Exemplo n.º 1
int ExportMP2::Export(AudacityProject *project,
   int channels, const wxString &fName,
   bool selectionOnly, double t0, double t1, MixerSpec *mixerSpec, const Tags *metadata,
   int WXUNUSED(subformat))
   bool stereo = (channels == 2);
   long bitrate = gPrefs->Read(wxT("/FileFormats/MP2Bitrate"), 160);
   double rate = project->GetRate();
   const TrackList *tracks = project->GetTracks();

   wxLogNull logNo;             /* temporarily disable wxWidgets error messages */

   twolame_options *encodeOptions;
   encodeOptions = twolame_init();

   twolame_set_in_samplerate(encodeOptions, (int)(rate + 0.5));
   twolame_set_out_samplerate(encodeOptions, (int)(rate + 0.5));
   twolame_set_bitrate(encodeOptions, bitrate);
   twolame_set_num_channels(encodeOptions, stereo ? 2 : 1);

   if (twolame_init_params(encodeOptions) != 0)
      wxMessageBox(_("Cannot export MP2 with this sample rate and bit rate"),
         _("Error"), wxICON_STOP);
      return false;

   // Put ID3 tags at beginning of file
   if (metadata == NULL)
      metadata = project->GetTags();

   FileIO outFile(fName, FileIO::Output);
   if (!outFile.IsOpened()) {
      wxMessageBox(_("Unable to open target file for writing"));
      return false;

   char *id3buffer = NULL;
   int id3len;
   bool endOfFile;
   id3len = AddTags(project, &id3buffer, &endOfFile, metadata);
   if (id3len && !endOfFile)
      outFile.Write(id3buffer, id3len);

   // Values taken from the twolame simple encoder sample
   const int pcmBufferSize = 9216 / 2; // number of samples
   const int mp2BufferSize = 16384; // bytes

   // We allocate a buffer which is twice as big as the
   // input buffer, which should always be enough.
   // We have to multiply by 4 because one sample is 2 bytes wide!
   unsigned char* mp2Buffer = new unsigned char[mp2BufferSize];

   const WaveTrackConstArray waveTracks =
      tracks->GetWaveTrackConstArray(selectionOnly, false);
   int updateResult = eProgressSuccess;
      auto mixer = CreateMixer(waveTracks,
         t0, t1,
         stereo ? 2 : 1, pcmBufferSize, true,
         rate, int16Sample, true, mixerSpec);

      ProgressDialog progress(wxFileName(fName).GetName(),
         selectionOnly ?
         wxString::Format(_("Exporting selected audio at %ld kbps"), bitrate) :
         wxString::Format(_("Exporting entire file at %ld kbps"), bitrate));

      while (updateResult == eProgressSuccess) {
         sampleCount pcmNumSamples = mixer->Process(pcmBufferSize);

         if (pcmNumSamples == 0)

         short *pcmBuffer = (short *)mixer->GetBuffer();

         int mp2BufferNumBytes = twolame_encode_buffer_interleaved(

         outFile.Write(mp2Buffer, mp2BufferNumBytes);

         updateResult = progress.Update(mixer->MixGetCurrentTime() - t0, t1 - t0);

   int mp2BufferNumBytes = twolame_encode_flush(

   if (mp2BufferNumBytes > 0)
      outFile.Write(mp2Buffer, mp2BufferNumBytes);


   delete[] mp2Buffer;

   /* Write ID3 tag if it was supposed to be at the end of the file */

   if (id3len && endOfFile)
      outFile.Write(id3buffer, id3len);

   if (id3buffer) {

   /* Close file */


   return updateResult;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool ExportFFmpeg::Init(const char *shortname, AudacityProject *project, Tags *metadata)
   int err;
   //FFmpegLibsInst->LoadLibs(NULL,true); //Loaded at startup or from Prefs now

   if (!FFmpegLibsInst->ValidLibsLoaded()) return false;


   AVFormatParameters	fpOutFile;

   // See if libavformat has modules that can write our output format. If so, mEncFormatDesc
   // will describe the functions used to write the format (used internally by libavformat)
   // and the default video/audio codecs that the format uses.
   if ((mEncFormatDesc = FFmpegLibsInst->guess_format(shortname, OSINPUT(mName), NULL)) == NULL)
      wxLogMessage(wxT("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't determine format description for file \"%s\"."), mName.c_str());
      return false;

