Exemplo n.º 1
from_local_8_bit(const std::string& s)
    typedef codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> facet_type;
    return from_8_bit(s,
                      BOOST_USE_FACET(facet_type, locale()));
Exemplo n.º 2
 to_local_8_bit(const std::wstring& s)
     typedef codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> facet_type;
     return to_8_bit(s, 
                     BOOST_USE_FACET(facet_type, locale()));                        
std::wstring widen_string( const std::string & str,
                           const std::locale & loc = std::locale() )
  std::wstring result;
  const std::string::size_type len = str.length();
  if(len != 0) {
    BOOST_USE_FACET(std::ctype<wchar_t>, loc)
                  .widen(&str[0], 1 + &str[len-1], &result[0]);
  return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
void print_cpp_char(charT c)
   std::locale l;
   const std::collate<charT>& col = BOOST_USE_FACET(std::collate<charT>, l);
   std::basic_string<charT> result = col.transform(&c, &c+1);
   std::cout << result.size() << "   ";
   std::size_t n = result.find(charT(0));
   if(n != std::basic_string<charT>::npos)
      std::cerr << "(Error in location of null, found: " << n << ")";
Exemplo n.º 5
void basic_format<Ch, Tr, Alloc>::
make_or_reuse_data (std::size_t nbitems) {
#if !defined(BOOST_NO_STD_LOCALE)
    Ch fill = ( BOOST_USE_FACET(std::ctype<Ch>, getloc()) ). widen(' ');
    Ch fill = ' ';
    if(items_.size() == 0)
        items_.assign( nbitems, format_item_t(fill) );
    else {
            items_.resize(nbitems, format_item_t(fill));
        for(std::size_t i=0; i < nbitems; ++i)
            items_[i].reset(fill); //  strings are resized, instead of reallocated
Exemplo n.º 6
void print_ctype_info(charT, const char* name)
   std::locale l;
   const std::ctype<charT>& ct = BOOST_USE_FACET(std::ctype<charT>, l);
   typedef typename std::ctype<charT>::mask mask_type;
   mask_type m = static_cast<mask_type>(std::ctype<charT>::lower | std::ctype<charT>::upper);
   bool result = ct.is(m, static_cast<charT>('a')) && ct.is(m , static_cast<charT>('A'));
   std::cout << "Checking std::ctype<" << name << ">::is(mask, c):" << std::endl;
   std::cout << "   Boost.Regex believes this facet to be buggy..." << std::endl;
   std::cout << "   Boost.Regex believes this facet to be correct..." << std::endl;
   std::cout << "   Actual behavior, appears to be " << (result ? "correct." : "buggy.") << std::endl;
   assert(ct.is(std::ctype<charT>::alnum, 'a'));
   assert(ct.is(std::ctype<charT>::alnum, 'A'));
   assert(ct.is(std::ctype<charT>::alnum, '0'));
        inline bool lcast_ret_float(T& value, const CharT* begin, const CharT* const end)
            value = static_cast<T>(0);
            if (begin == end) return false;
            if (parse_inf_nan(begin, end, value)) return true;

            CharT const czero = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::zero;
            CharT const minus = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::minus;
            CharT const plus = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::plus;
            CharT const capital_e = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::capital_e;
            CharT const lowercase_e = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::lowercase_e;
            /* Getting the plus/minus sign */
            bool const has_minus = Traits::eq(*begin, minus);
            if (has_minus || Traits::eq(*begin, plus)) {
                ++ begin;
                if (begin == end) return false;

            std::locale loc;
            typedef std::numpunct<CharT> numpunct;
            numpunct const& np = BOOST_USE_FACET(numpunct, loc);
            std::string const grouping(
                    (loc == std::locale::classic())
                    ? std::string()
                    : np.grouping()
            std::string::size_type const grouping_size = grouping.size();
            CharT const thousands_sep = static_cast<CharT>(grouping_size ? np.thousands_sep() : 0);
            CharT const decimal_point = np.decimal_point();
            bool found_grouping = false;
            std::string::size_type last_grouping_pos = grouping_size - 1;
            CharT const decimal_point = lcast_char_constants<CharT>::c_decimal_separator;

            bool found_decimal = false;
            bool found_number_before_exp = false;
            typedef int pow_of_10_t;
            pow_of_10_t pow_of_10 = 0;

            typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mantissa_holder_type<T>::type mantissa_type;
            mantissa_type mantissa=0;
            bool is_mantissa_full = false;
            char length_since_last_delim = 0;

            while (begin != end) {
                if (found_decimal) {
                    /* We allow no thousand_separators after decimal point */

                    const mantissa_type tmp_sub_value = static_cast<mantissa_type>(*begin - czero);
                    if (Traits::eq(*begin, lowercase_e) || Traits::eq(*begin, capital_e)) break;
                    if ( *begin < czero || *begin >= czero + 10 ) return false;
                    if (    is_mantissa_full
                            || ((std::numeric_limits<mantissa_type>::max)() - tmp_sub_value) / 10u  < mantissa
                            ) {
                        is_mantissa_full = true;
                        ++ begin;

