Exemplo n.º 1
rc_t CC
_AddSidNoLock ( const char * Name, struct __SidNode ** Ret )
    struct __SidNode * Node;
    rc_t RCt;

    Node = NULL;
    RCt = 0;

    if ( Name == NULL || Ret == NULL ) {
        return XFS_RC ( rcNull );
    * Ret = NULL;

    RCt = _SidNodeMake ( Name, & Node );
    if ( RCt == 0 ) {
        RCt = BSTreeInsert (
                            & _sSidStorage,
                            & ( Node -> node ),
        if ( RCt == 0 ) {
            * Ret = Node;

    if ( RCt != 0 ) {
        _SidNodeDispose ( Node );

    return RCt;
}   /* _AddSidNoLock () */
Exemplo n.º 2
static void count_indel_fragment( BSTree * fragments, const INSDC_4na_bin *bases, uint32_t len )
    find_fragment_ctx fctx;

    fctx.bases = malloc( len );
    if ( fctx.bases != NULL )
        indel_fragment * fragment;
        uint32_t i;

        fctx.len = len;
        for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i )
            ( ( char * )fctx.bases )[ i ] = _4na_to_ascii( bases[ i ], false );

        fragment = ( indel_fragment * ) BSTreeFind ( fragments, &fctx, cmp_fragment_vs_find_ctx );
        if ( fragment == NULL )
            fragment = make_indel_fragment( fctx.bases, len );
            if ( fragment != NULL )
                rc_t rc = BSTreeInsert ( fragments, ( BSTNode * )fragment, cmp_fragment_vs_fragment );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    free_indel_fragment( ( BSTNode * )fragment, NULL );

        free( ( void * ) fctx.bases );
Exemplo n.º 3
/* BSTreeResort
 *  an optimized removal and re-insertion of
 *  all contained elements using another function
 *  the treatment of order for items reported as identical
 *  i.e. sort function returns zero when they are compared,
 *  is undefined.
 *  the current implementation treats '<=' as '<' such
 *  that all inserts are converted to a '<' or '>' comparison,
 *  but this should not be relied upon.
LIB_EXPORT void CC BSTreeResort ( BSTree *bt,
    int64_t ( CC * resort ) ( const BSTNode *item, const BSTNode *n ) )
    if ( bt != NULL )
        BSTNode *p = bt -> root;
        bt -> root = NULL;

        while ( p != NULL )
            BSTNode *q = p -> child [ 0 ];
            if ( q == 0 )
                q = p -> child [ 1 ];
                BSTreeInsert ( bt, p, resort );
                p -> child [ 0 ] = q -> child [ 1 ];
                q -> child [ 1 ] = p;
            p = q;
Exemplo n.º 4
static rc_t KNSProxiesAddHttpProxyPath ( KNSProxies * self,
    const char * proxy, size_t proxy_size,
    uint16_t proxy_port )
    const String * proxy_host = NULL;

    rc_t rc = 0;

    HttpProxy * new_proxy = NULL;
    BSTItem * node = NULL;

    HttpProxy add = { proxy_host, proxy_port, 0 };

    assert ( self );

    if ( proxy == NULL )
        return 0;

    if ( rc == 0 ) {
        String tmp;
        StringInit ( & tmp, proxy, proxy_size,
                     string_len ( proxy, proxy_size ) );
        rc = StringCopy ( & proxy_host, & tmp );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            add . proxy_host = proxy_host;
            return rc;

    if ( BSTreeFind ( & self -> proxie_tree, & add, BSTItemCmp )
         != NULL )
            ( "Ignored duplicate proxy '%S:%d'\n", proxy_host, proxy_port ) );
        free ( ( void * ) proxy_host );
        return 0;

    new_proxy = calloc ( 1, sizeof * new_proxy );
    if ( new_proxy == NULL )
        return RC ( rcNS, rcMgr, rcAllocating, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
    new_proxy -> proxy_host = proxy_host;
    new_proxy -> proxy_port = proxy_port;
    node = calloc ( 1, sizeof * node );
    if ( node == NULL ) {
        free ( new_proxy );
        return RC ( rcNS, rcMgr, rcAllocating, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
    node -> proxy = new_proxy;

    rc = BSTreeInsert ( & self -> proxie_tree, ( BSTNode * ) node, BSTreeSort );

