Exemplo n.º 1
//	See super class documentation.
int LinkTestMessage::deserialize (IRIS_UBYTE *bufPtr, IRIS_UINT32 length)
	IRIS_UBYTE *pktPtr = bufPtr;
	IRIS_UINT16 calcCrc, rcedCrc;

		// Restore the Message ID and check the CRC
	calcCrc = NetworkServices::calcCRC(bufPtr, serializedSize - 2);
	BYTE_SWAP_COPY_16(&bufPtr[serializedSize - 2], &rcedCrc);  // set received crc to network order
	if(calcCrc != rcedCrc)
		return IRIS_NodeInterface::CRC_FAIL;
	// Copy individual members into the serial buffer

	pktPtr += 1;  // Skip past the Message class data

		// Compatability code
	BYTE_SWAP_COPY_32(pktPtr, &compatabilityCode);
	pktPtr += 4;

		// Control Number
	BYTE_SWAP_COPY_32(pktPtr, &controlNumber);
	return IRIS_NodeInterface::OK;
Exemplo n.º 2
//	See super class documentation.
int GetRequestMessage::serialize (IRIS_UBYTE *bufPtr)
	IRIS_UBYTE *pktPtr = bufPtr;
	IRIS_UINT16 crc;

	// Fill in the Message members (ID, Dest, Orig)

	// Copy individual members into the serial buffer

			// ID of the get message for this request
	*((IRIS_UBYTE *)pktPtr) = requestedMessageID;

	// Now add the CRC
	crc = NetworkServices::calcCRC(bufPtr, ((IRIS_UINT32)(serializedSize - 2)));
	BYTE_SWAP_COPY_16(&crc, pktPtr);  // set crc to network order and copy into the serialized packet

	return serializedSize;  // Length of packet is auto generated
Exemplo n.º 3
//	See super class documentation.
int LinkTestMessage::serialize (IRIS_UBYTE *bufPtr)
	IRIS_UBYTE *pktPtr = bufPtr;
	IRIS_UINT16 crc;

	// Fill in the Message members (ID, Dest, Orig)

	// Copy individual members into the serial buffer

		// Compatability code
	BYTE_SWAP_COPY_32(&compatabilityCode, pktPtr);
	pktPtr += 4;

		// Compatability code
	BYTE_SWAP_COPY_32(&controlNumber, pktPtr);
	pktPtr += 4;

	// Now add the CRC
	crc = NetworkServices::calcCRC(bufPtr, ((IRIS_UINT32)(serializedSize - 2)));
	BYTE_SWAP_COPY_16(&crc, pktPtr);  // set crc to network order and copy into the serialized packet

	return serializedSize;  // Length of packet is auto generated
Exemplo n.º 4
//	See super class documentation.
int GetRequestMessage::deserialize (IRIS_UBYTE *bufPtr, IRIS_UINT32 length)
	IRIS_UBYTE *pktPtr = bufPtr;
	IRIS_UINT16 calcCrc, rcedCrc;

		// Restore the Message ID and check the CRC
	calcCrc = NetworkServices::calcCRC(bufPtr, serializedSize - 2);
	BYTE_SWAP_COPY_16(&bufPtr[serializedSize - 2], &rcedCrc);  // set received crc to network order

	if(calcCrc != rcedCrc)
	 	printf ("ERROR: calculated CRC: 0x%X, receiveded CRC: 0x%X\n", calcCrc,  rcedCrc);
		//return IRIS_NodeInterface::CRC_FAIL;
	// Copy individual members into the serial buffer

	pktPtr += 1;  // Skip past the Message class data

			// ID of the get message for this request
	requestedMessageID = *pktPtr;
	printf ("CRC -OK. calculated CRC: 0x%X, receiveded CRC: 0x%X\n", calcCrc,  rcedCrc);	
	return IRIS_NodeInterface::OK;
Exemplo n.º 5
//	See super class documentation.
int StatusMessage::serialize (IRIS_UBYTE *bufPtr)
	IRIS_UBYTE *pktPtr = bufPtr;
	IRIS_UINT16 crc;
	int ndx;

	// Fill in the Message members (ID, Dest, Orig)

	// Copy individual members into the serial buffer

		// originator
	*pktPtr++ = originator;

		// clientId
	*pktPtr++ = clientId;

		// numExtendedDataItems
	*pktPtr++ = numExtendedDataItems;

		// extendedDataSize
	BYTE_SWAP_COPY_16(&extendedDataSize, pktPtr);
	pktPtr += 2;

		// subsystemStatus
	*pktPtr++ = subsystemStatus;

		// partNumRev
	for(ndx = 0; ndx < HW_REV_LENGTH; ndx++)
		*pktPtr++ = partNumRev[ndx];

		// serialNum
	for(ndx = 0; ndx < SERNO_LENGTH; ndx++)
		*pktPtr++ = serialNum[ndx];

		// swRev
	for(ndx = 0; ndx < SW_REV_LENGTH; ndx++)
		*pktPtr++ = swRev[ndx];

		// bootRev
	for(ndx = 0; ndx < BOOT_REV_LENGTH; ndx++)
		*pktPtr++ = bootRev[ndx];

