    if( m_parent->IsGalCanvasActive() )

        BOX2I bbox = m_dummyPad->ViewBBox();

        if( bbox.GetSize().x > 0 && bbox.GetSize().y > 0 )
            // gives a size to the full drawable area
            BOX2I drawbox;
            drawbox.Move( m_dummyPad->GetPosition() );
            drawbox.Inflate( bbox.GetSize().x*2, bbox.GetSize().y*2 );
            m_panelShowPadGal->GetView()->SetBoundary( drawbox );

            // Autozoom
            m_panelShowPadGal->GetView()->SetViewport( BOX2D( bbox.GetOrigin(), bbox.GetSize() ) );

            // Add a margin
            m_panelShowPadGal->GetView()->SetScale( m_panelShowPadGal->GetView()->GetScale() * 0.7 );

    if( m_parent->IsGalCanvasActive() )

        BOX2I bbox = m_dummyPad->ViewBBox();

        if( bbox.GetSize().x > 0 && bbox.GetSize().y > 0 )
            // Autozoom
            m_panelShowPadGal->GetView()->SetViewport( BOX2D( bbox.GetOrigin(), bbox.GetSize() ) );

            // Add a margin
            m_panelShowPadGal->GetView()->SetScale( m_panelShowPadGal->GetView()->GetScale() * 0.7 );

Exemplo n.º 3
void City::Load(HANDLE file, bool local)
	OutsideLocation::Load(file, local);

	ReadFile(file, &citzens, sizeof(citzens), &tmp, NULL);
	ReadFile(file, &citzens_world, sizeof(citzens_world), &tmp, NULL);

	if(last_visit != -1)
		int side;
		BOX2D spawn_area;
		BOX2D exit_area;
		float spawn_dir;

		if(LOAD_VERSION < V_0_3)
			ReadFile(file, &side, sizeof(side), &tmp, NULL);
			ReadFile(file, &spawn_area, sizeof(spawn_area), &tmp, NULL);
			ReadFile(file, &exit_area, sizeof(exit_area), &tmp, NULL);
			ReadFile(file, &spawn_dir, sizeof(spawn_dir), &tmp, NULL);
			File f(file);
			f >> have_exit;
			gates = f.Read<byte>();

		uint ile;
		ReadFile(file, &ile, sizeof(ile), &tmp, NULL);
		ReadFile(file, &buildings[0], sizeof(CityBuilding)*ile, &tmp, NULL);
		ReadFile(file, &inside_offset, sizeof(inside_offset), &tmp, NULL);
		ReadFile(file, &ile, sizeof(ile), &tmp, NULL);
		int index = 0;
		for(vector<InsideBuilding*>::iterator it = inside_buildings.begin(), end = inside_buildings.end(); it != end; ++it, ++index)
			*it = new InsideBuilding;
			(*it)->Load(file, local);
			(*it)->ctx.building_id = index;
			(*it)->ctx.mine = INT2((*it)->level_shift.x*256, (*it)->level_shift.y*256);
			(*it)->ctx.maxe = (*it)->ctx.mine + INT2(256,256);

		ReadFile(file, &quest_burmistrz, sizeof(quest_burmistrz), &tmp, NULL);
		ReadFile(file, &quest_burmistrz_czas, sizeof(quest_burmistrz_czas), &tmp, NULL);
		ReadFile(file, &quest_dowodca, sizeof(quest_dowodca), &tmp, NULL);
		ReadFile(file, &quest_dowodca_czas, sizeof(quest_dowodca_czas), &tmp, NULL);
		ReadFile(file, &arena_czas, sizeof(arena_czas), &tmp, NULL);
		ReadFile(file, &arena_pos, sizeof(arena_pos), &tmp, NULL);

		if(LOAD_VERSION < V_0_3)
			const float aa = 11.1f;
			const float bb = 12.6f;
			const float es = 1.3f;
			const uint _s = 16 * 8;
			const int w = size;
			const int w1 = w+1;
			const int mur1 = int(0.15f*w);
			const int mur2 = int(0.85f*w);
			TERRAIN_TILE road_type;