        ( "Added proxy '%S:%d'\n", proxy_host, proxy_port ) );

    if ( ! self -> http_proxy_enabled )
        self -> http_proxy_enabled = ( proxy_host != NULL );

    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 5
rc_t KeyRingDataInsertObject(ObjectTable*  data, 
                             uint32_t      p_id, 
                             const String* name, 
                             const String* project, 
                             const String* display_name,
                             uint64_t      size,
                             const String* checksum,
                             const String* encryption_key)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    Object* obj = (Object*) malloc(sizeof(Object));
    if (obj != NULL)
        rc = ObjectInit(obj, p_id, name, project, display_name, size, checksum, encryption_key);
        if (rc == 0)
            rc = BSTreeInsert(data, &obj->dad, SortObjects);
            if (rc != 0)
                ProjectWhack(&obj->dad, NULL);
        rc = RC ( rcApp, rcDatabase, rcUpdating, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 6
rc_t VProdResolveColExpr ( const VProdResolve *self, VProduction **out,
    VFormatdecl *fd, const SSymExpr *x, bool casting )
    rc_t rc;
    const SNameOverload *sname;
    const KSymbol *sym = x -> _sym;

    BSTree ordered;
    uint32_t i, count;
    SColumnBestFit buff [ 16 ], * nodes = buff;

    /* fail if "fd" has a format */
    if ( fd -> fmt != 0 )
        PLOGMSG ( klogWarn, ( klogWarn, "illegal cast of column '$(name)'"
                   , "name=%.*s"
                   , ( int ) sym -> name . size
                   , sym -> name . addr ));
        return 0;

    /* allocate nodes for indexing columns */
    sname = sym -> u . obj;
    count = VectorLength ( & sname -> items );
    if ( count > sizeof buff / sizeof buff [ 0 ] )
        nodes = malloc ( sizeof * nodes * count );
        if ( nodes == NULL )
            return RC ( rcVDB, rcProduction, rcResolving, rcMemory, rcExhausted );

    /* insert columns into ordered tree */
    BSTreeInit ( & ordered );
    for ( i = VectorStart ( & sname -> items ), count += i; i < count; ++ i )
        /* get SColumn */
        nodes [ i ] . scol = ( const void* ) VectorGet ( & sname -> items, i );

        /* perform type cast and measure distance */
        if ( casting ?
             VTypedeclCommonAncestor ( & nodes [ i ] . scol -> td, self -> schema,
                 & fd -> td, & nodes [ i ] . td, & nodes [ i ] . distance ) :
             VTypedeclToTypedecl ( & nodes [ i ] . scol -> td, self -> schema,
                 & fd -> td, & nodes [ i ] . td, & nodes [ i ] . distance ) )
            BSTreeInsert ( & ordered, & nodes [ i ] . n, order_column );

    /* try to resolve each in order */
    rc = VProdResolveBestColumn ( self, out, & ordered, x -> alt );

    if ( nodes != buff )
        free ( nodes );

    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 7
rc_t VCursorListSeededWritableColumns ( VCursor *self, BSTree *columns, const KNamelist *seed )
    rc_t rc;
    KDlset *libs;

    struct resolve_phys_data pb;
    pb . pr . schema = self -> schema;
    pb . pr . ld = self -> tbl -> linker;
    pb . pr . stbl = self -> stbl;
    pb . pr . curs = self;
    pb . pr . cache = & self -> prod;
    pb . pr . owned = & self -> owned;
    pb . pr . chain = chainEncoding;
    pb . pr . blobbing = false;
    pb . pr . ignore_column_errors = true;
    pb . pr . discover_writable_columns = true;
    pb . seed = seed;

    if ( seed != NULL )
        rc = KNamelistCount ( seed, & pb . count );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            return rc;

