Exemplo n.º 1
 * This function configures the all interrupts to be Non-secure.
ArmGicSetupNonSecure (
  IN  UINTN         MpId,
  IN  INTN          GicDistributorBase,
  IN  INTN          GicInterruptInterfaceBase
  UINTN InterruptId;
  UINTN CachedPriorityMask;
  UINTN Index;

  CachedPriorityMask = MmioRead32 (GicInterruptInterfaceBase + ARM_GIC_ICCPMR);

  // Set priority Mask so that no interrupts get through to CPU
  MmioWrite32 (GicInterruptInterfaceBase + ARM_GIC_ICCPMR, 0);

  InterruptId = MmioRead32 (GicInterruptInterfaceBase + ARM_GIC_ICCIAR);

  // Only try to clear valid interrupts. Ignore spurious interrupts.
  while ((InterruptId & 0x3FF) < ArmGicGetMaxNumInterrupts (GicDistributorBase))   {
    // Some of the SGI's are still pending, read Ack register and send End of Interrupt Signal
    MmioWrite32 (GicInterruptInterfaceBase + ARM_GIC_ICCEIOR, InterruptId);

    // Next
    InterruptId = MmioRead32 (GicInterruptInterfaceBase + ARM_GIC_ICCIAR);

  // Only the primary core should set the Non Secure bit to the SPIs (Shared Peripheral Interrupt).
  if (ArmPlatformIsPrimaryCore (MpId)) {
    // Ensure all GIC interrupts are Non-Secure
    for (Index = 0; Index < (ArmGicGetMaxNumInterrupts (GicDistributorBase) / 32); Index++) {
      MmioWrite32 (GicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDISR + (Index * 4), 0xffffffff);
  } else {
    // The secondary cores only set the Non Secure bit to their banked PPIs
    MmioWrite32 (GicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDISR, 0xffffffff);

  // Ensure all interrupts can get through the priority mask
  MmioWrite32 (GicInterruptInterfaceBase + ARM_GIC_ICCPMR, CachedPriorityMask);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * This function configures the interrupts set by the mask to be secure.
ArmGicSetSecureInterrupts (
  IN  UINTN         GicDistributorBase,
  IN  UINTN*        GicSecureInterruptMask,
  IN  UINTN         GicSecureInterruptMaskSize
  UINTN  Index;
  UINT32 InterruptStatus;

  // We must not have more interrupts defined by the mask than the number of available interrupts
  ASSERT(GicSecureInterruptMaskSize <= (ArmGicGetMaxNumInterrupts (GicDistributorBase) / 32));

  // Set all the interrupts defined by the mask as Secure
  for (Index = 0; Index < GicSecureInterruptMaskSize; Index++) {
    InterruptStatus = MmioRead32 (GicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDISR + (Index * 4));
    MmioWrite32 (GicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDISR + (Index * 4), InterruptStatus & (~GicSecureInterruptMask[Index]));
Exemplo n.º 3
 * This function configures the all interrupts to be Non-secure.
ArmGicSetupNonSecure (
  IN  UINTN         MpId,
  IN  INTN          GicDistributorBase,
  IN  INTN          GicInterruptInterfaceBase
  UINTN InterruptId;
  UINTN CachedPriorityMask;
  UINTN Index;

  CachedPriorityMask = MmioRead32 (GicInterruptInterfaceBase + ARM_GIC_ICCPMR);

  // Set priority Mask so that no interrupts get through to CPU
  MmioWrite32 (GicInterruptInterfaceBase + ARM_GIC_ICCPMR, 0);

  // Check if there are any pending interrupts
  //TODO: could be extended to take Peripheral interrupts into consideration, but at the moment only SGI's are taken into consideration.
  while(0 != (MmioRead32 (GicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDICPR) & 0xF)) {
    // Some of the SGI's are still pending, read Ack register and send End of Interrupt Signal
    InterruptId = MmioRead32 (GicInterruptInterfaceBase + ARM_GIC_ICCIAR);

