void testApp::setup(){
    // loading all the Paris data
    // To create the input video block
    for (int k = 1; k<= Nlast; k++){
        ofImage auxImage;
        BlockDims.x = auxImage.width;
        BlockDims.y = auxImage.height;
        BlockDims.z = Nlast;
        ofxCvColorImage AuxCVImage;
        cv::Mat AuxMat(AuxCVImage.getCvImage());

     //initial value
    OutFramesN = BlockDims.z;
 //   vidGrabber.setVerbose(true);
 //   vidGrabber.initGrabber(Nx,Ny);
    inOp =50;
  // the input grain list 
//    GrainCamera =  RotateAux(ofVec3f(0.0,0.0,-1.1* sqrt(BlockDims.x*BlockDims.x+BlockDims.y*BlockDims.y+
//                                                        BlockDims.z*BlockDims.z)/2.0), 85.0, 0.0,
//                             ofVec3f(BlockDims.x/2.0,BlockDims.y/2.0,BlockDims.z/2.0));
 //   GrainUpVector = ofVec3f(0.0,-1.0,0.0);
  //  GrainCamera = ofVec3f(1.2*BlockDims.x,BlockDims.y/2.0,BlockDims.z/2.0);
   // GrainCamera = ofVec3f(BlockDims.x,0.0,0.0);
// corner
 //    GrainCamera = ofVec3f(BlockDims.x,BlockDims.y/2.0,0.0);
  // corner side
   //  GrainCamera = ofVec3f(BlockDims.x,0.0,BlockDims.z/2);
    // up
   // GrainCamera = ofVec3f(BlockDims.x/2.0,0.0,BlockDims.z/2);
    //GrainUpVector = ofVec3f(-1.0,0.0,0.0);
     ScaleCorrectFactor =CalculateScalecorrect();
    UpdateBool = true;
void CameraFrames::ProjectToCameraPlane(Eigen::MatrixXf cloud){

	Eigen::MatrixXf P_L(3,4);
	Eigen::MatrixXf P_R(3,4);
	Eigen::MatrixXf Point2dimensions_right(3,cloud.cols());
	Eigen::MatrixXf Point2dimensions_left(3,cloud.cols());
	Eigen::MatrixXf u = Eigen::MatrixXf::Ones(1,cloud.cols());
	Eigen::MatrixXf translation_l(4,1);
	Eigen::MatrixXf translation_r(4,1);
	Eigen::Matrix3f rotationMatrix;
	Eigen::MatrixXf toLeftAxis(4,cloud.cols());
	Eigen::MatrixXf AuxMat(3,cloud.cols());

	cv::Point2f aux_l(0,0);
	cv::Point2f aux_r(0,0);
	//The Projection matrix projects points in the camera frame.
	//Construct the Projection Matrix of the Left Camera
	P_L(0,0) = leftCamInfo->P[0];	P_L(1,0) = leftCamInfo->P[4]; 	P_L(2,0) = leftCamInfo->P[8];
	P_L(0,1) = leftCamInfo->P[1]; 	P_L(1,1) = leftCamInfo->P[5]; 	P_L(2,1) = leftCamInfo->P[9];
	P_L(0,2) = leftCamInfo->P[2]; 	P_L(1,2) = leftCamInfo->P[6]; 	P_L(2,2) = leftCamInfo->P[10];
	P_L(0,3) = leftCamInfo->P[3]; 	P_L(1,3) = leftCamInfo->P[7]; 	P_L(2,3) = leftCamInfo->P[11];
	//Construct the Projection Matrix of the Right Camera	
	P_R(0,0) = rightCamInfo->P[0]; 	P_R(1,0) = rightCamInfo->P[4]; 	P_R(2,0) = rightCamInfo->P[8];
	P_R(0,1) = rightCamInfo->P[1]; 	P_R(1,1) = rightCamInfo->P[5]; 	P_R(2,1) = rightCamInfo->P[9];
	P_R(0,2) = rightCamInfo->P[2]; 	P_R(1,2) = rightCamInfo->P[6]; 	P_R(2,2) = rightCamInfo->P[10];
	P_R(0,3) = 0; 	P_R(1,3) = rightCamInfo->P[7];	P_R(2,3) = rightCamInfo->P[11];
	/*Project the 3D point onto the camera planes [u v w] = ProjMat * (3DPoints+Translation).
	 Translation is neccesary to put the 3D points on the corresponding camera frame.
	 Baseline = 0.04 and global frame in the midle of the baseline.  */
	rotationMatrix =  Eigen::AngleAxisf(0, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitY())
					* Eigen::AngleAxisf(0, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ())
			 		* Eigen::AngleAxisf(-90, Eigen::Vector3f::UnitX());
	translation_l << 0, 0, 0, 0;
	translation_r << 0.05, 0, 0, 0;
	AuxMat = rotationMatrix*cloud;
	toLeftAxis.row(0) = -AuxMat.row(0); //The Leap is left handed
	toLeftAxis.row(1) = AuxMat.row(1);
	toLeftAxis.row(2) = AuxMat.row(2);
	Point2dimensions_left = P_L*(toLeftAxis+(translation_l*u));
	Point2dimensions_right = P_R*(toLeftAxis+(translation_r*u));
	//Divide by the Homogeneous Coordinates to get the 2D Points
	Point2dimensions_left.row(0) = Point2dimensions_left.row(0).cwiseQuotient(Point2dimensions_left.row(2));
	Point2dimensions_left.row(1) = Point2dimensions_left.row(1).cwiseQuotient(Point2dimensions_left.row(2));
	Point2dimensions_right.row(0) = Point2dimensions_right.row(0).cwiseQuotient(Point2dimensions_right.row(2));
	Point2dimensions_right.row(1) = Point2dimensions_right.row(1).cwiseQuotient(Point2dimensions_right.row(2));

		for(int i = 0; i < cloud.cols(); i++){

			aux_l.x = Point2dimensions_left(0,i);
			aux_l.y = Point2dimensions_left(1,i);
			aux_r.x = Point2dimensions_right(0,i);
			aux_r.y = Point2dimensions_right(1,i);
			if(aux_l.x < 280 && aux_l.x >=0 && aux_r.x < 280 && aux_r.x >= 0 && aux_l.y < 220 && aux_l.y >= 0 && aux_r.y < 220 && aux_r.y >=0 ){
/*		cv::Point center(floor(aux_l.x), floor(aux_l.y));
		cv::Point center2(floor(aux_l.x), floor(aux_l.y));
		cv::imshow("pointsleft", LeftFrame);
		cv::imshow("pointsright", RightFrame);