    /* open the dynamic linker libraries */
    rc = VLinkerOpen ( pb . pr . ld, & libs );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        pb . pr . libs = libs;
        VProdResolveWritableColumns ( & pb , self->suspend_triggers );
        KDlsetRelease ( libs );

        if ( rc == 0 )
            /* add columns to list */
            uint32_t idx = VectorStart ( & self -> row );
            uint32_t end = VectorLength ( & self -> row );

            for ( end += idx; idx < end; ++idx )
                const VColumn* vcol = ( const VColumn* ) VectorGet ( & self -> row, idx );
                if ( vcol != NULL )
                    VColumnRef *cref;
                    rc = VColumnRefMake ( & cref, self -> schema, vcol -> scol );
                    if ( rc != 0 )

                    rc = BSTreeInsert ( columns, & cref -> n, VColumnRefSort );
                    assert ( rc == 0 );

    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 8
rc_t extract_statistic_from_row( statistic * data, 
                                 row_input * row_data,
                                 const int64_t row_id )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    spotgrp *sg;

    /* first try the SPOT_GROUP column (correct for newer db's) */
    char * spotgrp_base = row_data->spotgroup;
    uint32_t spotgrp_len = row_data->spotgroup_len;
    /* first try the SPOT_GROUP column (correct for newer db's) */
    if ( spotgrp_len < 1 || *spotgrp_base == 0 )
        /* if empty try with SEQ_SPOT_GROUP column (correct for older db's) */
        spotgrp_base  = row_data->seq_spotgroup;
        spotgrp_len = row_data->seq_spotgroup_len;

    sg = find_spotgroup( data, spotgrp_base, spotgrp_len );
    if ( sg == NULL )
        sg = make_spotgrp( spotgrp_base, spotgrp_len );
        if ( sg == NULL )
            rc = RC( rcApp, rcSelf, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
            PLOGERR( klogInt, ( klogInt, rc, 
                     "make_spotgrp failed at row $(row_nr)", "row_nr=%lu", row_id ) );
            rc = BSTreeInsert ( &data->spotgroups, (BSTNode *)sg, spotgroup_sort );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                PLOGERR( klogInt, ( klogInt, rc, 
                     "BSTreeInsert( new spotgroup ) at row $(row_nr)", "row_nr=%lu", row_id ) );
    if ( rc == 0 )
        uint32_t n_bases  = row_data->read_len;

        if ( ( n_bases == row_data->quality_len ) &&
             ( n_bases == row_data->has_mismatch_len ) )
            rc = extract_spotgroup_statistic( data, sg, n_bases, row_data, row_id );
            rc = RC( rcApp, rcNoTarg, rcConstructing, rcData, rcInvalid );
            PLOGERR( klogInt, ( klogInt, rc, 
                 "number of bases, quality and has_mismatch is not the same at row $(row_nr)",
                 "row_nr=%lu", row_id ) );
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 9
static rc_t add_seq_id_node( BSTree * tree, const char * seq_id, const char * name, INSDC_coord_len len )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    seq_id_node * node = make_seq_id_node( seq_id, name, len );
    if ( node != NULL )
        rc = BSTreeInsert( tree, (BSTNode *)node, node_vs_node_wrapper );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            free_seq_id_node( node );
        rc = RC( rcApp, rcNoTarg, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 10
static rc_t insert_trans_nodes( BSTree *tree )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    uint32_t idx;
    for ( idx = 0; idx < N_TRANS_NODES && rc == 0; ++idx )
        trans_node * node = make_trans_node( chromosomes[ idx ], translations[ idx ] );
        if ( node != NULL )
            rc = BSTreeInsert ( tree, (BSTNode *)node, trans_node_sort );
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 11
static rc_t XmlMetaInitMemser(BSTree* tr,
    const KXMLNode* node, const char* path, const char* member_name)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    MetaMember* member
        = (MetaMember*)BSTreeFind(tr, member_name, MetaMemberCmp);
    if (member) {
        rc = RC(rcExe, rcMetadata, rcReading, rcAttr, rcDuplicate);
        PLOGERR(klogErr, (
            klogErr, rc, "Member/@member_name='$(name)'",
            "name=%s", member_name));
    else {
        member = calloc(1, sizeof(*member));
        if (member == NULL) {
            rc = RC(rcExe,
                rcStorage, rcAllocating, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
        if (rc == 0) {
            member->member_name = strdup(member_name);
            if (member == NULL) {
                rc = RC(rcExe,
                    rcStorage, rcAllocating, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
        if (rc == 0) {
            member->meta = calloc(1, sizeof(*member->meta));
            if (member->meta == NULL) {
                rc = RC(rcExe,
                    rcStorage, rcAllocating, rcMemory, rcExhausted);
        if (rc == 0) {
            rc = ParseSraMetaNode(node, path, member_name, member->meta);
        if (rc) {
            if (member) {
        else {
            BSTreeInsert(tr, (BSTNode*)member, MetaMemberSort);
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	BSTree T;
	int i, n, nvals, v[MAXVALS];

