Rev_Prefix_Edit_Dist (char A[], int m, char T[], int n, int Error_Limit,
                      int * A_End, int * T_End, int * Leftover, int * Match_To_End,
                      Work_Area_t * WA) {

  double  Score, Max_Score;
  int  Max_Score_Len = 0, Max_Score_Best_d = 0, Max_Score_Best_e = 0;
  int  Tail_Len;
  int  Best_d, Best_e, From, Last, Longest, Max, Row;
  int  Left, Right;
  int  d, e, j, k;

  assert (m <= n);
  Best_d = Best_e = Longest = 0;
  WA->Left_Delta_Len = 0;

  for  (Row = 0;  Row < m
          && (A[- Row] == T[- Row]
              || A[- Row] == DONT_KNOW_CHAR
              || T[- Row] == DONT_KNOW_CHAR);  Row++)

  if (WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[0] == NULL)

  WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[0][0] = Row;

  if  (Row == m) {
    (* A_End) = (* T_End) = - m;
    (* Leftover) = m;
    (* Match_To_End) = TRUE;
    return  0;

  Left = Right = 0;
  Max_Score = 0.0;
  for  (e = 1;  e <= Error_Limit;  e++) {
    if (WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e] == NULL)

    Left = MAX (Left - 1, -e);
    Right = MIN (Right + 1, e);
    WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e - 1][Left] = -2;
    WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e - 1][Left - 1] = -2;
    WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e - 1][Right] = -2;
    WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e - 1][Right + 1] = -2;

    for  (d = Left;  d <= Right;  d++) {
      Row = 1 + WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e - 1][d];
      if  ((j = WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e - 1][d - 1]) > Row)
        Row = j;
      if  ((j = 1 + WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e - 1][d + 1]) > Row)
        Row = j;
      while  (Row < m && Row + d < n
              && (A[- Row] == T[- Row - d]
                  || A[- Row] == DONT_KNOW_CHAR
                  || T[- Row - d] == DONT_KNOW_CHAR))

      WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][d] = Row;

      if  (Row == m || Row + d == n) {

        //  Check for branch point here caused by uneven
        //  distribution of errors

        Score = Row * Branch_Match_Value - e;
        // Assumes  Branch_Match_Value
        //             - Branch_Error_Value == 1.0
        Tail_Len = Row - Max_Score_Len;
        if  ((Doing_Partial_Overlaps && Score < Max_Score)
             || (e > MIN_BRANCH_END_DIST / 2
                 && Tail_Len >= MIN_BRANCH_END_DIST
                 && (Max_Score - Score) / Tail_Len >= MIN_BRANCH_TAIL_SLOPE)) {
          (* A_End) = - Max_Score_Len;
          (* T_End) = - Max_Score_Len - Max_Score_Best_d;
          Set_Left_Delta (Max_Score_Best_e, Max_Score_Best_d,
                          Leftover, T_End, n, WA);
          (* Match_To_End) = FALSE;
          return  Max_Score_Best_e;

        (* A_End) = - Row;           // One past last align position
        (* T_End) = - Row - d;
        Set_Left_Delta (e, d, Leftover, T_End, n, WA);
        (* Match_To_End) = TRUE;
        return  e;

    while  (Left <= Right && Left < 0
            && WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][Left] < WA->Edit_Match_Limit[e])

    if  (Left >= 0)
      while  (Left <= Right
              && WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][Left] + Left < WA->Edit_Match_Limit[e])

    if  (Left > Right)

    while  (Right > 0
            && WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][Right] + Right < WA->Edit_Match_Limit[e])

    if  (Right <= 0)
      while  (WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][Right] < WA->Edit_Match_Limit[e])

    assert (Left <= Right);

    for  (d = Left;  d <= Right;  d++)
      if  (WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][d] > Longest) {
        Best_d = d;
        Best_e = e;
        Longest = WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][d];

    Score = Longest * Branch_Match_Value - e;

    // Assumes  Branch_Match_Value - Branch_Error_Value == 1.0
    if  (Score > Max_Score) {
      Max_Score = Score;
      Max_Score_Len = Longest;
      Max_Score_Best_d = Best_d;
      Max_Score_Best_e = Best_e;

