Exemplo n.º 1
static void bm_act_clear_lut(void)
    int i;

    for (i=0; i<bm_trace_lut.counter; ++bm_trace_lut.counter)
        BM_FREE(0, bm_trace_lut.lut[i].event_name, sizeof(bm_event_record_in_lut_t.event_name));

    BM_FREE(0, bm_trace_lut.lut, sizeof(bm_event_record_in_lut_t)*bm_trace_lut.counter);
    bm_trace_lut.lut = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void bm_act_shutdown(void)
    BM_FREE(0, bm_entry, sizeof(bm_entry_t)*bm_control.num_of_entries);
    bm_entry = NULL;
    BM_FREE(0, bm_print_buf, bm_control.num_of_entries*40+200);
    bm_print_buf = NULL;

    bm_control.num_of_entries = 0;
	bm_control.init_done = False;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void bm_test_cache_miss(unsigned char with_printing)
	int *p_buffer;
	int counter = NUM_OF_LOOP_TEST;
	int line_counter = 0;
	int num = 0;
	int i;

	/* we used eight pages to generate cache miss (8 is factor of 2 
	* good for optimizations)  the one extra page for aligment
	 /* init and make sure all TLBs' are set */
	for (i = 0; i < CACHE_MISS_MEM_REQUIRED / sizeof(int); ++i)
		p_buffer[i] = 1;

		while (--counter) {
			num += p_buffer[line_counter];
			/* move to the next line */
			line_counter += (CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(int));
			/* make sure you stay in the memory chunk */
			line_counter = 
			line_counter % (CACHE_MISS_MEM_REQUIRED / sizeof(int));
	if (with_printing != False) {
		/* disable the optimizer to optimize this test */
		printk("bm_test_cache_miss result: %d\n", num);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void bm_test_tlb_miss(unsigned char with_printing)
    int* p_buffer;
    int counter = NUM_OF_LOOP_TEST;
    int line_counter = 0;
    int num = 0;
    unsigned int i;

    /* we used eight pages to generate cache miss (8 is factor of 2 good for optimizations) */
    /* the */
    /* one extra page for aligment */
    p_buffer = BM_ALLOC(0, TLB_FAIL_MEM_REQUIRED, 32);
    for (i=0; i<TLB_FAIL_MEM_REQUIRED/sizeof(int); ++i)
        p_buffer[i] = 1;
        while (--counter)
            num += p_buffer[line_counter];
            line_counter += (PAGE_SIZE/sizeof(int)); /* move to the next line */
            line_counter = line_counter%(TLB_FAIL_MEM_REQUIRED/sizeof(int)); /* make sure you stay in the memory chunk */

    if (with_printing!=False)
	  printk("bm_test_tlb_miss result: %d\n", num); /* disable the optimizer to optimize this test */
    BM_FREE(0, p_buffer, TLB_FAIL_MEM_REQUIRED);
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int ii;
	unsigned char *map;
	int value;
	int index;
	int result;
	bool ok;

	map = BM_ALLOC(HUGE);
	if ( map == NULL )
		goto Error;

	printf("SETTING ARRAY TO ALL '1'S\n");
	BM_ALL(map, 1, HUGE);
	result = BM_TEST(map, 12)                ; printf("     bit %12u is %c/%c  %s  byte:%10u is 0x%02x\n", 12, RESULTS('T'), 0, map[0]);

	printf("SETTING ARRAY TO ALL '0'S\n");
	BM_ALL(map, 0, HUGE);
	result = BM_TEST(map, 12)                ; printf("     bit %12u is %c/%c  %s  byte:%10u is 0x%02x\n", 12, RESULTS('F'), 0, map[0]);

	// Assign value to the bitmap map at position index:
	value = 11111;
	index = HUGE - 1;  // the bitmap is indexed like a C array.. 0 to size-1
	printf("ASSIGN %d AT %u\n", value, index);
	BM_ASSIGN(map, value, index);
	result = BM_TEST(map, index)             ; printf("     bit %12u is %c/%c  %s  byte:%10u is 0x%02x\n", index, RESULTS('T'), index / 8, map[index / 8]);

	value = 0;
	printf("ASSIGN %d AT %u\n", value, index);
	BM_ASSIGN(map, value, index);
	result = BM_TEST(map, index)             ; printf("     bit %12u is %c/%c  %s  byte:%10u is 0x%02x\n", index, RESULTS('F'), index / 8, map[index / 8]);