	// Build tree from values in stdin
	T = newBSTree();
	nvals = 0;
	while (nvals < MAXVALS && scanf("%d",&n) == 1) {
		v[nvals++] = n;
		T = BSTreeInsert(T,n);

	// Display information about constructed tree
	printf("\n#nodes = %d,  ",BSTreeNumNodes(T));
	printf("#leaves = %d\n",BSTreeNumLeaves(T));
	printf("Infix  : "); BSTreeInfix(T); printf("\n");
	printf("Prefix : "); BSTreePrefix(T); printf("\n");
	printf("Postfix: "); BSTreePostfix(T); printf("\n");
	printf("ByLevel: "); BSTreeLevelOrder(T); printf("\n");

	if (argc >= 2) {
		FILE *out = fopen(argv[1], "w");
		if (out) {
			BSTreeDot(T, out);
		} else {

	// Check correctness of tree

	// assume no duplicates => each value produces a node
	assert(nvals == BSTreeNumNodes(T));
	// every inserted value can be found
	for (i = 0; i < nvals; i++)
		assert(BSTreeFind(T,v[i]) != 0);
	// (hopefully) non-existent value cannot be found
	assert(BSTreeFind(T,-7654321) == 0);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
rc_t CC
_TeleportAdd ( const char * Name, XFSTeleportProvider_t Provider )
    rc_t RCt;
    struct _TNode * Tde;

    RCt = 0; 

    if ( Name == NULL || Provider == NULL ) {
        return XFS_RC ( rcNull );

    if ( _TeleportHas ( Name ) == true ) {
        return XFS_RC ( rcInvalid );

    Tde = calloc ( 1, sizeof ( struct _TNode ) );
    if ( Tde == NULL ) {
        return XFS_RC ( rcExhausted );

    if ( XFS_StrDup ( Name, & ( Tde -> Type ) ) != 0 ) {
        free ( Tde );

        return XFS_RC ( rcExhausted );

    RCt = Provider ( & Tde -> Teleport );

    if ( RCt != 0 || Tde -> Teleport == NULL ) {
        free ( ( char * ) Tde -> Type );
        free ( Tde );

        return XFS_RC ( rcInvalid );

    BSTreeInsert (
                ( struct BSTree * ) & _sTeleport,
                ( struct BSTNode * ) Tde,

    return RCt;
}   /* _TeleportAdd () */
Exemplo n.º 14
/* call back for each reference-region to generate eventually a skiplist_ref_node */
static void CC visit_region_node_for_skiplist( BSTNode *n, void *data )
    const struct reference_region * r = ( const struct reference_region * ) n;
    struct skiplist * skl = ( struct skiplist * ) data;
    if ( r != NULL && skl != NULL )
        /* walk the reference-region, detect if we even have something to skip in here */
        if ( reference_region_has_skip_ranges( r ) )
            struct skiplist_ref_node * srn = make_skiplist_ref_node( r );
            if ( srn != NULL )
                BSTreeInsert ( &(skl->nodes), ( BSTNode * )srn, srn_vs_srn_wrapper );
Exemplo n.º 15
/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rc_t insert_path (const VPath * vpath, uint64_t offset)
    extnode * node;
    rc_t rc;

