Exemplo n.º 1
	Color RayTracer::TraceSpecularTransmit(const Scene *scene, const Ray& ray, const LocalGeo& geom, int depth, const CameraSample& samplebuf){
		Vec3 wo = -ray.dir, wi;
		float pdf;
		Color color;
		Color f = geom.bsdf->SampleDirect(wo, geom, Sample(), &wi, &pdf, BSDFType(BSDF_TRANSMISSION | BSDF_SPECULAR));
		float absdot_wi_n = Math::AbsDot(wi, geom.normal);
		if (pdf > 0.f && f != Color::BLACK && absdot_wi_n != 0.f){
			Ray refracted(geom.point, wi);
			//TODO differential
			color = f * Li(scene, refracted, depth, samplebuf) * absdot_wi_n / pdf;
		return color;
Exemplo n.º 2
	Color RayTracer::EstimateDirect(const Scene *scene, const Ray& ray, const LocalGeo& geom, const Light *light, const Sample *lightsample, const Sample *bsdfsample){
		Vec3 wo = -ray.dir;		// dir to camera
		Ray lightray;
		float light_pdf, bsdf_pdf;
		Color color, lightcolor, surfacecolor;

		// sample light sources with multiple importance sampling
		light->SampleDirect(geom.point, lightsample, &lightray, &lightcolor, &light_pdf);
		if (light_pdf > 0.f && lightcolor != Color::BLACK){
			surfacecolor = geom.bsdf->Eval(lightray.dir, wo, geom, BSDFType(BSDF_ALL & ~BSDF_SPECULAR));
			if (surfacecolor != Color::BLACK && !scene->Occlude(lightray)){
				if (light->IsDelta())
					color = surfacecolor * lightcolor * (Math::AbsDot(lightray.dir, geom.normal));
					bsdf_pdf = geom.bsdf->Pdf(wo, lightray.dir, geom);
					color = surfacecolor * lightcolor * (Math::AbsDot(lightray.dir, geom.normal) / light_pdf * PowerHeuristic(1, light_pdf, 1, bsdf_pdf));

		if (light->IsDelta())
			return color;

		// sample bsdf with multiple importance sampling
		surfacecolor = geom.bsdf->SampleDirect(wo, geom, *bsdfsample, &(lightray.dir), &bsdf_pdf, BSDFType(BSDF_ALL & ~BSDF_SPECULAR));
		if (bsdf_pdf > 0.f && surfacecolor != Color::BLACK){
			lightcolor = Color::BLACK;
			LocalGeo geom_light;
			if (scene->Intersect(lightray, geom_light)){
				if (light == geom_light.prim->GetAreaLight()){
					scene->PostIntersect(lightray, geom_light);
					light_pdf = geom_light.prim->Pdf(geom_light.triId, geom.point, lightray.dir);
					geom_light.Emit(-lightray.dir, &lightcolor);
			//	light->Emit(lightray, &lightcolor);
			if (lightcolor != Color::BLACK){
				color += surfacecolor * lightcolor * (Math::AbsDot(lightray.dir, geom.normal) / bsdf_pdf * PowerHeuristic(1, bsdf_pdf, 1, light_pdf));
		return color;
Exemplo n.º 3
    void PhotonMap::ShootCausticsPhoton(const Vector &dir, const Vector &pi, const Color &color, Shape *shape, int depth)
        if ( depth >= confPhotonCausticsMaximumDepth ) return;
        if ( depth != 0 && shape->mMaterial->MatchesBSDFFlags(BSDF_DIFFUSE) ) {
            // Diffuse material, add photon
            Photon *photon = new Photon(color, dir);
            AddPhoton(causticsMap, pi, photon);
        } else if ( shape->mMaterial->MatchesBSDFFlags(BSDF_SPECULAR) ) {
            // Specular material, continue build photon
            Vector N = shape->GetNormal(pi);
            for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < shape->mMaterial->BSDFs.size(); i++ ) {
                BSDF *bsdf = shape->mMaterial->BSDFs[i];
                if ( !bsdf->MatchesFlags(BSDFType(BSDF_SPECULAR)) ) continue;
                Vector newDir;
                Color matColor;
                Vector *vos = NULL;
                int voNum = 0;
                if (  bsdf->G(-dir, vos, voNum, N, matColor, 1.f) ) {
                    _ASSERT(voNum > 0);
                    newDir = vos[0];
                    delete [] vos;
                    vos = NULL;
                    matColor *= shape->GetColor(pi);
                    if ( matColor.IsBlack() ) continue;
                    float dist = MAXDISTANCE;
                    Shape *newShape;
                    Vector norm = N.Dot(dir) > 0 ? -N : N;
                    if ( bsdf->MatchesFlags(BSDF_TRANSMISSION) ) norm = -norm;
                    if ( scene->FindNearest(Ray(pi + norm * EPSILON, newDir), dist, newShape) == IR_MISS )
                    ShootCausticsPhoton(newDir, pi + newDir * dist, color * matColor, newShape, depth + 1);