   // mEncFormatCtx is used by libavformat to carry around context data re our output file.
   if ((mEncFormatCtx = FFmpegLibsInst->av_alloc_format_context()) == NULL)
      wxLogMessage(wxT("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't allocate output format context."));
      return false;

   // Initialise the output format context.
   mEncFormatCtx->oformat = mEncFormatDesc;
   memcpy(mEncFormatCtx->filename, OSINPUT(mName), strlen(OSINPUT(mName))+1);
   // At the moment Audacity can export only one audio stream
   if ((mEncAudioStream = FFmpegLibsInst->av_new_stream(mEncFormatCtx, 1)) == NULL)
      wxLogMessage(wxT("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't add audio stream to output file \"%s\"."), mName.c_str());
      return false;

   mEncAudioStream->id = 0;
   mEncFormatCtx->timestamp = 0;

   // Open the output file.
   if (!(mEncFormatDesc->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE))
      if ((err = ufile_fopen(&mEncFormatCtx->pb, mName, URL_WRONLY)) < 0)
         wxLogMessage(wxT("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't open output file \"%s\" to write. Error code is %d."), mName.c_str(),err);
         return false;

   // Set default parameters on the format context.
   memset(&fpOutFile, 0, sizeof(AVFormatParameters));
   if ((err = FFmpegLibsInst->av_set_parameters(mEncFormatCtx, &fpOutFile)) < 0)
      wxLogMessage(wxT("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't set output parameters for output file \"%s\". Error code is %d."), mName.c_str(),err);
      return false;

   // I have no idea what is this
   mEncFormatCtx->preload   = (int)(0.5 * AV_TIME_BASE);
   mEncFormatCtx->max_delay = (int)(0.7 * AV_TIME_BASE);

   // Open the audio stream's codec and initialise any stream related data.
   if (!InitCodecs(project))
      return false;

   if (metadata == NULL) metadata = project->GetTags();

   // Add metadata BEFORE writing the header.
   // At the moment that works with ffmpeg-git and ffmpeg-0.5 for MP4.
   if (ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].canmetadata)
      mSupportsUTF8 = ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].canutf8;

   // Write headers to the output file.
   if ((err = FFmpegLibsInst->av_write_header(mEncFormatCtx)) < 0)
      wxLogMessage(wxT("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't write headers to output file \"%s\". Error code is %d."), mName.c_str(),err);

      return false;

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool ExportFFmpeg::Init(const char *shortname, AudacityProject *project, const Tags *metadata, int subformat)
   int err;
   //FFmpegLibsInst->LoadLibs(NULL,true); //Loaded at startup or from Prefs now

   if (!FFmpegLibsInst->ValidLibsLoaded()) return false;


   // See if libavformat has modules that can write our output format. If so, mEncFormatDesc
   // will describe the functions used to write the format (used internally by libavformat)
   // and the default video/audio codecs that the format uses.
   if ((mEncFormatDesc = av_guess_format(shortname, OSINPUT(mName), NULL)) == NULL)
      wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't determine format description for file \"%s\"."), mName.c_str()),
                   _("FFmpeg Error"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
      return false;

   // mEncFormatCtx is used by libavformat to carry around context data re our output file.
   if ((mEncFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context()) == NULL)
      wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't allocate output format context.")),
                   _("FFmpeg Error"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
      return false;

   // Initialise the output format context.
   mEncFormatCtx->oformat = mEncFormatDesc;
   memcpy(mEncFormatCtx->filename, OSINPUT(mName), strlen(OSINPUT(mName))+1);

   // At the moment Audacity can export only one audio stream
   if ((mEncAudioStream = avformat_new_stream(mEncFormatCtx, NULL)) == NULL)
      wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't add audio stream to output file \"%s\"."), mName.c_str()),
                   _("FFmpeg Error"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
      return false;

   mEncAudioStream->id = 0;

   // Open the output file.
   if (!(mEncFormatDesc->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE))
      if ((err = ufile_fopen(&mEncFormatCtx->pb, mName, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE)) < 0)
         wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(wxT("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't open output file \"%s\" to write. Error code is %d."), mName.c_str(), err),
                      _("FFmpeg Error"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
         return false;