	printf("EVERY EVEN BIT 0, EVERY ODD BIT 1...\n");
	for ( ii = 0; ii < HUGE; ii += 2 )
		BM_CLR(map, ii);
		BM_SET(map, ii + 1);
	result = BM_TEST(map, 3456)              ; printf("     bit %12u is %c/%c  %s  byte:%10u is 0x%02x\n", 3456, RESULTS('F'),   3456 / 8, map[3456 / 8]);
	result = BM_TEST(map, 4567)              ; printf("     bit %12u is %c/%c  %s  byte:%10u is 0x%02x\n", 4567, RESULTS('T'),   4567 / 8, map[4567 / 8]);
	result = BM_ANY(map, 1, HUGE)             ; printf("  checking for any '1's: %c/%c  %s\n", RESULTS('T'));
	result = BM_ANY(map, 0, HUGE)             ; printf("  checking for any '0's: %c/%c  %s\n", RESULTS('T'));
	ok = TRUE;
	for ( ii = 0; ii < HUGE; ii += 2 )
		if ( ii & 1 )
			if ( ! BM_TEST(map, ii) )       { printf("  FAIL: scan test: bit %u should be 1  byte:%10u is 0x%02x\n", ii, ii / 8, map[ii / 8]); ok = FALSE; break; }
			if (   BM_TEST(map, ii) )       { printf("  FAIL: scan test: bit %u should be 0  byte:%10u is 0x%02x\n", ii, ii / 8, map[ii / 8]); ok = FALSE; break; }
	if ( ok )                                 printf("  scan test...                OK\n");

	printf("EVERY ODD BIT 0, EVERY EVEN BIT 1...\n");
	for ( ii = 0; ii < HUGE; ii += 2 )
		BM_SET(map, ii);
		BM_CLR(map, ii + 1);
	result = BM_TEST(map, 3456)              ; printf("     bit %12u is %c/%c  %s  byte:%10u is 0x%02x\n", 3456, RESULTS('T'),   3456 / 8, map[3456 / 8]);
	result = BM_TEST(map, 4567)              ; printf("     bit %12u is %c/%c  %s  byte:%10u is 0x%02x\n", 4567, RESULTS('F'),   4567 / 8, map[4567 / 8]);
	result = BM_ANY(map, 1, HUGE)             ; printf("  checking for any '1's: %c/%c  %s\n", RESULTS('T'));
	result = BM_ANY(map, 0, HUGE)             ; printf("  checking for any '0's: %c/%c  %s\n", RESULTS('T'));
	ok = TRUE;
	for ( ii = 0; ii < HUGE; ii += 2 )
		if ( ii & 1 )
			if (   BM_TEST(map, ii) )       { printf("  FAIL: scan test: bit %u should be 0  byte:%10u is 0x%02x\n", ii, ii / 8, map[ii / 8]); ok = FALSE; break; }
			if ( ! BM_TEST(map, ii) )       { printf("  FAIL: scan test: bit %u should be 1  byte:%10u is 0x%02x\n", ii, ii / 8, map[ii / 8]); ok = FALSE; break; }
	if ( ok )                                 printf("  scan test...                OK\n");

	printf("SETTING ARRAY TO ALL '1'S\n");
	BM_ALL(map, 1, HUGE);
	result = BM_ANY(map, 1, HUGE)             ; printf("  checking for any '1's: %c/%c  %s\n", RESULTS('T'));
	result = BM_ANY(map, 0, HUGE)             ; printf("  checking for any '0's: %c/%c  %s\n", RESULTS('F'));

	printf("SETTING ARRAY TO ALL '0'S\n");
	BM_ALL(map, 0, HUGE);
	result = BM_ANY(map, 1, HUGE)             ; printf("  checking for any '1's: %c/%c  %s\n", RESULTS('F'));
	result = BM_ANY(map, 0, HUGE)             ; printf("  checking for any '0's: %c/%c  %s\n", RESULTS('T'));

	printf("SETTING BIT %u TO '1'\n", HUGE - 2);
	BM_SET(map, HUGE - 2);
	result = BM_ANY(map, 1, HUGE)             ; printf("  checking for any '1's: %c/%c  %s\n", RESULTS('T'));
	result = BM_ANY(map, 0, HUGE)             ; printf("  checking for any '0's: %c/%c  %s\n", RESULTS('T'));

	printf("SETTING ARRAY TO ALL '1'S\n");
	BM_ALL(map, 1, HUGE);
	printf("SETTING BIT %u TO '0'\n", HUGE - 2);
	BM_CLR(map, HUGE - 2);
	result = BM_ANY(map, 1, HUGE)             ; printf("  checking for any '1's: %c/%c  %s\n", RESULTS('T'));
	result = BM_ANY(map, 0, HUGE)             ; printf("  checking for any '0's: %c/%c  %s\n", RESULTS('T'));

	// Freeing space requested: We can just use free(), or for closing the circle:
	return 0;

	return 1;