Exemplo n.º 1
// findDistanceByAttenuation
BcF32 ScnLightComponent::findDistanceByAttenuation( BcF32 Attenuation ) const
	// If we want it at a low value, return max distance.
	if( Attenuation < 0.05f )
		Attenuation = 0.05f;

	BcF32 A = AttnQ_;
	BcF32 B = AttnL_;
	BcF32 C = AttnC_ - ( 1.0f / Attenuation );

	// 0 = Ax2 + Bx + C
	if( A > 0.0f )
		BcF32 Discriminant = ( ( B * B ) - ( 4.0f * A * C ) );
		if( Discriminant < 0.0f )
			return 1e24f;
		return BcAbs( ( -B + BcSqrt( Discriminant ) ) / ( 2.0f * A ) );
	// 0 = Bx + C
	else if( B > 0.0f )
		return BcAbs( -C / B );
	// 0 = C
		return 1e24f;
Exemplo n.º 2
// findPointOnEdge
BcBool MaBSPTree::lineIntersection( const MaVec3d& A, const MaVec3d& B, BcBSPPointInfo* pPointInfo, MaBSPNode* pNode /*= NULL*/ )
	// Check if we want the root node.
	if( pNode == NULL )
		pNode = pRootNode_;
		if( pPointInfo != NULL )
			pPointInfo->Point_ = B;
			pPointInfo->Distance_ = 1e12f;

	// Really naive way...
	BcBool Intersected = BcFalse;

	// TODO: Handle coincident intersection!
	MaPlane::eClassify ClassifyA = pNode->Plane_.classify( A, 0.0f );
	MaPlane::eClassify ClassifyB = pNode->Plane_.classify( B, 0.0f );

	if( ClassifyA == MaPlane::bcPC_FRONT && ClassifyB == MaPlane::bcPC_BACK )
		BcF32 T;
		MaVec3d Intersection;
		if( pNode->Plane_.lineIntersection( A, B, T, Intersection ) )
			// Is point in vertices? If so go down front to find nearer intersection.
			if( pointOnNode( Intersection, pNode ) )
				// If we want point info recurse deeper to get it.
				if( pPointInfo != NULL )
					BcF32 DistanceSquared = ( A - Intersection ).magnitudeSquared();

					// Check the distance, if it's less then go deeper!
					if( DistanceSquared < ( pPointInfo->Distance_ * pPointInfo->Distance_ ) )
						pPointInfo->Plane_ = pNode->Plane_;
						pPointInfo->Distance_ = BcSqrt( DistanceSquared );
						pPointInfo->Point_ = Intersection;

				Intersected |= BcTrue;
	// NOTE: ClassifyB shouldn't be required here ...right?
	if( pNode->pFront_ != NULL )
		if( ClassifyA == MaPlane::bcPC_FRONT || ClassifyB == MaPlane::bcPC_FRONT )
			Intersected |= lineIntersection( A, B, pPointInfo, pNode->pFront_ );

	if( pNode->pBack_ != NULL )
		if( ClassifyA == MaPlane::bcPC_BACK || ClassifyB == MaPlane::bcPC_BACK )
			Intersected |= lineIntersection( A, B, pPointInfo, pNode->pBack_ );

	return Intersected;