Exemplo n.º 1
void LatticeImageAndKernel
( const Matrix<Field>& B,
        Matrix<Field>& M,
        Matrix<Field>& K,
  const LLLCtrl<Base<Field>>& ctrl )

    Matrix<Field> BCopy( B );
    Matrix<Field> U, R;
    auto info = LLL( BCopy, U, R, ctrl );
    const Int rank = info.rank;
    const Int n = B.Width();
    M = BCopy(ALL,IR(0,rank));
    K = U(ALL,IR(rank,n));

    // Reduce the columns of U that corresponded to the kernel
    LLL( K, ctrl );

    // Rather than explicitly inverting the Gram matrix of the kernel basis
    // as suggested by Cohen, we can simply solve a least squares problem
    // NOTE: 'R' is reused for the least squares solution
    // TODO(poulson): Support other options than just "Babai rounding", e.g.,
    // Nulling and Cancelling (with optimal ordering)
    LeastSquares( NORMAL, K, M, R );
    Round( R );
    Gemm( NORMAL, NORMAL, Field(-1), K, R, Field(1), M );
Exemplo n.º 2
inline typename Base<F>::type 
( UpperOrLower uplo, const DistMatrix<F>& A, const DistMatrix<F>& B )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( A.Grid() != B.Grid() )
        throw std::logic_error("A and B must use the same grid");
    if( A.Height() != A.Width() || B.Height() != B.Width() ||
        A.Height() != B.Height() )
        throw std::logic_error
        ("A and B must be square matrices of the same size");

    typedef typename Base<F>::type R;
    const int n = A.Height();
    const Grid& g = A.Grid();

    DistMatrix<F> ACopy( A );
    DistMatrix<F> BCopy( B );

    Cholesky( uplo, ACopy );
    Cholesky( uplo, BCopy );

    if( uplo == LOWER )
        Trtrsm( LEFT, uplo, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, F(1), BCopy, ACopy );
        MakeTrapezoidal( LEFT, uplo, 0, ACopy );
        Trsm( LEFT, uplo, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, F(1), BCopy, ACopy );

    MakeTrapezoidal( LEFT, uplo, 0, ACopy );
    const R frobNorm = Norm( ACopy, FROBENIUS_NORM );

    R logDet;
    R localLogDet(0);
    DistMatrix<F,MD,STAR> d(g);
    ACopy.GetDiagonal( d );
    if( d.InDiagonal() )
        const int nLocalDiag = d.LocalHeight();
        for( int iLocal=0; iLocal<nLocalDiag; ++iLocal )
            const R delta = RealPart(d.GetLocal(iLocal,0));
            localLogDet += 2*Log(delta);
    mpi::AllReduce( &localLogDet, &logDet, 1, mpi::SUM, g.VCComm() );

    const R logDetDiv = frobNorm*frobNorm - logDet - R(n);
#ifndef RELEASE
    return logDetDiv;
Exemplo n.º 3
inline typename Base<F>::type 
LogDetDivergence( UpperOrLower uplo, const Matrix<F>& A, const Matrix<F>& B )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( A.Height() != A.Width() || B.Height() != B.Width() ||
        A.Height() != B.Height() )
        throw std::logic_error
        ("A and B must be square matrices of the same size");

    typedef typename Base<F>::type R;
    const int n = A.Height();

    Matrix<F> ACopy( A );
    Matrix<F> BCopy( B );

    Cholesky( uplo, ACopy );
    Cholesky( uplo, BCopy );

    if( uplo == LOWER )
        Trtrsm( LEFT, uplo, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, F(1), BCopy, ACopy );
        MakeTrapezoidal( LEFT, uplo, 0, ACopy );
        Trsm( LEFT, uplo, NORMAL, NON_UNIT, F(1), BCopy, ACopy );

    MakeTrapezoidal( LEFT, uplo, 0, ACopy );
    const R frobNorm = Norm( ACopy, FROBENIUS_NORM );

    Matrix<F> d;
    ACopy.GetDiagonal( d );
    R logDet(0);
    for( int i=0; i<n; ++i )
        logDet += 2*Log( RealPart(d.Get(i,0)) );

    const R logDetDiv = frobNorm*frobNorm - logDet - R(n);
#ifndef RELEASE
    return logDetDiv;
Exemplo n.º 4
void LatticeKernel
( const Matrix<Field>& B,
        Matrix<Field>& K,
  const LLLCtrl<Base<Field>>& ctrl )
    // TODO(poulson): Take the shortcuts suggested in Algorithm 2.7.2 of
    // Henri Cohen's
    //       "A course in computational algebraic number theory".

    Matrix<Field> BCopy( B );
    Matrix<Field> U, R;
    auto info = LLL( BCopy, U, R, ctrl );
    const Int rank = info.rank;
    const Int n = B.Width();
    K = U(ALL,IR(rank,n));

    // Reduce the columns of U that corresponded to the kernel
    LLL( K, ctrl );
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: Uuid.hpp Projeto: shuyy/MCF
	// 填指定字节。
	explicit Uuid(unsigned char (&abyData)[16]) noexcept {
		BCopy(x_unData, abyData);