			// setup entrance
			case 0: // from top
					VEC2 p(float(_s)+1.f, 0.8f*_s*2);
					exit_area = BOX2D(p.x-es, p.y+aa, p.x+es, p.y+bb);
					gates = GATE_NORTH;
					road_type = tiles[w/2+int(0.85f*w-2)*w].t;
			case 1: // from left
					VEC2 p(0.2f*_s*2, float(_s)+1.f);
					exit_area = BOX2D(p.x-bb, p.y-es, p.x-aa, p.y+es);
					gates = GATE_WEST;
					road_type = tiles[int(0.15f*w)+2+(w/2)*w].t;
			case 2: // from bottom
					VEC2 p(float(_s)+1.f, 0.2f*_s*2);
					exit_area = BOX2D(p.x-es, p.y-bb, p.x+es, p.y-aa);
					gates = GATE_SOUTH;
					road_type = tiles[w/2+int(0.15f*w+2)*w].t;
			case 3: // from right
					VEC2 p(0.8f*_s*2, float(_s)+1.f);
					exit_area = BOX2D(p.x+aa, p.y-es, p.x+bb, p.y+es);
					gates = GATE_EAST;
					road_type = tiles[int(0.85f*w)-2+(w/2)*w].t;

			// update terrain tiles
			// tiles under walls
			for(int i=mur1; i<=mur2; ++i)
				// north
				tiles[i+mur1*w].Set(TT_SAND, TM_BUILDING);
				if(tiles[i+(mur1+1)*w].t == TT_GRASS)
					tiles[i+(mur1+1)*w].Set(TT_SAND, TT_GRASS, 128, TM_BUILDING);
				// south
				tiles[i+mur2*w].Set(TT_SAND, TM_BUILDING);
				if(tiles[i+(mur2-1)*w].t == TT_GRASS)
					tiles[i+(mur2-1)*w].Set(TT_SAND, TT_GRASS, 128, TM_BUILDING);
				// west
				tiles[mur1+i*w].Set(TT_SAND, TM_BUILDING);
				if(tiles[mur1+1+i*w].t == TT_GRASS)
					tiles[mur1+1+i*w].Set(TT_SAND, TT_GRASS, 128, TM_BUILDING);
				// east
				tiles[mur2+i*w].Set(TT_SAND, TM_BUILDING);
				if(tiles[mur2-1+i*w].t == TT_GRASS)
					tiles[mur2-1+i*w].Set(TT_SAND, TT_GRASS, 128, TM_BUILDING);

			// tiles under gates
			if(gates == GATE_SOUTH)
				tiles[w/2-1+int(0.15f*w)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[w/2  +int(0.15f*w)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[w/2+1+int(0.15f*w)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[w/2-1+(int(0.15f*w)+1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[w/2  +(int(0.15f*w)+1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[w/2+1+(int(0.15f*w)+1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
			if(gates == GATE_WEST)
				tiles[int(0.15f*w)+(w/2-1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[int(0.15f*w)+(w/2  )*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[int(0.15f*w)+(w/2+1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[int(0.15f*w)+1+(w/2-1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[int(0.15f*w)+1+(w/2  )*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[int(0.15f*w)+1+(w/2+1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
			if(gates == GATE_NORTH)
				tiles[w/2-1+int(0.85f*w)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[w/2  +int(0.85f*w)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[w/2+1+int(0.85f*w)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[w/2-1+(int(0.85f*w)-1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[w/2  +(int(0.85f*w)-1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[w/2+1+(int(0.85f*w)-1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
			if(gates == GATE_EAST)
				tiles[int(0.85f*w)+(w/2-1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[int(0.85f*w)+(w/2  )*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[int(0.85f*w)+(w/2+1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[int(0.85f*w)-1+(w/2-1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[int(0.85f*w)-1+(w/2  )*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);
				tiles[int(0.85f*w)-1+(w/2+1)*w].Set(road_type, TM_ROAD);

			// delete old walls
			Obj* to_remove = FindObject("to_remove");
			vector<Object>::iterator it = objects.begin();
			while(it != objects.end())
				if(it->base == to_remove)
					it = objects.erase(it);

			// add new buildings
			Obj* oMur = FindObject("wall");
			Obj* oWieza = FindObject("tower");

			const int mid = int(0.5f*_s);

