Exemplo n.º 1
// same as AddPage() but does it at given position
bool wxNotebook::InsertPage(size_t nPage,
                            wxNotebookPage *pPage,
                            const wxString& strText,
                            bool bSelect,
                            int imageId)
    wxCHECK_MSG( pPage != NULL, false, wxT("NULL page in wxNotebook::InsertPage") );
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage) || nPage == GetPageCount(), false,
                 wxT("invalid index in wxNotebook::InsertPage") );

    wxASSERT_MSG( pPage->GetParent() == this,
                    wxT("notebook pages must have notebook as parent") );

    // add a new tab to the control
    // ----------------------------

    // init all fields to 0
    TC_ITEM tcItem;

    // set the image, if any
    if ( imageId != -1 )
        tcItem.mask |= TCIF_IMAGE;
        tcItem.iImage  = imageId;

    // and the text
    if ( !strText.empty() )
        tcItem.mask |= TCIF_TEXT;
        tcItem.pszText = wxMSW_CONV_LPTSTR(strText);

    // hide the page: unless it is selected, it shouldn't be shown (and if it
    // is selected it will be shown later)
    HWND hwnd = GetWinHwnd(pPage);
    SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & ~WS_VISIBLE);

    // this updates internal flag too -- otherwise it would get out of sync
    // with the real state

    // fit the notebook page to the tab control's display area: this should be
    // done before adding it to the notebook or TabCtrl_InsertItem() will
    // change the notebooks size itself!

    // finally do insert it
    if ( TabCtrl_InsertItem(GetHwnd(), nPage, &tcItem) == -1 )
        wxLogError(wxT("Can't create the notebook page '%s'."), strText.c_str());

        return false;

    // need to update the bg brush when the first page is added
    // so the first panel gets the correct themed background
    if ( m_pages.empty() )
#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME

    // succeeded: save the pointer to the page
    m_pages.Insert(pPage, nPage);

    // we may need to adjust the size again if the notebook size changed:
    // normally this only happens for the first page we add (the tabs which
    // hadn't been there before are now shown) but for a multiline notebook it
    // can happen for any page at all as a new row could have been started
    if ( m_pages.GetCount() == 1 || HasFlag(wxNB_MULTILINE) )

        // Additionally, force the layout of the notebook itself by posting a
        // size event to it. If we don't do it, notebooks with pages on the
        // left or the right side may fail to account for the fact that they
        // are now big enough to fit all all of their pages on one row and
        // still reserve space for the second row of tabs, see #1792.
        const wxSize s = GetSize();
        ::PostMessage(GetHwnd(), WM_SIZE, SIZE_RESTORED, MAKELPARAM(s.x, s.y));

    // now deal with the selection
    // ---------------------------

    // if the inserted page is before the selected one, we must update the
    // index of the selected page
    if ( int(nPage) <= m_selection )
        // one extra page added

    DoSetSelectionAfterInsertion(nPage, bSelect);


    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
// same as AddPage() but does it at given position
bool wxNotebook::InsertPage(size_t nPage,
                            wxNotebookPage *pPage,
                            const wxString& strText,
                            bool bSelect,
                            int imageId)
    wxCHECK_MSG( pPage != NULL, false, wxT("NULL page in wxNotebook::InsertPage") );
    wxCHECK_MSG( IS_VALID_PAGE(nPage) || nPage == GetPageCount(), false,
                 wxT("invalid index in wxNotebook::InsertPage") );

    wxASSERT_MSG( pPage->GetParent() == this,
                    wxT("notebook pages must have notebook as parent") );

    // add a new tab to the control
    // ----------------------------

    // init all fields to 0
    TC_ITEM tcItem;

    // set the image, if any
    if ( imageId != -1 )
        tcItem.mask |= TCIF_IMAGE;
        tcItem.iImage  = imageId;

    // and the text
    if ( !strText.empty() )
        tcItem.mask |= TCIF_TEXT;
        tcItem.pszText = (wxChar *)strText.wx_str(); // const_cast

    // hide the page: unless it is selected, it shouldn't be shown (and if it
    // is selected it will be shown later)
    HWND hwnd = GetWinHwnd(pPage);
    SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & ~WS_VISIBLE);

    // this updates internal flag too -- otherwise it would get out of sync
    // with the real state

    // fit the notebook page to the tab control's display area: this should be
    // done before adding it to the notebook or TabCtrl_InsertItem() will
    // change the notebooks size itself!

    // finally do insert it
    if ( TabCtrl_InsertItem(GetHwnd(), nPage, &tcItem) == -1 )
        wxLogError(wxT("Can't create the notebook page '%s'."), strText.c_str());

        return false;

    // need to update the bg brush when the first page is added
    // so the first panel gets the correct themed background
    if ( m_pages.empty() )
#endif // wxUSE_UXTHEME

    // succeeded: save the pointer to the page
    m_pages.Insert(pPage, nPage);

    // also ensure that the notebook background is used for its pages by making
    // them transparent: this ensures that MSWGetBgBrush() queries the notebook
    // for the background brush to be used for erasing them
    if ( wxPanel *panel = wxDynamicCast(pPage, wxPanel) )

    // we may need to adjust the size again if the notebook size changed:
    // normally this only happens for the first page we add (the tabs which
    // hadn't been there before are now shown) but for a multiline notebook it
    // can happen for any page at all as a new row could have been started
    if ( m_pages.GetCount() == 1 || HasFlag(wxNB_MULTILINE) )

    // now deal with the selection
    // ---------------------------

    // if the inserted page is before the selected one, we must update the
    // index of the selected page
    if ( int(nPage) <= m_nSelection )
        // one extra page added

    // some page should be selected: either this one or the first one if there
    // is still no selection
    int selNew = wxNOT_FOUND;
    if ( bSelect )
        selNew = nPage;
    else if ( m_nSelection == wxNOT_FOUND )
        selNew = 0;

    if ( selNew != wxNOT_FOUND )


    return true;