Exemplo n.º 1
void Aprendizagem_Reforco::AssignMatrixesValues()
	if(vetorHeuristica.size() > 0)
		// ultima ação está associada a matriz Q (Q-learning simples)
		// Demais ações vão para a matriz H
		int i = vetorHeuristica.size() - 1;
		AssignValue( vetorHeuristica[i].indexCMAC_verificacao,
				vetorHeuristica[i].indexCMAC_acao, vetorHeuristica[i].acao,
				vetorHeuristica[i].reforco, MatrizQ);

		for( i = vetorHeuristica.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--)
			AssignValue( vetorHeuristica[i].indexCMAC_verificacao,
					vetorHeuristica[i].indexCMAC_acao, vetorHeuristica[i].acao,
					vetorHeuristica[i].reforco, MatrizH);
Exemplo n.º 2
bool AlgorithmParametersBase::GetVoidValue(const char *name, const std::type_info &valueType, void *pValue) const
	if (strcmp(name, "ValueNames") == 0)
		NameValuePairs::ThrowIfTypeMismatch(name, typeid(std::string), valueType);
		if (m_next.get())
		    m_next->GetVoidValue(name, valueType, pValue);
		(*reinterpret_cast<std::string *>(pValue) += m_name) += ";";
		return true;
	else if (strcmp(name, m_name) == 0)
		AssignValue(name, valueType, pValue);
		m_used = true;
		return true;
	else if (m_next.get())
		return m_next->GetVoidValue(name, valueType, pValue);
	    return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
void CBlacklist::on_btnOk_clicked( )
    if ( -1 == nOperate ) {

    int nRow = 1;

    if ( 0 == nOperate ) { // Add
        nRow = ui->tableBlacklist->rowCount( );
        ui->tableBlacklist->insertRow( nRow );
    } else if ( 1 == nOperate ) { // Delete
    } else if ( 2 == nOperate ) { // Modify
        nRow = ui->tableBlacklist->currentRow( );

    SaveData( nOperate );
    FillTable( );