   // Open the audio stream's codec and initialise any stream related data.
   if (!InitCodecs(project))
      return false;

   if (metadata == NULL)
      metadata = project->GetTags();

   // Add metadata BEFORE writing the header.
   // At the moment that works with ffmpeg-git and ffmpeg-0.5 for MP4.
   if (GetCanMetaData(subformat))
      mSupportsUTF8 = ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].canutf8;

   // Write headers to the output file.
   if ((err = avformat_write_header(mEncFormatCtx, NULL)) < 0)
      wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't write headers to output file \"%s\". Error code is %d."), mName.c_str(),err),
                   _("FFmpeg Error"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
      return false;

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
	void EntityManager::AddTags(Entity::ID id, const std::string& first, const std::string& second, const Args& ... args)
		AddTags(id, first);
		AddTags(id, second, args ...);
Exemplo n.º 5
bool ExportFFmpeg::Init(const char *shortname, AudacityProject *project, const Tags *metadata, int subformat)
   // This will undo the acquisition of resources along any early exit path:
   auto deleter = [](ExportFFmpeg *This) {
      if (This)
   std::unique_ptr<ExportFFmpeg, decltype(deleter)> cleanup{ this, deleter };

   int err;
   //FFmpegLibsInst->LoadLibs(NULL,true); //Loaded at startup or from Prefs now

   if (!FFmpegLibsInst->ValidLibsLoaded())
      return false;


   // See if libavformat has modules that can write our output format. If so, mEncFormatDesc
   // will describe the functions used to write the format (used internally by libavformat)
   // and the default video/audio codecs that the format uses.
   if ((mEncFormatDesc = av_guess_format(shortname, OSINPUT(mName), NULL)) == NULL)
      wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't determine format description for file \"%s\"."), mName.c_str()),
                   _("FFmpeg Error"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
      return false;

   // mEncFormatCtx is used by libavformat to carry around context data re our output file.
   if (!mEncFormatCtx)
      wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't allocate output format context.")),
                   _("FFmpeg Error"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
      return false;

   // Initialise the output format context.
   mEncFormatCtx->oformat = mEncFormatDesc;

   memcpy(mEncFormatCtx->filename, OSINPUT(mName), strlen(OSINPUT(mName))+1);

   // At the moment Audacity can export only one audio stream
   if ((mEncAudioStream = avformat_new_stream(mEncFormatCtx.get(), NULL)) == NULL)
      wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't add audio stream to output file \"%s\"."), mName.c_str()),
                   _("FFmpeg Error"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
      return false;

   // Documentation for avformat_new_stream says
   // "User is required to call avcodec_close() and avformat_free_context() to clean
   // up the allocation by avformat_new_stream()."

   // We use smart pointers that ensure these cleanups either in their destructors or
   // sooner if they are reset.  These are std::unique_ptr with nondefault deleter
   // template parameters.

   // mEncFormatCtx takes care of avformat_free_context(), so
   // mEncAudioStream can be a plain pointer.

   // mEncAudioCodecCtx now becomes responsible for closing the codec:
   mEncAudioStream->id = 0;

   // Open the output file.
   if (!(mEncFormatDesc->flags & AVFMT_NOFILE))
      if ((err = ufile_fopen(&mEncFormatCtx->pb, mName, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE)) < 0)
         wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(wxT("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't open output file \"%s\" to write. Error code is %d."), mName.c_str(), err),
                      _("FFmpeg Error"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
         return false;
      // Give mUfileCloser responsibility

   // Open the audio stream's codec and initialise any stream related data.
   if (!InitCodecs(project))
      return false;

   if (metadata == NULL)
      metadata = project->GetTags();

   // Add metadata BEFORE writing the header.
   // At the moment that works with ffmpeg-git and ffmpeg-0.5 for MP4.
   if (GetCanMetaData(subformat))
      mSupportsUTF8 = ExportFFmpegOptions::fmts[mSubFormat].canutf8;

   // Write headers to the output file.
   if ((err = avformat_write_header(mEncFormatCtx.get(), NULL)) < 0)
      wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("FFmpeg : ERROR - Can't write headers to output file \"%s\". Error code is %d."), mName.c_str(),err),
                   _("FFmpeg Error"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
      return false;

   // Only now, we can keep all the resources until Finalize().
   // Cancel the local cleanup.

   return true;