void CreateMaterialPatch( const char *pOriginalMaterialName, const char *pNewMaterialName,
						 const char *pNewKey, const char *pNewValue )
	char oldVMTFile[ 512 ];
	char newVMTFile[ 512 ];

	AddNewTranslation( pOriginalMaterialName, pNewMaterialName );
	sprintf( oldVMTFile, "materials/%s.vmt", pOriginalMaterialName );
	sprintf( newVMTFile, "materials/%s.vmt", pNewMaterialName );

//	printf( "Creating material patch file %s which points at %s\n", newVMTFile, oldVMTFile );

	KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "patch" );
	if ( !kv )
		Error( "Couldn't allocate KeyValues for %s!!!", pNewMaterialName );

	kv->SetString( "include", oldVMTFile );
	KeyValues *section = kv->FindKey( "insert", true );

	section->SetString( pNewKey, pNewValue );

	// Write patched .vmt into a memory buffer
	CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, true );
	kv->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );

	// Add to pak file for this .bsp
	AddBufferToPack( newVMTFile, (void*)buf.Base(), buf.TellPut(), true );

	// Cleanup
Exemplo n.º 2
void CreateDefaultCubemaps( bool bHDR )
	memset( g_IsCubemapTexData, 0, sizeof(g_IsCubemapTexData) );

	// NOTE: This implementation depends on the fact that all VTF files contain
	// all mipmap levels
	const char *pSkyboxBaseName = FindSkyboxMaterialName();
	char skyboxMaterialName[MAX_PATH];
	Q_snprintf( skyboxMaterialName, MAX_PATH, "skybox/%s", pSkyboxBaseName );

	IVTFTexture *pSrcVTFTextures[6];

	if( !skyboxMaterialName )
		if( s_DefaultCubemapNames.Count() )
			Warning( "This map uses env_cubemap, and you don't have a skybox, so no default env_cubemaps will be generated.\n" );

	int unionTextureFlags = 0;
	if( !LoadSrcVTFFiles( pSrcVTFTextures, skyboxMaterialName, &unionTextureFlags, bHDR ) )
		Warning( "Can't load skybox file %s to build the default cubemap!\n", skyboxMaterialName );
	Msg( "Creating default %scubemaps for env_cubemap using skybox materials:\n%s*.vmt\n"
		"Run buildcubemaps in the engine to get the correct cube maps.\n\n", bHDR ? "HDR " : "", skyboxMaterialName );
	// Figure out the mip differences between the two textures
	int iMipLevelOffset = 0;
	int tmp = pSrcVTFTextures[0]->Width();
	while( tmp > DEFAULT_CUBEMAP_SIZE )
		tmp >>= 1;

	// Create the destination cubemap
	IVTFTexture *pDstCubemap = CreateVTFTexture();
		pSrcVTFTextures[0]->Format(), unionTextureFlags | TEXTUREFLAGS_ENVMAP, 
		pSrcVTFTextures[0]->FrameCount() );

	// First iterate over all frames
	for (int iFrame = 0; iFrame < pDstCubemap->FrameCount(); ++iFrame)
		// Next iterate over all normal cube faces (we know there's 6 cause it's an envmap)
		for (int iFace = 0; iFace < 6; ++iFace )
			// Finally, iterate over all mip levels in the *destination*
			for (int iMip = 0; iMip < pDstCubemap->MipCount(); ++iMip )
				// Copy the bits from the source images into the cube faces
				unsigned char *pSrcBits = pSrcVTFTextures[iFace]->ImageData( iFrame, 0, iMip + iMipLevelOffset );
				unsigned char *pDstBits = pDstCubemap->ImageData( iFrame, iFace, iMip );
				int iSize = pDstCubemap->ComputeMipSize( iMip );

				memcpy( pDstBits, pSrcBits, iSize ); 

	ImageFormat originalFormat = pDstCubemap->Format();
	if( !bHDR )
		// Convert the cube to format that we can apply tools to it...
		pDstCubemap->ConvertImageFormat( IMAGE_FORMAT_DEFAULT, false );

	// Fixup the cubemap facing

	// Now that the bits are in place, compute the spheremaps...

	if( !bHDR )
		// Convert the cubemap to the final format
		pDstCubemap->ConvertImageFormat( originalFormat, false );

	// Write the puppy out!
	char dstVTFFileName[1024];
	if( bHDR )
		sprintf( dstVTFFileName, "materials/maps/%s/cubemapdefault.hdr.vtf", mapbase );
		sprintf( dstVTFFileName, "materials/maps/%s/cubemapdefault.vtf", mapbase );

