Exemplo n.º 1
void bi::cov(const ExpGaussianPdf<V1, M1>& q, M2 Sigma) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(Sigma.size1() == q.size());
  BI_ASSERT(Sigma.size2() == q.size());

  Sigma = q.cov();
Exemplo n.º 2
void bi::marginalise(const ExpGaussianPdf<V1, M1>& p1,
    const ExpGaussianPdf<V2,M2>& p2, const M3 C,
    const ExpGaussianPdf<V4, M4>& q2, ExpGaussianPdf<V5,M5>& p3) {
  /* pre-conditions */
  BI_ASSERT(q2.size() == p2.size());
  BI_ASSERT(p3.size() == p1.size());
  BI_ASSERT(C.size1() == p1.size() && C.size2() == p2.size());

  typename sim_temp_vector<V1>::type z2(p2.size());
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M1>::type K(p1.size(), p2.size());
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M1>::type A1(p2.size(), p2.size());
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M1>::type A2(p2.size(), p2.size());

   * Compute gain matrix:
   * \f[\mathcal{K} = C_{\mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2}\Sigma_2^{-1}\,.\f]
  symm(1.0, p2.prec(), C, 0.0, K, 'R', 'U');

   * Then result is given by \f$\mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}',
   * \Sigma')\f$, where:
   * \f[\boldsymbol{\mu}' = \boldsymbol{\mu}_1 +
   * \mathcal{K}(\boldsymbol{\mu}_3 - \boldsymbol{\mu}_2)\,,\f]
  z2 = q2.mean();
  axpy(-1.0, p2.mean(), z2);
  p3.mean() = p1.mean();
  gemv(1.0, K, z2, 1.0, p3.mean());

   * and:
   * \f{eqnarray*}
   * \Sigma' &=& \Sigma_1 + \mathcal{K}(\Sigma_3 -
   * \Sigma_2)\mathcal{K}^T \\
   * &=& \Sigma_1 + \mathcal{K}\Sigma_3\mathcal{K}^T -
   * \mathcal{K}\Sigma_2\mathcal{K}^T\,.
   * \f}
  p3.cov() = p1.cov();

  A1 = K;
  trmm(1.0, q2.std(), A1, 'R', 'U', 'T');
  syrk(1.0, A1, 1.0, p3.cov(), 'U');

  A2 = K;
  trmm(1.0, p2.std(), A2, 'R', 'U', 'T');
  syrk(-1.0, A2, 1.0, p3.cov(), 'U');

  /* make sure correct log-variables set */
  p3.init(); // redo precalculations
Exemplo n.º 3
void bi::mean(const M1 X, const V1 w, V2 mu) {
  /* pre-conditions */
  BI_ASSERT(X.size2() == mu.size());
  BI_ASSERT(X.size1() == w.size());

  typedef typename V1::value_type T;

  T Wt = sum_reduce(w);
  gemv(1.0/Wt, X, w, 0.0, mu, 'T');
Exemplo n.º 4
inline void bi::mean(const InverseGammaPdf& q, V1 mu) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(mu.size() == q.size());
  BI_ASSERT(q.shape() > 1.0);

  real alpha = q.shape();
  real beta = q.scale();

  set_elements(mu, alpha*std::pow(beta, 2));
Exemplo n.º 5
void bi::cov(const M1 X, const V1 mu, M2 Sigma) {
  /* pre-conditions */
  BI_ASSERT(X.size2() == mu.size());
  BI_ASSERT(Sigma.size1() == mu.size() && Sigma.size2() == mu.size());

  const int N = X.size1();
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M2>::type Y(X.size1(), X.size2());
  Y = X;
  sub_rows(Y, mu);
  syrk(1.0/(N - 1.0), Y, 0.0, Sigma, 'U', 'T');
Exemplo n.º 6
void bi::cov(const GammaPdf& q, M1 Sigma) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(Sigma.size1() == q.size());
  BI_ASSERT(Sigma.size2() == q.size());

  real alpha = q.shape();
  real beta = q.scale();
  real sigma = alpha*std::pow(beta, 2);

  set_elements(diagonal(Sigma), sigma);
Exemplo n.º 7
void bi::var(const M1 X, const V1 mu, V2 sigma) {
  /* pre-conditions */
  BI_ASSERT(X.size2() == mu.size());
  BI_ASSERT(sigma.size() == mu.size());

  const int N = X.size1();
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M1>::type Z(X.size2(), X.size1());
  Z = X;
  sub_rows(Z, mu);
  dot_columns(Z, sigma);
  scal(1.0/(N - 1.0), sigma);
Exemplo n.º 8
void bi::cov(const InverseGammaPdf& q, M1 Sigma) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(Sigma.size1() == q.size());
  BI_ASSERT(Sigma.size2() == q.size());
  BI_ASSERT(q.shape() > 2.0);