    AssignValue( true, nRow );
    ControlButton( true );
    EnableControl( false );
Exemplo n.º 4
void CBlacklist::on_tableBlacklist_cellClicked ( int row, int column )
    ui->lblID->setText( ui->tableBlacklist->item( row, 3 )->text( ) );
    AssignValue( false, row );
Exemplo n.º 5
char Parse (struct Variable *Vars) {	// grabs first two tokens to see if they are an assign statment
	// Symbol-specified functions:
	//		= (Assign), + (Add), - (Subtract), * (Multiply), / (Divide), % (Modulus), ^ (Power)
	// Future symbols: ! (Factorial / Gamma function), 
	// Unused symbols: ~, `, @, #, $, &, [, ], {, }, |, \, ;, :, ', ", ?, ,, <, >,
	line_index = 0;
	char look = 0, status = 0;
	printf ("> ");
	fflush (0);
	struct TokenStruct /*Oper*/and = NextToken (&look);
	// check for calculator commands
	if (!strcmp (and.Token, "DISPLAY")) {	// display variable tree
		char *disp = 0;
		DisplayVars (Vars, disp, 0);
		HandleError (and, 0, &look);
		return 0;
	else if (!strcmp (and.Token, "ECHO")) {	// toggle input echo mode
		ECHO = 1 - ECHO;
		if (ECHO) { puts ("Input echo on"); } else { puts ("Input echo off"); }
		HandleError (and, 0, &look);
		return 0;
	else if (!strcmp (and.Token, "HELP")) {	// display help screen
		puts ("Basic Calculator V 0.9");
		puts ("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
		puts ("This program is meant to be used as a general purpose calculator, akin to bc. Users can input arithmitic expressions of arbitrary length, assign and retrieve variables, and calculate common math functions. If the expression input isn't valid, the program displays an error message, indicates where in the line the problem occured, clears the input and resumes operation. In addition, users can work in interactive mode or redirect input scripts to execute a list of operations.");
		puts ("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
		puts ("COMMANDS: (case sensitive)");
		puts ("	DISPLAY	:	Display defined variables and their associated values.");
		puts ("	ECHO	:	Echo user input on next line. Useful when using an input script."); 
		puts ("	HELP	:	Display this help screen.");
		puts ("	QUIT	:	Quit this calculator program.");
		puts ("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
		puts ("MATH FUNCTIONS: (not case sensitive)\n");
		puts ("ABS / ABSOLUTE	:\n	return the absolute value of the argument. Accepts one argument.");
		puts ("ASIN / ARCSINE	:\n	return the arc sine (inverse sine function) of the argument. Accepts one argument.");
		puts ("ACOS / ARCCOSINE	:\n	return the arc cosine (inverse cosine function) of the argument. Accepts one argument.");
		puts ("ATAN / ARCTANGENT	:\n	return the arc tangent (inverse tangent function) of the argument. Accepts one argument.");
		puts ("COS / COSINE	:\n	return the cosine of the argument. Accepts one argument.");
		puts ("DIST / DISTANCE / HYPOTENUSE	:\n	return the pythangorian distance (hypotenuse) between two values. Accepts two arguments.");
		puts ("E	:\n	return the value of e. Accepts no arguments.");
		puts ("EXP	:\n	return the exponent of the argument (e ^ arg). Accepts one argument.");
		puts ("LN / NATURAL_LOG	:\n	return the natural log of the argument (arg = e ^ x). Accepts one argument.");
		puts ("LOG / LOGARITHM	:\n	return the natural log of an argument OR the log of one argument in terms of another (log A / log b). Accepts one or two arguments.");
		puts ("MOD / MODULUS	:\n	return the remainder of one argument divided by another. Accepts two arguments.");
		puts ("PI	:\n	return the value of pi. Accepts no arguments.");
		puts ("POW / POWER	:\n	return the value of one argument raised to the power of the other. Accepts two arguments.");
		puts ("PROD / PRODUCT	:\n	return the product of the arguments. Accepts one or more arguments.");
		puts ("SIN / SINE	:\n	return the sine of the argument. Accepts one argument.");
		puts ("SQRT / SQUARE_ROOT	:\n	return the square root of the argument. Accepts one argument.");
		puts ("SUM / SUMMATION	:\n	return the sum of the arguments. Accepts one or more arguments.");
		puts ("TAN / TANGENT	:\n	return the tangent of the argument. Accepts one argument.");
		HandleError (and, 0, &look);
		return 0;
	else if (!strcmp (and.Token, "QUIT")) {	// quit calculator
		HandleError (and, 0, &look);
		return 1;
	struct TokenStruct /*Oper*/ator;
	struct TokenStruct tmp;
	tmp.Token = malloc (sizeof (char) * 2);
	tmp.Token = "+";
	tmp.type = TokenType ('+');
	tmp.priority = OpPriority ('+');
	if (!and.priority) { return 0; }		// no operand; blank line

	double result = 0.0;
	double sign = 1.0;
	if (and.Token[0] == '-') {				// negative value
		sign = -1.0;
		and = NextToken (&look);
	if (and.Token[0] == '(') { result = sign * EvalSubStatement (&status, &look, Vars); }		// substatement	
	if (status) { return 0; }

	ator = NextToken (&look);				// must be determined *after* substatement, and *before* function, assignment, or variable
	// function, assignment, or variable; need operator to decide
	if (ator.Token[0] == '(') {				// function
		result = sign * EvalFunction (and, &status, &look, Vars);
		if (status) {
			if (status == 5 || status == 9) { HandleError (and, status, &look); }
			return 0;
		ator = NextToken (&look);
		result = Evaluate (result, ator, &status, &look, Vars);
	else if (and.type == 1 && ator.Token[0] == '=') { result = Evaluate (0.0, tmp, &status, &look, Vars); }	// assignment; don't need to check status here since it will be checked as soon as this statement is finished
	else {	// variable, number, substatement, or invalid
		if (and.Token[0] != '(') {
			result = sign * Resolve (and, &status, Vars);
			if (status) {
				HandleError (and, status, &look);
				return 0;
		result = Evaluate (result, ator, &status, &look, Vars);

	if (status) { return 0; }
	else if (ator.Token[0] == '=') {
		AssignValue (and.Token, result, Vars);
		printf ("%s ", and.Token);
	printf ("= %f;\n", result);
	return 0;