	CUtlBuffer outputBuf;
	if (!pDstCubemap->Serialize( outputBuf ))
		Warning( "Error serializing default cubemap %s\n", dstVTFFileName );

	// spit out the default one.
	AddBufferToPack( dstVTFFileName, outputBuf.Base(), outputBuf.TellPut(), false );

	// spit out all of the ones that are attached to world geometry.
	int i;
	for( i = 0; i < s_DefaultCubemapNames.Count(); i++ )
		char vtfName[MAX_PATH];
		VTFNameToHDRVTFName( s_DefaultCubemapNames[i], vtfName, MAX_PATH, bHDR );
		if( FileExistsInPack( vtfName ) )
		AddBufferToPack( vtfName, outputBuf.Base(),outputBuf.TellPut(), false );

	// Clean up the textures
	for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
		DestroyVTFTexture( pSrcVTFTextures[i] );
	DestroyVTFTexture( pDstCubemap );
Exemplo n.º 3
// Write the lighitng to bsp pak lump
void CVradStaticPropMgr::SerializeLighting()
	char		filename[MAX_PATH];
	CUtlBuffer	utlBuf;

	// illuminate them all
	int count = m_StaticProps.Count();
	if ( !count )
		// nothing to do

	char mapName[MAX_PATH];
	Q_FileBase( source, mapName, sizeof( mapName ) );

	int size;
	for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
		sprintf( filename, "sp_%d.vhv", i );

		int totalVertexes = 0;
		for ( int j=0; j<m_StaticProps[i].m_MeshData.Count(); j++ )
			totalVertexes += m_StaticProps[i].m_MeshData[j].m_Verts.Count();

		// allocate a buffer with enough padding for alignment
		size = sizeof( HardwareVerts::FileHeader_t ) + 
				m_StaticProps[i].m_MeshData.Count()*sizeof(HardwareVerts::MeshHeader_t) +
				totalVertexes*4 + 2*512;
		utlBuf.EnsureCapacity( size );
		Q_memset( utlBuf.Base(), 0, size );

		HardwareVerts::FileHeader_t *pVhvHdr = (HardwareVerts::FileHeader_t *)utlBuf.Base();

		// align to start of vertex data
		unsigned char *pVertexData = (unsigned char *)(sizeof( HardwareVerts::FileHeader_t ) + m_StaticProps[i].m_MeshData.Count()*sizeof(HardwareVerts::MeshHeader_t));
		pVertexData = (unsigned char*)pVhvHdr + ALIGN_TO_POW2( (unsigned int)pVertexData, 512 );

		// construct header
		pVhvHdr->m_nVersion     = VHV_VERSION;
		pVhvHdr->m_nChecksum    = m_StaticPropDict[m_StaticProps[i].m_ModelIdx].m_pStudioHdr->checksum;
		pVhvHdr->m_nVertexFlags = VERTEX_COLOR;
		pVhvHdr->m_nVertexSize  = 4;
		pVhvHdr->m_nVertexes    = totalVertexes;
		pVhvHdr->m_nMeshes      = m_StaticProps[i].m_MeshData.Count();

		for (int n=0; n<pVhvHdr->m_nMeshes; n++)
			// construct mesh dictionary
			HardwareVerts::MeshHeader_t *pMesh = pVhvHdr->pMesh( n );
			pMesh->m_nLod      = m_StaticProps[i].m_MeshData[n].m_nLod;
			pMesh->m_nVertexes = m_StaticProps[i].m_MeshData[n].m_Verts.Count();
			pMesh->m_nOffset   = (unsigned int)pVertexData - (unsigned int)pVhvHdr; 

			// construct vertexes
			for (int k=0; k<pMesh->m_nVertexes; k++)
				Vector &vector = m_StaticProps[i].m_MeshData[n].m_Verts[k];

				ColorRGBExp32 rgbColor;
				VectorToColorRGBExp32( vector, rgbColor );
				unsigned char dstColor[4];
				ConvertRGBExp32ToRGBA8888( &rgbColor, dstColor );

				// b,g,r,a order
				pVertexData[0] = dstColor[2];
				pVertexData[1] = dstColor[1];
				pVertexData[2] = dstColor[0];
				pVertexData[3] = dstColor[3];
				pVertexData += 4;

		// align to end of file
		pVertexData = (unsigned char *)((unsigned int)pVertexData - (unsigned int)pVhvHdr);
		pVertexData = (unsigned char*)pVhvHdr + ALIGN_TO_POW2( (unsigned int)pVertexData, 512 );

		AddBufferToPack( filename, (void*)pVhvHdr, pVertexData - (unsigned char*)pVhvHdr, false );