  real alpha = q.shape();
  real beta = q.scale();
  real sigma = std::pow(beta, 2)/(std::pow(alpha - 1.0, 2)*(alpha - 2.0));

  set_elements(diagonal(Sigma), sigma);
Exemplo n.º 9
void bi::cross(const M1 X, const M2 Y, const V1 muX, const V2 muY,
    M3 SigmaXY) {
  /* pre-conditions */
  BI_ASSERT(X.size2() == muX.size());
  BI_ASSERT(Y.size2() == muY.size());
  BI_ASSERT(X.size1() == Y.size1());
  BI_ASSERT(SigmaXY.size1() == muX.size() && SigmaXY.size2() == muY.size());

  const int N = X.size1();

  gemm(1.0/(N - 1.0), X, Y, 0.0, SigmaXY, 'T', 'N');
  ger(-N/(N - 1.0), muX, muY, SigmaXY);
Exemplo n.º 10
void bi::cov(const UniformPdf<V1>& q, M1 Sigma) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(Sigma.size1() == q.size());
  BI_ASSERT(Sigma.size2() == q.size());

  temp_host_vector<real>::type diff(q.size());
  diff = q.upper();
  sub_elements(diff, q.lower(), diff);
  sq_elements(diff, diff);

  axpy(1.0/12.0, diff, diagonal(Sigma));
Exemplo n.º 11
void bi::mean(const UniformPdf<V1>& q, V2 mu) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(q.size() == mu.size());

  axpy(0.5, q.lower(), mu, true);
  axpy(0.5, q.upper(), mu);
Exemplo n.º 12
bi::Resampler::Resampler(const double essRel) :
    essRel(essRel), maxLogWeight(0.0) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(essRel >= 0.0 && essRel <= 1.0);

Exemplo n.º 13
void bi::condition(const ExpGaussianPdf<V1, M1>& p1, const ExpGaussianPdf<V2,
    M2>& p2, const M3 C, const V3 x2, ExpGaussianPdf<V4, M4>& p3) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(x2.size() == p2.size());
  BI_ASSERT(p3.size() == p1.size());
  BI_ASSERT(C.size1() == p1.size() && C.size2() == p2.size());

  typename sim_temp_vector<V1>::type z2(p2.size());
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M1>::type K(p1.size(), p2.size());

   * Compute gain matrix:
   * \f[\mathcal{K} = C_{\mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2}\Sigma_2^{-1}\,.\f]
  symm(1.0, p2.prec(), C, 0.0, K, 'R', 'U');

   * Then result is given by \f$\mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu}',
   * \Sigma')\f$, where:
   * \f[\boldsymbol{\mu}' = \boldsymbol{\mu}_1 + \mathcal{K}(\mathbf{x}_2 -
   * \boldsymbol{\mu}_2)\,,\f]
  z2 = x2;
  log_vector(z2, p2.getLogs());
  axpy(-1.0, p2.mean(), z2);
  p3.mean() = p1.mean();
  gemv(1.0, K, z2, 1.0, p3.mean());

   * and:
   * \f{eqnarray*}
   * \Sigma' &=& \Sigma_1 - \mathcal{K}C_{\mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2}^T \\
   * &=& \Sigma_1 - C_{\mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2}\Sigma_2^{-1}
   * C_{\mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2}^T\,.\f}
  K = C;
  trsm(1.0, p2.std(), K, 'R', 'U');
  p3.cov() = p1.cov();
  syrk(-1.0, K, 1.0, p3.cov(), 'U');

  /* update log-variables and precalculations */
Exemplo n.º 14
void h_ode_set_safe(const real safein) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(safein > BI_REAL(0.001) && safein < BI_REAL(1.0));

  h_safe = safein;
  h_safe1 = BI_REAL(1.0) / safein;
  h_logsafe = bi::log(safein);
Exemplo n.º 15
inline T1 bi::inverse_gamma(R& rng, const T1 alpha, const T1 beta) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(alpha > static_cast<T1>(0.0) && beta > static_cast<T1>(0.0));

  const T1 x = rng.gamma(alpha, static_cast<T1>(1.0)/beta);

  return static_cast<T1>(1.0)/x;
Exemplo n.º 16
void h_ode_set_beta(const real betain) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(betain >= 0.0 && betain <= BI_REAL(0.2));