    // Write to End of interrupt signal
    MmioWrite32 (GicInterruptInterfaceBase + ARM_GIC_ICCEIOR, InterruptId);

  // Only the primary core should set the Non Secure bit to the SPIs (Shared Peripheral Interrupt).
  if (IS_PRIMARY_CORE(MpId)) {
    // Ensure all GIC interrupts are Non-Secure
    for (Index = 0; Index < (ArmGicGetMaxNumInterrupts (GicDistributorBase) / 32); Index++) {
      MmioWrite32 (GicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDISR + (Index * 4), 0xffffffff);
  } else {
    // The secondary cores only set the Non Secure bit to their banked PPIs
    MmioWrite32 (GicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDISR, 0xffffffff);

  // Ensure all interrupts can get through the priority mask
  MmioWrite32 (GicInterruptInterfaceBase + ARM_GIC_ICCPMR, CachedPriorityMask);
Exemplo n.º 4
  Initialize the state information for the CPU Architectural Protocol

  @param  ImageHandle   of the loaded driver
  @param  SystemTable   Pointer to the System Table

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Protocol registered
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Cannot allocate protocol data structure
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      Hardware problems

GicV2DxeInitialize (
  IN EFI_HANDLE         ImageHandle,
  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE   *SystemTable
  EFI_STATUS              Status;
  UINTN                   Index;
  UINT32                  RegOffset;
  UINTN                   RegShift;
  UINT32                  CpuTarget;

  // Make sure the Interrupt Controller Protocol is not already installed in the system.
  ASSERT_PROTOCOL_ALREADY_INSTALLED (NULL, &gHardwareInterruptProtocolGuid);

  mGicInterruptInterfaceBase = PcdGet32 (PcdGicInterruptInterfaceBase);
  mGicDistributorBase = PcdGet32 (PcdGicDistributorBase);
  mGicNumInterrupts = ArmGicGetMaxNumInterrupts (mGicDistributorBase);

  for (Index = 0; Index < mGicNumInterrupts; Index++) {
    GicV2DisableInterruptSource (&gHardwareInterruptV2Protocol, Index);

    // Set Priority
    RegOffset = Index / 4;
    RegShift = (Index % 4) * 8;
    MmioAndThenOr32 (
      mGicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDIPR + (4 * RegOffset),
      ~(0xff << RegShift),

  // Targets the interrupts to the Primary Cpu

  // Only Primary CPU will run this code. We can identify our GIC CPU ID by reading
  // the GIC Distributor Target register. The 8 first GICD_ITARGETSRn are banked to each
  // connected CPU. These 8 registers hold the CPU targets fields for interrupts 0-31.
  // More Info in the GIC Specification about "Interrupt Processor Targets Registers"
  // Read the first Interrupt Processor Targets Register (that corresponds to the 4
  // first SGIs)
  CpuTarget = MmioRead32 (mGicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDIPTR);

  // The CPU target is a bit field mapping each CPU to a GIC CPU Interface. This value
  // is 0 when we run on a uniprocessor platform.
  if (CpuTarget != 0) {
    // The 8 first Interrupt Processor Targets Registers are read-only
    for (Index = 8; Index < (mGicNumInterrupts / 4); Index++) {
      MmioWrite32 (mGicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDIPTR + (Index * 4), CpuTarget);

  // Set binary point reg to 0x7 (no preemption)
  MmioWrite32 (mGicInterruptInterfaceBase + ARM_GIC_ICCBPR, 0x7);

  // Set priority mask reg to 0xff to allow all priorities through
  MmioWrite32 (mGicInterruptInterfaceBase + ARM_GIC_ICCPMR, 0xff);

  // Enable gic cpu interface
  ArmGicEnableInterruptInterface (mGicInterruptInterfaceBase);

  // Enable gic distributor
  ArmGicEnableDistributor (mGicDistributorBase);

