcPara.m_RxWaveForm = AVL_DVBSx_DWM_Normal;
	sDiseqcPara.m_ToneFrequency_kHz = Diseqc_Tone_Frequency;		
	sDiseqcPara.m_TXGap = AVL_DVBSx_DTXG_15ms;
	sDiseqcPara.m_TxWaveForm = AVL_DVBSx_DWM_Normal;

	//The DiSEqC should be initialized if AVL_DVBSx need to supply power to LNB. This function should be called after IBase initialized to initialize the DiSEqC.
	r = AVL_DVBSx_IDiseqc_Initialize(&sDiseqcPara, pAVLChip);
	if(AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r)
		printf("DiSEqC Initialization failed !\n");

	return (r);
Exemplo n.º 2
AVL_DVBSx_ErrorCode Initialize(struct AVL_DVBSx_Chip * pAVLChip)
    struct AVL_DVBSx_Diseqc_Para sDiseqcPara;
	struct AVL_DVBSx_VerInfo VerInfo;
	//AVL_uint32 uiTemp;
	AVL_uint32 uiDeviceID=0;
	//This function should be implemented by customer.
	//This function should be called before all other functions to prepare everything for a BSP operation.
	r = AVL_DVBSx_IBSP_Initialize();
	if( AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK !=r )
		printf("BSP Initialization failed !\n");
		return (r);

    // This function should be called after bsp initialized to initialize the chip object.
    r = Init_AVL_DVBSx_ChipObject(pAVLChip, AVL_DVBSx_SA_0);	
	if( AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK !=r ) 
		printf("Chip Object Initialization failed !\n");
		return (r);

	//Judge the chip ID of current chip.
	r= AVL_DVBSx_IRx_GetDeviceID(  pAVLChip, &uiDeviceID);
	//r = AVL_DVBSx_II2C_Read32(pAVLChip, rom_ver_addr, &uiTemp);
	if (AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r)
		printf("Get Chip ID failed !\n");
		return (r);
	//if ( uiTemp != Chip_ID )
	if(uiDeviceID != Chip_ID )
		printf("uiDeviceID:0x%x,Chip ID isn't correct!\n",uiDeviceID);
		return AVL_DVBSx_EC_GeneralFail;

    //This function should be called after chip object initialized to initialize the IBase,using reference clock as 10M. Make sure you pickup the right pll_conf since it may be modified in BSP.
	r = AVL_DVBSx_IBase_Initialize(const_cast<AVL_DVBSx_PllConf *>(pll_conf+2), ucPatchData, pAVLChip); 
	if( AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK !=r ) 
		printf("IBase Initialization failed !\n");
		return (r);
	AVL_DVBSx_IBSP_Delay(100);	  //Wait 100 ms to assure that the AVLDVBSx chip boots up.This function should be implemented by customer.
	//This function should be called to verify the AVLDVBSx chip has completed its initialization procedure.
    r = AVL_DVBSx_IBase_GetStatus(pAVLChip);
	if( AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r )       
		printf("Booted failed !\n");
		return (r);
    printf("Booted !\n");

	//Get Chip ID, Patch version and SDK version.
	AVL_DVBSx_IBase_GetVersion( &VerInfo, pAVLChip);
	printf("Chip Ver:{%d}.{%d}.{%d}  API Ver:{%d}.{%d}.{%d}  Patch Ver:{%d}.{%d}.{%d} \n", 
		VerInfo.m_Chip.m_Major, VerInfo.m_Chip.m_Minor, VerInfo.m_Chip.m_Build, 
		VerInfo.m_API.m_Major, VerInfo.m_API.m_Minor, VerInfo.m_API.m_Build, 
		VerInfo.m_Patch.m_Major, VerInfo.m_Patch.m_Minor, VerInfo.m_Patch.m_Build);	

    //This function should be called after IBase initialized to initialize the demod.
	r = AVL_DVBSx_IRx_Initialize(pAVLChip);
	if(AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r)
		printf("Demod Initialization failed !\n");
		return (r);

	//This function should be called after demod initialized to set RF AGC polar.
	//User does not need to setup this for Sharp tuner since it is the default value. But for other tuners, user may need to do it here.
	r |= AVL_DVBSx_IRx_SetRFAGCPola(AVL_DVBSx_RA_Invert, pAVLChip);
	r |= AVL_DVBSx_IRx_DriveRFAGC(pAVLChip);

	if(AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r)
		printf("Set RF AGC Polar failed !\n");
		return (r);

	//This function should be called after demod initialized to set spectrum polar.
	r = AVL_DVBSx_IBase_SetSpectrumPolarity(AVL_DVBSx_Spectrum_Normal, pAVLChip);
	if(AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r)
		printf("Set Spectrum Polar failed !\n");
		return (r);

    //Setup DiSEqC parameters for DiSEqC initialization.
	sDiseqcPara.m_RxTimeout = AVL_DVBSx_DRT_150ms;
	sDiseqcPara.m_RxWaveForm = AVL_DVBSx_DWM_Normal;
	sDiseqcPara.m_ToneFrequency_kHz = DiSEqC_Tone_Frequency;		
	sDiseqcPara.m_TXGap = AVL_DVBSx_DTXG_15ms;
	sDiseqcPara.m_TxWaveForm = AVL_DVBSx_DWM_Normal;

	//This function should be called after IBase initialized to initialize the DiSEqC.
	r = AVL_DVBSx_IDiseqc_Initialize(&sDiseqcPara, pAVLChip);
	if(AVL_DVBSx_EC_OK != r)
		printf("DiSEqC Initialization failed !\n");

	return (r);