  (* A_End) = - Max_Score_Len;
  (* T_End) = - Max_Score_Len - Max_Score_Best_d;
  Set_Left_Delta (Max_Score_Best_e, Max_Score_Best_d, Leftover, T_End, n, WA);
  (* Match_To_End) = FALSE;
  return  Max_Score_Best_e;
Prefix_Edit_Dist(char    *A,  int32 m,
                 char    *T,  int32 n,
                 int32    Error_Limit,
                 int32   &A_End,
                 int32   &T_End,
                 bool    &Match_To_End,
                 pedWorkArea_t *WA) {

  //assert (m <= n);

  int32 Best_d  = 0;
  int32 Best_e  = 0;
  int32 Longest = 0;

  WA->deltaLen = 0;

  int32 shorter = min(m, n);

  int32 Row = 0;
  while ((Row < shorter) && (A[Row] == T[Row]))

  //fprintf(stderr, "Row=%d matches at the start\n", Row);

  if (WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[0] == NULL)

  WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[0][0] = Row;

  // Exact match?
  if (Row == shorter) {
    A_End        = Row;
    T_End        = Row;
    Match_To_End = true;

  int32  Left = 0;
  int32  Right = 0;
  double Max_Score = 0.0;
  int32  Max_Score_Len = 0;
  int32  Max_Score_Best_d = 0;
  int32  Max_Score_Best_e = 0;

  for (int32 e=1; e<=Error_Limit; e++) {
    if (WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e] == NULL)

    Left  = max(Left  - 1, -e);
    Right = min(Right + 1,  e);

    WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e-1][Left]    = -2;
    WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e-1][Left-1]  = -2;
    WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e-1][Right]   = -2;
    WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e-1][Right+1] = -2;

    for (int32 d=Left; d<=Right; d++) {
      Row = 1 + WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e-1][d];
      Row = max(Row, WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e-1][d-1]);
      Row = max(Row, WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e-1][d+1] + 1);

      while ((Row < m) && (Row + d < n) && (A[Row] == T[Row + d]))

      //fprintf(stderr, "Row=%d matches at error e=%d\n", Row, e);

      assert(e < WA->Edit_Array_Max);

      WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][d] = Row;

      if (Row == m || Row + d == n) {
        //fprintf(stderr, "Hit end Row=%d m=%d   Row+d=%d n=%d\n", Row, m, Row+d, n);

        // Force last error to be mismatch rather than insertion
        if ((Row == m) &&
            (1 + WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e-1][d+1] == WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][d]) &&
            (d < Right)) {
          WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][d] = WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][d-1];

        A_End        = Row;           // One past last align position
        T_End        = Row + d;
        Match_To_End = true;

        Compute_Delta(WA, e, d, Row);


    while (Left <= Right && Left < 0
           && WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][Left] < WA->G->Edit_Match_Limit[e])

    if (Left >= 0)
      while (Left <= Right
             && WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][Left] + Left < WA->G->Edit_Match_Limit[e])

    if (Left > Right)

    while (Right > 0
           && WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][Right] + Right < WA->G->Edit_Match_Limit[e])

    if (Right <= 0)
      while (WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][Right] < WA->G->Edit_Match_Limit[e])

    assert (Left <= Right);

    for (int32 d=Left;  d <= Right;  d++)
      if (WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][d] > Longest) {
        Best_d  = d;
        Best_e  = e;
        Longest = WA->Edit_Array_Lazy[e][d];

    int32  Score = Longest * BRANCH_PT_MATCH_VALUE - e;


    //  findErrors also included a second test; overlapper doesn't.

    if (Score > Max_Score) {
      Max_Score        = Score;
      Max_Score_Len    = Longest;
      Max_Score_Best_d = Best_d;
      Max_Score_Best_e = Best_e;

  //  findErrors does this call.  Overlapper doesn't.
  //Compute_Delta(WA, Max_Score_Best_e, Max_Score_Best_d, Max_Score_Len);

  A_End        = Max_Score_Len;
  T_End        = Max_Score_Len + Max_Score_Best_d;
  Match_To_End = false;

  //  findErrors is returning Max_Score_Best_e.  So does overlapper.
  //  The original return was just e, but the only way we get here is if the e loop
  //  exits with e = Error_Limit+1.

  return(Error_Limit + 1);