  Status = InstallAndRegisterInterruptService (
          &gHardwareInterruptV2Protocol, GicV2IrqInterruptHandler, GicV2ExitBootServicesEvent);

  return Status;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * This is the main function for secondary cores. They loop around until a non Null value is written to
 * SYS_FLAGS register.The SYS_FLAGS register is platform specific.
 * Note:The secondary cores, while executing secondary_main, assumes that:
 *      : SGI 0 is configured as Non-secure interrupt
 *      : Priority Mask is configured to allow SGI 0
 *      : Interrupt Distributor and CPU interfaces are enabled
SecondaryMain (
  EFI_STATUS              Status;
  UINTN                   PpiListSize;
  UINTN                   PpiListCount;
  ARM_MP_CORE_INFO_PPI    *ArmMpCoreInfoPpi;
  UINTN                   Index;
  UINTN                   ArmCoreCount;
  ARM_CORE_INFO           *ArmCoreInfoTable;
  UINT32                  ClusterId;
  UINT32                  CoreId;
  VOID                    (*SecondaryStart)(VOID);
  UINTN                   SecondaryEntryAddr;
  UINTN                   AcknowledgeInterrupt;
  UINTN                   InterruptId;

  ClusterId = GET_CLUSTER_ID(MpId);
  CoreId    = GET_CORE_ID(MpId);

  // Get the gArmMpCoreInfoPpiGuid
  PpiListSize = 0;
  ArmPlatformGetPlatformPpiList (&PpiListSize, &PpiList);
  PpiListCount = PpiListSize / sizeof(EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR);
  for (Index = 0; Index < PpiListCount; Index++, PpiList++) {
    if (CompareGuid (PpiList->Guid, &gArmMpCoreInfoPpiGuid) == TRUE) {

  // On MP Core Platform we must implement the ARM MP Core Info PPI
  ASSERT (Index != PpiListCount);

  ArmMpCoreInfoPpi = PpiList->Ppi;
  ArmCoreCount = 0;
  Status = ArmMpCoreInfoPpi->GetMpCoreInfo (&ArmCoreCount, &ArmCoreInfoTable);

  // Find the core in the ArmCoreTable
  for (Index = 0; Index < ArmCoreCount; Index++) {
    if ((ArmCoreInfoTable[Index].ClusterId == ClusterId) && (ArmCoreInfoTable[Index].CoreId == CoreId)) {

  // The ARM Core Info Table must define every core
  ASSERT (Index != ArmCoreCount);

  // Clear Secondary cores MailBox
  MmioWrite32 (ArmCoreInfoTable[Index].MailboxClearAddress, ArmCoreInfoTable[Index].MailboxClearValue);

  do {
    ArmCallWFI ();

    // Read the Mailbox
    SecondaryEntryAddr = MmioRead32 (ArmCoreInfoTable[Index].MailboxGetAddress);

    // Acknowledge the interrupt and send End of Interrupt signal.
    AcknowledgeInterrupt = ArmGicAcknowledgeInterrupt (PcdGet32 (PcdGicInterruptInterfaceBase), &InterruptId);
    // Check if it is a valid interrupt ID
    if (InterruptId < ArmGicGetMaxNumInterrupts (PcdGet32 (PcdGicDistributorBase))) {
      // Got a valid SGI number hence signal End of Interrupt
      ArmGicEndOfInterrupt (PcdGet32 (PcdGicInterruptInterfaceBase), AcknowledgeInterrupt);
  } while (SecondaryEntryAddr == 0);

  // Jump to secondary core entry point.
  SecondaryStart = (VOID (*)())SecondaryEntryAddr;

  // The secondaries shouldn't reach here
Exemplo n.º 6
  Initialize the state information for the CPU Architectural Protocol

  @param  ImageHandle   of the loaded driver
  @param  SystemTable   Pointer to the System Table

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Protocol registered
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Cannot allocate protocol data structure
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      Hardware problems