  h_beta = betain;
  h_expo1 = BI_REAL(0.2) - betain*BI_REAL(0.75);
  h_expo = BI_REAL(0.5)*(BI_REAL(0.2) - betain*BI_REAL(0.75));
Exemplo n.º 17
inline T1 bi::beta(R& rng, const T1 alpha, const T1 beta) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(alpha > static_cast<T1>(0.0) && beta > static_cast<T1>(0.0));

  const T1 x = rng.gamma(alpha, static_cast<T1>(1.0));
  const T1 y = rng.gamma(beta, static_cast<T1>(1.0));

  return x / (x + y);
Exemplo n.º 18
inline void bi::mean(const GammaPdf& q, V1 mu) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(mu.size() == q.size());

  real alpha = q.shape();
  real beta = q.scale();

  set_elements(mu, alpha*beta);
Exemplo n.º 19
void bi::mean(const M1 X, V1 mu) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(X.size2() == mu.size());

  const int N = X.size1();
  typename sim_temp_vector<V1>::type w(N);
  set_elements(w, 1.0);
  gemv(1.0/N, X, w, 0.0, mu, 'T');
Exemplo n.º 20
void bi::cov(const M1 X, const V1 w, const V2 mu, M2 Sigma) {
  /* pre-conditions */
  BI_ASSERT(X.size2() == mu.size());
  BI_ASSERT(X.size1() == w.size());
  BI_ASSERT(Sigma.size1() == mu.size() && Sigma.size2() == mu.size());

  typedef typename V1::value_type T;
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M2>::type Y(X.size1(), X.size2());
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M2>::type Z(X.size1(), X.size2());
  typename sim_temp_vector<V2>::type v(w.size());

  T Wt = sum_reduce(w);
  Y = X;
  sub_rows(Y, mu);
  sqrt_elements(w, v);
  gdmm(1.0, v, Y, 0.0, Z);
  syrk(1.0/Wt, Z, 0.0, Sigma, 'U', 'T');
  // alternative weight: 1.0/(Wt - W2t/Wt)
Exemplo n.º 21
void bi::distance(const M1 X, const real h, M2 D) {
  /* pre-conditions */
  BI_ASSERT(D.size1() == D.size2());
  BI_ASSERT(D.size1() == X.size1());

  typedef typename M1::value_type T1;

  FastGaussianKernel K(X.size2(), h);
  typename temp_host_vector<T1>::type d(X.size2());
  int i, j;
  for (j = 0; j < D.size2(); ++j) {
    for (i = 0; i <= j; ++i) {
      d = row(X, i);
      axpy(-1.0, row(X, j), d);
      D(i, j) = K(dot(d));
Exemplo n.º 22
void bi::hist(const V1 x, const V2 w, V3 c, V4 h) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(x.size() == w.size());
  BI_ASSERT(c.size() == h.size());

  typedef typename V1::value_type T1;
  typedef typename V2::value_type T2;

  const int P = x.size();
  const int B = c.size();
  T1 mx, mn;
  int i, j;
  typename temp_host_vector<T1>::type xSorted(P);
  typename temp_host_vector<T2>::type wSorted(P);
  xSorted = x;
  wSorted = w;

  bi::sort_by_key(xSorted, wSorted);
  mn = xSorted[0];
  mx = xSorted[xSorted.size() - 1];

  /* compute bin right edges */
  for (j = 0; j < B; ++j) {
    c[j] = mn + (j + 1)*(mx - mn)/B;

  /* compute bin heights */
  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < P; ++i) {
    if (xSorted[i] >= c[j] && j < B - 1) {
    h[j] += wSorted[i];

  /* compute bin centres */
  for (j = B - 1; j > 0; --j) {
    c[j] = 0.5*(c[j - 1] + c[j]);
  c[0] = 0.5*(mn + c[0]);
Exemplo n.º 23
void bi::var(const M1 X, const V1 w, const V2 mu, V3 sigma) {
  /* pre-conditions */
  BI_ASSERT(X.size2() == mu.size());
  BI_ASSERT(X.size1() == w.size());
  BI_ASSERT(sigma.size() == mu.size());

  typedef typename V1::value_type T1;
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M1>::type Z(X.size1(), X.size2());
  typename sim_temp_matrix<M1>::type Y(X.size1(), X.size2());
  typename sim_temp_vector<V2>::type v(w.size());