		// diagnosticCode
	*pktPtr++ = diagnosticCode;

		// Set serialized size using the received packet size
	serializedSize = basicSize + extendedDataSize + MESSAGE_CLASS_SERIALIZED_BYTE_COUNT;

		// Copy the message buffer data into the space allocated for the object
	for(ndx = 0; ndx < extendedDataSize; ndx ++)
		*pktPtr++ = buffer[ndx];	

	// Now add the CRC
	crc = NetworkServices::calcCRC(bufPtr, ((IRIS_UINT32)(serializedSize - 2)));
	BYTE_SWAP_COPY_16(&crc, pktPtr);  // set crc to network order and copy into the serialized packet

	return serializedSize;  // Length of packet is auto generated
Exemplo n.º 6
//	See super class documentation.
int StatusMessage::deserialize (IRIS_UBYTE *bufPtr, IRIS_UINT32 length)
	IRIS_UBYTE *pktPtr = bufPtr;
	IRIS_UINT16 calcCrc, rcedCrc;
	int ndx;

	// Copy individual members into the serial buffer (must defer CRC check until after packet size is known)

	pktPtr += 1;  // Skip past the Message class data

		// originator
	originator = *pktPtr;
	pktPtr += 1;

		// clientId
	clientId = *pktPtr++;

		// numExtendedDataItems
	numExtendedDataItems = *pktPtr++;

		// extendedDataSize
	BYTE_SWAP_COPY_16(pktPtr, &extendedDataSize);
	pktPtr += 2;

		// subsystemStatus
	subsystemStatus = *pktPtr++;

		// partNumRev
	for(ndx = 0; ndx < HW_REV_LENGTH; ndx++)
		partNumRev[ndx] = *pktPtr++;

		// serialNum
	for(ndx = 0; ndx < SERNO_LENGTH; ndx++)
		serialNum[ndx] = *pktPtr++;

		// swRev
	for(ndx = 0; ndx < SW_REV_LENGTH; ndx++)
		swRev[ndx] = *pktPtr++;

		// bootRev
	for(ndx = 0; ndx < BOOT_REV_LENGTH; ndx++)
		bootRev[ndx] = *pktPtr++;

		// diagnosticCode
	diagnosticCode = *pktPtr++;

** Figure out the size of the packet

		// Make sure the serialized message size does not exceed input buffer size
	IRIS_UINT32 tempSerSize = basicSize + extendedDataSize + MESSAGE_CLASS_SERIALIZED_BYTE_COUNT;
	if(tempSerSize <= length)
			// Set serialized size using the received packet size
		serializedSize = tempSerSize;
		return IRIS_NodeInterface::CRC_FAIL; // Indicate failure, CRC check will overrun input buffer

		// Restore the Message ID and check the CRC
	calcCrc = NetworkServices::calcCRC(bufPtr, serializedSize - 2);
	BYTE_SWAP_COPY_16(&bufPtr[serializedSize - 2], &rcedCrc);  // set received crc to network order
	if(calcCrc != rcedCrc)
		return IRIS_NodeInterface::CRC_FAIL;

		// Check to see if enough space is allocated for the serialized extended data
	if(extendedDataSize > allocatedBuffer)
			// Not enough! allocate more
			// Delete the current one if it exists
		if(buffer != 0)
			IRIS_UBYTE *tempB = buffer;
			buffer = 0;
			delete[] tempB;
			// Now allocate the new larger one
		allocatedBuffer = extendedDataSize * 2; // Double sized for byte stuffing
		buffer = new unsigned char[allocatedBuffer]; 

		// Copy the serialized extended data into the space allocated for the object
	for(ndx = 0; ndx < extendedDataSize; ndx ++)
		buffer[ndx] = *pktPtr++;
	** Map the serialized extended data into ExtendedStatusData objects
	** The data in 'buffer' is essentially byte packed ExtendedStatusData objects in stream
	** form.  The buffer for 'data' is imbedded in this stream.
		ExtendedStatusData *listItemPtr = extDataList;
		ExtendedStatusData *previous = extDataList;
		unsigned char *extDataBufNdx = buffer;

			// Setup the ExtendedStatusData objects adding new objects if needed
		for(ndx = 0; ndx < numExtendedDataItems; ndx++)
				// Special Case: first item in list.
			if(extDataList == 0) 
				listItemPtr = extDataList = new ExtendedStatusData();
				listItemPtr->next = 0;
				// This position is empty, not the beginning of the list
			else if(listItemPtr == 0)
				listItemPtr = new ExtendedStatusData();
				listItemPtr->next = 0;
					// Link this item to the list
				previous->next = listItemPtr;
			// Setup the ExtendedStatusData object with the serialized buffer data
			listItemPtr->idTag = *extDataBufNdx++; 
			listItemPtr->size = *extDataBufNdx++;
			listItemPtr->data = extDataBufNdx;
				// Skip past the buffer data to the next object in the serial stream buffer
			extDataBufNdx += listItemPtr->size;

				// Remember the previous item
			previous = listItemPtr;
				// Go to the next
			listItemPtr = listItemPtr->next;
	return IRIS_NodeInterface::OK;