Exemplo n.º 1
WORD CMacroList::ImportMacro(WORD wMacroId, CMacroList* pSrcList)
/* Find the macro in the source list. */
	CMacro* pSrcMacro = pSrcList->FindMacro(wMacroId);
	ASSERT(pSrcMacro != NULL);		// It must be there.
	if (pSrcMacro != NULL)
	/* First, see if this macro exists in our list. */
		CMacro* pOurMacro = FindMacro(pSrcMacro->Name());
		if (pOurMacro == NULL)
		/* We need to create it. */
			pOurMacro = AddMacro(pSrcMacro->Name(), "");
			if (pOurMacro == NULL)
				return 0;
			/* Copy over the data. Don't change the new id. */
				return pOurMacro->Id();
		/* It exists. Just reference it. */
			return pOurMacro->Id();
/* Macro is missing from the source. */
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
void LanguageTranslator::TranslateMacro(ShaderScriptContext* script, const String& name) {
	AddMacro(script, name);
Exemplo n.º 3
void MacrosDlg::Initialize()
    m_listCtrlMacros->InsertColumn(0, _("Macro"));
    m_listCtrlMacros->InsertColumn(1, _("Description"));

    // Only show third column if we can expand the macros
    if (m_project && m_editor) {
        m_listCtrlMacros->InsertColumn(2, wxT("Value"));

    switch ( m_content ) {
    case MacrosExternalTools:
        AddMacro(wxT("$(CurrentSelection)"),      _("Expands to the selected text in the active editor"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(CurrentSelectionRange)"), _("Expands to the selected text range in bytes from beginning of file, eg. 150:200"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(ProjectOutputFile)"),     _("Expands to the project binary output file"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(ProjectWorkingDirectory)"),     _("Expands to the project's build working directory"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(ProjectRunWorkingDirectory)"),  _("Expands to the project's run working directory"));
        // fall ...
    case MacrosProject:
        AddMacro(wxT("$(ProjectPath)"),           _("Expands to project's path"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(WorkspacePath)"),         _("Expands to workspace's path"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(ProjectName)"),           _("Expands to the current project name as appears in the 'File View'"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(IntermediateDirectory)"), _("Expands to the current project intermediate directory path, as set in the project settings"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(ConfigurationName)"),     _("Expands to the current project selected configuration"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(OutDir)"),                _("An alias to $(IntermediateDirectory)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(CurrentFileName)"),       _("Expands to current file name (without extension and path)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(CurrentFilePath)"),       _("Expands to current file path"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(CurrentFileFullPath)"),   _("Expands to current file full path (path and full name)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(User)"),                  _("Expands to logged-in user as defined by the OS"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(Date)"),                  _("Expands to current date"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(CodeLitePath)"),          _("Expands to CodeLite's startup directory on (e.g. on Unix it expands to ~/.codelite/"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(ProjectFiles)"),          _("A space delimited string containing all of the project files in a relative path to the project file"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(ProjectFilesAbs)"),       _("A space delimited string containing all of the project files in an absolute path"));
        AddMacro(wxT("`expression`"),             _("backticks: evaluates the expression inside the backticks into a string"));

    case MacrosCompiler:
        AddMacro(wxT("$(CXX)"),           _("Expands to the compiler name as set in the Tools tab"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(SourceSwitch)"),           _("Expands to the source switch (usually, -c)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(FileFullPath)"),           _("The file full path (includes path+name+extension)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(FileFullName)"),           _("The file full name (includes name+extension)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(FileName)"),               _("The file name (name only)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(FilePath)"),               _("The file's path with UNIX slashes, including terminating separator"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(CXXFLAGS)"),             _("Expands to the compiler options as set in the project settings"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(RcCompilerName)"),         _("Expands to the resource compiler name"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(IntermediateDirectory)"),  _("Expands to the current project intermediate directory path, as set in the project settings"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(ConfigurationName)"),      _("Expands to the current project selected configuration"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(OutDir)"),                 _("An alias to $(IntermediateDirectory)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(LinkerName)"),             _("Expands to the linker name as set in the Tools tab"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(AR)"),            _("Expands to the archive tool (e.g. ar) name as set in the Tools tab"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(SharedObjectLinkerName)"), _("Expands to the shared object linker name as set in the Tools tab"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(ObjectSuffix)"),           _("Objects suffix (usually set to .o)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(ObjectName)"),             _("The object name (without the suffix)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(DependSuffix)"),           _("Objects suffix (usually set to .o.d)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(PreprocessSuffix)"),       _("Objects suffix (usually set to .o.i)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(IncludeSwitch)"),          _("The compiler include switch"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(LibrarySwitch)"),          _("The library switch (e.g. -l)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(OutputSwitch)"),           _("The output switch (e.g. -o)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(LibraryPathSwitch)"),      _("Library switch (e.g. -L)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(PreprocessorSwitch)"),     _("Preprocessor switch (e.g. -D)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(Preprocessors)"),          _("Expands to all preprocessors set in the project setting where each entry is prefixed with $(PreprocessorSwitch)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(ArchiveOutputSwitch)"),    _("Archive switch, usually not needed (VC compiler sets it to /OUT:"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(PreprocessOnlySwitch)"),   _("The compiler preprocess-only switch (e.g. -E)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(LinkOptions)"),            _("The linker options as set in the project settings"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(IncludePath)"),            _("All include paths prefixed with $(IncludeSwitch)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(RcIncludePath)"),          _("Resource compiler include path as set in the project settings"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(Libs)"),                   _("List of libraries to link with. Each library is prefixed with $(LibrarySwitch)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(LibPath)"),                _("List of library paths to link with. Each library is prefixed with $(LibraryPathSwitch)"));
        AddMacro(wxT("$(OutputFile)"),             _("The output file"));

    // resize columns
    m_listCtrlMacros->SetColumnWidth(0, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE);
    m_listCtrlMacros->SetColumnWidth(1, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE);

    // Only resize third column if we can and may expand the macros
    if (m_project && m_editor) {
        // Do not autosize this column as it may grow very, very wide
        m_listCtrlMacros->SetColumnWidth(2, 220);