Exemplo n.º 1
//  Temp_Bin_Str_Managed: C
// Determines if UTF8 conversion is needed for a series before it
// is used with a byte-oriented function.
// If conversion is needed, a UTF8 series will be created.  Otherwise,
// the source series is returned as-is.
// Note: This routine should only be used to generate a value used
// for temporary purposes, because it has a "surprising variance"
// regarding its input.  If the value's series can be reused, it is--
// and this depends on an implementation detail of internal encoding
// that the user should not be aware of (they need not know if the
// internal representation of an ASCII string uses 1, 2, or however
// many bytes).  But copying vs. non-copying means the resulting
// data might or might not have previous values available to step
// back into from the originating series!
// !!! Should performance dictate it, the callsites could be
// adapted to know whether this produced a new series or not, and
// instead of managing a created result they could be responsible
// for freeing it if so.
REBSER *Temp_Bin_Str_Managed(const REBVAL *val, REBCNT *index, REBCNT *length)
    REBCNT len = (length && *length) ? *length : VAL_LEN_AT(val);
    REBSER *series;

    assert(IS_BINARY(val) || ANY_STRING(val));

    // !!! This used to check `len == 0` and reuse a zero length string.
    // However, the zero length string could have the wrong width.  We are
    // expected to be returning a BYTE_SIZE() string, and that confused
    // things.  It's not a good idea to mutate the source string (e.g.
    // reallocate under a new width) so consider having an EMPTY_BYTE_STRING
    // like EMPTY_ARRAY which is protected to hand back.
    if (
        || (
            && All_Bytes_ASCII(VAL_BIN_AT(val), VAL_LEN_AT(val))
        // It's BINARY!, or an ANY-STRING! whose codepoints are all values in
        // ASCII (0x00 => 0x7F), hence not needing any UTF-8 encoding.
        series = VAL_SERIES(val);

        if (index)
            *index = VAL_INDEX(val);
        if (length)
            *length = len;
    else {
        // UTF-8 conversion is required, and we manage the result.

        series = Make_UTF8_From_Any_String(val, len, OPT_ENC_CRLF_MAYBE);

    #if !defined(NDEBUG)
        // Also, PROTECT the result in the debug build...because since the
        // caller doesn't know if a new series was created or if the initial
        // data is being used, they should not be modifying it!  (We don't
        // want to protect the original data, because we wouldn't know when
        // we were allowed to unlock it...there's no later call in this
        // model to clean up the series.)
            REBVAL protect;
            Val_Init_String(&protect, series);

            Protect_Value(&protect, FLAGIT(PROT_SET));

            // just a string...not /DEEP...shouldn't need to Unmark()

        if (index)
            *index = 0;
        if (length)
            *length = SER_LEN(series);

    return series;
Exemplo n.º 2
//  Clipboard_Actor: C
static REB_R Clipboard_Actor(struct Reb_Call *call_, REBSER *port, REBCNT action)
    REBREQ *req;
    REBINT result;
    REBVAL *arg;
    REBCNT refs;    // refinement argument flags
    REBINT len;
    REBSER *ser;

    Validate_Port(port, action);

    arg = DS_ARGC > 1 ? D_ARG(2) : NULL;

    req = cast(REBREQ*, Use_Port_State(port, RDI_CLIPBOARD, sizeof(REBREQ)));

    switch (action) {
    case A_UPDATE:
        // Update the port object after a READ or WRITE operation.
        // This is normally called by the WAKE-UP function.
        arg = OFV(port, STD_PORT_DATA);
        if (req->command == RDC_READ) {
            // this could be executed twice:
            // once for an event READ, once for the CLOSE following the READ
            if (!req->common.data) return R_NONE;
            len = req->actual;
            if (GET_FLAG(req->flags, RRF_WIDE)) {
                // convert to UTF8, so that it can be converted back to string!
                Val_Init_Binary(arg, Make_UTF8_Binary(
                    len / sizeof(REBUNI),
            else {
                REBSER *ser = Make_Binary(len);
                memcpy(BIN_HEAD(ser), req->common.data, len);
                SERIES_TAIL(ser) = len;
                Val_Init_Binary(arg, ser);
            OS_FREE(req->common.data); // release the copy buffer
            req->common.data = 0;
        else if (req->command == RDC_WRITE) {
            SET_NONE(arg);  // Write is done.
        return R_NONE;

    case A_READ:
        // This device is opened on the READ:
        if (!IS_OPEN(req)) {
            if (OS_DO_DEVICE(req, RDC_OPEN))
                fail (Error_On_Port(RE_CANNOT_OPEN, port, req->error));
        // Issue the read request:
        CLR_FLAG(req->flags, RRF_WIDE); // allow byte or wide chars
        result = OS_DO_DEVICE(req, RDC_READ);
        if (result < 0) fail (Error_On_Port(RE_READ_ERROR, port, req->error));
        if (result > 0) return R_NONE; /* pending */

        // Copy and set the string result:
        arg = OFV(port, STD_PORT_DATA);

        len = req->actual;
        if (GET_FLAG(req->flags, RRF_WIDE)) {
            // convert to UTF8, so that it can be converted back to string!
            Val_Init_Binary(arg, Make_UTF8_Binary(
                len / sizeof(REBUNI),
        else {
            REBSER *ser = Make_Binary(len);
            memcpy(BIN_HEAD(ser), req->common.data, len);
            SERIES_TAIL(ser) = len;
            Val_Init_Binary(arg, ser);

        *D_OUT = *arg;
        return R_OUT;

    case A_WRITE:
        if (!IS_STRING(arg) && !IS_BINARY(arg))
            fail (Error(RE_INVALID_PORT_ARG, arg));
        // This device is opened on the WRITE:
        if (!IS_OPEN(req)) {
            if (OS_DO_DEVICE(req, RDC_OPEN))
                fail (Error_On_Port(RE_CANNOT_OPEN, port, req->error));

        refs = Find_Refines(call_, ALL_WRITE_REFS);

        // Handle /part refinement:
        len = VAL_LEN(arg);
        if (refs & AM_WRITE_PART && VAL_INT32(D_ARG(ARG_WRITE_LIMIT)) < len)
            len = VAL_INT32(D_ARG(ARG_WRITE_LIMIT));

        // If bytes, see if we can fit it:
        if (SERIES_WIDE(VAL_SERIES(arg)) == 1) {
            if (!All_Bytes_ASCII(VAL_BIN_DATA(arg), len)) {
                    arg, Copy_Bytes_To_Unicode(VAL_BIN_DATA(arg), len)
            } else
                req->common.data = VAL_BIN_DATA(arg);

            // Temp conversion:!!!
            ser = Make_Unicode(len);
            len = Decode_UTF8(UNI_HEAD(ser), VAL_BIN_DATA(arg), len, FALSE);
            SERIES_TAIL(ser) = len = abs(len);
            Val_Init_String(arg, ser);
            req->common.data = cast(REBYTE*, UNI_HEAD(ser));
            SET_FLAG(req->flags, RRF_WIDE);
        // If unicode (may be from above conversion), handle it:
        if (SERIES_WIDE(VAL_SERIES(arg)) == sizeof(REBUNI)) {
            req->common.data = cast(REBYTE *, VAL_UNI_DATA(arg));
            SET_FLAG(req->flags, RRF_WIDE);