InterruptDxeInitialize (
  IN EFI_HANDLE         ImageHandle,
  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE   *SystemTable
  EFI_STATUS              Status;
  UINTN                   Index;
  UINT32                  RegOffset;
  UINTN                   RegShift;
  // Make sure the Interrupt Controller Protocol is not already installed in the system.
  ASSERT_PROTOCOL_ALREADY_INSTALLED (NULL, &gHardwareInterruptProtocolGuid);

  mGicNumInterrupts = ArmGicGetMaxNumInterrupts (PcdGet32(PcdGicDistributorBase));

  for (Index = 0; Index < mGicNumInterrupts; Index++) {
    DisableInterruptSource (&gHardwareInterruptProtocol, Index);
    // Set Priority 
    RegOffset = Index / 4;
    RegShift = (Index % 4) * 8;
    MmioAndThenOr32 (
      PcdGet32(PcdGicDistributorBase) + ARM_GIC_ICDIPR + (4*RegOffset),
      ~(0xff << RegShift), 

  // Configure interrupts for cpu 0
  for (Index = 0; Index < (mGicNumInterrupts / 4); Index++) {
    MmioWrite32 (PcdGet32(PcdGicDistributorBase) + ARM_GIC_ICDIPTR + (Index*4), 0x01010101);

  // Set binary point reg to 0x7 (no preemption)
  MmioWrite32 (PcdGet32(PcdGicInterruptInterfaceBase) + ARM_GIC_ICCBPR, 0x7);

  // Set priority mask reg to 0xff to allow all priorities through
  MmioWrite32 (PcdGet32(PcdGicInterruptInterfaceBase) + ARM_GIC_ICCPMR, 0xff);
  // Enable gic cpu interface
  MmioWrite32 (PcdGet32(PcdGicInterruptInterfaceBase) + ARM_GIC_ICCICR, 0x1);

  // Enable gic distributor
  MmioWrite32 (PcdGet32(PcdGicDistributorBase) + ARM_GIC_ICDDCR, 0x1);
  // Initialize the array for the Interrupt Handlers
  gRegisteredInterruptHandlers = (HARDWARE_INTERRUPT_HANDLER*)AllocateZeroPool (sizeof(HARDWARE_INTERRUPT_HANDLER) * mGicNumInterrupts);
  Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
                  &gHardwareInterruptProtocolGuid,   &gHardwareInterruptProtocol,
  // Get the CPU protocol that this driver requires.
  Status = gBS->LocateProtocol(&gEfiCpuArchProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&Cpu);

  // Unregister the default exception handler.
  Status = Cpu->RegisterInterruptHandler(Cpu, EXCEPT_ARM_IRQ, NULL);

  // Register to receive interrupts
  Status = Cpu->RegisterInterruptHandler(Cpu, EXCEPT_ARM_IRQ, IrqInterruptHandler);

  // Register for an ExitBootServicesEvent
  Status = gBS->CreateEvent (EVT_SIGNAL_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES, TPL_NOTIFY, ExitBootServicesEvent, NULL, &EfiExitBootServicesEvent);

  return Status;
Exemplo n.º 7
  Initialize the state information for the CPU Architectural Protocol

  @param  ImageHandle   of the loaded driver
  @param  SystemTable   Pointer to the System Table

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Protocol registered
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Cannot allocate protocol data structure
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      Hardware problems

GicV3DxeInitialize (
  IN EFI_HANDLE         ImageHandle,
  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE   *SystemTable
  EFI_STATUS              Status;
  UINTN                   Index;
  UINT32                  RegOffset;
  UINTN                   RegShift;
  UINT64                  CpuTarget;
  UINT64                  MpId;

  // Make sure the Interrupt Controller Protocol is not already installed in the system.
  ASSERT_PROTOCOL_ALREADY_INSTALLED (NULL, &gHardwareInterruptProtocolGuid);

  mGicDistributorBase    = PcdGet32 (PcdGicDistributorBase);
  mGicRedistributorsBase = PcdGet32 (PcdGicRedistributorsBase);
  mGicNumInterrupts      = ArmGicGetMaxNumInterrupts (mGicDistributorBase);