    rc = extnode_make (&node, vpath, offset);
    if (rc == 0)
        rc = BSTreeInsert (&options.pathtree, &node->node, extnode_sort);
        if (rc)
            LOGERR (klogInt, rc, "error inserting tree node");
            return 0;

        extnode_whack (&node->node, NULL);
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 16
static rc_t cg_dump_row( cg_dump_opts * opts, cg_dump_ctx * cg_ctx, uint64_t row_id )
    uint32_t elem_bits, boff, sg_len;
    const char * sg;
    rc_t rc = VCursorCellDataDirect( cg_ctx->seq_cur, row_id, cg_ctx->seq_sg_idx, &elem_bits, (const void**)&sg, &boff, &sg_len );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        (void)PLOGERR( klogErr, ( klogErr, rc, "cannot read spot-group in row #$(row_id)", "row_id=%lu", row_id ) );
        String spot_group;
        lane * sg_lane;

        StringInit( &spot_group, sg, sg_len, sg_len );
        sg_lane = ( lane * )BSTreeFind ( &cg_ctx->lanes, &spot_group, String_lane_cmp );
        if ( sg_lane == NULL )
            /* KOutMsg( "row %lu (%S) not found, create it\n", row_id, &spot_group ); */
            rc = make_lane( opts, cg_ctx->lookup, cg_ctx->out_dir, &spot_group, &sg_lane );
            if ( rc == 0 )
                rc = BSTreeInsert ( &cg_ctx->lanes, ( BSTNode * )sg_lane, lane_lane_cmp );
                if ( rc != 0 )
                    (void)LOGERR( klogErr, rc, "cannot insert new lane" );
                    whack_lane( sg_lane );
            /* KOutMsg( "row %lu (%S) found, use it\n", row_id, &spot_group ); */
        if ( rc == 0 )
            cg_dump_write_spot( opts, cg_ctx, row_id, sg_lane ); /* <================== */
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 17
bool CC KU64Index_UnrollPersisted( PBSTNode *n, void *data )
    KU64Index_v3* self = data;
    const KU64Index_PNode* pn = n->data.addr;

    KU64Index_Node* node = calloc(1, sizeof(KU64Index_Node));
    if( node == NULL ) {
        self->rc = RC(rcExe, rcNode, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcInsufficient);
    } else {
        node->key = pn->key;
        node->key_size = pn->key_size;
        node->id = pn->id;
        node->id_qty = pn->id_qty;
        self->rc = BSTreeInsert(&self->tree, &node->node, KU64Index_NodeSort);
    if( self->rc != 0 ) {
    return self->rc == 0 ? false : true;
Exemplo n.º 18
static rc_t pnamesInsert (const char * path)
    pnamesNode * node;
    rc_t rc;

    rc = pnamesNodeMake (&node, path);
/*     if (rc != 0) */
/* 	    PLOGERR (klogDebug2, (klogDebug2, rc, "Unable to process filter parameter $(P)", */
/*                  PLOG_S(P), path)); */
    if (rc == 0)
        rc = BSTreeInsert ( &pnames, &node->dad, pnamesInsertCmp );
/*         if (rc != 0) */
/*             PLOGERR (klogDebug2, (klogDebug2, rc, "Unable to store filter parameter $(P)", */
/*                      PLOG_S(P), path)); */
/*         else */
/*             PLOGMSG (klogDebug2, "Processed filter parameter $(P)", */
/*                      PLOG_S(P), path); */
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 19
static rc_t find_or_make_by_name( ref_exclude *exclude,
                          const String * name,
                          ref_node ** node )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    *node = find_ref_node( exclude, name );
    if ( *node == NULL )
        /* if not found: make such a node... */
        *node = make_ref_node( exclude, name );
        if ( *node == NULL )
            rc = RC( rcApp, rcNoTarg, rcConstructing, rcSelf, rcNull );
            /* if node was successfully made, insert it into our tree */
            rc = BSTreeInsert ( &exclude->ref_nodes, (BSTNode *)( *node ), ref_node_sort );
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 20
rc_t CC
XFSOwpSet (
            const struct XFSOwp * self,
            const char * Key,
            const char * Property
    rc_t RCt;
    struct XFSOwpEntry * Entry;