                    -- pow_of_10;
                    mantissa = static_cast<mantissa_type>(mantissa * 10 + tmp_sub_value);

                    found_number_before_exp = true;
                } else {

                    if (*begin >= czero && *begin < czero + 10) {

                        /* Checking for mantissa overflow. If overflow will
                         * occur, them we only increase multiplyer
                        const mantissa_type tmp_sub_value = static_cast<mantissa_type>(*begin - czero);
                        if(     is_mantissa_full
                                || ((std::numeric_limits<mantissa_type>::max)() - tmp_sub_value) / 10u  < mantissa
                            is_mantissa_full = true;
                            ++ pow_of_10;
                        } else {
                            mantissa = static_cast<mantissa_type>(mantissa * 10 + tmp_sub_value);

                        found_number_before_exp = true;
                        ++ length_since_last_delim;
                    } else if (Traits::eq(*begin, decimal_point) || Traits::eq(*begin, lowercase_e) || Traits::eq(*begin, capital_e)) {
                        /* If ( we need to check grouping
                         *      and (   grouping missmatches
                         *              or grouping position is incorrect
                         *              or we are using the grouping position 0 twice
                         *           )
                         *    ) then return error
                        if( grouping_size && found_grouping
                            && (
                                   length_since_last_delim != grouping[0]
                                   || last_grouping_pos>1
                                   || (last_grouping_pos==0 && grouping_size>1)
                           ) return false;

                        if (Traits::eq(*begin, decimal_point)) {
                            ++ begin;
                            found_decimal = true;
                            if (!found_number_before_exp && begin==end) return false;
                        } else {
                            if (!found_number_before_exp) return false;
                    else if (grouping_size && Traits::eq(*begin, thousands_sep)){
                            /* It is not he first time, when we find thousands separator,
                             * so we need to chek, is the distance between two groupings
                             * equal to grouping[last_grouping_pos] */

                            if (length_since_last_delim != grouping[last_grouping_pos] )
                                if (!last_grouping_pos) return false;
                                    -- last_grouping_pos;
                                    if (length_since_last_delim != grouping[last_grouping_pos]) return false;
                            } else
                                /* We are calling the grouping[0] twice, when grouping size is more than 1 */
                                if (grouping_size>1u && last_grouping_pos+1<grouping_size) return false;

                        } else {
                            /* Delimiter at the begining ',000' */
                            if (!length_since_last_delim) return false;

                            found_grouping = true;
                            if (length_since_last_delim > grouping[last_grouping_pos] ) return false;

                        length_since_last_delim = 0;
                        ++ begin;

                        /* Delimiter at the end '100,' */
                        if (begin == end) return false;
                    else return false;


            // Exponent found
            if (begin != end && (Traits::eq(*begin, lowercase_e) || Traits::eq(*begin, capital_e))) {
                ++ begin;
                if (begin == end) return false;

                bool const exp_has_minus = Traits::eq(*begin, minus);
                if (exp_has_minus || Traits::eq(*begin, plus)) {
                    ++ begin;
                    if (begin == end) return false;

                pow_of_10_t exp_pow_of_10 = 0;
                while (begin != end) {
                    pow_of_10_t const sub_value = *begin - czero;

                    if ( *begin < czero || *begin >= czero + 10
                         || ((std::numeric_limits<pow_of_10_t>::max)() - sub_value) / 10 < exp_pow_of_10)
                        return false;

                    exp_pow_of_10 *= 10;
                    exp_pow_of_10 += sub_value;
                    ++ begin;

                if (exp_has_minus) {
                    if ((std::numeric_limits<pow_of_10_t>::min)() + exp_pow_of_10 > pow_of_10)
                        return false;   // failed overflow check
                    pow_of_10 -= exp_pow_of_10;
                } else {
                    if ((std::numeric_limits<pow_of_10_t>::max)() - exp_pow_of_10 < pow_of_10)
                        return false;   // failed overflow check
                    pow_of_10 += exp_pow_of_10;

            /* We need a more accurate algorithm... We can not use current algorithm
             * with long doubles (and with doubles if sizeof(double)==sizeof(long double)).
            typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME mantissa_holder_type<T>::wide_result_t wide_result_t;
            const wide_result_t result = std::pow(static_cast<wide_result_t>(10.0), pow_of_10) * mantissa;
            value = static_cast<T>( has_minus ? (boost::math::changesign)(result) : result);

            return !((boost::math::isinf)(value) || (boost::math::isnan)(value));
Exemplo n.º 8
 ucs_to_mbcs(const std::basic_string<wchar_t>& s, const std::locale& loc)
     typedef std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> facet_type;
     return ucs_to_8_bit(s, BOOST_USE_FACET(facet_type, loc));                        
Exemplo n.º 9
 mbcs_to_ucs(const std::basic_string<char>& s)
     typedef std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, mbstate_t> facet_type;
     return ucs_from_8_bit(s, BOOST_USE_FACET(facet_type, std::locale()));