			// walls
			for(int i=mur1; i<mur2; i += 3)
				// top
				if(side != 2 || i < mid-1 || i > mid)
					Object& o = Add1(objects);
					o.pos = VEC3(float(i)*2+1.f, 1.f, int(0.15f*_s)*2+1.f);
					o.rot = VEC3(0,PI,0);
					o.scale = 1.f;
					o.base = oMur;
					o.mesh = oMur->ani;

				// bottom
				if(side != 0 || i < mid-1 || i > mid)
					Object& o = Add1(objects);
					o.pos = VEC3(float(i)*2+1.f, 1.f, int(0.85f*_s)*2+1.f);
					o.rot = VEC3(0,0,0);
					o.scale = 1.f;
					o.base = oMur;
					o.mesh = oMur->ani;

				// left
				if(side != 1 || i < mid-1 || i > mid)
					Object& o = Add1(objects);
					o.pos = VEC3(int(0.15f*_s)*2+1.f, 1.f, float(i)*2+1.f);
					o.rot = VEC3(0,PI*3/2,0);
					o.scale = 1.f;
					o.base = oMur;
					o.mesh = oMur->ani;

				// right
				if(side != 3 || i < mid-1 || i > mid)
					Object& o = Add1(objects);
					o.pos = VEC3(int(0.85f*_s)*2+1.f, 1.f, float(i)*2+1.f);
					o.rot = VEC3(0,PI/2,0);
					o.scale = 1.f;
					o.base = oMur;
					o.mesh = oMur->ani;

			// towers
				// right top
				Object& o = Add1(objects);
				o.pos = VEC3(int(0.85f*_s)*2+1.f,1.f,int(0.85f*_s)*2+1.f);
				o.rot = VEC3(0,0,0);		
				o.scale = 1.f;
				o.base = oWieza;
				o.mesh = oWieza->ani;
				// right bottom
				Object& o = Add1(objects);
				o.pos = VEC3(int(0.85f*_s)*2+1.f,1.f,int(0.15f*_s)*2+1.f);
				o.rot = VEC3(0,PI/2,0);
				o.scale = 1.f;
				o.base = oWieza;
				o.mesh = oWieza->ani;
				// left bottom
				Object& o = Add1(objects);
				o.pos = VEC3(int(0.15f*_s)*2+1.f,1.f,int(0.15f*_s)*2+1.f);
				o.rot = VEC3(0,PI,0);
				o.scale = 1.f;
				o.base = oWieza;
				o.mesh = oWieza->ani;
				// left top
				Object& o = Add1(objects);
				o.pos = VEC3(int(0.15f*_s)*2+1.f,1.f,int(0.85f*_s)*2+1.f);
				o.rot = VEC3(0,PI*3/2,0);
				o.scale = 1.f;
				o.base = oWieza;
				o.mesh = oWieza->ani;

			// gate
			Object& o = Add1(objects);
			o.rot.x = o.rot.z = 0.f;
			o.scale = 1.f;
			o.base = FindObject("gate");
			o.mesh = o.base->ani;
			case 0:
				o.rot.y = 0;
				o.pos = VEC3(0.5f*_s*2+1.f,1.f,0.85f*_s*2);
			case 1:
				o.rot.y = PI*3/2;
				o.pos = VEC3(0.15f*_s*2,1.f,0.5f*_s*2+1.f);
			case 2:
				o.rot.y = PI;
				o.pos = VEC3(0.5f*_s*2+1.f,1.f,0.15f*_s*2);
			case 3:
				o.rot.y = PI/2;
				o.pos = VEC3(0.85f*_s*2,1.f,0.5f*_s*2+1.f);

			// grate
			Object& o2 = Add1(objects);
			o2.pos = o.pos;
			o2.rot = o.rot;
			o2.scale = 1.f;
			o2.base = FindObject("grate");
			o2.mesh = o2.base->ani;

			// exit
			EntryPoint& entry = Add1(entry_points);
			entry.spawn_area = spawn_area;
			entry.spawn_rot = spawn_dir;
			entry.exit_area = exit_area;
			entry.exit_y = 1.1f;