  T1 Wt = sum_reduce(w);
  Z = X;
  sub_rows(Z, mu);
  sqrt_elements(w, v);
  gdmm(1.0, v, Z, 0.0, Y);
  dot_columns(Y, sigma);
  divscal_elements(sigma, Wt, sigma);
  // alternative weight: 1.0/(Wt - W2t/Wt)
Exemplo n.º 24
void bi::Cache::resize(const int size) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(size >= 0);

  int oldSize = this->size();
  valids.resize(size, true);  // true is to preserve contents here
  dirties.resize(size, true);
  if (size > oldSize) {
    set_elements(subrange(valids, oldSize, size - oldSize), false);
    set_elements(subrange(dirties, oldSize, size - oldSize), false);
Exemplo n.º 25
void bi::InputNetCDFBuffer::readTime(int ncVar, const long start,
    size_t* const len, real* const t) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(start >= 0);
  BI_ASSERT(len != NULL);

  std::vector<size_t> offsets(2), counts(2);
  std::vector<int> dimids = nc_inq_vardimid(ncid, ncVar);
  real tnxt;
  int j = 0;
  size_t T;

  if (nsDim >= 0 && dimids[j] == nsDim) {
    /* optional ns dimension */
    offsets[j] = ns;
    counts[j] = 1;
  BI_ASSERT(j < static_cast<int>(dimids.size()));
  T = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid, dimids[j]);
  offsets[j] = start;
  counts[j] = 1;
  //++j; // not here, need to hold ref to last offset

  /* may be multiple records with same time, keep reading until time changes */
  *len = 0;
  *t = 0.0;
  tnxt = 0.0;
  while (*t == tnxt && offsets[j] < T) {
    nc_get_vara(ncid, ncVar, offsets, counts, &tnxt);
    if (*len == 0) {
      *t = tnxt;
    if (tnxt == *t) {
Exemplo n.º 26
T1 bi::truncated_gaussian(R& rng, const T1 lower, const T1 upper, const T1 mu,
    const T1 sigma) {
  /* pre-conditions */
  BI_ASSERT(upper >= lower);

  T1 u;
  if (upper == lower) {
    u = upper;
  } else do {
    u = rng.gaussian(mu, sigma);
  } while (u < lower || u > upper);

  return u;
Exemplo n.º 27
void bi::inverse_gamma_log_densities(const M1 Z, const T1 alpha, const T1 beta,
    V1 p, const bool clear) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(Z.size1() == p.size());

  op_elements(vec(Z), vec(Z), inverse_gamma_log_density_functor<T1>(alpha, beta));
  if (clear) {
    sum_columns(Z, p);
  } else {
    typename sim_temp_vector<V1>::type p1(p.size());
    sum_columns(Z, p1);
    add_elements(p, p1, p);
Exemplo n.º 28
void bi::standardise(const ExpGaussianPdf<V1,M1>& p, M2 X) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(p.size() == X.size2());

  typename sim_temp_vector<M2>::type mu(X.size2());

  log_columns(X, p.getLogs());
  mean(X, mu);
  sub_rows(X, mu);
  trsm(1.0, p.std(), X, 'R', 'U');
  add_rows(X, mu);
  sub_rows(X, p.mean());
  exp_columns(X, p.getLogs());
Exemplo n.º 29
void bi::gaussian_log_densities(const M1 Z, const T1 logZ, V1 p,
    const bool clear) {
  /* pre-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(Z.size1() == p.size());

  typedef typename V1::value_type T2;

  if (clear) {
    dot_rows(Z, p);
    op_elements(p, p, gaussian_log_density_functor<T2>(logZ));
  } else {
    typename sim_temp_vector<V1>::type p1(p.size());
    dot_rows(Z, p1);
    op_elements(p1, p, p, gaussian_log_density_update_functor<T2>(logZ));
void bi::MultinomialResamplerHost::ancestors(Random& rng, const V1 lws, V2 as,
    MultinomialPrecompute<ON_HOST>& pre)
    throw (ParticleFilterDegeneratedException) {
  typedef typename V1::value_type T1;

  const int P = as.size();
  const int lwsSize = lws.size();

  T1 lW;

  /* weights */
  if (pre.W > 0) {
    lW = bi::log(pre.W);

    #pragma omp parallel
      int Q = P/bi_omp_max_threads;
      int start = bi_omp_tid*Q + bi::min(bi_omp_tid, P % bi_omp_max_threads); // min() handles leftovers
      if (bi_omp_tid < P % bi_omp_max_threads) {
        ++Q; // pick up a leftover

      int i, j = lwsSize;
      T1 lMax = 0.0, lu;
      for (i = Q; i > 0; --i) {
        lMax += bi::log(rng.uniform<T1>())/i;
        lu = lW + lMax;

        while (j > 0 && lu < bi::log(pre.Ws(j - 1))) {
        if (pre.sort) {
          as(start + i - 1) = pre.ps(j);
        } else {
          as(start + i - 1) = j;
  } else {
    throw ParticleFilterDegeneratedException();

  /* post-condition */
  BI_ASSERT(max_reduce(as) < lws.size());