  // We will be driving this GIC in native v3 mode, i.e., with Affinity
  // Routing enabled. So ensure that the ARE bit is set.
  if (!FeaturePcdGet (PcdArmGicV3WithV2Legacy)) {
    MmioOr32 (mGicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDDCR, ARM_GIC_ICDDCR_ARE);

  for (Index = 0; Index < mGicNumInterrupts; Index++) {
    GicV3DisableInterruptSource (&gHardwareInterruptV3Protocol, Index);

    // Set Priority
    RegOffset = Index / 4;
    RegShift = (Index % 4) * 8;
    MmioAndThenOr32 (
      mGicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDIPR + (4 * RegOffset),
      ~(0xff << RegShift),

  // Targets the interrupts to the Primary Cpu

  if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdArmGicV3WithV2Legacy)) {
    // Only Primary CPU will run this code. We can identify our GIC CPU ID by reading
    // the GIC Distributor Target register. The 8 first GICD_ITARGETSRn are banked to each
    // connected CPU. These 8 registers hold the CPU targets fields for interrupts 0-31.
    // More Info in the GIC Specification about "Interrupt Processor Targets Registers"
    // Read the first Interrupt Processor Targets Register (that corresponds to the 4
    // first SGIs)
    CpuTarget = MmioRead32 (mGicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDIPTR);

    // The CPU target is a bit field mapping each CPU to a GIC CPU Interface. This value
    // is 0 when we run on a uniprocessor platform.
    if (CpuTarget != 0) {
      // The 8 first Interrupt Processor Targets Registers are read-only
      for (Index = 8; Index < (mGicNumInterrupts / 4); Index++) {
        MmioWrite32 (mGicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDIPTR + (Index * 4), CpuTarget);
  } else {
    MpId = ArmReadMpidr ();

    if ((MmioRead32 (mGicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDDCR) & ARM_GIC_ICDDCR_DS) != 0) {
      // If the Disable Security (DS) control bit is set, we are dealing with a
      // GIC that has only one security state. In this case, let's assume we are
      // executing in non-secure state (which is appropriate for DXE modules)
      // and that no other firmware has performed any configuration on the GIC.
      // This means we need to reconfigure all interrupts to non-secure Group 1
      // first.
      MmioWrite32 (mGicRedistributorsBase + ARM_GICR_CTLR_FRAME_SIZE + ARM_GIC_ICDISR, 0xffffffff);

      for (Index = 32; Index < mGicNumInterrupts; Index += 32) {
        MmioWrite32 (mGicDistributorBase + ARM_GIC_ICDISR + Index / 8, 0xffffffff);

    // Route the SPIs to the primary CPU. SPIs start at the INTID 32
    for (Index = 0; Index < (mGicNumInterrupts - 32); Index++) {
      MmioWrite32 (mGicDistributorBase + ARM_GICD_IROUTER + (Index * 8), CpuTarget | ARM_GICD_IROUTER_IRM);

  // Set binary point reg to 0x7 (no preemption)
  ArmGicV3SetBinaryPointer (0x7);

  // Set priority mask reg to 0xff to allow all priorities through
  ArmGicV3SetPriorityMask (0xff);

  // Enable gic cpu interface
  ArmGicV3EnableInterruptInterface ();

  // Enable gic distributor
  ArmGicEnableDistributor (mGicDistributorBase);

  Status = InstallAndRegisterInterruptService (
          &gHardwareInterruptV3Protocol, GicV3IrqInterruptHandler, GicV3ExitBootServicesEvent);

  return Status;
Exemplo n.º 8
  Initialize the state information for the CPU Architectural Protocol

  @param  ImageHandle   of the loaded driver
  @param  SystemTable   Pointer to the System Table

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           Protocol registered
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  Cannot allocate protocol data structure
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      Hardware problems