    RCt = 0;
    Entry = NULL;

        /* I suppose, that Property could be NULL value */
    if ( self == NULL || Key == NULL ) {
        return XFS_RC ( rcNull );

        /* All property values are unique */
    if ( XFSOwpHas ( self, Key ) == true ) {
        return XFS_RC ( rcInvalid );

    Entry = _OWPEntryMake ( Key, Property );
    if ( Entry == NULL ) {
        RCt = XFS_RC ( rcExhausted );
    else {
        RCt = BSTreeInsert (
                        ( BSTree * ) self,
                        ( BSTNode * ) Entry,

    return RCt;
}   /* XFSOwpSet () */
Exemplo n.º 21
rc_t KU64IndexInsert_v3(KU64Index_v3* self, bool unique, uint64_t key, uint64_t key_size, int64_t id, uint64_t id_qty)
    KU64Index_Node* node = calloc(1, sizeof(KU64Index_Node));
    self->rc = 0;

    if( node == NULL ) {
        self->rc = RC(rcExe, rcNode, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcInsufficient);
    } else {
        node->key = key;
        node->key_size = key_size;
        node->id = id;
        node->id_qty = id_qty;
        if( unique ) {
            self->rc = BSTreeInsertUnique(&self->tree, &node->node, NULL, KU64Index_NodeSortUnique);
        } else {
            self->rc = BSTreeInsert(&self->tree, &node->node, KU64Index_NodeSort);
    if( self->rc != 0 ) {
    return self->rc;
Exemplo n.º 22
rc_t add_region( BSTree * regions, const char * name, const uint64_t start, const uint64_t end )
    rc_t rc;

    struct reference_region * r = find_reference_region( regions, name );
    if ( r == NULL )
        r = make_reference_region( name );
        if ( r == NULL )
            rc = RC( rcApp, rcNoTarg, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
            rc = add_ref_region_range( r, start, end );
        if ( rc == 0 )
            rc = BSTreeInsert ( regions, (BSTNode *)r, ref_vs_ref_wrapper );
        if ( rc != 0 )
            free_reference_region( r );
        rc = add_ref_region_range( r, start, end );
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 23
rc_t KeyRingDataInsertProject (ProjectTable*  data, 
                               uint32_t      p_id, 
                               const String* name, 
                               const String* download_ticket, 
                               const String* encryption_key)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    Project* p = (Project*) malloc(sizeof(Project));
    if (p != NULL)
        rc = ProjectInit(p, p_id, name, download_ticket, encryption_key);
        if (rc == 0)
            rc = BSTreeInsert(data, &p->dad, SortProjects);
            if (rc != 0)
                ProjectWhack(&p->dad, NULL);
        if (rc != 0)
        rc = RC ( rcApp, rcDatabase, rcUpdating, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 24
function INSDC:coord:zero NCBI:align:ref_pos ( I64 ref_id, INSDC:coord:zero ref_start );
rc_t CC align_ref_pos ( void *data, const VXformInfo *info,
    int64_t row_id, VRowResult *rslt, uint32_t argc, const VRowData argv[] )
    rc_t rc = 0;
    RefPos const *self = ( void const * )data;
    int64_t ref_row_id = 0;
    INSDC_coord_zero *ref_pos;
    unsigned const ploidy = ( unsigned const )argv[ REF_START ].u.data.elem_count;
    unsigned i;

    /* get start and length of reference segment */
    int64_t const *ref_id = 0;
    INSDC_coord_zero const *ref_start;

    assert( argv[ REF_ID ].u.data.elem_bits == sizeof( *ref_id ) * 8 );
    assert( argv[ REF_START ].u.data.elem_bits == sizeof( *ref_start ) * 8 );

    ref_start = argv[ REF_START ].u.data.base;
    ref_start += argv[ REF_START ].u.data.first_elem;

    if ( self->curs != NULL )
        char const *name = NULL;
        uint32_t name_len;
        BSTRowRange *brr;

        ref_id = argv[ REF_ID ].u.data.base;
        ref_id += argv[ REF_ID ].u.data.first_elem;

        brr = ( BSTRowRange * )BSTreeFind( &self->tr_range, &ref_id[ 0 ], row_range_cmp );
        if ( brr == NULL )
            RowRange *new_rr;

            SUB_DEBUG( ( "SUB.Rd in 'align-ref-pos.c' at #%lu\n", ref_id[ 0 ] ) );

            rc = VCursorCellDataDirect( self->curs, ref_id[ 0 ], self->name_idx, NULL, (void const **)&name, NULL, &name_len );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                return rc;

            rc = VCursorParamsSet( ( struct VCursorParams const * )self->curs, "QUERY_SEQ_NAME", "%.*s", name_len, name );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                return rc;

            rc = VCursorCellDataDirect( self->curs, ref_id[ 0 ], self->name_range_idx, NULL, (void const **)&new_rr, NULL, NULL );
            if ( rc != 0 )
                return rc;

            brr = malloc( sizeof( *brr ) );
            if ( brr == NULL )
                return RC( rcXF, rcFunction, rcConstructing, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
                memcpy( &brr->rr, new_rr, sizeof( *new_rr ) );
                BSTreeInsert( ( BSTree* )&self->tr_range, ( BSTNode* )brr, row_range_sort );
        ref_row_id = brr->rr.start_id;

    rc = KDataBufferResize( rslt->data, ploidy );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        return rc;
    ref_pos = rslt->data->base;
    for ( i = 0; i != ploidy; ++i )
        ref_pos[ i ] = ref_start[ i ];
        if ( self->curs != NULL )
            ref_pos[ i ] += ( INSDC_coord_zero )( ( ref_id[ 0 ] - ref_row_id ) * self->max_seq_len );
    rslt->elem_count = ploidy;
    rslt->elem_bits = sizeof( ref_pos[ 0 ] ) * 8;

    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 25
rc_t extract_statistic_from_row(statistic *self, 
                                row_input const *data)
    rc_t rc = 0;
    spotgrp *sg;
    char const *spotgrp_base;
    uint32_t spotgrp_len;
    unsigned i;
    uint8_t lb = 4;
    unsigned hpr = 0;
    unsigned gcc = 0;
    if (data == NULL) {
        return RC(rcXF, rcFunction, rcExecuting, rcParam, rcNull);
    if (self == NULL) {
        return RC(rcXF, rcFunction, rcExecuting, rcSelf, rcNull);
    rc = validate_row_data(self, data);
    if (rc)
        return rc;
    spotgrp_base = data->spotgroup;
    spotgrp_len = data->spotgroup_len;
    if (spotgrp_base == NULL || spotgrp_len == 0) {
        spotgrp_base = "";
        spotgrp_len = 0;

    sg = find_spotgroup( self, spotgrp_base, spotgrp_len );
    if ( sg == NULL )
        sg = make_spotgrp( spotgrp_base, spotgrp_len );
        if ( sg == NULL )
            return RC( rcXF, rcFunction, rcExecuting, rcMemory, rcExhausted );
            rc = BSTreeInsert ( &self->spotgroups, (BSTNode *)sg, spotgroup_sort );
            if (rc)
                return rc;
    for (i = 0; i < data->read_len && rc == 0; ++i) {
        unsigned const base = data->read[i];
        unsigned dimer;

        if (base > 3) {
            dimer = 16;
            hpr = 0;
        else {
            dimer = (lb > 3) ? 16 : ((lb << 2) | base);
            if (lb == base)
                hpr = 0;
        if (i > 0)
            rc = spotgroup_enter_values(sg, data->quality[i], dimer, gcc, hpr, data->base_pos_offset + i, CASE_MATCH);

        if (base == 1 || base == 2)
        if (i >= self->gc_window) {
            unsigned const out = data->read[i - self->gc_window];
            if (out == 1 || out == 2)
        lb = base;
    return rc;