InterruptDxeInitialize (
  IN EFI_HANDLE         ImageHandle,
  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE   *SystemTable
  EFI_STATUS              Status;
  UINTN                   Index;
  UINT32                  RegOffset;
  UINTN                   RegShift;
  UINT32                  CpuTarget;
  // Check PcdGicPrimaryCoreId has been set in case the Primary Core is not the core 0 of Cluster 0
  if ((PcdGet32(PcdArmPrimaryCore) != 0) && (PcdGet32 (PcdGicPrimaryCoreId) == 0)) {
    DEBUG((EFI_D_WARN,"Warning: the PCD PcdGicPrimaryCoreId does not seem to be set up for the configuration.\n"));

  // Make sure the Interrupt Controller Protocol is not already installed in the system.
  ASSERT_PROTOCOL_ALREADY_INSTALLED (NULL, &gHardwareInterruptProtocolGuid);
  mGicNumInterrupts = ArmGicGetMaxNumInterrupts (PcdGet32(PcdGicDistributorBase));

  mGicNumInterrupts /=8;
  for (Index = 0; Index < mGicNumInterrupts; Index++) {
    (VOID)DisableInterruptSource (&gHardwareInterruptProtocol, Index);
    // Set Priority 
    RegOffset = Index / 4;
    RegShift = (Index % 4) * 8;
    MmioAndThenOr32 (
      PcdGet32(PcdGicDistributorBase) + ARM_GIC_ICDIPR + (4*RegOffset),
      ~(UINT32)(0xff << RegShift), 
  // Configure interrupts for Primary Cpu
  CpuTarget = (1 << PcdGet32 (PcdGicPrimaryCoreId));
  CpuTarget |= CpuTarget << 16;
  for (Index = 0; Index < (mGicNumInterrupts / 2); Index++) {
    MmioWrite32 (PcdGet32(PcdGicDistributorBase) + ARM_GIC_ICDIPTR + (Index*4), CpuTarget);
  //end_d00183345, 2012-11-17

  // Set binary point reg to 0x7 (no preemption)
  MmioWrite32 (PcdGet32(PcdGicInterruptInterfaceBase) + ARM_GIC_ICCBPR, 0x3);

  // Set priority mask reg to 0xff to allow all priorities through
  MmioWrite32 (PcdGet32(PcdGicInterruptInterfaceBase) + ARM_GIC_ICCPMR, 0xff);
  // Enable gic cpu interface
  MmioWrite32 (PcdGet32(PcdGicInterruptInterfaceBase) + ARM_GIC_ICCICR, 0x1);

  // Enable gic distributor
  MmioWrite32 (PcdGet32(PcdGicDistributorBase) + ARM_GIC_ICDDCR, 0x7);

  MmioWrite32 (PcdGet32(PcdGicDistributorBase) + ARM_GIC_ICDISR, ~0);
  //MmioWrite32 (PcdGet32(PcdGicDistributorBase) + ARM_GIC_ICDISR, ~0);
  // Initialize the array for the Interrupt Handlers
  gRegisteredInterruptHandlers = (HARDWARE_INTERRUPT_HANDLER*)AllocateZeroPool (sizeof(HARDWARE_INTERRUPT_HANDLER) * mGicNumInterrupts);
  Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (
                  &gHardwareInterruptProtocolGuid,   &gHardwareInterruptProtocol,
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status))
        //for fortify
        return Status;
  // Get the CPU protocol that this driver requires.
  Status = gBS->LocateProtocol(&gEfiCpuArchProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **)&Cpu);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status))
        //for fortify
        return Status;
  // Unregister the default exception handler.
  Status = Cpu->RegisterInterruptHandler(Cpu, EXCEPT_AARCH64_IRQ, NULL);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status))
        //for fortify
        return Status;
  // Register to receive interrupts
  Status = Cpu->RegisterInterruptHandler(Cpu, EXCEPT_AARCH64_IRQ, IrqInterruptHandler);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status))
        //for fortify
        return Status;
  // Register for an ExitBootServicesEvent
  Status = gBS->CreateEvent (EVT_SIGNAL_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES, TPL_NOTIFY, ExitBootServicesEvent, NULL, &EfiExitBootServicesEvent);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status))
        //for fortify
        return Status;
  return Status;